Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Late for Supper at Elmwood

7361/1246030719-springangel.jpgIf you were planning on attending tonight’s “Supper at Elmwood Cemetery” — a fund-raiser for the upkeep and promotion of Memphis’ oldest active cemetery — we regret to inform you that your chance to secure seats has passed away.

The good news: Elmwood is already taking reservations for the next event on October 30th.

Tonight’s bill of fare includes recipes from Being Dead is No Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral by Gayden Metcalfe and Charlotte Hays.

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

An Apple a Day for Paul Ryburn?

5ac7/1245880686-paul.jpgReaders of Paul Ryburn’s Journal: Daily Thoughts of a Downtown Resident come for the reviews of downtown bars and events, anecdotes about late-night (afternoon and early-evening) drinking, not to mention the photos of cutting-edge tube-top fashion. There’s also a widget to “buy-Paul-a-beer.”

This made us wonder: what, beyond his liquid diet, constitutes three squares for Paul Ryburn? Now that we’ve found out, may we suggest adding “buy-Paul-an-apple” to the options?

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Update: Jeanell Morris

8973/1245788144-p._41_food_news.jpgWhen we last heard from Jeanell Morris in 2007, she was in the process of closing Café de France inside Palladio Antique & Arts. The plan then was to relocate Café de France and a revived French Bakery into a space out east. Those plans fell through, and in February of this year, Morris became manager of Olivia’s Café at Sheffield Antiques Mall in Collierville.