Editorial Opinion

Bill Lee’s Surprise

During the 2018 governor’s race in Tennessee, the leading candidates were thought to be Diane Black, the ultra-conservative Congresswoman from the state’s Sixth District, and Randy Boyd, the affable social engineer and idea man behind many of then-Governor Bill Haslam’s governmental innovations.

Black had no trouble presenting herself as the right-wing politician and outright Trumpian that she was — supporting huge tax cuts for the wealthy, bashing immigrants, and expressing desires to curtail the EPA. Boyd was almost necessarily a moderate, given the progressive nature of the institutions he created — Tennessee Promise, Drive to 55, etc. — and their modest but real claim on the state’s exchequer.

But a strange thing began occurring during the gubernatorial race that year. Under pressure from his campaign advisors, Boyd began releasing ads and campaign bromides — loaded with hard-edged innuendo about the Second Amendment, potential welfare cheats, and illegal immigrants — that cast him in an altogether new light as some kind of hard-edged reactionary, determined to out-Black Black, or even to out-Trump Trump.

Meanwhile, on the stump, Boyd continued to talk reasonably about such subjects as education, health care, technology, immigration, workforce development, transportation, and urban strategies. Asked about his newly adopted public persona, Boyd said, “If I’m running to be the Republican nominee in Tennessee, I want Republican voters to see that I’m one of them.”

In the end, Republican voters failed to see either Black or the redesigned Boyd as “one of them,” opting instead for political newcomer Bill Lee, a Middle Tennessee industrialist/rancher who smiled winningly, avoided ideological abrasiveness in his speech, talked up his faith, and remained difficult to pin down on specific issues. A third-place candidate for most of the race, Lee became an obvious option to the mud-slinging match between Black and Boyd and ended up an easy winner, triumphing as well in the general election over Democrat Karl Dean.

So here we are in the second year of Governor Lee, no longer the Great Unknown. It turns out he has a few ideas, but most of those he has are far to the right of the spectrum — pushing school vouchers, vowing to end abortion, renouncing Medicaid expansion, denouncing “socialism,” rejecting adoption rights for LGBTQ parents, and — most recently — calling for “open carry” gun legislation, or “constitutional carry,” as advocates of unrestricted weaponry call it.

Cry your eyes out, Diane Black and Randy Boyd! Bill Lee out-Trumped both of you, even if it seems he did so by stealth. In a time when random gun violence increases apace, Tennessee’s governor has basically just called for more guns and the de facto elimination of curbs on their presence in the public sphere. Almost immediately, law enforcement officials, both locally in Shelby County and elsewhere in the state, expressed opposition to the proposed new legislation, and we fully support them. It will require serious effort in the legislature and luck, besides, to overcome this new threat. And let us hope, a la some famous musical advice, we don’t get fooled again.

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Sweetgrass Smash, Morgan & Morgan & Morgan & Morgan

Sweetgrass Smash

Details are fuzzy, but it’s clear that something definitely happened at Sweetgrass in Cooper-Young on Saturday, according to a post by Brad Gilmer on Nextdoor.

The restaurant did not post anything formal about the incident online. Nextdoor users had questions and theories.

“Looks as if a vehicle would have come in at a very odd angle?” asked Kathy Ladner.

“Someone ordered the large plate of nachos and then couldn’t fit through the door on the way out!” exclaimed Michael Cairo. But Cairo later explained that a driver lost control before midnight and hit the building.

“It was so loud it shot me out of bed. I thought someone was about to drive through my apartment. Wild Saturday night!” said Cady Mink.

Morgan & Morgan

Posted to instagram by memphisasf_ck

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Standing Brooms, Kind Strangers, and an MLGW Valentine

Swept up

The entire internet was swept away (don’t judge me) by a viral tweet that had folks all over standing their brooms upright. The tweet said that NASA claimed a day last week was the only day of the year brooms would stand on their own because of gravitational pull.

Our very own editor, Bruce VanWyngarden, got in on the miracle, uh, I mean action.

Posted to Instagram by
Bruce VanWyngarden

Kind Strangers

Reddit user u/trillsuave posted that one of his elderly co-workers rides his bike to work every day. But he had a wreck last week, messed up his bike, and needed a replacement.

Within a day, the co-worker was able to secure his friend a new ride, thanks to the folks on the Memphis subreddit. Thanks for the kindness, kind strangers.

CA on Valentine’s

The Commercial Appeal got downright funny (well, punny funny) on Valentine’s Day last week. They posted a series of shareable e-cards, made especially for the Bluff City.

“Let’s grit and grind,” reads one. “Like Peabody Ave., the road to true love was never smooth,” reads another. But here’s my fave.

Posted to

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: ‘I Hit People with Coffee Pots,’ Fox13’s Darrell Greene’s in Time-Out

“I hit people with coffee pots”

Nextdoor user Larry Sides unleashed this amazing, blazing chaos in a post last week titled, “Joe woods response to my post.”

