Opinion Viewpoint

Don’t Look, Don’t Grope!

Since the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security in 2002, airline travelers have suffered a full frontal assault on their personal freedoms. The mantra “It’s for your protection” has been repeated ad nauseam to anyone who dared even to whisper a complaint about the utter absurdity of going through airport security.

Ninety-pound grannies are being hoisted out of wheelchairs to be scanned by metal detector wands. Mothers are being made to drink their own breast milk. Eighty-year-old veterans with steel plates in their hips are being patted down for setting off metal detectors. Traumatized 2-year-olds are being placed in glass puffer machines while their horrified parents watch.

Shoe removal. Clothing removal. Liquid bans. Jewelry removal. Scanning, puffing, searching, touching — of our bodies and our possessions — all being done “for our protection.” Or so we are told.

But last week the ridiculous evolved into the reprehensible: A breast-cancer survivor was forced to show a TSA agent her prosthetic breast; some would-be passengers had to publicly display their colostomy bags; some men were compelled to watch their wives and daughters being groped by TSA agents; children watched their parents being felt up. The most personal of intrusions, from total strangers, we were told once again, was for our protection.

For the federal government to assume that every person boarding a plane is equally likely to blow it up is patently knee-jerk and reactive. Consider the add-on nature of the security measures we currently use. When one would-be saboteur was able to board a plane with explosives in his shoe, what was the feds’ reaction? Everyone must take off their shoes!

Then a ring of terrorists was busted in a London flat for attempting to make liquid explosives. Our reaction? Everyone must be limited to three-ounce liquid containers in a quart-size plastic bag! (Once through the checkpoint, of course, passengers can load up on mini-containers at the airport arcade stores and bring it all onboard.)

Next, just as travelers got used to complying with the newly upgraded security measures, a man boarded a Detroit-bound plane in Amsterdam with explosives in his underwear. The reaction? Everyone must be body-scanned! Taken to its logical conclusion, the next step will be for TSA agents to glove up with KY Jelly, for without doubt, a terrorist somewhere in the world has already figured out how to make a suppository filled with explosive chemicals.

How do we pull out of this dizzying flight path, where every security measure involves a jolt not only to our civil liberties but to what remains of decency? Where does the insanity end?

It is time to listen to people like Isaac Yeffet, a New Jersey security-business owner and former antiterrorism specialist for the Israeli secret service who ran El Al Airlines for years. In a television interview, Yeffet pointed out the travesty of the U.S. system and said that technological measures used here are not only useless but actually work as a detriment to our security.

He called for a complete screening transformation by implementing the use of better employee training, eye-to-eye communication with customers, and questioning of passengers. These sensible measures have worked in Israel for years.

It is time for city officials across the country to listen to New York City councilman David Greenfield, who has proposed legislation that bans the use of all body scanners in New York City airports because they have been proven by outside security firms not only to be ineffectual but downright dangerous.

It is time for us to wake up and realize that Americans are having their Fourth Amendment rights violated by unreasonable searches, and the lawsuits that will ensue could further threaten our economy by forcing more airlines to go broke.

It is time to redeem that precious commodity called common sense. As Benjamin Franklin, who had his feet firmly on the ground, once stated, “Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” The use of body scanners gives us neither.

Cheri DelBrocco writes the column “Mad as Hell,” where a version of this article first appeared.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

MAD AS HELL: Scanning, Groping, or Common Sense (Pick One)


When the Tea Party can agree with the ACLU, maybe there is hope for salvaging the last remaining vestiges of private liberty.

“Don’t Touch My Junk!” has replaced “Don’t Taze Me, Bro!” as our new rallying cry. In the airline industry’s never ending duck walk to a national police state, the US has crossed The Rubicon. When airplane passengers are forced to choose between going through full body x-ray scanners or being groped by a federal agent, we have crashed all the barriers of reason and common sense.

Which is why the comment by Homeland Security Department Secretary, Janet Napolitano, after hearing the public’s outrage, should be the quote of the year, “I really want to say, look, let’s be realistic and use our common sense.” The Secretary does not realize the obvious—- continuing and accelerating Bush security policies prohibit the use of common sense because for the eight years George W. Bush was president, common sense was like WMD in Iraq——it was not to be found.

Cheri DelBrocco

  • Cheri DelBrocco

Since the establishment of the Homeland Security Department in 2002, airline travelers have suffered a full frontal assault on their personal freedoms. The mantra, “It’s for your protection” has been repeated ad nauseam to anyone who dared even to whisper a complaint about the utter absurdity of going through airport security.

