Art Exhibit M

Park(ing) Day: You Had Me at “Roller Skating Disco Opera”


Friday, September 21st, between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., 20 metered parking spaces along Peabody Place between Front and Second Streets will temporarily be transformed into public parks. In its second year at the downtown location, Park(ing) Day is an annual open-sourced global event where over 800 cities participate in the mission of calling attention to the need for more urban open space. The project began in 2005, when a single metered parking space was transformed into a temporary public park in downtown San Francisco by Rebar, an art and design studio.

Projects at last year’s Park(ing) Day Memphis included a sandy beach lounging area, a human library, and a pooch pub. I signed my wife and myself up for a Sleep Out on the River at Mud Island after hearing several songs from someone playing the banjo next to a teepee. (We never made the trip. With food, entertainment, tents and marshmallows provided, it looked like it could have been a great time. Oh well, there is always forever.)



This year’s Park(ing) Day promises to be better. At least, I promise it will be better. With a Roller Skating Disco Opera being performed by multi-media artist Jill Wissmiller, how could it not?! I cannot tell you how often I have dreamed of a roller skating disco opera. No really. I have.

Scheduled events also include: an interactive diorama by Memphis City Beautiful, a virtual travel trailer vacation by Crosstown Arts and Jamie Harmon, and a Sculptural Performance by Elisha Gold, who will weld a life-sized steel sculpture on site. Look for me at the disco opera. I will not be traveling far from this beautiful beautiful thing.

Click this link to see more work from Jill Wissmiller.

Here is a link to the Facebook Park(ing) Day event.

Images of 2011 Park(ing) Day Memphis, from the event’s Facebook page

Art Exhibit M

Constanza’s “Light I” and the Art of the Press Release


“Light I,” by Constanza, will run for one night only, with an opening reception Friday, September 14th, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Material Art Space.

Constanza is Guillaume and Judith, husband and wife, who began an art club in Paris, France. This is their statement from the press release regarding the exhibition:

“We have traveled to New York, and lived in Florida, and now Arkansas. Our art is a personal digestion of objects and ideas found in our different surroundings. The imagination is the real value. We are selling a piece of our imagination, our story, shaman studies, pie voleuse, art pauvre, art random, metapsy, metaxy, love and freedom.”

They go on to say: “To us this show is modesty. The candle holder is a place you can go to pray.  It is like an altar.  The altar is the visual link of somebody praying.  We accept the found objects and put them in the light with a lot of simplicity.  Our way of living with the light inside us.”

This is one of the most interesting statements and press releases I have ever read and I have no idea what it means.

Art Art Feature

Place and Time

As a graduate student at the Memphis College of Art, I never gave a second of thought to spending eight days on Horn Island, off the coast of Mississippi and site of the annual MCA student/teacher artists retreat. My reticence could have something to do with the fact that the island was used as a biological-weapons testing site for the U.S. Army in the mid-1940s (mustard gas and asbestos were recently found in a decommissioned military facility, resulting in the immediate closure of the public spaces), but it’s most likely due to my absolute fear of squids.

Jason Cole, a 2008 MFA graduate, has been to the island seven times and has work in this year’s exhibition at MCA. He has a different take. “It recharges the soul,” he says. Each year, Cole brings an assortment of papers to create beautifully rendered watercolors that can only be made there, on that island, at that time, and that capture the color and feel of the landscape. Seeing pieces that are this fresh and refreshing could almost change my mind about wanting to travel to Horn Island.

There are several other highlights in the exhibition. Michelle Duckworth’s whimsical and highly detailed ink and stain drawings on wood should not be missed. The pieces are fun illustrations of the daily life of a rat-like creature scavenging the shore for debris while avoiding crocodiles, menacing birds, and other perils of beach life. Casey Prout, a current MFA candidate (and someone who was actually looking forward to exploring the Horn Island Chemical Service Quarantine Station), has created photographs that, like Cole, capture a specific time and place. Most of Prout’s time as an artist is spent waiting for a scene to compel him to take a photograph. His time on the island was no different, waiting for hours for that perfect moment when the sun lowers and the storm clouds roll in over the horizon.

