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Annual Chamber Luncheon: Lausanne to Open School in China, Localized Career Search App Launched

Lausanne’s Headmaster Stuart McCathie couldn’t attend the Memphis Chamber’s Annual Chairman’s Luncheon Wednesday. He was at Xiamen #1 School in China, making official a partnership with the Collegiate School that will open a new campus next year.

“Since we’re a process school, we’re continually looking for ways to improve,” said Noma Anderson, the president of Lausanne’s board of trustees, on McCathie’s behalf. “We’re now one of only 19 schools in the nation to adopt an International Baccalaureate program from pre-K to 12th grade.”

Located in the Fujian province of China, Xiamen #1 Lausanne International School will be the first school away from the main campus when it opens in August 2017. The school will educate 1,200 students from around the world.
[pullquote-1]”Part of our commitment is to bring global perspectives to Memphis,” Anderson said. “And also taking perspectives from Memphis around the globe.”

At home, The Greater Memphis Alliance for a Competitive Workforce has launched a new app to spur innovation and create job growth within the city. MemphisWorks will assist with career navigation, training, career counseling, case management, and hiring.

“It’s the most comprehensive system of its kind on the market,” said Willie Gregory, the director of Global Community Impact for Nike Inc. “From your first job to a thriving career, hundreds of people from our community have created videos to tell you what they do and why they love it. Their inspiration unlocks job opportunities and educational pathways.”

The Delta Regional Authority also announced it would invest 370 thousand dollars into supporting manufacturing in the Greater Memphis area. The Authority will expand into the Metro Memphis Export Alliance, an organization focused on driving local exports and attracting manufacturing opportunities to the region, said Chris Masingill, the Authority’s federal co-chairman.

“This strategic investment is going to help attract good jobs for our people, new companies to the region, and bring local businesses and entrepreneurs to the global marketplace,” Masingill said.

This story will be updated with more information.