Ninety pound grannies being hoisted out of wheel chairs to be scanned by metal detector wands——for our protection. Mothers being made to drink their own breast milk——for our protection. Eighty year old veterans, with steel plates in their hips being patted down for setting off metal detectors ——for our protection. Traumatized two-year olds being placed in glass puffer machines while their sobbing parents watched——-for our protection. Shoe removal. Clothing removal. Liquid bans. Jewelry removal. Scanning, puffing, searching, touching— our bodies and our possessions——- all for our protection. Or so we were told.

But this week, the ridiculous evolved into the reprehensible—a breast cancer survivor was forced to show a TSA agent her prosthetic breast—- flyers had to publicly display their colostomy bags, men to watch their daughters and wives being groped by TSA agents, children watched their parents being felt up. The most personal of intrusions, from total strangers, we were told once again, was for our protection.

For the federal government to assume that every person boarding a plane is equally likely to blow it up is patently knee jerk and reactive. The security measures we currently use were in place when one man was able to board a plane with explosives in his shoe. Our reaction? Everyone must take off their shoes!

Flyers removed their shoes at airports when a ring of terrorists were busted in a London flat for attempting to make liquid explosives. Our reaction? Everyone must be limited to three ounce liquid containers in a quart-size plastic bag! (Interestingly, passengers can now buy all the liquid they want after they go through the checkpoint and can bring it on board.) Travelers here were complying with security measures when a man boarded a Detroit bound plane in Amsterdam with explosives in his underwear. Our reaction? Everyone must be body scanned! It’s a good thing the guy wasn’t naked with explosives in his anus! Taken to its logical conclusion, the next reaction will be for TSA agents to glove up with KY jelly for without doubt, a terrorist somewhere in the world has already figured out how to make a suppository filled with explosive chemicals.

How do we stop racing down this inherently absurd road where every security measure involves a retreat from not only our civil liberties, but all boundaries of decency? Where does the insanity end?

It is time to listen to people like Isaac Yeffet, a New Jersey security business owner and former anti-terrorism specialist for the Israeli secret service who ran El Al Airlines for years. In a television interview this week, Mr. Yeffet pointed out the travesty of the US system and stated that technological measures used here are not only useless, but actually work as a detriment to our security. He called for a complete screening transformation by implementing the use of better employee training, eye-to-eye communications with customers, and questioning of passengers. These sensible measures have worked in Israel for years.

It is time for city officials across the country to listen to New York City councilman David Greenfield, who has proposed legislation that bans the use of all body scanners in New York City airports because they have been proven by outside security firms to not only be ineffectual, but downright dangerous.

It is time for us to wake up and realize that Americans are having their fourth amendment rights violated by unreasonable searches and the lawsuits that will ensue could further threaten our economy by forcing more airlines to go broke.

It is time to redeem that precious commodity called Common Sense. As Benjamin Franklin once stated, “Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” The use of body scanners give us neither.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

MAD AS HELL: The Undead Party Is Baaaaack!

Cheri DelBrocco

  • Cheri DelBrocco

While President OBambi was roaming the woods looking for an olive branch to chew on, the Republicans performed a poltergeist—They’re Baaaaack!!

Yep. In our brave new world of Orwellian doublespeak, where war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, and right wing fantasy is news, Republicans have come back from the dead. You’ve gotta hand it to them, when it comes to winning over Low Information Nation, the GOP nails it every time.

So now we’ve got John Boehner, the new Weeper of the House, a Drama Queen so good at crying on cue he makes Susan Lucci envious.

However, Psycho IV: The Tea Party’s Triumph was only the prequel to a big Coming Attraction. Prepare yourselves for the Tea-publican Fantastic Feature of 2011—- Witch Hunt II: Mission from God. It will be opening in January on swearing-in day.

Although we’ve seen this movie before, this new one will be BOFFO, because Americans never tire of watching a horror flick. This one promises to be a sequel to a 1998 production—Witch Hunt: Mission to Destroy—-when the last Democratic president was investigated by a cast of fanatics determined to dig and panty-sniff their way to finding just what they needed to run him out of DC on a rail.

We watched while characters like Dan Burton got the enterprise cranked up by spending millions investigating the suicide death of deputy White House counsel Vince Foster. After that, the real action began when the last Republican Diva of the House, Newt Gingrich, along with Metrosexual Special Prosecutor Ken Starr and their merry band of House ‘managers,’ proceeded to blow through countless budgets producing box office smashes like Whitewater, Travel-gate, and the infamous Paula Jones Trooper-gate.