The issue with this exhibition is not with the work. It is the sheer volume. With more than 150 works installed in the limited space of the Rust Hall Gallery, Cole’s, Duckworth’s, and Prout’s work has a tendency to get lost among all the similar sticks, clouds, and birds that make up the exhibition.

Through September 28th

Also at MCA is Joey Slaughter’s “I meant to get back to you, but I had a lot going on,” in the Alumni Gallery. The title refers to all the information and options at our disposal. Slaughter states, “The simple task of communicating is even harder than ever because of the multitude of choices available.”

Slaughter, who graduated from MCA in 1997, received a grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts to help fund the creation of the nine works in this exhibition. He used the money to produce a series of pieces that “investigate the ‘look’ of digital information as it is transmitted around us.” This is overt in Hill and Valleys #2 and Outage, where power lines and cell-phone towers are as much a part of the landscape as pin oaks and dogwood trees. His investigation is somewhat covert in Spark and Take a Breather, where the influx of digital information is ever-present.

Slaughter takes this exploration a step further by using digital technology such as lasers and CNC routers, along with traditional art-making applications, which results, Slaughter says, “in a blend of tight and loose, machine and man … [that] allows for a play of spontaneity and precision.” His show is an interesting comment on the overabundant and ubiquitous role that technology and its various devices have on our lives.

Over the years, MCA has cut back or eliminated traditional programs and equipment — surface design, fiber and book arts — in favor of using its resources for additional computer labs, animation, and sound studios. MCA is hardly the only institution reallocating space to meet the demands for more technology. It is fortunate that MCA and its students have this exhibition to think about these issues and how they may affect their lives and work.

Through September 30th

Art Exhibit M

At Clough-Hanson, “In Search of …”: Art for the Sci-fi Nerd

Leah Beefermans 1201.2280v1 (Detail)

  • Leah Beeferman’s 1201.2280v1 (Detail)

When Hamlett Dobbins, director of the Clough-Hanson Gallery, sent me information for their upcoming exhibition season, I was pleasantly surprised to see what was to be the first exhibition, “In Search of…” Dustin Dennis, Amanda Lechner and Christopher Ulivo, organizers of the exhibition, released this statement.

In Search Of… was a 1970s speculative documentary TV series narrated by Leonard Nimoy famous for its expansive subject matter, semi-psychedelic visuals, and creepy lo-fi synth score. Yes, the style of the show is very appealing but there is a layer of appeal beyond its dated charm. One week’s programming may cover the lost city of Atlantis, the next show Bigfoot, followed by an alien pyramid architect debate. The possibility of super-natural or extra-terrestrial explanations to a theory was approached with excitement and imagination instead of skepticism and doubt. It was the ‘search’ that was important not the proof!  This methodology resonates with visual artists for whom the truth lies not necessarily in the depiction of life as it appears but instead as it might or could be.”

I am sci-fi nerd, and this exhibition appeals to me in several ways. I have tried on many occasions to be like Leonard Nimoy, narrator of the television show. Yet, this is a very different exhibition for the Clough-Hanson Gallery. Their programming mostly consists of traditional media with a focus painting. It will be interesting to see how this type of exhibition will work at the Rhodes College gallery.

Art Exhibit M

Q&A with Clover Archer Lyle


Clover Archer Lyle’s “how far back do you want me to go?” is on view through September 10th at the Medicine Factory. For additional information contact:

Dwayne Butcher: How did you first become interested in tracing the archeology of your art studio?
Clover Archer Lyle: Conceptually, I’m using this installation to continue the exploration of ideas that I’ve been working with for some time. The specific idea for this project started percolating last summer when I was in the first days of a month-long residency, trying to stave off the anxiety that comes with starting a new project. I was occupying a well-used studio space with walls that reflected years of art making and I started thinking that these “blank” walls were actually quite dense with the invisible experience of supporting the creative process. These marks, scuffs, holes and blemishes are simultaneously important and insignificant. The focus of this time is the artwork, not the residue of installing or making it. I became interested in tracing the archeology of art spaces because I wanted to reify this time and these histories.