Cover Feature News

Poetry Devotion: Tara M. Stringfellow’s Memphis

Many of the most memorable Memphians are transplants from other cities. Consider famed composer W.C. Handy, born in Florence, Alabama, who notated the Memphis blues. Grizzlies star Ja Morant, who most fans agree embodies the spirit and soul of the city, is from South Carolina, not Tennessee.

Maybe it’s something about choosing Memphis, recognizing the magic here, that helps newly minted Memphians find the frequency of this musical place. Maybe it’s simply that living elsewhere grants perspective, and thus a deeper discernment. If that’s so, it would go a long way to explaining poet and author Tara M. Stringfellow’s uncanny understanding of the Bluff City.

Stringfellow, whose debut novel Memphis (The Dial Press) was released in April to rave reviews (The New York Times called it “rhapsodic”), is a Memphian. But she hasn’t always been. Though her family has deep roots in the city from which her novel takes its name, Stringfellow grew up on a military base in Japan before moving to Memphis when she was a child. She has also lived in Ghana, Chicago, Cuba, Spain, Italy, and Washington, D.C., before settling in Memphis (again) as an adult. Perhaps serendipitously, she finished her novel, during the coronavirus pandemic, in Memphis.

Her debut evokes the history of her new home. Memphis is the story of three generations of Black women in Memphis. It follows young Joan, her sister, her mother and aunt, and her grandmother over the course of 70 years. It is a story both tragic and triumphant, a family saga that charts its way through the turbulent waters of racism and violence and complicated relationships, but ultimately toward forgiveness, growth, and the power of hope, art, and community.

In the novel, Joan’s grandfather built a house in the historic Black neighborhood of Douglass — only to be lynched days after becoming the first Black detective in the city. That loss echoes through generations. So too does the kindness of the Douglass community, the power of painter Joan’s art, and the ways a family can leave a legacy, all brilliantly evoked in Stringfellow’s lyrical prose.

Local bookseller Becca Sloan calls Memphis “an exquisite take on Memphis over the years, a celebration of Douglass, an ode to Black womanhood, to community, to identity, sisterhood, strength.”

Nicole Yasinsky, marketing manager at Novel bookstore, says, “Tara Stringfellow’s poet origins shine through in her lush descriptions of everyday things, and her characters are ones that will stick with me forever. She manages to guide us through generations of trauma and pain while also highlighting the beauty, joy, and resilience of her characters and this city. We were thrilled to host Tara at Novel for her book launch party — to a sold-out crowd — and sales and love for the book continue to grow. Almost every day, I see someone discovering Memphis and Tara Stringfellow for the first time, and I feel certain she has a long and brilliant career ahead of her.”

Tara M. Stringfellow (Photo: Justin Fox Burks)

A Poet’s Beginnings

Setting is key, in fiction and in life. Just as Stringfellow’s novel is inspired by family history, her life as a writer was nourished both by her Memphis roots and her time spent abroad. “Memphis has always been my ancestral home,” she says. “I’ve been coming here in the summer since I was a little girl, but I mainly grew up in Okinawa, Japan. I spent my formative years there, my childhood there. That’s probably the reason I became a poet. It’s a beautiful, beautiful place. Living on a tropical island, learning how to swim in the sea, eating noodles, and watching anime is going to make somebody a little weird. What was I supposed to become except a poet?”

Her father is a retired marine and is now a congressional liaison. He was an officer in Japan, and Stringfellow’s childhood experiences there gave her perspective. She says she didn’t experience racism there as a young Black child, at least not in the way she does in America. “I can’t tell you how valuable, how privileged that is,” she says.

After her father read her a poem when she was only 3 years old, she knew she wanted to be a poet, so she dedicated herself to writing and a love of poetry. The push and pull of her life on a tropical island and her roots back in the States helped her develop her voice. She grew up “always knowing that I was from Memphis, and calling back to my folks in Memphis,” she remembers. “Long-distance calls from Okinawa to Memphis … It was kind of the perfect confluence of events.”

Eventually, Stringfellow’s family left Japan, moving back to the U.S. Later, after her parents’ divorce, Stringfellow remembers, “We moved cross country in a van.”

With her mother, she moved to her great-aunt’s house in North Memphis, a time and place that would inspire settings in her novel. “Douglass kind of raised me for a bit,” Stringfellow says, “and I loved it.”

The Road to Memphis

Travel is an undeniable part of Stringfellow’s story, both her true life’s tale and the plot of her novel. “I believe wholeheartedly in it. I do. I know I say this from a rather privileged position, but even when I was dirt-poor teaching English at White Station, I saved my pennies all year, so I could live abroad in Cuba, in Italy,” Stringfellow says, adding that the experience was “awakening for me as a writer.”

Long before she (with her faithful hound, Huckleberry) settled in Memphis, Stringfellow was on her way, paving the road to Memphis. She lived for a time in Chicago, a city with ties to the Bluff City. There she worked on her poetry, following the compass of her artistic ambition. “I would do a lot of spoken word events, a lot of poetry readings. Chicago’s great for that,” she says. “I loved it. I just knew I wanted to do this, so I would just do odd jobs.”

While odd jobs can help make ends meet, even poets sometimes long for a little stability and security. “I said, ‘Oh, I have to eat food. And that costs money,’” Stringfellow remembers. “I went to law school. It’s something I did, but I didn’t really want to be an attorney.”

Practicing law is often lauded as the perfect post-graduate profession for those who excelled at writing in their undergraduate years. But even if one has a talent for it, if their heart is pulled, like a lodestone, naturally magnetized, toward a different horizon, then all the success in the world counts for little. “I was just this poet who would show up and say, ‘Well, I’m here because my poetry didn’t sell,’” Stringfellow laughs, adding, “People would just look at me like ‘You’re not here to hustle and be a Supreme Court judge?’” She was as smart and ambitious as any of her peers, but her ambitions would lead her down a different path, on the winding road back toward Memphis.

Stringfellow graduated and became an attorney. She got married and eventually got divorced. Each change took courage. How many great novels are never finished because the author-to-be fears to leave a sure thing and strike out into the unknown? “I gave it all up. I got divorced,” Stringfellow remembers. “I went back to Northwestern at night to their MFA program, which was not fully funded. I paid for it out of pocket,” she says, “and I wrote. On a wing of a prayer.” But her faith in herself paid dividends. She kept writing, and she met with an agent. “I said I had a book,” she says. “I just knew I had a hit. I was like, ‘No, I’ve been preparing for this my whole life. This is destiny and faith.’ So I became dirt-poor and invested in myself, and my parents understood.”