When the total excavation of Bill Clinton’s personal life was completed they finally — finally! —hit the Mother Lode! An intern, a blue dress, and some oral sex—lights, cameras, action! At long last, like Tapioca pudding, the plot had thickened and it was time to get to the climax (no pun intended): Impeach Bill Clinton and remove him from office!

So now, the Midterms have graced us with new stars. The role of ingénue has fallen to Oversight Committee chair Darryl “the Slice-A” Issa (R-CA), who has already been all over the airwaves promising to conduct seven investigative hearings a week for his first 40 weeks. On the day after the election, Issa held a press conference alleging illegal conduct by this administration: to wit, that President Obama received $700 billion in “walking around money” from the stimulus funds.

That same day, Issa apologized for his former claims of asserting that President Obama was the “most corrupt president to ever hold office” and that “now is time for some political payback”.

Representative Issa has got all the Bad Boy creds it takes to be a superstar in Tea-publican show biz. In 1980, the congressman and his brother were prosecuted in California for allegedly faking the theft of Issa’s cherry red Mercedes 240 sedan and selling it to a car dealer for $16,000. After a judge ordered them to stand trial on felony charges, they both pleaded not guilty.

A few months later, a prosecutor dismissed the case and the charges were dropped, although the judge who ordered the trial said he strongly suspected the two men committed the crime. Issa was also the driving force behind the effort to recall California governor Gray Davis and to install The Govenator, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

As usual, job creation, deficit reduction, or helping the President fix the nation’s daunting problems won’t be the focus of the new Tea-publican zealots. Oh no; the new spectacle in Washington will take us back to the future of twelve years ago and push us even farther down the economic rathole.

Millions will be blown on subpoenas, special prosecutors, investigations, and indictments, and ultimately, on the completed work of their Trilogy: Last Epic: The Impeachment of Barrack Obama.
Tune in, unless you’ve already sold your plasma and recliner on Craigslist to pay for a Thanksgiving turkey and your Christmas layaway at Wal-Mart.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

Mad as Hell (Cont’d): An Election-Day Pledge for Tea Partiers

Cheri DelBrocco

  • Cheri DelBrocco

Election Day, November 2, 2010.

To The Tea Party——As your Nevada darling Sharron Angle has said, “It’s time to Man Up!”
The following pact is The Tea Party Socialist-Free Pledge upholding all the principles of a government (Socialist) free society and pledging to strictly adhere to living in a country where all government(Socialist) intervention is eliminated, so before you go to the polls be sure to sign on the line because we wouldn’t want you to be all wee-weed up.

I,_________________________, do solemnly swear to abstain from the use of and participation in any of the following Government-Run (Socialist) goods and services including but not limited to the following:

* Social Security
* Medicare/Medicaid
* Sidewalks
* Roads & Highways
* Bridges
* Tunnels
* Public Water & Sewer Services
* Police, Fire & Emergency Services
* U.S. Postal Service
* Unemployment Insurance
* Municipal Garbage & Recycling Services
* Air Travel (regulated by Socialist FAA)
* U.S. Railway Service
* Subways/Metro Systems
* Public Bus and Light Rail Systems
* State Highway Rest Areas
* Public Elementary, Middle & High Schools
* Public Universities & Colleges
* Public Museums
* Public Libraries
* Public Parks & Beaches
* State & National Parks
* Public Zoos
* Treatment at any Local, State, or Federal Government (Socialist) funded Hospital or Health Clinic
* Medications or Medical Services that were created from Government (Socialist) Grants or Research
* Produce, Meat, or Food grown with, fed with, or that might contain any ingredient paid for with Government (Socialist) farm subsidies
* Veteran benefits from the Government-run (Socialist) Military
* All Government (Socialist) sponsored buildings including the national Capitol & all State Capitols
* All Courthouses, State & Federal

In addition, I pledge to never visit or allow my children to visit any of the following Socialist locations throughout the country:
* Washington Monument; Lincoln Memorial; Jefferson Monument
* Statue of Liberty
* The Grand Canyon
* World War II & Vietnam Veterans Memorials
* Arlington National Cemetery
* Yellowstone National Park
* The Great Smoky Mountains
* The Smithsonian Museum
* Mount Rushmore
* The Hoover Dam
* The Florida Everglades