“I never threatened you but if you did call the police he will you all be out here Tuesday I threatened you want time I said I was scared for my life for you from you because you have stab people in sent people out of here and ambulances out that every last text did you ever wrote and at 1 time of anything about threatening you I said I’m scared to you because you have stab people I hit people with coffee pots and put him in the hospital.”

Posted to Nextdoor by Larry Sides

Lady and the …

“The unbiased ‘quality’ of our local CBS News affiliate,” wrote Reddit user u/lkjhiujyrres5 last week during the State of the Union address.

Posted to Reddit by u/lkjhiujyrres5

Calling It

Fox13 anchor Darrell Greene ended up in hot water after a cold-weather tweet last week. As snow fell Friday morning, Greene posted:

Later, he wrote, “They made me take [the tweet] down and stripped me of my ‘calling’ powers for 6 months.”

Editorial Opinion

Arithmetic Don’t Lie

Former President Bill Clinton is considered to have given former President Barack Obama a serious boost toward re-election at the Democratic National Convention of 2012. That was by means of an elongated  address, both eloquent and something of a vamp, in which Clinton, among other things, credited his fellow Democrat with possessing a sagacity, one lacked by the competing Republicans, in dealing with the ravages of the then-recent economic crash.

Clinton said he could sum up the difference in one word: “Arithmetic!” The line brought down the house, but it was more than good theater. There was a sense in that statement that made it more than a punchline, that in fact summed up one of the fundamental differences between the two major parties in their recurrent debates over fiscal policy, wherein the Republicans talk (but don’t necessarily practice) solvency, while the Democrats prefer to emphasize (not always wisely) financial remedy.  

There came a similar point of epiphany Monday night in the official Democratic response to Republican Governor Bill Lee’s 2020 State of the State address, delivered by state Senate minority leader Jeff Yarbro of Nashville. It is worth quoting at length. In one of his several concessions to the principle of governmental activism, Lee boasted about the $117 million he proposed adding to the salaries of the state’s teachers. “$117 million,” Yarbro mused. “That’s just a little bit more than the $110 million that vouchers are supposed to cost the state once they’re fully implemented. So in a lot of ways, we’re not even sure if we caught up with last year’s losses before we we start filling in the holes.

“So it’s good news. But it’s not clear that we’ve really made the steps that we need to. Tennesseans don’t expect their state government to spend foolishly; they expect us to live within our means. But just imagine how much more we could afford if we weren’t wasting money on private school vouchers. If we weren’t sending almost $1 billion of childcare TANF [Temporary Assistance for Needy Families] funds back to the federal government, if we weren’t sending $1 billion a year worth of Medicaid funding  back to the federal government.

“And this is a big deal. The governor announced a lot of initiatives tonight focused on mental health care and substance abuse, and make no mistake about it, some of those ideas are great, ideas that we all support. But here’s the reality: Tennessee  could spend less money to reach more communities and help more people if we just simply join the other 36 states that have expanded Medicaid. That $300 million in initiative could go toward shoring up TennCare, providing new access and safety nets and pilot projects. That’s $300 million that could have gone straight into public education, if we had just expanded.”

Back in 2012, we found Clinton’s point to make good sense, and we find what Yarbro had to say on Monday night just as agreeable. In the jam-packed week of public events we’ve just gone through, we were mightily impressed by Shakira’s rendition of “Hips Don’t Lie” at halftime of the Super Bowl. And Yarbro’s numbers: They don’t lie either. Less sexy, maybe, but profoundly more serious.

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Un-Vanity Plate, Memphis Marketplace, and Tweet of the Week

Un-vanity Plate

Posted to Facebook by Robert Rowan

True Words

Posted to Facebook by Jimmy Randall

New Biz Plan

Posted to Facebook by Ben Fant

Tweet of the Week

Bill Lee’s obsession with a few rural counties would be fine except about 1 in 6 Tennesseans live in Shelby County.

Posted to Twitter by @mandersonville

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Dragon Ball-Griz, NST, and I-40 Traffic

Dragon Ball-Griz

Head over to Poshmark, the online consignment store, for the Grizzlies/Dragon Ball Z mash-up you never knew you needed.

Posted to Poshmark by coolmoe919

It’s the way to go

Posted to Reddit by u/madotsukiiii

It really is

Posted to Reddit by u/lunarmaidmemphis

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Kristin on Cue, Alexa’s Memphis Forecast, and Sen. Raumesh Akbari

“Violet, Violet!”

The Orpheum’s Kristin Bennett had a bubble-blowing contest with Zakiya Baptiste (who plays the gum-chewing champion Violet Beauregarde in the Broadway production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory now at the Orpheum) on her web show “Kristin on Cue” last week.

Baptiste admitted she chews so much gum during the performances her jaw gets tired. Bennett lost the contest.