It’s clear that her family means much to Stringfellow; she mentions her mother and father frequently in our conversation. “I’m already blessed because most parents, I don’t think, would say that to their children,” she says. “People say life is short, but life is long when you make the wrong decision.”

So, as she wrote her way toward a publishing contract, Stringfellow kept her faith. Meanwhile, the world was in turmoil — political instability, one of the largest social justice movements in U.S. history, and a global pandemic made the backdrop as she continued to believe in the future she envisioned. “We all thought like, ‘Lord, what’s gonna happen?’ I had a book deal, but we didn’t sign the contract for months.”

Still, she says, there was comfort in drawing the story inside her out into the world. At the time, she lived with her father, a poet and her first reader, sharing her vision for her novel with him.

“I had no idea I would get this book deal. During my life, I didn’t think anyone would want to read a story about Black women in a house in Memphis. I thought maybe somewhere a small publisher would take a chance on me and maybe it would strike big, but maybe not,” she says. “I was ready and willing to give my life to the canon anyway. And to teach and maybe get a poem in a magazine.

“I didn’t do it for the fame at all. This is very shocking.”

Moments before Stringfellow’s book launch party at Novel, the bookstore sold out of her debut novel. (Photos: courtesy Nicole Yasinsky)

The Book of the Bluff City

“Memphis, we’ve just been through a lot,” Stringfellow says. “I really wanted to do something nice for us. People kind of forget about us, or they get famous and leave. I still live here. I live in North Memphis in a Black historic neighborhood. I want to live here until the day I die.”

The author talks of writing her novel while former President Trump made public comments “disparaging Black cities across this nation,” she says, referencing Trump’s vile remarks about Baltimore. “I was sick of that. Just because we’re poor and because there’s a lot of crime here doesn’t mean that we’re not beautiful people and worthy of high art. Memphis is the best city on Earth. I have lived everywhere. I don’t know of another place on this Earth that is so welcoming and warm.”

So she wrote something for Memphians to be proud of, to see themselves reflected in, with honesty and love. “I certainly did write it as a gift for Black women,” Stringfellow says. And she wrote for her family. “You owe it to your grandfather, who you’ve never met. You owe it to your grandmother who died way too young,” she remembers telling herself. “I’m just trying to write and write as well as I can.”

To do so, Stringfellow brings all her skills to the task. She has a keen ear for language, and a poet’s gift for word choice. “You can tell a story in fiction with the poetic tools,” she explains.

She says that when she envisions the scenes, she can hear her characters speak, note the differences of their accents. It’s telling that she mentions accents, as they are mentioned often in the novel; they give subtle shades of characterization. Stringfellow understands the social, economic, and geographic forces at play in the region, the difference between rural Mississippi and rural Tennessee, and how these forces converge on Memphis.

As we speak, she often talks of meter, of the sound and rhythm of words. She considers her artistic choices carefully; Stringfellow is as elegant and nuanced a writer as has ever walked the streets of the South, a region known for its talented storytellers. She has put in the work, read and listened, traveled and studied. She’s worn many titles, written across genres, and each new challenge has honed her skill, deepened her understanding of how words can evoke an emotion. She would need all those tools to tell the story of Memphis, one both emblematic of the region and profoundly personal.

Poets Are Political

It’s impossible to unspool the story of Memphis without acknowledging tragedy, and the overwhelming tragedy of the United States is its history of racism and oppression. Memphis is a city of small, tight-knit communities, where great strides were made toward equality and civil rights, and where just as much pain has been inflicted. For Stringfellow, some of that pain is undeniably personal.

“Growing up, I knew my grandfather was the first Black homicide detective in Memphis, but the circumstances of his death were as murky as the banks of the Mississippi from which his body was pulled,” she writes on her website. “I grew up with devastating, grief-laced stories about gorgeous and unknown Black folk. All I had as proof were quilts and stories. But I knew, intrinsically, that it would be my lifelong duty, like my mother in our kitchen, to make those tales sing.”

In this, Stringfellow’s passion is a vocation, a calling. She wields her words with responsibility, one made urgent by this sad truth: History repeats itself.

“When I was writing about the death of Myron, based on my actual grandfather,” she remembers, “George Floyd died that same day. … I’m sitting there writing the chapter in my daddy’s basement. That’s when I knew I had to dedicate the book to his daughter.” Stringfellow did just that, and wrote Gianna Floyd a poem as well. “Who’s gonna read this girl stories at night now? That’s a dad’s job,” she remembers thinking.

“I just felt like I was so angry. I needed a whole book to write instead of a poem,” Stringfellow says. “When people take Black men from this world, I don’t think they realize who and what kind of village they’re taking every time. I wouldn’t be the poet I am if I didn’t have my dad editing my work.” That reality is embedded deep within Memphis. Each loss is felt, not just once, but again and again throughout the years. Each trauma creates ripples that touch and distort many more lives.

The poet says it was vital for her to tell the truth, to call out injustice. “Poets are political. We reflect the time, like the news criers. I had to reflect what I see around me,” she explains. “My mom had to grow up without a father. Like, that’s a real thing.”

Stringfellow does more than illustrate the ills of our age, though; she also uses her novel to inspire. One message woven into the fabric of Memphis is this: Art is powerful, and it strives to stitch a community together, to be a catalyst for change. The message is seen throughout the novel, especially through Joan’s paintings. It’s something Stringfellow holds dear as well. Of art, she says, “It should make you cry. It should make you uncomfortable. It should bring up memories.

“It should spur you into some sort of action on your own path, to ask larger questions of yourself, as a human being on this Earth, what are you doing? And are you doing it well, are you doing it with love? If art doesn’t do that, then what’s the point?”

Letter From The Editor Opinion

In Defense of Roe

I’m probably going to get a few things wrong in this column. Not factually wrong, but I am speaking from a position of privilege, which colors my perspective in ways that doubtless haven’t even occurred to me, try as I have to educate myself. I’m a white, straight man. True, I don’t own property, nor am I an evangelical Christian, but for all intents and purposes, I look a lot like the only group of people some Americans deem worthy of having rights. I have a presumption of my own bodily autonomy that some people have never enjoyed. So I’m going to write with the urgency I feel, and I might make some missteps. This is too important, though, and my platform is too prominent, for me not to risk making a fool of myself for a good cause.