Furthermore and in Addition, I will:
* Contact my Members of Congress & Senate, both State and National, and demand they leave their state capitols (or Washington, DC), therefore foregoing their Socialist salaries and Government-Provided Socialist healthcare.
* I will also oppose & condemn the Government run (Socialist) military of the United States.
* I will oppose any and all other Government-run (Socialist) departments such as The Pentagon, FBI, CIA, The Department of Homeland Security, TSA, and Department of Justice

Finally, I solemnly swear to do the following:

* Upon reaching eligible retirement age, I will immediately shred all checks coming from the most Socialistic of all Government Programs—Social Security— and will work to privatize it so that all its funds can be made available to investors on Wall Street

* Upon reaching age 65, I will burn my Medicare card, foregoing all Socialist/Government-run healthcare and will pay for all my healthcare with private insurance premiums until I die.

Opinion Viewpoint

Coffee, Anyone?

Can a country as divided and polarized as ours be united? Is there any issue — just one — on which we can agree? Will anything stop the downward spiral of political discourse into a rhetorical food fight in which words are hurled like hot grits and decorum is regarded as a weakness?

We are living in a country where thousands have affiliated themselves with the Tea Party movement, some of whose members wave signs depicting President Obama as a dictator, while some of the more volatile among them turn up at meetings openly armed and advocating secession and the total destruction of the federal government.

We live in a country where thousands profess a religious-like devotion to talk-radio personalities and cable television entertainers who vitriolically brand anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their politics as “the enemy.”

Can there be an antidote to this malaise? Well, Annabel Parks, a soft-spoken first-generation Korean-American, riffed on her Facebook page recently that what she thought the country needed was an alternative to the bombast and theatrics of the Tea Party.

Tea? Nah, she reasoned that we could be a bit more indigenous. “Let’s get together as communities and sit down to talk with one another about politics over a cup of coffee,” she said. Thus, the Coffee Party was born, and, while the concept still has some catching up to do with its predecessor, interest in this movement — a genuinely grassroots one compared to the Astroturf of the Tea Party — has been steadily percolating throughout the Internet on social media outlets.

The Memphis Coffee Party began brewing up a storm last Saturday, when approximately 50 people assembled at Otherlands Coffee Bar in Midtown for a kickoff meeting. It was encouraging to see how many were willing to step out on a cold, dreary day for a lesson in civics and a chance to speak with and listen — yes, listen — to their fellow citizens.

A visitor from Atlanta who had found out about the local event on Facebook started by admitting he had voted for Obama and lamenting how badly the president had disappointed him by not being strong enough to hold his own against the obstructionist Republicans. He suggested more than once that Democrats — which most of those in attendance were — were being “way too nice.”

His sentiments seemed to be shared by the majority. But, while some expressed disappointment in Obama and wanted to see his ideas succeed, others stated their disdain for the Democrat/Republican, left/right paradigm and called for efforts to make third-party candidates more viable.

Things really got going when a bona fide Tea Party member stood up, identifying herself as a Ron Paul-supporting libertarian and describing a split among Tea Partiers between libertarians like herself and religious conservatives. She provoked a lively dialogue with Jim Maynard, a local gay activist and self-proclaimed socialist, who challenged her contention that the conversation she was listening to resembled the wrangling of the Tea Partiers.

In truth, it didn’t. Maynard probably expressed the sentiments of the group when he made the case for an activist government and for radical health-care reform.

Another issue of concern was that of the seemingly never-ending wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Outrage was expressed over the blatant lies and perpetual propagandizing on FOX news and talk radio. And a fair amount of condemnation was lavished on the conservative “Blue Dog” Democrats who have joined Republicans in resisting the change seemingly promised in Obama’s victorious presidential campaign of 2008.

The Coffee Partiers really got worked up over the abuse of corporate money in the election process and over the latest Supreme Court ruling allowing corporations to contribute unlimited amounts of money to campaigns.

There was more in this vein — spontaneous, animated, outraged, and, most importantly, unscripted. The Ron Paul lady notwithstanding, it sounded nothing at all like a Tea Party. If diatribes there were, they were the other side of the coin. An alternative currency, if you will.

Which was, after all, the idea.

When Ben Franklin emerged from the Constitutional Convention on September 18, 1787, he was met by a Mrs. Powell, who asked: “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” Likewise, the Coffee Party concept just might be a keeper.

The next one will be held on Saturday, March 27th — with the time and place to be announced via coffeepartyusa.

Cheri DelBrocco, who moderated the first Memphis Coffee Party, writes the “Mad as Hell” online column for the Flyer.

