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“Ask Vance” Book and Calendar Signing – Tonight!


The rumors are true. Tonight (Tuesday, January 11th), I will make a rare public appearance at Davis-Kidd Booksellers, to autograph copies of my brand-new 2011 “Ask Vance” wall calendar AND to inscribe copies of my sort-of-new book, Ask Vance: The Best Questions and Answers from Memphis Magazine’s History and Trivia Expert.

Here’s the deal: If you buy a calendar for the amazingly low price of just $10, you also get a FREE one-year subscription to Memphis magazine.

If you’ve already bought the book, well I really think you should buy another, but if you don’t want to do that, bring your old one in and I’ll autograph it.

The whole shebang kicks off at 6 pm at Davis-Kidd, 387 Perkins Extended. All the snow has melted from the streets, so don’t even think about using that as an excuse to stay home.

See you there!