Last night, as of this writing, Politico broke the news that the Supreme Court has, in a draft of a majority opinion, voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, the case that guaranteed federal protections for abortion rights. Supreme Court drafts change, of course, so this might not be set in stone. Votes could change. Still, this leak seems to confirm that we’re on a course we’ve been on for some time.

To repeat a phrase I’ve made much use of in recent years, I’m disgusted but not at all surprised. In the Flyer’s March 24th cover story, “A Human Rights Disaster,” writer Chris McCoy covered the uncertain future of abortion rights in Tennessee. He spoke with multiple sources for the story, and every proponent of legal abortion access was clear about which way the wind was blowing: The right to a safe and legal abortion was in imminent danger. Today, I wish we could be accused of being alarmists.

I know this is a touchy topic for some. My question is, if you are one of the Tennesseans celebrating this news, what have you done to make those seeking abortions safer? Do you advocate for systemic access to medical care? Social services for poor mothers? What have you done to protect women and people with uteruses in the workplace, to combat the gender pay gap, to reduce the hold of hierarchical, patriarchal power dynamics in every aspect of life? Are you for federally protected paid parental leave? Do you want sex education taught in schools, free afterschool programs for teens?

If you haven’t taken any of these and many other possible steps, if you voted for an anti-choice candidate and shared a political meme on social media and then patted yourself on the back for doing your part, you can’t in all honesty call yourself pro-life. You’re pro-forced birth, and there’s no other way to look at it.

When we get right down to it, it’s simple. Abortion is healthcare, and everyone deserves access to healthcare. That’s it. End of story. There are so many ways a pregnancy can be life-threatening for the pregnant person. And as for unwanted pregnancies, well, I truly don’t see how that’s anyone’s business but the pregnant person and their doctor.

I know that some people, on grounds of a religious objection to the termination of a pregnancy, will argue about the unborn child’s life. I hope they bring that same energy to advocating for universal healthcare and against the death penalty. Those folks aside, though, this seems to me to be about the consolidation of power. And I don’t think it ends with Roe. The constitutionally protected right to privacy doesn’t just support the right to an abortion. It’s also the legal reason behind access to birth control, for example, a right Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn has been publicly critical of. And Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion uses some troubling language, namely that rights must be “deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition.” Call me a progressive alarmist reactionary, but that doesn’t sound like someone who values any social justice progress made in the last 100 years. Some abhorent practices have deep roots in U.S. tradition.

Republicans have campaigned on overturning Roe for decades. What happens if they achieve that goal, as it seems they will? Do you think they’ll just declare mission accomplished, pack up, and go home? No. Look to comments made recently about interracial marriage, about LGBTQ+ rights. Look at the panic about trans people in sports. It’s not about the sports, folks.

Republicans aren’t alone though. Protecting Roe has been a campaign promise and a fundraising tactic for Democrats for as long as I’ve been an adult able to vote. Is that all it is — a carrot to dangle during election years? It would be nice to see a coordinated, unified response from Democrat leadership, but all I expect is a flurry of fundraising emails hitting my inbox.

I wish I had suggestions. I certainly think the filibuster needs to go. I think President Biden should sit senators Manchin and Sinema down and explain that they need to get with the program.

Instead of offering an actionable plan, I’m writing my conscience. This is wrong. It’s regressive and cruel, and anyone putting lofty ideals before the real-world lives that will be lost is the cruelest of fools.

Remember, ending Roe won’t end abortions any more than Prohibition ended alcohol consumption. All it will do is end safe abortions — and end lives.

Music Music Blog Music Features

Beale Street Music Festival ’22 Recap: Sunday

When, with the flash of a press pass, I breezed through the Will Call checkpoint outside Memphis in May’s Beale Street Music Festival at Liberty Park on Sunday, I heard people checking the score of the Grizzlies’ first matchup against the Warriors. The Griz were down, but it was early in the game, and I couldn’t help but take it as a good omen. This year’s BSMF might be in a different location, but some things never change.

First on my list was genre-bending songsmith Cory Branan, backed by an ace crew of Memphis musicians including drummer Shawn Zorn, bassist Landon Moore, and Flyer music editor Alex Greene on keys. Is it a conflict of interest to say that Branan and band blew me away with their tight 25-minute set? Oh well, journalistic malpractice be damned! Though the band’s set was necessarily truncated by circumstances outside their control, thanks to the kind of behind-the-scenes logistical difficulties endemic to festivals as big as BSMF. One rule to keep in mind for any event with more than three bands on the bill: Embrace the chaos. We concert-goers were miles from the Mississippi River for this year’s MIM, but that wouldn’t stop me from going with the flow.

Cory Branan and band. (Credit: Jesse Davis)

Branan and band were locked in, ripping through a set of originals with precision and energy. The bass, drums, and keys, all high in the mix, evoked shades of Memphis music of yore, both soul and rock-and-roll, while Branan plucked notes from his Telecaster. The songwriter walks a weaving line between rock-and-roll, punk, and country, and his sound fit the tone of the Memphis festival. After a blistering rendition of “Prettiest Waitress in Memphis,” Branan quipped, “We appreciate your low standards.”

Jokes aside, as Flyer film editor Chris McCoy put it in his recap of Saturday’s festivities, “Judging from the reactions our folks have been eliciting from the throngs gathered in the shadow of the Coliseum, increasing the locals’ main stage time is the best decision Memphis in May has made in a long time.” Branan and band were proof positive.

Next up, I made my way to the Terminix Stage to catch a few songs from Indigo Girls. I made it to the stage in time to catch “Least Complicated.” Indigo Girls made use of two acoustic guitars, a violin, and vocal harmonies. It was soft and sweet, like a breeze on a sunny May afternoon.

Leaving the stage I met Flyer reporter Michael Donahue, who was working the crowd and getting photos and quotes for his “We Saw You” column. Not 60 seconds after Donahue and I met, someone approached the wild-haired writer to ask him if he was Brian May, best known as the guitarist for Queen. I laughed, and Donahue and I made our way to the Blues Tent.

Blind Mississippi Morris. (Credit: Jesse Davis)

The crowd at the Coca-Cola Blues Tent spilled out onto the pavement outside the tent. (Note: Asphalt is hot, much hotter than the turf at Tom Lee Park. Of course, asphalt doesn’t get muddy either, so any attempt at a comparison is more or less pointless. Again, I was reminded of the festival-goer’s refrain: Embrace the chaos.)