(GO HERE to see a spirited snippet from last Saturday’s first Coffee Party at Otherland’s!)

Politics Politics Beat Blog

MAD AS HELL: Not for All the Tea in Tennessee…

Cheri DelBrocco and friend

  • Cheri DelBrocco and friend

That Glory Train, The Tea Party Express, has pulled into the station. For the next three days, Opryland is The Promised Land. After a series of rallies throughout the past year that looked like they were made for a Quentin Tarantino movie, Tea Party Nation is throwing a convention in Nashville. The love-in has begun. Or has it?

All the usual suspects have shown up. The Beckers, the Birthers, the Dittoheads, and their like minded posses of racists, xenophobes, homophobes, and other sundry phobic gangs in Winger World. And then there are the pro-lifers—who advocate for “justifiable” murder because it “saves innocent life which begins at the moment of fertilization.” Go figure.

According to recent reporting by the New York Times, and other media, there is trouble brewing in Tea Bagger Paradise. It seems as though the organizers who are charging $550 a pop to attend right wing fantasy weekend have chapped a few butts and raised more than a few eyebrows. Tension has mounted in the last couple of weeks, and while the rest of us are deciding between the Colts and the Saints, the Tea Baggers have been feuding like the Hatfields and the McCoys.

And it’s not just over money. Splintering and splitting is occurring over political identity. Libertarian factions who want a smaller government that stays out of personal life choices are sparring with religious groups who want a big government that uses its power to discriminate against people they don’t like.

Last week, Representatives Michele Bachman of Minnesota and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee both canceled appearances. No one in their camps are really explaining their sudden and last minute decisions as no-shows, although Blackburn reportedly felt that Tea Party brass had put guest speakers in an awkward position by extending an invitation to a for-profit convention.

Last minute switcheroos have also been made by several organizations who were expected to attend. Most notably canceling was a nativist group known as FAIR (for the Federation for American Immigration Reform). FAIR withdrew suddenly this week over concerns about the for-profit status of the convention organizers and the possibility of convention money flowing into unknown campaign coffers. The nativist slot is meanwhile being filled by a group known as NumbersUSA, founded by John Tanton, a retired Michigan eye doctor who’s written that to maintain American culture “a European-American majority” is required. The current head of NumbersUSA, Roy Beck, has made speaking appearances at the national conference of the white nationalist Council of Conservative Citizens.

But alas, there is that certain someone who will stop the bickering, however momentarily, and turn those sour grapes into red-state communion wine. She is the real reason most showing up have made their pilgrimage. They have come to honor their Madonna —The Lady of Perpetual Paranoia—-Saint Sarah of Alaska. She will reportedly receive $100,000 for her appearance and clearly, some in TPN are annoyed and have questioned the steep price tag. However, when Sarah shows up, merrily pouring verbal gasoline and lighting her book of matches by declaring that those in attendance are just like her—- misunderstood and disrespected Put-Upons who are picked on by a country full of “socialist” elites who don’t know what it’s like to live in the “real America”, she will wink her way right into their hearts. And their wallets.

Politics Politics Feature

MAD AS HELL: In Which the Author Thinks of McCain-Palin While Listening to The Who’s ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’ on a Blaring iPod

Just what kind of
morons do John McCain and the Republicans take us for?

Oh sure,
Americans can be as stupid as any other people in the world, but, hell, we’re
not totally insane. Perhaps since Senator Pander Bear has decided to give his
trophy wife, Cindy, some spa time after that stressful convention wardrobe
shopping — the $300,000 acceptance speech get-up was quite the bomb; can I get
it at Wal-Mart? — and he has been jetting around the country with his new
Frontier-mama girl toy, Sarah, and her Alaskan Separatist hubby, Todd, he must
think the rest of us are just sitting around like zombies in underwear watching
our 60-inch plasmas while waiting for his lackeys on FOX to crank on the bubble
machine, cue up some good, old-fashioned Lawrence Welk champagne music and tell
us what a better world it will be in just a couple of months when McCain becomes
the president who will change everything.

Well, I’ve got
some Breaking News for the senator. If he thinks grinning through his
breathtaking lies of revisionism while calling us his “friends” and flashing his
new shiny object, Sarah, with her gas-filled boners will distract Americans from
the fact that it was the Republican party — his party — and its
president, George W. Bush, that created the hell that has been wrought on this
country for the last eight years, the joke is on Grandpa McSame. His party’s
broken road is no longer paved with yellow bricks and this time we will
pay mind to the man behind the curtain. We will not play Cowardly Lion to his
debased Wizard.

