Art Exhibit M

Alexa Meade

Hi everyone! It’s a rainy Tuesday, and I’ve got something for all of you art fans huddled up by the computer. My pal and Flyer cohort, Halley Johnson, passed this along to me:

Alexa Meade, The Struggle

  • Alexa Meade, The Struggle

Alexa Meade is a master of trompe l’oeil. Look closely and you’ll see that the picture above is actually a man painted to look like a portrait. Alexa paints directly onto the skin and clothing of her three-dimensional subjects.

Alexa Meade, Alexa Split in Two

  • Alexa Meade, Alexa Split in Two

Alexa Meade, Found

  • Alexa Meade, Found

Check out much more at Here’s hoping we see some of her paintings walking around Memphis someday.