Music Music Features

Almost Famous

Two time-honored rock-and-roll maxims for you: 1) Bands or artists of the groundbreaking and influential variety usually last about four years, and 2) Even though only a relative handful of people experienced the Velvet Underground (or insert any number of similarly legendary and short-lived bands here) live, every single one of them went on to start a band of his or her own. Now, for you nit-picking fact-checkers out there, there may be exceptions aplenty to both of those statements, but I do not question their validity when used to describe the German band Can.

Can was an active band with four core members from 1968 until 1980, though only four of those years (1970 to 1974) were spent backing Japanese-born vocalist/street poet Kenji “Damo” Suzuki. Band founders Holger Czukay and Jaki Liebezeit stumbled across Suzuki in May 1970 when he decided to busk in front of a Munich café where Czukay and Liebezeit were dining. The pair were, coincidentally, having serious problems with their current vocalist — the mentally unstable New York-based sculptor Malcolm Mooney — so they asked Damo to join them onstage that night. Walking papers were soon served to Mooney, leaving the new guy to fulfill the remaining vocal duties on Soundtracks, a work-in-progress that would see Damo steering the epic “Mother Sky” into the realm of what would become Can’s signature sound.

Presaging much of the next 30 years in underground rock, Can made a lasting statement with 1971’s double-album watershed Tago Mago. Damo’s one-of-a-kind vocal chops are already at full force with this album. Best described as a weird amalgamation of Beat-influenced chanting and scat singing, Damo struck an uncanny balance between palatable pop song and nonlinear improvisation.

Tago Mago drew a loose blueprint of what the next two years and as many albums would offer the world. Ege Bamyasi (1972) and, my personal fave, Future Days (1973) would show Can following a distinct antiformula until Damo’s departure in late ’73 to become a Jehovah’s Witness. Damo was fronting a sonic orphan in the world of early ’70s rock, as the band combined the disparate influences of ska, musique concrete composers, garage rock, free jazz, psychedelic pop, and reggae without beating you over the head with showmanship or quirkiness. It was deftness nothing short of idiot-savantism, and it could be fully flexed within the course of a five-minute song.

Can are best remembered as the greatest and most important of the Krautrock bands. While the oft-used term could technically define Nena of “99 Luft Balloons” fame, it’s primarily used to reference a handful of German trailblazers who came to creative fruition in the early ’70s. Kraftwerk progressed from an abrasive band-oriented tribute to John Cage to a very famous preface to dance music when they hit internationally in 1975 with Autobahn. Guru Guru, Ash Ra Temple, and Amon Duul II took a bombastic acid-rock route into their collective irrelevant years, and Tangerine Dream are defying logic by even being mentioned here. Neu! were a tumultuous class all their own but a class slightly more one-dimensional nonetheless. When they weren’t displaying an impenetrable nuttiness or just screwing around making noise, Faust were most likely Can’s closest cousin in pure innovation. But it’s Damo-era Can that’s usually on the minds of writers, name-droppers, or musicians whenever Krautrock enters the picture.

For several years after Damo’s departure, the band’s impact was omnipresent. All of Brian Eno’s pop records of the ’70s — an output that in and of itself deserves a thousand-word spew — owe a great deal to Can. Johnny Rotten left the Sex Pistols to become John Lydon — a man whose professed love for Can was evident all over the first two Public Image Limited albums. Mark E. Smith penned the tribute “I Am Damo Suzuki” while he was fronting a good version of the Fall. The Pop Group, Cabaret Voltaire, Gang of Four, Liquid Liquid, and the Police would all eagerly admit the presence of Can in their rhythmically acrobatic post-punk musings.

But 10 years ago, unless you were talking to a record-geek lifer, the mention of Krautrock or Can would have been met with a blank stare. This situation was remedied when bands such as Tortoise, the Orb, Add N to X, Trans Am, Pavement, and especially Stereolab and (more recently) Clinic started borrowing heavily and unapologetically from the early ’70s German bands. Another subgenre was upon us in the mid-’90s, one that, for all of the boring rehashes (some of the above), helped to spawn reissues, books, and boxed sets documenting the original movement.

