Here’s a heartbreaker if there ever was one. Jerry’s Sno Cones owner David Acklin tells me he had his eye on the Easy Way on Cooper for a Jerry’s Midtown location, but family matters kept him from pursuing it.
It is those same family matters that have delayed the second Jerry’s in Cordova.
Acklin says they are currently working on the building design. He envisions it as a garage design with huge garage doors that can be pulled up during the warmer months and closed during the colder ones.
He says he plans to serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the new location.
As for that third window that was supposed to go in the original Jerry’s to help move along the lines? Acklin says that the plans have changed.
He’s added on a room at the back that will allow for indoor seating. He’s hoping to have it open in as little as two weeks, depending on air/heating work.
A covered patio at the front of the original Jerry’s is another new addition.
BTW, Acklin says he’s looking for 12-foot pink elephant for the new restaurant. If you have one, hook him up.