The United States
has suffered an administration that has perpetrated a brazenness and vulgarity
on its people that will be remembered in history. Their lies, hypocrisy, and
deceitfulness have been more outrageous than anybody’s mind could possibly have
imagined. We have watched with dropped jaws and profound embarrassment the
idiocy and incompetency of George W. Bush and his contemptuous desire to flout
the will of the people over and over. John McCain’s party and its
president have taken this country down a veritable rathole with a failing
economy and a perpetual war with no plans to make anything right or better for
the future. Both Bush and Cheney have used the people for their own selfish best
interests. McCain supported them in it. At every turn, he cheered it, ballyhooed
it, defended it and called it “success”. In its off-course careening, John
McCain never criticized or challenged the Bush administration to change one
single thing.

Yet, he expects,
after voting with Bush for eight years, for us to somehow believe he has had a
kind of “Paul-on-the-Road-to-Damascus” conversion? That he has experienced an
epiphany that has caused him to suddenly oppose all those disastrous decisions
made by his own party? That he is going to “reform” us out of this unholy mess?
Heck, even my toy poodle, Chocco, is not stupid enough to fall for that sham.

So McCain can go
ahead and call himself a “maverick”. He can call himself whatever he wants, but
Americans know a phony when we see one. We know lies when we hear them. We know
the smell of hypocrisy when it stinks. As was seen at their convention, when it
comes to phony lies and hypocrisy, Republicans are Masters of the Universe.

Because he cannot
run on his record, John McCain intends to make this election about Barack Obama.
But as Senator Obama so clearly articulated in his acceptance speech, this
election will not be about him. It will be about us. And how we have become a
country whose people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. About how we
are ready to get the Titanic that is America, that the Party of Bush and McCain
steered into the iceberg, back on peaceful and prosperous dry land. In the rich
words of our current RepublicanPresident, “Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me—-you can’t get fooled again.”

Politics Politics Feature

MAD AS HELL: Palin — It Rhymes With ‘Rich’

Wednesday was quite a
night at the Republican National Convention, as the vice-presidential nominee
finally made her appearance. After three days of sequestered practice, Sarah
Palin, governor of Alaska and goddess of the right wing, pounced up to the
podium and started throwing punches at Barack Obama. That’s
their Sarah — she can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never let
Todd forget he’s a man — ’cause she’s
a woman, W-O-M-A-N!

The base of the party,
the Christian conservatives went wild. The convention hall ate up her
vitriolic comments with spoons. Since then, the media has been lauding the
governor for her masterful acceptance speech. Clearly, she is capable and
zesty when it comes to using the teleprompter. One thing was evident
throughout the entire speech, however. Mrs. Palin, a self-described pitbull
in lipstick, was on a mission from God and her Presidential candidate John
McCain, to resurrect America’s
Culture Wars.

BAM!!” Take that, Barack Obama and
all you uppity community organizers who don’t
know jack about how to be hardworking real Americans like those of us
who live in small towns raising our huge families of home-schooled kids that
are taken to churches to learn Christian values. “POW!!”
To all you left wing, East Coast media pundits who think your Ivy League
Education makes you so high and mighty — You got it all wrong about John
McCain and you’ll get it wrong again.
To you secular humanist environmentalists who look down your un-American noses
at us God-fearing, gun-owning patriots who support our troops and love our
country. Shame on you for not waving more flags and hunting more animals!

Dang, by the time this
chick was finished, I didn’t know if
I had just been lectured by the president of the Harper Valley P.T.A. or had
witnessed Caribou Barbie Super Girl! avenging God and Country!

One thing was certain,
however, Saracuda had been sent by John McCain and the Republicans on high to
pour some hot gas on those smoldering Republican fires: abortion, gun
politics, separation of church and state, privacy, homosexuality, and
censorship. Knowing the disaster that the U.S. has become in the last eight
years of Republican governance, and what a loser it would be to bring up
something as reality based as facts, it was time to come around to what really
works — that good, old GOP tried and
true: divide and conquer.

Pitting believers
against non-believers, small-towners against urbanites, pro-choicers against
pro-lifers, and liberals against conservatives could guarantee another eight
years of Republican rule. Sarah Palin was Karl Rove in pearls. Newt Gingrich
was spotted in the crowd wearing a sick grin of satisfaction on his face.