But Damo himself hasn’t exactly been silent all this time. Back in Germany — in the mid-’80s to be precise — Damo, not content to be his scene’s Syd Barrett, reemerged. Damo reunited with Can drummer Liebezeit to lead the rotating cast of Damo Suzuki and Friends. They morphed into Damo Suzuki’s Network, which eventually showered the world with multi-CD live sets. All four are housed in elaborate packaging, with the longest being a seven-disc musical miniseries called P.R.O.M.I.S.E. (1998). The sound of post-exile Damo is, unsurprisingly, a mixture. I’ve gathered pleasurable wah-wah bombast, wiry drumming, and mostly indecipherable lyrics from my evening with Seattle — a two-CD excursion recorded in 1998 and released in 2000.

This Thursday at the Hi-Tone Café, Damo will appear backed up by Cul de Sac, a band that I purposely excluded from my prior rundown of ’90s Krautrock fetishists. Virtuoso outsiders who dropped instrumental bombshells throughout the decade, Cul de Sac made an intimidating impression in 1992 with Ecim, a debut notable not only for its unique nods to German forebears but for helping reignite interest in the late John Fahey (they covered his “Portland Cement Factory in Monolith, California”), who would later collaborate with the band on their 1996 China Gate album. The show will include a set by Cul de Sac proper before they present us with the headlining perfect fit.

Music Music Features

Only Right and Natural

Let’s face the smoking mirror, shall we? Memphis hasn’t exactly been stuffing our ears and eyes with interesting out-of-town acts over the past few months. Quite frankly, the concert scene has been grossly unimpressive for a city this size. But now, to put a close to our stretch of suffocating boredom, comes an act that has no equal in the world of music –the infamous indie-rock duo the Frogs, who will make their Memphis debut Saturday, January 26th, at the Map Room.

Though regarded by some as a novelty act, drummer Dennis Flemion and guitarist/principle songwriter Jimmy Flemion are far from a joke act along the lines of Ween; there are no stoner/frat-boy hijinks to be found in the Frogs’ oeuvre. Rather, the Frogs tread a sonic and lyrical landscape that celebrates confusion, wonderment, subversion, and, to many, a total offensiveness that spares very few sacred cows.

The legacy began almost 22 years ago in Milwaukee, where the “brothers” were just breaching the age of 20 and performing locally as a duo. Jimmy started wearing a six-foot pair of angel wings onstage (and still does to this day), and the Frogs delved into a home-taping habit that has since produced a wealth of unreleased material. They were also wearing full-body bunny rabbit outfits when current cause cÇläbres the Moldy Peaches were nothing but a toddler/babysitter combo.

The year 1988 saw the release of their debut, The Frogs — a nice little collection of cabaret pop songs (rereleased in 1999 on Jim O’Rourke’s Moikai label) that did very little to prepare listeners for the chaos that loomed just around the corner. In 1989, Gerard Cosloy was employed by Homestead Records and was about a year away from the masterstroke of co-launching Matador Records. Several of the Frogs’ homespun numbers fell into his lap and Homestead was somehow persuaded to fund the Frogs’ second full-length, It’s Only Right and Natural. (For a mainstream reference point, the “that was a good drum break” line from Beck’s “Where It’s At” was sampled from the record’s “I Don’t Care If You Disrespect Me [So Long As You Love Me].”)

Proclaiming the brothers as the “World’s Only Gay Supremacist Duo” and stacked to the gills with graphic homosexual (“Someone’s Pinning Me To the Ground”) and religious (“God is Gay”) content, it’s safe to say that It’s Only Right and Natural was a gasp-inducing enigma in indie rock at the time. To be hilariously over-the-top was one thing, but the Frogs had truly begun their career of professional button-pushing when it leaked that the duo were probably not gay. But any controversy was also mitigated by one unavoidable detail that gave the band credibility: The music is mostly spot-on gorgeous. Clear worshipers at the pre-glam altars of both Marc Bolan (T. Rex) and David Bowie (his ’60s recordings), the band made fractured psychedelic folk niceties out of the otherwise loaded material.

