Art Exhibit M

Another Busy Weekend for the Arts

Rob and Melissa Harts Curtsy at MCA

  • Rob and Melissa Hart’s Curtsy at MCA

Are we really already in the holiday spirit of giving? Should I bring my Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa aluminum pole down from the attic and install it next to my cat condo tower? It seems people are already being nice to each other, doing nice things for each other, with little or no benefit expected. This is the case with the Memphis College of Art and Beth Edwards, painting professor at the University of Memphis. Edwards has curated the 2012 Alumni Invitation Exhibition opening at the Memphis College of Art Thursday, October 11th, 5-7 p.m.

Is it a good thing that these two competing institutions work together for the common good of an art exhibition? Perhaps. There is precedent for such a collaboration. Last year’s “Impressionistic Summer” between the Dixon and Brooks Museum seemed to work. Kevin Sharp and Cam Kitchin, the museums’ respective directors, were not fighting in the streets. (Though, I would give anything to see that.) I do hope that MCA alumni Emily Jacir made the cut for this invitational. That would be spectacular.

Mark Nowells The Wave

  • Mark Nowell’s The Wave

UrbanArt Commission will be dedicating a new public work Friday, October 12th, 3-5 p.m. Mark Nowell’s The Wave was recently installed at the Skate Park in Tobey Park at 2617 Avery. The Uptown Hotdogs food truck will be there and there will be a performance by ARTISTIK APPROACH. My broken left foot is doing much better now. I think I will go and give this “wave” a try. At least dance and eat a hotdog.

From Niki Johnsons installation Behind Closed Doors

  • From Niki Johnson’s installation “Behind Closed Doors”

If you can find it and if you are in the mood, The Wrong Again Gallery is having its third exhibition of its second season Saturday evening 7-9 p.m. Niki Johnson will not be present for the opening of her exhibition “Behind Closed Doors: An Evening of Rockwellian Taboo.” Instead, she will be skyping in from an, as of yet, undisclosed location. But do not worry yourself with that. Just make sure you can find the Wrong Again Gallery at 648 (W) Marshall Avenue. It will be the right place to be.