News The Fly-By


“On the morning of August 16, 1993, I was driving along Highway 95 between Needles and Laughlin, Nevada, going from one construction site to another where my landscaping crews were working. The first verse of `Mama, I Miss Memphis’ was literally implanted into my consciousness — and I could feel another presence around me. I knew immediately that the song was a message from the King. My home was very near, so I headed straight there, repeating that verse to myself again and again.” — Richard Dean‘s description of how a song called “Mama, I Miss Memphis” was transmitted to him by none other than Elvis Presley himself. We found this nugget on Dean’s Web page, where the Arizona-based songwriter offers recordings of the ditty for — can you believe it? — money. Shocking. It just seems like it should belong to all of us.

–A ‘FLY ON THE WALL’ CLASSIC: August 7, 1997

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tuesday, august 14

Beats me….I guess it’s probably because I’m just hot and bored, but I keep flipping through the papers and the only things that pique my interest are the obituaries, the Target ads, and the little blurbs about how much celebrities are paying for their homes. As much as I try, I can’t keep up with news about taxes because none of it makes any sense to me. I don’t care about cloning because I can’t afford it. Probably because I’m paying a lot of taxes. On something. City taxes, income taxes, county taxes, wheel taxes, entertainment taxes, food taxes — who can keep up? And who, unless you’re really, really rich, can tell what difference in your day-to-day lives it makes to pay taxes?…


News The Fly-By


Now for some non-Elvis-related news. Last Thursday John Willingham’s barbecue restaurant, famed for its charred succulent ribs and complex sauces, was destroyed by a two-alarm fire. More alarming than the actual fire was the number of news stations that broke into regular network programing to report the blaze. Only in Memphis does a burning rib-shack rate the same media treatment as a tornado watch.

We Recommend We Recommend

monday, august 13

Jungle Room at Elvis Presleyšs Memphis.

News The Fly-By


Or at least his cooking. Writing for the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, Elisa Crouch reported that during his eight years in office former President William Jefferson Clinton “amassed 625 tons of papers, photographs, and gifts … including an Elvis Presley Cookbook.” As of yet no special prosecutor has been appointed to determine whether the cookbook was a bribe from the peanut-butter-and-jelly-doughnut lobby. Krispy-Kreme’s D.C. representatives could not be reached for comment.

News The Fly-By


Now for some non-Elvis-related news. Last Thursday John Willingham’s barbecue restaurant, famed for its charred succulent ribs and complex sauces, was destroyed by a two-alarm fire. More alarming than the actual fire was the number of news stations that broke into regular network programing to report the blaze. Only in Memphis does a burning rib-shack rate the same media treatment as a tornado watch.

We Recommend We Recommend

sunday, august 12

Jazz in the afternoon with Little Albert at Melange. Di Anne Price & Her Boyfriends at Huey’s Midtown. Lucero at Newby’s. Six Feet Under on HBO at 8:30 p.m.

News The Fly-By


Or at least his cooking. Writing for the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, Elisa Crouch reported that during his eight years in office former President William Jefferson Clinton “amassed 625 tons of papers, photographs, and gifts … including an Elvis Presley Cookbook.” As of yet no special prosecutor has been appointed to determine whether the cookbook was a bribe from the peanut-butter-and-jelly-doughnut lobby. Krispy-Kreme’s D.C. representatives could not be reached for comment.

We Recommend We Recommend

saturday, august 11

Lots more Elvis Week events today and tonight. One non-sanctioned event you might want to check out is the annual Dead Elvis Ball at the P&H CafÇ, with music by Nora Burns & Lucky Strike. The Bottle Rockets and Jason Ringenberg are at the Hi-Tone. The Joint Chiefs are at Murphy’s. Let’s not forget that it’s Donart & Pappy’s Karaoke Night at Fargo’s on Raleigh-Millington Rd. (that was a dare). And last but certainly not least, you may remember Ben Vaughn from his days at the Antenna back in the early 1980s, when he was a fixture on the Memphis music scene. He’s now on the national scene, doing the soundtrack to That Seventies Show, Third Rock from the Sun, and some others. And tonight, he is playing at the Blue Monkey and it should be some kind of show.

News The Fly-By


Close your eyes and picture this: William F. Buckley Jr., the laconic voice of stuffed-shirt conservatism, is standing alone in a tight spotlight. Clad in a skin-tight suit of shiny black leather, he is lasciviously gyrating his stiff patrician’s hips while pronouncing with impeccable, unmistakably Ivy League diction the words, Warden threw a party in the county jail. Prison band was there and they began to wail. On second thought, don t do that. Buckley s newest novel, Elvis in the Morning, is horrifying enough. At one point in the novel Elvis visits an army pal who s gotten himself into a bit of trouble. Buckley writes, I m Elvis Presley. And I ve come to sing to Orson, on account he cayunt [sic] hear me on the record player. Now ain t thayut thuh ding-dangdest thang y awll evuh seeyun?