Without delay, a fan accosted Donahue for a selfie. I left the busiest man in party reporting to his work and wove my way through the crowd and into the shade under the tent. Inside, Blind Mississippi Morris was wailing on a harmonica, backed up by a tight trio of guitar, bass, and drums. The bass rumbled, the guitar jangled, and the harmonica growled and howled. It was a fine display of Delta blues, and I was again glad that the BSMF lineup was packed with local and regional acts.

After a bass solo and a veritable cannonade of drum fills, Blind Mississippi Morris’ set drew applause and cheers from an appreciative audience. “It’s time for us to go,” Morris said. “Thank you for coming out for us.”

By that point, I had settled on a loose plan to follow the natural path of the stages — they were arranged like the vertices of a giant “M” — so my next stop was the Bud Light Stage to see Ghanaian band Stonebwoy. I glanced at my phone to make sure I was more or less on time, and saw a text from the Flyer’s film editor: “I decided to come to the festival. Where you at?”

So, having just parted ways with Donahue, I met Chris McCoy and waited for Stonebwoy to finish their sound check. I heard someone in the crowd call out the score of the Grizzlies game. “Grizzlies are down 99 to 90,” he said. “It’s a game! It’s a game!” A few minutes later, the score sat at 99 to 93, with the Warriors leading.

Stonebwoy. (Credit: Chris McCoy)

A gentle breeze wafted across the audience, seeming to carry clean guitar notes and the sounds of saxophone. The bass and drums invited the audience to dance. Stonebwoy’s band wove Afropop and reggae grooves while the singer led the crowd in a call and response. “Say ‘Stonebwoy,’” he called. “Say ‘Memphis.’” 

Next, McCoy and I made our way to the Zyn stage for the last half of Grace Potter’s set. When we arrived, the concert was in full swing, with the audience sprawling across the parking lot. With a Flying V guitar slung over her shoulder, Potter led her band in a riff on “Proud Mary.” Whether she was turning up for Memphis, or because her band is just that good, Potter and company suffused their set with samples of rock-and-roll, country, soul, and gospel. She’s a rock artist, but her sound is rife with elements of all the musical milieu that forms the bones of American music.

Grace Potter. (Credit: Chris McCoy)

“That was a dirty little carousing we just had,” the singer said. So, with the Liberty Bowl behind her and facing the Coliseum, Potter switched from guitar to what looked like a Fender Rhodes piano to tambourine, leading her band through high-energy song after song. 

Potter sang a bit of Tom T. Hall’s “That’s How I Got to Memphis” before praising the Bluff City. “This place is so full of culture,” she said. Later in her set, someone from the audience called out for “Apologies,” one of the singer’s quieter numbers. “I’m a rock-and-roll musician!” Potter responded. “Don’t you want to hear some rock?”

Bryan Cox as Michael Donahue. (Credit: Jesse Davis)

On the way back to the Terminix Stage, I saw someone in a flowing wig who appeared to be cosplaying as Michael Donahue. When I asked him if that was true, Memphian Bryan Cox confirmed that and said, “People keep asking me that.”

Modest Mouse. (Credit: Chris McCoy)

Then Modest Mouse took to the Terminix stage, opening with “Dramamine” from 1996’s This is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About. The screen behind the band showed a shimmering rainbow seeming to cascade into an open cartoon casket. 

The band worked their way through several songs spanning multiple albums. They played newer tracks, as well as hits like “Ocean Breathes Salty,” “3rd Planet,” and “Float On.” It was a solid set of layered songs from a band of indie rockers who have been at it for years.

The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band. (Credit: Jesse Davis)

At some point in the day, I caught some more groups in the Blues Tent, but nine hours of nonstop music has a way of making a jumble of my interior clock. I think I stopped by the Blues Tent on the way back to the Bud Light stage to catch Memphis rapper Moneybagg Yo. 

As the sun set, bringing blessedly cooler temperatures, music fans packed the area in front of — and anywhere near — the stage. Moneybagg Yo pulled in a huge crowd, and the energy was high as people danced, drank, and waved their phones in the air.

Moneybagg Yo. (Credit: Jesse Davis)

“If you from Memphis, what side of town you from?” Moneybagg Yo called out, proving he has his finger on the pulse of his city. The bass on “Pistol by Da Bed” had heads nodding along as jets of smoke shot into the air in front of a giant stylishly glitched-out screen behind the performers. 

“Every lighter up,” he said later in the set. “This shit’s special. You know why? ’Cause I’m from Memphis. We dream big.” 

And it was special, as his set turned into the de facto headlining concert to close out that stage, as news made its way around that Lil Wayne had been forced to cancel, allegedly because of mechanical problems with his jet. No matter, Moneybagg Yo made the most of it, name-checking Memphis neighborhoods to a crowd of dancing, cheering fans.

To close out the night, Weezer took to the Terminix Stage. They ripped into “Hash Pipe” from 2001’s green-hued self-titled album. (The band has something of a penchant for releasing color-coded self-titled albums. At this point, it’s kind of a thing.) Bandleader Rivers Cuomo sang in a falsetto over crunchy guitar riffs and a gut-rattling bass line. 

The band played a set that spanned their 15-abum discography, delivering hooks and crowd-pleasers aplenty. They offered up “Beverly Hills,” “My Name Is Jonas,” “El Scorcho,” and “Undone (The Sweater Song).” After a cover of “Enter Sandman,” Cuomo joked “Hey, Memphis! We’re Metallica.”

With the “exit night” refrain rattling around in my thoroughly rocked head, I made my way back to my car. After two years of a pandemic-induced pause, BSMF was back and, chaos aside, a definite success. As I drove home, I heard celebratory fireworks explode in the air above the city.

The Ferris wheel. (Credit: Jesse Davis)
Music Music Features

The Words Come First

It’s no easy thing to pin down something as mercurial as a memory, as fleeting as a feeling, with nothing more than mere words. But to singer/songwriter Alex da Ponte, such an act comes naturally. Da Ponte is a poet’s songwriter, as evidenced by her recently released single, “The Revolution,” recorded at Pete Matthews’ and Toby Vest’s High/Low studio.

Da Ponte was surrounded by music and storytelling from an early age. There was always a piano around the house, and her family members are no strangers to singing as a means of passing the time. In fact, her great-great-grandfather was Lorenzo da Ponte, librettist for Mozart, who wrote the words to Mozart’s operas. So her felicity with a turn of phrase comes as no surprise. “I’ve written songs in a lot of different ways but it always turns out best when the lyrics come first and I put guitar to it later. I’m a writer before I’m a musician,” da Ponte says. “Writing, by blood, is my strong suit, I think.”