Sitting on the cusp of cult status, the Frogs then attempted career suicide by trying to shop the somewhat notorious Racially Yours album to a slew of uninterested labels. This album would eventually undergo official release in 2000 on Chicago’s Four Alarm Records — seven years after it was recorded. Rumors, underground tape-trading, and Napster effectively made Racially Yours the low-key answer to Prince’s Black Album, and, like that album, it’s not nearly as incendiary as the hype made it out to be. The album performs a satirical slice ‘n’ dice on race issues from several viewpoints and is not terribly racist upon close examination — as long as you are not examining the cover art (Dennis Frog in blackface).

Then the band hit a streak of better luck. The good grace of Gerard Cosloy resulted in Matador releasing two singles (“Adam and Steve” and “Here Comes Santa’s Pussy”) and a full-length LP/CD (My Daughter, The Broad) between 1994 and 1996. My Daughter, The Broad pretty much follows the musical blueprint laid out by It’s Only Right and Natural but sheds the pro-gay theme for a pansexual attack on well you name it: Jerry Lewis, the elderly, children — no one is safe. Tom Green devolves quickly into base shock art next to a riotous sucker-punch like My Daughter, The Broad.

At this point, the band’s one-of-a-kind story ceases to make sense altogether. Kurt Cobain had been name-dropping the Frogs for years before his demise, and this is not too surprising, given his penchant for advertising his obscure taste whenever offered the chance. Nor was flirting with the underground an uncommon practice among members of the Alternative Nation; it makes you look cool and versed beyond what your surroundings offer. The Frogs have never had any bones about their desire to become famous, and for a while in the mid-to-late ’90s there were a handful of big names taking this task to heart. Pearl Jam, the Smashing Pumpkins, ex-Breeder Kelley Deal, and even Skid Row frontman Sebastian Bach are all players in the Frogs story.

Pearl Jam had the Frogs cover their “Rearviewmirror” on the flipside of the “Immortality” single, then the Frogs popped up on the B-side of the Smashing Pumpkins’ “Tonight, Tonight” single. Billy Corgan et al. then took the brothers on the road, a scenario that commonly found both bands on stage together. Mercury Records gave the Smashing Pumpkins a vanity label in 1997 called Scratchie, which quickly became the Frogs’ on-and-off home. Produced by Corgan (under the nom de plume “Johnny Goat”), the Frogs released the Starjob EP on Scratchie. A drastic departure from the pared-down approach common to other Frogs releases, Starjob is a robustly produced record that plays out the rise and fall of a rock star.

Now enter Bach, a close friend of Jimmy Flemion’s and a reputed stage presence when the Frogs play the New York area. Jimmy and Sebastian formed a supergroup called the Last Hard Men with Kelley Deal and Smashing Pumpkins drummer Jimmy Chamberlain, and that was the band who covered Alice Cooper’s “School’s Out” for the Scream soundtrack. (I am not making any of this up.) When this concoction dissolved, Jimmy became a member of the Sebastian Bach and Friends live band and can be heard shredding axe on “Bring ’em Bach Alive,” a live document (with three Frogs compositions) released in 1999 on Atlantic Records.

The Frogs stayed active despite Jimmy’s extracurricular activities, releasing Bananimals in 1999 on Four Alarm and last year’s Hopscotch Lollipop Sunday Surprise on Scratchie. The former revisits the signature fried-folk ponderings of yore, adding piano ballads and a little rock to the requisitely blue song topics (“Golden Showers,” “I’m Back To Women”). Hopscotch takes T. Rex’s Tanx and a few Pulp records into the Flemion factory and emerges triumphantly beaming with pop beauty. Plus, aside from a few moments (“Nipple Clamps,” “Fuck Off”), it’s a relatively good-natured outing.