Obviously, the names of
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney never came up. And nary a word was ever
mentioned of the economy they decimated, the treasury they plundered, the
10-trillion-dollar national debt they ran up, and the war profiteering and
complete privatization of America’s
military they conducted by using contractors such as Blackwater and

There was no mention of
all the lives lost in the illegal and perpetual war in Iraq. When it came to
talking about war, what we heard from Sarah Palin was that her oldest son,
Track, was getting ready to go to Iraq — on
September 11th, no less — with
the clear implication that it was so noble because the war in Iraq still had
something to do with actual events that happened on September 11, 2001.

With an oozing contempt
and obvious delight in trashing Obama, Mrs. Palin forgot to mention our surging
unemployment rate, crumbling infrastructure and declining public schools, and
the 10 million children without health care. The subject of skyrocketing
inflation on food and fuel also conveniently slipped her mind.

After listening for a
half hour to the sarcastic, shrieking, sanctimony of a woman who is stubbornly
resolved to splitting this broken and fragile country even further than The
Decider, all I could say was, “Sarah
Palin is one crazy, dangerous —–.” In the immortal words of Babs Bush, it rhymes with rich.

Opinion Viewpoint

Two Farewells

In the minds of the American public, Kennedys do not grow old. Or sick and infirm. John and Bobby are forever young. But on Monday night in Denver last week, we saw the youngest and last of the Kennedy brothers slowly totter to the podium to deliver an emotional farewell, for he is almost certainly dying.

Introduced by niece Caroline, Ted Kennedy gave a swan song that was one for the ages. Although his delivery is usually thunderous, his recently diagnosed brain cancer, coupled with the rigors of medical treatment, reduced his voice to a lower key that at times was almost a whisper. The trademark thatch of white hair was thinner and completely gone in places. His usually pink Irish skin was pallid.

Teddy’s presence reminded us once again of the passionate idealism that his brothers inspired in a time when hope and optimism were allowed to flourish. But most important, Teddy’s role was to pass the baton of the Kennedy legacy to another family — that of Barack Obama.

Michelle Obama, wife of the Democrats’ new hero, accepted the baton with a style and grace that channeled Jackie Kennedy. Following Kennedy’s appearance later Monday night, her touching speech about her life, her husband, and their children contained a measure of Camelot. The legacy had come full circle.

For a man stricken with terminal cancer to leave his sickbed against the advice of his doctors exemplified a will of forged iron. His gallant promise to be at Senator Obama’s inauguration and to be back at work in the Senate the day after that brought tears to the eyes of thousands in the crowd — and surely millions watching at home. “The work begins anew,” he ended. “The hope rises again. The dream lives on.”

Those were the same words with which he had concluded his concession speech at the Democrats’ New York convention in 1980. They were the measure of a man with the heart of a lion. In Denver, the lion roared for probably the last time.

Almost as memorable was another sayonara on Tuesday of last week. Though not tinged with the same degree of sadness as Kennedy’s, it was laden with unspoken regrets for what might havc been.

When Hillary Clinton showed up in Denver for the final speech of her personal campaign year, she brought the house down. In a riveting and historic speech, possibly the best of her career, Clinton gathered the sour grapes of her campaign, pressed out the acid of disappointment, sweetened them with sisterly reflection, and distilled them into a sparkling champagne that got Democrats punch-drunk with unity.

Early on, it appeared that Hillary might actually be setting up for a grudge match, with some diehard rope-a-dope rhetoric about her own reasons for seeking the presidency.

The crowd was with her, but you could almost hear its collective brain thinking, “Hillary, girlfriend, don’t make this all about you anymore.” As if telepathic, she quickly did a pivot, addressing those of her supporters who were present as well as the 18 million others of whom she has so often spoken — those who voted for her during the long primary season.

“Were you in this campaign just for me?” she asked. And, at that moment, her “me” morphed fully into an “us,” as she began to recite the reasons all Democrats should support Obama for president. She expressed an appeal for party unity, telling her apostles that by supporting Obama, they, in fact, would be making history. It was a display of political brilliance that was both self-sacrificial and powerful, persuasive to anyone willing to be persuaded.

The “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuits,” indeed! When, later on, various Republicans (notably John McCain’s vice-presidential pick, Sarah Palin) began pitching to candidate Clinton’s constituency, you knew their loyalty had been already pledged elsewhere — and not just for partisan political reasons.

Cheri DelBrocco writes the “Mad as Hell” column at She accompanied Flyer writers Jackson Baker and Chris Davis to the Democratic convention in Denver.