The songwriter has done the work of self-discovery, both as an artist and an individual, and her lyrics resonate with the hard-won wisdom of a gentle soul. As an out member of the LGBT community in the South, da Ponte’s journey toward embracing herself is one that has not always been met with approval. “I’ve always hated the idea of perpetuating the ideology that these things are abnormal because they’re not,” da Ponte says. “We are here. We have always been. I hope that as a gay artist my openness is one account of many that allows a more human view of people and relationships. Something for people to connect with and come together over.”

Perhaps that’s why so much of da Ponte’s work feels anthemic. She knows something as natural as expressing love can be deemed a dangerous act. So her songs become a rallying cry for everyone brave enough to live in love, to show up for family when life gets messy, to be their truest selves.

Still, for da Ponte, openness has not always been easy. She found out earlier this year that she is autistic. “Finding that out was really incredibly helpful. Like finding out that I have a place in the world and in that place everything about me that was so bizarre or unusual suddenly makes sense,” da Ponte says. “There’s this new culture where people are embracing their otherness and ironically this is bringing people together and closing these gaps. I absolutely want to be a part of that movement.” She aspires to make music that people can relate to while also being a voice for lesser-heard groups.

“There were so many times when the merch table after a show was flooded with people who were touched by my lyrics and they wanted to connect with me as a person and I couldn’t give them that. That’s where my autism hurt me,” da Ponte says. “A big part of being successful in this industry is being able to cultivate a following and build relationships. So I felt I really held back, and at the time I didn’t know why. Now I know why. The diagnosis has allowed me grace with myself but it has also given me a better understanding of myself and the ways in which connection is possible.”

If da Ponte seems driven to accomplish much — self-examination, deeper connections, musical maturity and meaningfulness — she has her reasons. For a young artist, she has had more than her fair share of close brushes with death. Her younger brother died almost exactly a month before her son was born. “It was such an intense experience to watch my child be born and go home with a newborn all while in the thick of grief,” she remembers.

The singer’s late brother has inspired several songs. His voice and his laugh are even memorialized on “That Sibling Song” from da Ponte’s third album. She strove to capture her family’s passion for music in song, so she invited her family members to come sing on her album. “At the very end of this track you can hear my little brother say, ‘We’re related to Alex da Ponte. She’s aight,’ and then laugh. Had to incorporate him in some way. Any excuse to hear his voice. Part of grief, for me, has meant finding ways to keep him alive. Now he’ll forever be chuckling at the end of one of my songs and I love that.”

As da Ponte puts it, the songs keep coming still, but the songwriter confesses that she has held back some of herself in the past, stopped just shy of giving her all to her musical career. That’s why these days she’s throwing herself into her craft. Galvanized by the knowledge that life offers no guarantees of second chances, made self-assured by newfound knowledge of herself, da Ponte is devoting herself to her music, without excuses or inhibitions. Da Ponte has been hard at work on new songs — “Dead Horses” and “The Revolution” — and has resumed rehearsals with her bandmates Joe Austin and Kevin Carroll, after a pandemic-induced hiatus.

“I know real magic can happen if you stay open,” da Ponte says. “I can’t wake up 20 years from now wondering ‘What if?’ So this is it. I’m going all in.”

Alex da Ponte’s “The Revolution” is available on all the usual streaming services.

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Minor Memphis Miracles

Of all the subgenres of rock-and-roll, “songs about playing music” is in my top three. I love the demystification of it all, the lyrics about jet lag and long bus rides and hoping to scrape a few dollars together. And maybe, when it comes down to it, I just love self-referential art.

When Big Star’s Alex Chilton sings, “I can’t get a license/To drive in my car/But I won’t really need it/If I’m a big star,” on “O My Soul,” casually dropping the band’s name into the lyrics, what can I say? I eat that up.

So, against my natural inclinations, I’ve done my best not to talk too much about the inner workings of the Flyer in these weekly columns. Partly to preserve an aura of mystery, which, I hope, our readers will find alluring. Partly because I’ve realized that the minutiae of what I think is interesting might not always make for the most entertaining or enlightening column. (And no, I don’t want to talk about my all-Batman column from a few weeks back. If you didn’t like it, I’m forced to believe that, ideologically speaking, you fall on the side of anarchy, violence, and mayhem — one of the Joker’s cronies for sure.)

When the news is big enough, though, it warrants spilling a little ink. And speaking of big, if you’re reading this issue of the Memphis Flyer in print, you might have noticed we’ve gone back to our previous larger tabloid size.

It took a lot to get here. Some of our readers might not remember that in the dismal days of 2020 we actually, briefly, went to a biweekly printing schedule. Not only that, but due to our longtime printer in Jackson, Tennessee, shutting down in early 2021, we’ve switched printers twice since the beginning of the pandemic, moves that then necessitated the change in layout size.

So, while our stalwart staff adapted to all the other changes the last two years have brought, they were also forced to adapt to different word counts and deadlines and image restrictions. The folks in our art department weren’t only shifting to work with far fewer opportunities for photos from the field, they had to redo (and redo again) our paper’s templates. Of course, each major change kickstarts a cascade of smaller ones, and that’s before we even begin to consider the rising costs of paper and freight, the dozens of other behind-the-scenes adjustments that would bore all but the most avid aficionados of alt-weekly newspaper production.

My point, though, is not only that it’s been an interesting two or three years. Everyone, the world over, has had to make changes, to adjust their expectations and long-held habits. No, my hope is to lay the groundwork for a well-earned celebration of where we are right now, at this precise moment, as you scan these words on your phone or laptop screen or hold the paper in your hands. I’m proud of and thankful for such a hardworking, creative, and unflappable team — the reporters, writers, editors, copy editors, designers, sales staff, and others who make this paper possible.

Thanks are also due to the businesses who choose to advertise with the Flyer, who recognize the worth of the investment and who keep this paper free and the website without a paywall. I offer my most sincere and heartfelt appreciation of you all, and I hope that our readers will patronize these local businesses (I know I do).