Your Monthly Forecast

@AlexaMemphis: Alexa, when will the dreary weather end?

@memphisweather1: Alexa, late March.

Posted to Twitter by @memphisweather1

On the Floor

Memphis state Sen. Raumesh Akbari took us to her desk on the floor of the state Senate last week (via Facebook).

There, we found a pink cup and a throwback Shirley Chisholm pin with her 1972 campaign slogan “Unbought and Unbossed.”

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Rib Rewind, Tweet of the Week, Little Nuke

Rib Rewind

The Rendezvous took us back to the present last week with a rib-laced re-creation photo.

Three Navy football players tried the restaurant in 1981, in town for a game against Ohio State. The same guys booked flights to Memphis for last month’s Navy/Kansas State Liberty Bowl game and had those ribs again.

Posted to Twitter by The Rendezvous

Tweet of the Week

“No pics but getting to see @Davecousar, @amylavere, Will Sexton, and @ShawnZorn together at a burger joint (@HueysRestaurant) is the type of thing that I moved here for.”

Posted to Twitter by @harmonicaboy

Little Nuke

“Last night’s sunset looked like someone nuked Little Rock.”

Posted to Reddit by u/syo

News News Feature

Best Doctors

The Flyer has partnered with Best Doctors, Inc. to provide this list of best physicians in the Memphis/Shelby County area. Doctors cannot pay to be on the list. Of course, no list is definitive, and if your physician is not included, it does not reflect negatively on his or her abilities. Any survey, no matter how it’s conducted, is subjective. The Flyer is providing this list as an informational service to its readers.


Founded in 1989 by Harvard Medical School physicians, Best Doctors is a global benefits provider and medical information services company that connects individuals facing difficult medical treatment decisions with the best doctors, selected by impartial peer review in over 450 medical specialty/subspecialty combinations, to review their diagnosis and treatment plans.

Best Doctors’ team of researchers conducts a biennial poll using the methodology that mimics the informal peer-to-peer process doctors themselves use to identify the right specialists for their patients. Using a polling method and proprietary balloting software, they gather the insight and experience of tens of thousands of leading specialists all over the country, while confirming their credentials and specific areas of expertise.

The result is the Best Doctors in America® List, which includes the nation’s most respected specialists and outstanding primary care physicians in the nation. These are the doctors that other doctors recognize as the best in their fields. They cannot pay a fee and are not paid to be listed and cannot nominate or vote for themselves. It is a list which is truly unbiased and respected by the medical profession and patients alike as the source of top-quality medical information.

Best Doctors is a part of Teladoc Health, Inc., the global leader in virtual care successfully transforming how people access and experience healthcare. Teladoc Health partners with the world’s leading employers, health plans, and health systems to offer patients across the globe access to care for a broad spectrum of needs.

As part of Teladoc Health, Best Doctors focuses on improving health outcomes for the most complex, critical, and costly medical issues. More than a traditional second opinion, Best Doctors delivers a comprehensive evaluation of a patient’s medical condition — providing value to both patients and treating physicians. By utilizing Best Doctors, members have access to the brightest minds in medicine to ensure the right diagnosis and treatment plan.

Through its global network of Best Doctors and other critical services, Teladoc Health is expanding access to high-quality healthcare, lowering costs, and improving outcomes around the world. The company’s award-winning services are inclusive of telehealth services, expert medical services, mental health services, integrated clinical solutions, and platform and program services.


These lists are excerpted from The Best Doctors in America® 2019-2020 database, which includes close to 40,000 U.S. doctors in more than 450 medical specialty/subspecialty combinations. The Best Doctors in America® database is compiled and maintained by Best Doctors, Inc. For more information, visit or contact Best Doctors by telephone at 800-675-1199 or by e-mail at Please note that lists of doctors are not available on the Best Doctors web site.

Best Doctors, Inc., has used its best efforts in assembling material for this list, but does not warrant that the information contained herein is complete or accurate, and does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person or other party for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

Copyright 2019, Best Doctors, Inc. Used under license, all rights reserved. This list, or any parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without written permission from Best Doctors, Inc. No commercial use of the information in this list may be made without permission from Best Doctors, Inc. No fees may be charged, directly or indirectly, for the use of the information in this list without permission.

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Allergy and Immunology

Phillip L. Lieberman

Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center

6104 Poplar Ave.

Memphis, TN 38119


Cardiovascular Disease

Paul G. Hess

Stern Cardiovascular Foundation

6027 Walnut Grove Rd., Ste. 112

Memphis, TN 38120


John Lynn Jefferies

Sutherland Cardiology Clinic

Memphis Professional Bldg., Ste. 965

1211 Union Ave.

Memphis, TN 38104


Frank A. McGrew III

Stern Cardiovascular Foundation

8060 Wolf River Blvd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Endocrinology and Metabolism

Alan J. Cohen

The Endocrine Clinic

5659 S. Rex Rd.

Memphis, TN 38119


Samuel Dagogo-Jack

UT Regional One Physicians

Endocrinology Clinic Outpatient Center, 5th Fl.

