Politics Politics Feature

Samuel Alito v. Edward Garner

A Memphis case from the past affords some clue to Supreme Court nomineee Samuel Alito’s legal thinking:

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Shoot To Kill

Alito’s blank check for cops.
By Emily Bazelon
in Slate
Posted Friday, Dec. 2, 2005, at 6:06 PM ET




Favors deadly force when even cops don't
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Favors deadly force
when even cops don’t

Late on an October night in 1974, Memphis, Tenn.,
 police officer
Elton Hymon responded
to a call about a break in. At the scene, a
said she’d heard glass
shattering and pointed to
the house
next door. Hymon
went behind it. He heard a
door slam. Someone ran
into the yard
and stopped at a 6-foot-high
chain-link fence at the
yard’s edge.
Hymon shined his flashlight
at the person and saw a
teenager who
he could tell was unarmed.
Hymon called, “Police, halt.”
The teen started
climbing the fence. Hymon
shot him in the back of the
head, fatally.
Edward Garner was a
15-year-old black eighth
grader. He
was 5 feet
4 inches tall and weighed
about 110 pounds. A purse
and $10
were found on
his body.

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