The Frogs have toured almost every year of their two-decade existence and have perfected a purportedly brilliant show. They are currently a three-piece live unit that covers every corner of their exhausting career in acoustic and electric variations, and frontline reports claim that a patron-baiting Dennis Frog commonly encourages audience participation. Enjoy.

The Frogs

with VPN and the Oscars

The Map Room

Saturday, January 26th

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Music Music Features

For Those About To Rock

The F*****g Champs

Both dabblers and die-hard fans of underground metal will have a hearty palette to pick from this weekend when the first Mid-South MetalFeast is held at Last Place on Earth. A Friday, Saturday, and Sunday lineup (beginning in the afternoon on the weekend days) promises to deliver the goods in death metal, post-grindcore, metalcore, spazzcore, and er “sludgenoise.” Okay, so you see why I prefer the innocuous yet more appropriate term “underground metal.” And in case you haven’t ascertained this yet, the “metal” in MetalFeast means metal. It has very little to do with the loud pop music that saturated late-’80s MTV or with Renaissance fair regulars updating ’70s prog rock.

Friday night headliners Immolation have been around for 12-plus years, hammering away at a distinct black-metal/death-metal sound since before death metal sat next to the riot grrl movement on The Jenny Jones Show. Coming up alongside better-known contemporaries Cannibal Corpse, the New York City band’s more sporadic output and, well, better sound have unjustly caused them to fly under most metal radars. But they are definitely worth checking out in a day and age when most decade-plus “death-metal” careers end up sounding like bad new age.

Another reason to get out of the house for Friday’s lineup is Epoch of Unlight, a local band whose own black-metal/death-metal hybrid and full-length album for Pasadena’s End Records — a metal label that boasts an international roster — have deservedly garnered them positive national attention. The band recorded a second record for End last December, and hopefully that forthcoming release will give Epoch an even wider following in the metal community. Those privy to the mind-shattering live show put on by Today Is the Day will want to check out Mastodon, since they contain the rhythm section for Today Is the Day’s In The Eyes Of God tour and album. Or maybe you’ll just want to check them out because they have the greatest metal band name EVER.

It looks as though Saturday evening’s lineup will prove to be the weekend’s high-water mark. New Orleans is giving us a huge pummeling mess in the form of Eyehategod and Soilent Green. The former’s semi-legendary live set is a fine remedy to wasting your money on a DAT-backed Black Sabbath concert performance, especially since they deliver a wall-of-shit millennium version of Sabbath with nary a whiff of the revivalist rhetoric so common in the current “stoner-rock” scene. Soilent Green will headline the evening with their patented Molly Hatchet-meets-grindcore sound, as people explode on stage behind an 18-octave-vocal-range uh attack.

But most importantly, Saturday night’s lineup features the festival’s can’t-miss band, the Fucking Champs. The Champs exist entirely outside of the metal underground yet are greeted with irony by the indie-rock scenesters that they usually have to play for. But this band does not make ironic music. Is it funny? In that they have a sense of humor about their work, yes, it’s funny. People who are unable to let great music speak for itself will be left making dumb comparisons (“har har, they sound like Hanoi Rocks,” nudge nudge). The Fucking Champs possess a vast knowledge of music, metal and otherwise, as their records make plain. At a Champs show, spectators must be open to embracing an often metallic form of instrumental music that is much more fun than the staunch in-joke-isms enjoyed by Trans Am — a frequent and misguided post-rock comparison.

Some have come to the Fucking Champs by way of guitarist Tim Green, the only member of the revered D.C. punk band Nation Of Ulysses who decided not to make faux soul music with a band of human props (see the Make Up, or don’t). Green has also been moonlighting as an increasingly prolific producer/engineer, having manned the boards for the Melvins’ Maggot/Bootlicker/Crybaby trilogy and a Sleater Kinney release or two. Lesser histories suffice for the rest of the band, but Josh Soete led the untouchable one-shot Weakling through a double album of transcendent black metal before disbanding them to focus on the Fucking Champs.