880 Madison Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


Family Medicine

Timothy E. Folse

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Lee W. McCallum

Methodist Medical Group

8115 Country Village Dr.

Cordova, TN 38016


G. Scott Morris

Church Health

1350 Concourse Ave., Ste. 142

Memphis, TN 38104


Michele E. Neal

Family Physicians Group

3091 Kirby Whitten Rd.

Bartlett, TN 38134


Susan F. Nelson

Church Health

1350 Concourse Ave., Ste. 142

Memphis, TN 38104


Melanie L. Woodall

Family Physicians Group

7685 Winchester Rd., Ste. 100

Memphis, TN 38125



Edward L. Cattau, Jr.

Gastro One

8000 Wolf River Blvd., Ste. 200

Germantown, TN 38138


Randall Frederick

Gastro One

8000 Wolf River Blvd., Ste. 200

Germantown, TN 38138


Geriatric Medicine

Derene Akins

Cresthaven Internal Medicine

6799 Great Oaks Rd., Ste. 105

Memphis, TN 38138


Infectious Disease

Stephen C. Threlkeld

6029 Walnut Grove Rd., Ste. C002

Memphis, TN 38120


Internal Medicine

Derene Akins

Cresthaven Internal Medicine

6799 Great Oaks Rd., Ste. 105

Memphis, TN 38138


Joseph E. Allen II

Sanders Clinic

6027 Walnut Grove Rd., Ste. 401

Memphis, TN 38120


Anita Lynn Arnold

West Cancer Center

7945 Wolf River Blvd.

Germantown, TN 38138


James E. Bailey

UT Regional One Physicians

Internal Medicine Clinic Outpatient Center, 5th Fl.

880 Madison Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


J. Hays Brantley

Methodist Medical Group

5182 Sanderlin Ave., Ste. 3

Memphis, TN 38117


John Buttross

Cresthaven Internal Medicine

6799 Great Oaks Rd., Ste. 250

Memphis, TN 38138


Tommy Campbell

Cresthaven Internal Medicine

6799 Great Oaks Rd., Ste. 250

Memphis, TN 38138


Catherine J. Clarke

Methodist University Specialty Clinic

1325 Eastmoreland Ave., Ste. 101

Memphis, TN 38104


Alicia Diaz-Thomas

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Endocrinology Clinic Outpatient Center, 3rd Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Cary Martin Finn

Finn Medical Associates

6025 Walnut Grove Rd., Ste. 627

Memphis, TN 38120


E. Arthur Franklin

Cresthaven Internal Medicine

6799 Great Oaks Rd., Ste. 250

Memphis, TN 38138


Ara James Hanissian

Hanissian Healthcare

574 Greentree Cv., Ste. 101

Collierville, TN 38017


Gina R. Hanissian

Hanissian Healthcare

574 Greentree Cv., Ste. 101

Collierville, TN 38017


Burton Hayes

UT Methodist Physicians – Primary Care

57 Germantown Ct., Ste. 100

Memphis, TN 38018


Gregory K. Jenkins

Baptist Medical Group

Jenkins and Nease Internal Medicine

7205 Wolf River Blvd., Ste. 100

Germantown, TN 38138


David Jennings

Church Health

1350 Concourse Ave., Ste. 142

Memphis, TN 38104


Charles W. Munn

Methodist Medical Group

6570 Summer Oaks Cv.

Memphis, TN 38134


H. Howard Nease

Baptist Medical Group

Jenkins and Nease Internal Medicine

7205 Wolf River Blvd., Ste. 100

Germantown, TN 38138


L. Alison Pomykala

Baptist Memorial Medical Group

The Medical Group

8040 Wolf River Blvd., Ste. 200

Germantown, TN 38138


G. Van Dyck Rushing

Cresthaven Internal Medicine

6799 Great Oaks Rd., Ste. 250

Memphis, TN 38138


Martha N. Taylor

Methodist Medical Group

7690 Wolf River Cir.

Germantown, TN 38138


Natascha Thompson

UT Methodist Physicians – Primary Care

57 Germantown Ct., Ste. 100

Memphis, TN 38108


A. Graham Warr

The Light Clinic

7715 Wolf River Blvd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Catherine Womack

UT Methodist Physicians – Primary Care

57 Germantown Ct., Ste. 100

Memphis, TN 38018


Internal Medicine/Hospital Medicine

James B. Lewis, Jr.