It’s fitting, too, that this return to our pre-pandemic paper size falls on the week of our much-beloved and highly anticipated annual “Music Issue,” absent for two years, in which we celebrate the triumphant return of another Memphis institution, Memphis in May’s Beale Street Music Festival. And that this year’s BSMF boasts the most Memphis bands on the bill in the past 20 years? Well, if that’s not a reason to celebrate, I really don’t know what is.

So let this be a reminder that none of the things we love in Memphis should be taken for granted. I know without asking them that the bands playing Music Fest this weekend worked and dreamed and defied the odds to be on those stages. They kept a candle burning, so to speak, through the long night of uncertainty, when no one could predict when we might come together for something as magical and, at one time anyway, commonplace as a concert. And I, for one, am thankful that they did.

When you think about it, it all seems like nothing short of a minor Memphis miracle. Doesn’t it?

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Winds of Whimsy, or Whither Went He, Wandering Wallaby?

As I write these words, the Memphis Grizzlies have not yet played game two of their playoff stint against the Minnesota Timberwolves. By the time anyone reads this column, in print or on the Flyer’s website, game two will be over, and the Grizzlies will have won or lost. I know most Memphians don’t even like to consider the possibility of a loss from Memphis’ most winningest team, but statistically speaking, it is within the realm of possibility.

Of course, I hope the Griz devour the Timberwolves, that the loss in game one of the playoffs is the only one the team has for the rest of the year. I’d be lying if I said I was anything resembling a devout sports fan, but like any Memphian, I have a possibly more-than-healthy dose of hometown pride. Besides, everyone in Memphis seems to have a little more strut to their step when the Grizzlies are on a winning streak. If a clip of a particularly gravity-defying dunk by Ja Morant is circulating on social media, there are sure to be a few more smiles gracing local faces. It’s a beautiful thing, but it puts a lot of pressure on the Grizzlies, though, doesn’t it? It must be hard to fly so high while simultaneously carrying the collective weight of a midsized American city’s hopes and dreams.

That’s why I was beside-myself excited — gleeful, even — about last week’s wandering wallaby news. The story was a flash in the pan, a two-day whirlwind as seemingly everyone in the city followed the news of the mischievous marsupial’s disappearance from his home in the KangaZoo exhibit and mercifully quick subsequent discovery in a service yard on zoo property. It took social media by storm, I heard people talk about it in the store, and I brought it up while sitting in the optometrist’s chair and getting my eyes tested. Weird as it was, the story lasted just long enough for its more ardent followers to begin to worry, then, bam!, it delivered a happy ending, complete with the wallaby’s reunion with his fellows in the zoo.

I love the absurdity of it. We needed a feel-good story, and to really hit Memphians in the feels, there had to be an element of “Wait, say what?” to the tale. After a month or so of increasingly dire news from the Tennessee legislative session, with tornadoes every other week just to add a little danger and destruction to the mix, the fugitive marsupial story felt nothing less than heaven-sent.

What makes the story even stranger, is that I don’t think the news would have gotten out if I hadn’t asked two zoo employees wading through Lick Creek what was going on.

“A kangaroo escaped,” one employee told me, confusing the missing wallaby for its larger and more famous marsupial relation.

“We haven’t seen a kangaroo,” he continued, “but we did see a beaver. It was this big.” He held his hands about three feet apart. I nodded my head, mumbled something about a beaver, and almost twisted my ankle running inside to call Jessica Faulk, the zoo’s communication specialist, for confirmation.

The details of the story came together (the fugitive mammal was a wallaby, not a kangaroo), people kept their eyes peeled for a glimpse of the creature, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Maybe it was the storm from the day before that cleared the air, but whatever it was, we needed it. Sometimes the monkeys have to escape Monkey Island, if I may reference another local legend.

So, as long as Tennessee legislators are gracing the home page of The New York Times website for things like child bride bills and praising Hitler as an example of turning one’s life around after a period of homelessness, we need the occasional lighthearted “WTF?” story to break the tension.

I propose a new Memphis rule, one to help us shoulder the embarrassment of being located in Tennessee and to take some of the pressure off our basketball team, at least as long as we’re also still in a pandemic. (Well, we are, even if we’re sick of talking about it.) Every so often, a prominent Memphis tourist destination needs to rock the news cycle with a preposterous story. The responsibility shouldn’t all fall on the zoo, either. Take turns getting in on the action.

So I’ll leave you with this question: After the next two or three times Tennessee makes national news for embarrassing reasons, who’s going to borrow Isaac Hayes’ Cadillac from the Stax Museum and go joyriding down 3rd Street?

News News Blog News Feature

Wallaby Escapes from Memphis Zoo

The sounds of splashing and voices echoing down Lick Creek, the small stream that meanders through the Vollintine-Evergreen neighborhood, alerted me to the sound of people wading past my house this morning.

I expected to find high school-aged teenagers playing hooky to try to sneak into the Memphis Zoo, but what I saw when I looked over the embankment was two zoo employees wearing rubber boots and shining a flashlight into a concrete-covered section of the creek.

“Are you looking for someone?” I asked, thinking I was just being a bit of a smart aleck.

“A kangaroo escaped,” one employee told me. The other person turned back to the creek and spoke to someone via a walkie talkie. I didn’t hear the entire exchange, but I did catch “didn’t make it this far,” apparently referring to the fugitive marsupial.

“We haven’t seen a kangaroo,” the first employee told me, “but we did see a beaver. It was this big.” He held his hands about three feet apart.

Lick Creek runs beneath the zoo and through Midtown Memphis, and I often see schools of small fish flitting through the shallow water. Ducks paddle along the creek, and I’ve seen a hawk hunt along the creek by day. That’s on a “normal” day though, when the water flows slowly and placidly. Yesterday, Memphis was hit by severe thunderstorms, high winds, and tornado conditions, and the waters of the creek rose to the height of its banks. One wonders if kangaroos can swim.

“We had trees down here and there, but our KangaZoo flooded really bad,” said Jessica Faulk with the zoo, when I reached out for comment.

Because of the storm, the zoo staff had team members relocate the kangaroos from their habit and to the animal hospital where they were quarantined. The zoo has three wallabies they had not yet announced, as the animals were still getting accustomed to the environment. When the zoo staff did a head count after the relocation process, they realized something was wrong.

It wasn’t a missing kangaroo — it was a fugitive wallaby.

“We had one wallaby missing,” she said. “They’re assuming it’s in Overton Park somewhere.”

She continued. “Our teams have been actively searching for him all morning. As far as we know, he’s alive and well and eating grass on the golf course.”