Politics Politics Feature

Hillary Night

Hillary showed up and brought the house down. It had been slated to be The Grudge Match in Mile High City, but instead, it was a dazzling lesson in the art of fine wine making. In a riveting and historic speech, possibly the best of her career, Hillary Clinton gathered the sour grapes of her campaign, pressed and extracted their acidic disappointments, sweetened them with sisterly reflection, and distilled them into a sparkling champagne that got Democrats punch-drunk with unity.

Early on, it appeared that Hillary might actually be setting up for a grudge match with a rope-a-dope form of campaigning by referring to her list of reasons for seeking the Presidency and excluding all but one mentioning of Barack Obama. While exhilarated, the effusive crowd seemed collectively to be thinking, “Hillary, girlfriend, don’t make this all about you anymore.” As if telepathic, she quickly pivoted with, “Were you in this campaign just for me?” At that moment, her “me” became an ‘us” as she began to recite the reasons that all Democrats should support Barack Obama for President. She exerted a wide open appeal for party unity by convincing her apostles that by supporting Barack Obama, they, in fact, would be making history — alongside her. It was a display of political brilliance that was powerful as hell and anyone who was persuadable was going to be persuaded.

Her defining of John McCain as an out-of-touch Bush clone was captivating. “With an agenda like that, it makes sense that George Bush and John McCain will be together next week in the Twin Cities because these days they’re awfully hard to tell apart” was one of the most memorable lines that will surely be incorporated into a new ad. The speech exhibited a sincerity that, for whatever reason, had been repressed during the campaign. Finally, the pressure of walking on a tightrope had ended and the authentic, exuberant Hillary was revealed to the country.

Bill Clinton, as well as Chelsea, watched with expressions that exhibited both pride and pain simultaneously.

On Thursday night, President Clinton and Joe Biden are expected to give John McCain and the GOP the one-two punch. The former president and potential vice-president will be the Democratic Party’s Frazier and Ali. Democrats hope they will give a final sock to the jaw of disunity by delivering body blows to the Bush policies and to the potential for a continuation of the disastrous and ruinous last seven and half years of Republican governance.

The Dems drank Hillary’s sweet champagne last night and toasted party unity. Tonight, they will witness a heavyweight throwing leather for the country’s future.

Hillary showed up and brought the house down. It had been slated to be The Grudge Match in Mile High City, but instead, it was a dazzling lesson in the art of fine wine making. In a riveting and historic speech, possibly the best of her career, Hillary Clinton gathered the sour grapes of her campaign, pressed and extracted their acidic disappointments, sweetened them with sisterly reflection, and distilled them into a sparkling champagne that got Democrats punch-drunk with unity.

Early on, it appeared that Hillary might actually be setting up for a grudge match with a rope-a-dope form of campaigning by referring to her list of reasons for seeking the Presidency and excluding all but one mentioning of Barack Obama. While exhilarated, the effusive crowd seemed collectively to be thinking, “Hillary, girlfriend, don’t make this all about you anymore.” As if telepathic, she quickly pivoted with, “Were you in this campaign just for me?” At that moment, her “me” became an ‘us” as she began to recite the reasons that all Democrats should support Barack Obama for President. She exerted a wide open appeal for party unity by convincing her apostles that by supporting Barack Obama, they, in fact, would be making history — alongside her. It was a display of political brilliance that was powerful as hell and anyone who was persuadable was going to be persuaded.

Her defining of John McCain as an out-of-touch Bush clone was captivating. “With an agenda like that, it makes sense that George Bush and John McCain will be together next week in the Twin Cities because these days they’re awfully hard to tell apart” was one of the most memorable lines that will surely be incorporated into a new ad. The speech exhibited a sincerity that, for whatever reason, had been repressed during the campaign. Finally, the pressure of walking on a tightrope had ended and the authentic, exuberant Hillary was revealed to the country.

Bill Clinton, as well as Chelsea, watched with expressions that exhibited both pride and pain simultaneously.

On Thursday night, President Clinton and Joe Biden are expected to give John McCain and the GOP the one-two punch. The former president and potential vice-president will be the Democratic Party’s Frazier and Ali. Democrats hope they will give a final sock to the jaw of disunity by delivering body blows to the Bush policies and to the potential for a continuation of the disastrous and ruinous last seven and half years of Republican governance.

The Dems drank Hillary’s sweet champagne last night and toasted party unity. Tonight, they will witness a heavyweight throwing leather for the country’s future.