Memphis VA Medical Center

Medicine Service

1030 Jefferson Ave.

Memphis, TN 38104


Wiley Robinson

Inpatient Physicians of the Mid-South

6263 Poplar Ave., Ste. 1052

Memphis, TN 38119


Medical Genetics

Eniko Pivnick

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Genetics Clinic Outpatient Center, 4th Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Jewell C. Ward

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Genetics Clinic Outpatient Center, 4th Fl., Ste. 235

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Medical Oncology and Hematology

Axel Grothey

West Cancer Center

Division of Medical Oncology

7945 Wolf River Blvd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Robert Alan Johnson

West Cancer Center

Division of Medical Oncology

7945 Wolf River Blvd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Raymond Osarogiagbon

Baptist Cancer Center

80 Humphreys Center Dr., Ste. 330

Memphis, TN 38120


Thomas Ratliff

West Cancer Center

Division of Medical Oncology

7945 Wolf River Blvd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Lee Schwartzberg

West Cancer Center

Division of Medical Oncology

7945 Wolf River Blvd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Kurt Tauer

West Cancer Center

Division of Medical Oncology

7945 Wolf River Blvd.

Germantown, TN 38138


William K. Walsh

Baptist Cancer Center

2996 Kate Bond Rd., Ste. 207

Bartlett, TN 38133



Margaret Colleen Hastings

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Nephrology Clinic Outpatient Center, 4th Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Steven J. Schwab

UT Regional One Physicians

Nephrology Clinic Outpatient Center, 5th Fl.

880 Madison Ave.

Memphis, TN 38163


Neurological Surgery

Adam Arthur

Semmes Murphey Clinic

6325 Humphreys Blvd.

Memphis, TN 38120


Frederick Boop

Semmes Murphey Clinic

6325 Humphreys Blvd.

Memphis, TN 38120


Kevin T. Foley

Semmes Murphey Clinic

6325 Humphreys Blvd.

Memphis, TN 38120


Paul Klimo

Semmes Murphey Clinic

6325 Humphreys Blvd.

Memphis, TN 38120



Tulio E. Bertorini

Wesley Neurology Clinic

8000 Centerview Pkwy., Ste. 305

Cordova, TN 38018


Mark LeDoux

Veracity Neuroscience

5050 Poplar Ave., Ste. 511

Memphis, TN 38157


Michael C. Levin

University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Department of Neurology Link Bldg., Ste. 415

855 Monroe Ave.

Memphis, TN 38163


Obstetrics and Gynecology

Amelia Bailey

Fertility Associates of Memphis

80 Humphreys Center Dr., Ste. 307

Memphis, TN 38120


Paul Brezina

Fertility Associates of Memphis

80 Humphreys Center Dr., Ste. 307

Memphis, TN 38120


Thomas H. Crenshaw

Ruch Clinic

6215 Humphreys Blvd., Ste. 500

Memphis, TN 38120


Joseph DeWane

Memphis Obstetrics and Gynecology

6246 Poplar Ave.

Memphis, TN 38119


Vanessa Givens

Women’s Health Specialists

7800 Wolf Trail Cv.

Germantown, TN 38138


Thomas L. Gray

Integrated Physician Services

8000 Centerview Pkwy., Ste. 108

Cordova, TN 38018


Raymond W. Ke

Fertility Associates of Memphis

80 Humphreys Center Dr., Ste. 307

Memphis, TN 38120


A. Franklin Kennedy

Ruch Clinic

6215 Humphreys Blvd., Ste. 500

Memphis, TN 38120


William H. Kutteh

Fertility Associates of Memphis

80 Humphreys Center Dr., Ste. 307

Memphis, TN 38120


Frank W. Ling

Women’s Health Specialists

7800 Wolf Trail Cv.

Germantown, TN 38138


Diane M. Long

Ruch Clinic

6215 Humphreys Blvd., Ste. 500

Memphis, TN 38120


Giancarlo Mari

UT Regional One Physicians

Maternal Fetal Medicine Services Outpatient Center, 3rd Fl.

880 Madison Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


Mary N. McDonald

McDonald Murrmann Center for Wellness & Health

7205 Wolf River Blvd., Ste. 150

Germantown, TN 38138


Christine S. Mestemacher

Mestemacher Clinic for Women

7918 Wolf River Blvd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Norman L. Meyer

UT Regional One Physicians

Maternal Fetal Medicine Services Outpatient Center, 3rd Fl.