In a post to their social media page, the zoo said this: “Memphis Police Department is helping the search for the missing wallaby. If anyone spots the wallaby, please report it by calling the Memphis Zoo at 901-333-6500. Please include the location and time of the sighting in your message. Wallabies are smaller in stature than kangaroos. They are gentle animals … If spotted, please do not approach, and immediately call the number above.”

We will update this story as more becomes known.

Art Art Feature

Comedian Lucy Wang Represents at the Green Room

Comedian, playwright, and Crosstown Arts resident artist Lucy Wang has been in Memphis for about three months. In that time, she’s weathered an ice storm, discovered an appreciation for the Bluff City’s famously clean drinking water, visited Elmwood Cemetery, and cultivated her own Memphis Mafia. In other words, though she’s based out of Los Angeles, California, when she’s not an artist in residence at Crosstown anyway, she’s more or less an honorary Memphian now. And this Friday, Wang will bring Represent!, her one-woman comedy show, to Crosstown Arts’ Green Room. 

“I did something on WYXR,” Wang says, discussing the work she’s done to promote her upcoming performance. And, it turns out, that performance is something of a milestone for the still relatively new event space. “I’m going to be the first comedian to perform at the Green Room.”

When asked which, if any, of her art forms she prefers, Wang says, “Both mediums you have to respect your audience.” But, she continues, “Comedy is very engaging and it’s instant feedback. It’s one of the greatest sounds, right? Laughter.”

Comedy can be like tricking someone into eating their vegetables. Wang knows people want to laugh — need to laugh — and not everyone is prepared to sit down and have their heart wrenched in a theater. Even though her comedy often deals with serious subjects, there’s an element of levity that helps the medicine go down, so to speak. “Sometimes you can cross the red/blue line with comedy,” she says. “Maybe what you were talking about has some validity because you found an angle.”

Her upcoming comedy show represents only some of her artistic output though. As with most of Crosstown’s resident artists, Wang has been putting in time on a larger work while she’s in Memphis. As part of her residency, Wang is working on a musical comedy about Dr. Morris Fishbein and Dr. John Brinkley, two historical figures on opposite sides of a fight over the ethics of medicine. “Brinkley was a charlatan quack doctor, and he got famous by doing goat glands transplants,” Wang says.  She has been outlining the musical and doing research — lots of research, an important component of Wang’s comedy and playwriting — while she is in town. 

“Fishbein is the first Jewish doctor to be the head of JAMA, the Journal of the American Medicine Association. He made JAMA what it is today, and AMA, the American Medical Association,” Wang explains. At the time, she continues, “The medicine was the Wild Wild West. … There was so much reckless disregard.” Fishbein made a practice of exposing reckless doctors, which is certainly a category Brinkley would fall into. Wang says the play is also about the national obsession with youth, noting that the transplanting of goat testicles (yes, you read that right) was advertised as a miracle cure to help people stay young and to aid in flagging fertility or virility. “It’s like if you’re over a certain age, you’re over the hill,” Wang quips, noting that the national obsession with youth is particularly evident in L.A.

The comedian says she hasn’t noticed the same mania for youth in Memphis, but it would be hard to compete with Hollywood in that regard. It’s safe to say that Wang’s observations are on point, though. She is clearly a keen observer and someone driven to know more about the world in which she lives. Memphians who attend her Represent! performance will be the beneficiaries of her observation, as she has worked on weaving in her experiences to give her comedy show a little “Memphis flavor.”

“When I first came to Memphis — it’s the first place I’ve really traveled after the pandemic — a lot of my friends told me not to come. They panicked. They told me not to come. That’s part of the comedy, ‘You’re gonna die!’ Because the Asian-American population here is very small,” Wang recalls. “When Tommy Kha’s photograph got taken down, they said ‘See! See? You’re going to be erased! You’re going to be marginalized!’ But I think the South is more than that. Memphis is more than racial and civil rights strife. We have these stereotypes because we don’t leave our house. We have these stereotypes that Southerners are conservative and anti-Asian and don’t read books. I mean, the thing about Maus came out, and people were like ‘You can’t go there! They don’t value good books. They don’t value history.’ And that’s the comedy. I am scared. But if I don’t leave my house, I’ll never know, and if I do leave my house, I’ll see that there are some really great people here.”

She continues, “I have a Memphis Mafia. I came her with three names, and they basically helped me get through this ice storm. I arrived here the day before the ice storm, and I thought, ‘Oh my god, my friends are right. I am gonna die here!’ … But I had the names of three women, and they helped me. They barely knew me, but they were friends of friends.” The friends of friends snapped into action after the February ice storm, and asked if she needed blankets, a flashlight, or a ride to the grocery store. “Southern hospitality is real,” she says. 

It can be difficult to draw hard distinctions between Wang’s comedy and her plays, because the latter helped pave the way for her comedy. And vice versa. “When I get a theater interested in my work, they would often tell me they couldn’t cast. They would say there are no good Asian-American actors, or nobody funny,” she says. “So Gloria Steinem is the one who convinced me to do comedy. She’s the last person who told me to do it, and then I decided to do it.”

“I felt like if I didn’t go up there, then the final word would be ‘well, we cannot cast,’” Wang says. “So I got into comedy because I wanted to be included. … It was a way for me to say ‘Hey, I exist.’ Because diversity is a fact, and inclusion is an act.”

Lucy Wang performs in Represent! at the Crosstown Arts Green Room, Friday, April 15, 7:30-9 p.m.

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Same City, New Eyes

To anyone who may have been driving around Memphis last weekend, please accept my sincere apology. I was playing tour guide to my aunt and uncle, who were visiting from North Carolina, and, being somewhat distracted, I made what my sister called some “interesting” driving decisions. So if you saw someone still stopped at a green light, pointing out a particular piece of architecture or a local landmark, that was probably me. I hope I didn’t make you late for an appointment.

Besides being absolutely roasted for my inability to be a somewhat competent distracted driver, the day was a delight. My aunt is from Memphis and my uncle was stationed here when he was in the Army many years ago, so they’re not totally new to the city, but it still felt like a chance to see my hometown with new eyes.

Before I delve into our itinerary, know that I know we barely scratched the surface of any meaningful Memphis to-do list. But I tried to cater to everyone’s personal interests as much as possible.

First, we went to Crosstown Concourse, which my aunt pointed out has been much transformed since its time as a Sears building. Indeed.

