Memphis Gaydar News

Allen Cook, 1947-2013

Allen Cook

  • Allen Cook

The following obituary for GLBT equality advocate (and occasional commenter) Allen Cook was written by Memphis historian Vincent Astor. Cook passed away on Saturday, August 3rd:

Allen Cook and his partner of over 30 years John Stilwell have been central to the GLBT community of Memphis since the early 1980s. Allen and John took over production of Gaze newspaper shortly after its founding and co-founded its successor the Triangle Journal News in 1990, which they published until 2005.

Allen was part of the Memphis Gay Coalition, the Memphis Gay and Lesbian Switchboard, and the Gay Speakers Bureau of the 1980s. He was also on the founding board of the Aid to End AIDS Committee (now Friends For Life) and was instrumental in bringing the national fund-raiser HeartStrings to Memphis. At the time of his death, he was survived by his partner, John Stilwell, and two siblings. He and John have been perfect examples of altruism in their community service throughout the years.

Allen donated his body to Medical Education and Research Institute of Memphis (MERI). An online memorial may be found here on A memorial service is in the planning stages at this time.

Allen Cook’s memorial service will be held August 18th at 4pm at Holy Trinity Church, 685 South Highland at Spottswood.