880 Madison Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


Kyle Patterson Martin

Martin, Lee & Page OB GYN

6286 Briarcrest Ave., Ste. 308

Memphis, TN 38120


Owen P. Phillips

UT Regional One Physicians

OB/GYN Clinic

6215 Humphreys Blvd., Ste. 200

Memphis, TN 38120


S. Gregory Portera

Center for Urinary and Pelvic Disorders

6215 Humphreys Blvd., Ste. 110

Memphis, TN 38120


Joseph T. Santoso

Baptist Medical Group Gynecologic Surgical Specialists

80 Humphreys Center Dr., Ste. 202

Memphis, TN 38120


Linda M. Smiley

West Cancer Center

7945 Wolf River Blvd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Thomas G. Stovall

Women’s Health Specialists

7800 Wolf Trail Cv.

Germantown, TN 38138


Todd David Tillmanns

West Cancer Center

7945 Wolf River Blvd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Val Y. Vogt

The Conrad Pearson Clinic

1325 Wolf Park Dr.

Germantown, TN 38138



Steve Charles

Charles Retina Institute

1432 Kimbrough Rd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Brian M. Jerkins

Hamilton Eye Institute

930 Madison Ave., Ste. 200

Memphis, TN 38103


Gary Passons

Passons Eye Center

909 Ridgeway Loop

Memphis, TN 38120


Matthew W. Wilson

Hamilton Eye Institute

930 Madison Ave., Ste. 200

Memphis, TN 38103


Orthopaedic Surgery

Frederick Martin Azar

Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics

1211 Union Ave., Ste. 500

Memphis, TN 38104


James Wilson Harkess

Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics

1458 W Poplar Ave., Ste. 100

Collierville, TN 38017


Michael D. Neel


Briarcrest Professional Bldg., Ste. 200

6286 Briarcrest Ave.

Memphis, TN 38120


Kenneth S. Weiss


Briarcrest Professional Bldg., Ste. 200

6286 Briarcrest Ave.

Memphis, TN 38120



Neal S. Beckford

University Clinical Health

UT Otolaryngology

7675 Wolf River Cir., Ste. 202

Germantown, TN 38138


Marion Boyd Gillespie

UT Methodist Physicians – Head & Neck Surgery

1325 Eastmoreland Ave., Ste. 260

Memphis, TN 38104


Dean A. Klug

Mid-South Ear, Nose & Throat

7600 Wolf River Blvd., Ste. 220

Germantown, TN 38138



Mahul B. Amin

University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

930 Madison Ave., Ste. 531

Memphis, TN 38163


Pediatric Allergy and Immunology

D. Betty Lew

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Allergy and Immunology Clinic Outpatient Center, 4th Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology

Claudette J. Shephard

UT Regional One Physicians

OB/GYN Clinic Outpatient Center, 3rd Fl.

880 Madison Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


Pediatric Cardiology

John Lynn Jefferies

Sutherland Cardiology Clinic

Memphis Professional Bldg., Ste. 965

1211 Union Ave.

Memphis, TN 38104


Vijaya M. Joshi

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Heart Institute

49 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38103


Jeffrey A. Towbin

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Cardiology Clinic Outpatient Center, 2nd Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Benjamin Rush Waller

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Cardiology Clinic Outpatient Center, 2nd Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric Critical Care

Mark C. Bugnitz

Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital

Division of Pediatric Critical Care

848 Adams Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


Stephanie Ann Storgion

Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital

Division of Pediatric Critical Care

848 Adams Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


Pediatric Endocrinology

Ramin Alemzadeh

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Endocrinology Clinic Outpatient Center, 3rd Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Alan J. Cohen

The Endocrine Clinic

5659 S. Rex Rd.

Memphis, TN 38119


Alicia Diaz-Thomas

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Endocrinology Clinic Outpatient Center, 3rd Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric Gastroenterology

Dennis D. Black

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Gastroenterology Clinic Outpatient Center, 4th Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Mark R. Corkins

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Gastroenterology Clinic Outpatient Center, 4th Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


John K. Eshun

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Gastroenterology Clinic Outpatient Center, 4th Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Linda F. Lazar

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Gastroenterology Clinic Outpatient Center, 4th Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric General Hepatology

Dennis D. Black

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Gastroenterology Clinic Outpatient Center, 4th Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric Hematology-Oncology

Jeremie H. Estepp

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Hematology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Wayne L. Furman

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Amar Gajjar

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Division of Neuro- Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Daniel Michael Green

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Melissa Hudson

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Hiroto Inaba

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Division of Leukemia and Lymphoma

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Sima Jeha

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Daniel A. Mulrooney

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Ellis Neufeld

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Hematology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Alberto S. Pappo

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Gerald J. Presbury

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology

51 N. Dunlap St., Ste. 350

Memphis, TN 38105


Ching-Hon Pui

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Ulrike M. Reiss

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Hematology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Raul C. Ribeiro

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


John T. Sandlund

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Victor M. Santana

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric Infectious Disease

Elisabeth E. Adderson

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Infectious Diseases

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Sandra Arnold

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Infectious Disease Clinic Outpatient Center, 1st Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


John P. Devincenzo

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Infectious Disease Clinic Outpatient Center, 1st Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Patricia M. Flynn

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Infectious Diseases

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Aditya Gaur

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Infectious Diseases

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Joshua Wolf

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Infectious Diseases

262 Danny Thomas Pl., Rm. E8063

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric Nephrology

John J. Bissler

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Nephrology Clinic Outpatient Center, 4th Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Margaret Colleen Hastings

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Nephrology Clinic Outpatient Center, 4th Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric Neurological Surgery