For the Fucking Champs, two 1994 demo tapes graced with the eye-catching titles Songs For Films About Rock and Bad Recording LIVE!! launched a discography that was to cause the nodding and scratching of heads for the next six years — usually the same heads. In 1997, the more than 400-minute Home Taping Is Music (Frenetic Records) dropped on unsuspecting ears like a ’90s version of Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music as if simultaneously interpreted by early Rush and New Order. This recently reissued opus defined the Champs’ (as they were called at the time) modus operandi: Thin Lizzy, Carcass, Steve Reich, Iron Maiden, Giorgio Moroder, and OMD all mix and mingle on Home Taping, as well as the band’s latest, IV (Drag City). The Fucking Champs will be playing at 9:15 p.m. sharp, and coupled with the rest of the roster, Saturday night may turn out to be this year’s local live-music landmark.

Origin and Catastrophic provide notable Sunday night closure to an exhausting weekend. Catastrophic were brought together by Trevor Peres, static guitarist for the now-defunct Florida death-metal band Obituary. Origin, like Soilent Green, call the lofty Relapse label home and seem to have perfected some spazz-out bastardization of death metal to boot. If any of this sparks your interest, then get off the couch and help put Memphis on the metal map.

The Mid-South MetalFeast

Friday-Sunday, April 27th-29th

Last Place on Earth

music notes


Book It

This Friday, April 27th, boasts a couple of competing music-related book signings, both scheduled for 5 to 6:30 p.m. At Burke’s Book Store in Midtown, British critic and historian Michael Gray will be signing copies of Song & Dance Man III: The Art of Bob Dylan (Continuum, $35). This third edition of Gray’s Dylan tome — an in-depth critical analysis, not a bio — weighs in at 918 pages, adding 75 percent new material since the 1981 publication of the book’s second edition. I haven’t read all 918 pages, but I have read enough to have my quibbles with Gray’s outlook and appreciate the intelligence and scope of the work.

From my perspective, Gray seems overly concerned with Dylan’s literary merit, a defensive bent that would seem to convey too little appreciation for pop music as a forum for great art. (The book actually has a chapter called “Dylan and Rock Music” — can you imagine a book on Chuck Berry having a chapter called “Berry and Rock Music”?) And, while Gray is far from sycophantic in his analysis of Dylan’s music, his Dylan-centric perspective still inspires some questionable hyperbole, such as Blood On the Tracks as “without doubt the best album of the Seventies” (I’d go either Exile On Main Street or The Clash, actually) and the recently released Live 1966 as “the most enthralling, truthful, priceless concert performance ever issued by a great artist” (I’m not much on live records, but I’ll take James Brown’s Live At the Apollo, Vol. 1 and Jerry Lee Lewis’ Live At the Star Club). But, nit-picking aside, after Paul Williams’ Performing Artist series and Greil Marcus’ Invisible Republic, this is the most impressive Dylan book I’ve laid eyes on.

While Gray is addressing the Dylan faithful at Burke’s, Oxford, Mississippi, writer Steve Cheseborough, who has written for Living Blues and Blues Access magazines, will be at Davis-Kidd to promote his new book, Blues Traveling: The Holy Sites of Delta Blues (University Press of Mississippi, $18). Blues Traveling is a handsomely packaged travel guide for blues aficionados, full of detailed maps and good photos. Outside of a 20-page opening section on Memphis and brief stops in West Memphis and Helena, the book sticks exclusively to Mississippi, working its way down to Vicksburg and Jackson and over to Oxford and Tupelo. And the information is very up-to-date, with the Memphis section providing the new location for the Center for Southern Folklore and information on the artists who play there, as well as a mention of Robert Belfour’s Sunday night gigs at Murphy’s.