Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

A Sneak Peek at Belly Acres

You’ve probably heard that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. True enough. But there may be such thing as a free dinner.

Case in point: Belly Acres. Late yesterday afternoon, The Flyer got a hot tip that the much-anticipated Overton Square restaurant would be giving away free burgers in advance of its grand opening on Saturday.

Ever the committed journalist, I decided to investigate.

Full coverage coming soon. In the meantime, suffice it to say that the burgers I tried were finger-lickin’ good. In particular, I enjoyed the Early Riser ($10.75, pictured above), a breakfast-inspired bricolage of bacon, cheddar, beef patty, fried egg, bibb lettuce, and black pepper aioli.

And get this. The whole thing is sandwiched between a pair of home-made waffles.

“I’m serving better beef than most steak houses in this city,” says executive chef Rob Ray. “And I’m competitive on price. So I say, bring it.”

Ray adds that all his beef is grass-fed, from Joyce Farms in Winston-Salem, NC. The bibb lettuce is from Tanimura & Antle Farm in Livingston, TN. And the fried egg was sourced by Bring It Food Hub.

I’ve got to admit, I was impressed by the provenance of the burger. Most of the ingredients seem to have come from within a day’s drive of Memphis. To cook and serve something like that for $10.75?

Not bad, Belly Acres. Stay tuned for The Flyer’s full coverage.

Belly Acres, 2102 Trimble Place, 529-7017