Frederick Boop

Semmes Murphey Clinic

6325 Humphreys Blvd.

Memphis, TN 38120


Paul Klimo

Semmes Murphey Clinic

6325 Humphreys Blvd.

Memphis, TN 38120


Pediatric Neuroradiology

Asim F. Choudhri

Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital

Department of Radiology

848 Adams Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


Pediatric Ophthalmology

Mary Ellen Hoehn

Hamilton Eye Institute

930 Madison Ave., Ste. 400

Memphis, TN 38103


Natalie C. Kerr

Hamilton Eye Institute

930 Madison Ave., Ste. 400

Memphis, TN 38103


Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery

James H. Beaty

Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics

1400 S. Germantown Rd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Jeffrey R. Sawyer

Campbell Clinic

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

1400 S. Germantown Rd.

Germantown, TN 38138


William C. Warner, Jr.

Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics

1400 S. Germantown Rd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Pediatric Otolaryngology

Jerome W. Thompson

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

ENT Clinic Outpatient Center, Ste. G10

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric Pulmonology

Patricia J. Dubin

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Department of Pediatric Pulmonology

Le Bonheur Outpatient Center

51 N. Dunlap St., 4th Fl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Jonathan D. Finder

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Department of Pediatric Pulmonology

Le Bonheur Outpatient Center

51 N. Dunlap St., 4th Fl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Robert A. Schoumacher

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Department of Pediatric Pulmonology

Le Bonheur Outpatient Center

51 N. Dunlap St., 4th Fl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Saumini Srinivasan

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Department of Pediatric Pulmonology

Le Bonheur Outpatient Center

51 N. Dunlap St., 4th Fl.

Memphis, TN 38105


James D. Tutor

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Department of Pediatric Pulmonology

Le Bonheur Outpatient Center

51 N. Dunlap St., 4th Fl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric Radiation Oncology

Matthew James Krasin

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Radiation Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Thomas Merchant

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Radiation Oncology

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric Radiology

Harris L. Cohen

Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital

Department of Radiology

848 Adams Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


Sue C. Kaste

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Radiologic Sciences

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


M. Beth McCarville

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Diagnostic Imaging

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Stephen F. Miller

Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital

Department of Radiology

848 Adams Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


Pediatric Rheumatology

Linda K. Myers

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Rheumatology Clinic Outpatient Center, 4th Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric Sleep Medicine

Merrill S. Wise III

Methodist Sleep Disorders Center

5050 Poplar Ave., Ste. 300

Memphis, TN 38157


Pediatric Specialist/Abused Children

Karen L. Lakin

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

General Pediatrics Clinic Outpatient Center, 3rd Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric Specialist/Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine

Ramasubbareddy Dhanireddy

UT Regional One Physicians

Sheldon B. Korones Newborn Center

877 Jefferson Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


Pediatric Specialist/Neurology, Epilepsy

James W. Wheless

Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital

Division of Pediatric Neurology

848 Adams Ave., Ste. 400

Memphis, TN 38103


Pediatric Specialist/Neurology, Sleep Medicine

Merrill S. Wise III

Methodist Sleep Disorders Center

5050 Poplar Ave., Ste. 300

Memphis, TN 38157


Pediatric Specialist/Pediatric Metabolic Diseases

Jewell C. Ward

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Genetics Clinic Outpatient Center, 4th Fl., Ste. 235

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Pediatric Surgery

Andrew M. Davidoff

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Surgery

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Max R. Langham, Jr.

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Surgery Clinic Outpatient Center, 2nd Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105



Susan M. Aguillard

Pediatrics East

8110 Walnut Run Rd.

Cordova, TN 38018


H. Gail Beeman

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

General Pediatrics Clinic Outpatient Center, 3rd Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Kristen A. Bettin

Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

848 Adams Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


Aimee Christian

Memphis Pediatrics

1255 S Germantown Rd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Alicia Diaz-Thomas

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

Endocrinology Clinic Outpatient Center, 3rd Fl

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Lelon O. Edwards

Pediatrics East

2004 Exeter Rd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Robert M. Eiseman

920 Estate Dr., Ste. 3

Memphis, TN 38119


Timothy G. Gillespie

Memphis Children’s Clinic

1129 Hale Rd.

Memphis, TN 38116


Ara James Hanissian

Hanissian Healthcare

574 Greentree Cv., Ste. 101

Collierville, TN 38017


Gina R. Hanissian

Hanissian Healthcare

574 Greentree Cv., Ste. 101

Collierville, TN 38017


Charles Christopher Hanson

Laurelwood Pediatrics

5050 Sanderlin Ave.

Memphis, TN 38117


Marion E. Hare

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

General Pediatrics Clinic Outpatient Center, 3rd Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St.

Memphis, TN 38105


Burton Hayes

UT Methodist Physicians – Primary Care

57 Germantown Ct., Ste. 100

Memphis, TN 38018


Wayland J. Hayes III

Pediatrics East

120 Crescent Dr.

Collierville, TN 38017


John R. Hill

Raleigh Group

2860 Covington Pike

Memphis, TN 38128


Valerie P. Jameson

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

General Pediatrics Clinic

777 Washington Ave., Ste. P110

Memphis, TN 38105


Joel Kronenberg

920 Estate Dr., Ste. 3

Memphis, TN 38119


Michael Lacy

Memphis Children’s Clinic

7672 Airways Blvd.

Southaven, MS 38671


Karen L. Lakin

UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists

General Pediatrics Clinic Outpatient Center, 3rd Fl.

51 N. Dunlap St

Memphis, TN 38105


Amanda Mefford

Memphis Children’s Clinic

6615 Kirby Center Cv.

Memphis, TN 38115


Keith B. Owen

Pediatrics East

8025 Stage Hills Blvd.

Bartlett, TN 38133


Harry Phillips

Memphis Children’s Clinic

7672 Airways Blvd.

Southaven, MS 38671


Robert W. Riikola

Memphis Children’s Clinic

7672 Airways Blvd.

Southaven, MS 38671


Willie Tsiu

920 Estate Dr., Ste. 3

Memphis, TN 38119


A. Graham Warr

The Light Clinic

7715 Wolf River Blvd.

Germantown, TN 38138


Plastic Surgery

William L. Hickerson

Firefighters Regional Burn Center

890 Madison Ave., Ste. TG032

Memphis, TN 38103


Phillip R. Langsdon

7499 Poplar Pike

Germantown, TN 38138


Edward Andrew Luce

University Clinical Health

University Plastic Surgeons

1068 Cresthaven Rd., Ste. 500

Memphis, TN 38119


Robert D. Wallace

University Clinical Health

University Plastic Surgeons

1068 Cresthaven Rd., Ste. 500

Memphis, TN 38119



Harris L. Cohen

Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital

Department of Radiology

848 Adams Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


George Gallimore

Mid-South Imaging & Therapeutics

7600 Wolf River Blvd., Ste. 200

Germantown, TN 38138


Robert E. Gold

Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital

Department of Radiology

848 Adams Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


James E. Machin

Mid-South Imaging & Therapeutics

7600 Wolf River Blvd., Ste. 200

Germantown, TN 38138


Robert J. Optican

Mid-South Imaging & Therapeutics

7600 Wolf River Blvd., Ste. 200

Germantown, TN 38138


Zoltan Patay

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Department of Diagnostic Imaging

262 Danny Thomas Pl.

Memphis, TN 38105


Joseph C. Sullivan

Mid-South Imaging & Therapeutics

7600 Wolf River Blvd., Ste. 200

Germantown, TN 38138


Allen K. Tonkin

Mid-South Imaging & Therapeutics

7600 Wolf River Blvd., Ste. 200

Germantown, TN 38138


Heidi R. Umphrey

Mid-South Imaging & Therapeutics

7600 Wolf River Blvd., Ste. 200

Germantown, TN 38138


Dexter H. Witte

Mid-South Imaging & Therapeutics

6305 Humphreys Blvd., Ste. 205

Memphis, TN 38120



Martin A. Croce

UT Regional One Physicians

Elvis Presley Trauma Center

877 Jefferson Ave.

Memphis, TN 38103


Richard E. Fine

Margaret West Comprehensive Breast Center

7945 Wolf River Blvd.

Germantown, TN 38138


F. Elizabeth Pritchard

UT Methodist Physicians – Surgical Oncology

7705 Poplar Ave., Ste. 220

Germantown, TN 38138


Surgical Oncology

Martin D. Fleming

University of Tennessee Methodist Physicians

UT Methodist Physicians Surgical Oncology

7705 Poplar Ave., Ste. 220

Germantown, TN 38138


David Shibata

UT Methodist Physicians

Surgical Oncology Clinic

1211 Union Ave., Ste. 300

Memphis, TN 38104


Danny Yakoub

Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare

UT Methodist Physicians Surgical Oncology

1211 Union Ave., Ste. 300

Memphis, TN 38104


Thoracic Surgery

H. Edward Garrett, Jr.

Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic

6029 Walnut Grove Rd., Ste. 401

Memphis, TN 38120



Val Y. Vogt

The Conrad Pearson Clinic

1325 Wolf Park Dr.

Germantown, TN 38138


Vascular Surgery

Hugh Francis III

Memphis Surgery Associates

6029 Walnut Grove Rd., Ste. 404

Memphis, TN 38120


H. Edward Garrett, Jr.

Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic

6029 Walnut Grove Rd., Ste. 401

Memphis, TN 38120


Michael J. Rohrer

UT Methodist Physicians – Vascular Surgery

1325 Eastmoreland Ave., Ste. 310

Memphis, TN 38104