We took in the last day of photographer Jamie Harmon’s “Quarantine Portrait” exhibition, and I was struck again by the power of so many faces seen through so many windows and screen doors. Though I had seen many of the portraits before — even written about Harmon’s work while it was still in progress — seeing them all collected was another experience entirely. Though I don’t truly believe we’re fully out of the Covid woods just yet, it brought home how much has changed in the past two years. Often, perhaps as a side effect of my profession, I tend to focus on the seemingly negative changes — the loss of trust, the fragmentation of communities — but I was forced to confront the many ways things are better than they were in April 2020. It was a catharsis to revisit that time from the safety of an art gallery, and with loved ones in the same room. That is a blessing I must endeavor not to take for granted.

While at Crosstown, we stopped at the little reading area, where my nephew enjoyed finding books about dinosaurs. It’s a place I’ve walked past many times but hadn’t taken the time to appreciate. How many such spots must there be in town?

Next, we made our way to Broad Avenue, to give the out-of-towners a chance to peruse some arty knick-knacks and to reward my nephew with some ice cream after his patience with the exhibition. He’s 4 years old, so his tolerance for the gravity of any situation is tenuous at best. My fiancée, who is passionate about the built environment, enjoyed being able to talk about the work done in both locations. My nephew enjoyed a cup of chocolate ice cream and the faux-flower-wearing skeletons at Sugar Ghost Ice Cream and Bubble Tea.

We spent a little bit of time talking about and looking at Summer Avenue, then we hopped back on North Parkway to hustle down to Greenbelt Park by the Mississippi River. It was a sunny, breezy spring day, and there were picnickers, joggers, dog-walkers, pot-smokers, cyclists, and everyone in between enjoying it. There’s something special about being close to the river, and we all felt it. Until I accidentally knocked my nephew off a tree while we were playing some game in which we were both (I think?) territorial spiders locked in bitter combat. Oops. Everyone was okay, though it was decided that perhaps it was time to move on.

We drove through the South Main Arts District, where my uncle used to pick up his contacts. We talked about the trolleys, the changes, the things that had stayed the same. We drove past a busy FedExForum and saw young people popping wheelies on ATVs. We waved as we passed both business and entertainment districts Downtown, and I pointed out a billboard of Ja Morant in the Vitruvian Man pose.

Eventually we made it back to my house to make dinner and play board games, not unlike how we used to spend so much time at my Grannie’s house when I was a child. It was modest, but not without its own magic.

I guess, in many ways, that’s true of Memphis, too.

Fashion Fashion Feature

Reno Warmath’s Unaesthetic Designs

Though he now resides in Los Angeles, California, Memphis-born musician and designer Reno Warmath says his hometown was an influence on his creative life. Like many of the Bluff City’s creative types, he is not content to confine himself to only one art form. He is a designer, a musician, and an entrepreneur, and his newest work — Renaissance art-inspired fashion — is available at

I spoke with Warmath to find out about his fashion company Unaesthetic’s inaugural release, the “Fake Friends” collection. 

Memphis Flyer: Tell me a little bit about yourself. Are you from Memphis?

Reno Warmath: Yes, born and raised! My name is Reno Warmath and I’m a graduate of Christian Brothers High School and the University of Memphis Music Business program. I left Memphis after graduating college and ended up in Los Angeles pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. Since coming to L.A., I’ve had the opportunity to work on shows like For All Mankind (season 1, Apple TV) and Raised by Wolves (seasons 1 and 2, HBO Max) as well as starting a few projects of my own, one of which being Unaesthetic. 

We’ll get to Unaesthetic in a bit, but first, have you always been interested in fashion? 

The idea of being involved in the fashion world didn’t really come on my radar until my 20s. I was always interested in graphic design and creating visual media, but I never thought these skills would translate over to fashion. It was really when I started becoming aware of what Virgil Abloh was doing with OFF WHITE and seeing what other brands like Born and Raised or Palace were creating that I realized this space was for me. In my eyes, it’s more about creating compelling media to accompany the clothing. Designing clothes is just the first step — how can I use my brand to tell a story, maybe through photos, cinematically, or even live events? We live in a time where anyone can get into the fashion game. It just takes the courage to put your ideas on the table and see what you can create.

I know you’re also a drummer. Has making music influenced your art-making and fashion ethos? 

Believe it or not, I’ve been playing drums since the age of 1. Drumming has just become a part of who I am and it definitely has an effect on everything I do creatively. I think the main thing I’ve learned from playing drums all those years is that you only get out what you put in, and I’ve applied that mindset to my brand and all of my creative ventures. Drumming also gives me an outlet to free my mind and just reset my thinking. I’m definitely the most creative designer after a few hours of playing the drums.

The “Fake Friends” limited release is inspired by the Kiss of Judas by Giotto di Bondone. (Credit: Reno Warmath)

Can you talk a little bit about what beauty and aestheticism means to you? 

Fashion and beauty have been, for such a long time, synonymous with one another, but I think traditional beauty is not what it was a decade ago. Beauty today is not a standard, it is more about individualism and the idea that every person has their own unique beauty or style. This concept has given birth to so many new streetwear brands that all have their own identity and are being taken seriously in the fashion world. Streetwear brands have runway shows now, it’s wild. 

How did you get linked up with Unaesthetic? 

The idea to create Unaesthetic came to me when reading a book called Philosophies of Art & Beauty: Selected Readings in Aesthetics from Pluto to Heidegger. The word “unaesthetic” got stuck in my head. I knew immediately I wanted to create a brand around this concept. I had already been toying around with repurposing Renaissance art works into modern designs but I had no real outlet for the creations. It took about a year and a half of research into the manufacturing side of creating a clothing brand and actually developing a visual identity for the brand before I decided to launch. 

Can you tell me a little bit about the “Fake Friends” collection?

The “Fake Friends” collection is Unaesthetic’s inaugural release with the main goal of establishing the brand’s concept. Modernized Renaissance street wear. I had a hard drive full of design ideas to choose from, but I felt the Kiss of Judas design really conveyed everything the brand was about. It was a play on the Renaissance period, religion being a major undertone, and presented the brand’s visual style being the very cryptic, Greek/Roman re-revival feel, so to speak. The rest of the collection consists of staple pieces featuring the brand’s Angel Logo. While the staple pieces will be revisited in future collections, the design-centric pieces will not be reproduced. 

Why did you gravitate toward the Kiss of Judas

My design workflow usually starts with me sifting through tons of Renaissance artwork and setting aside the ones that visually stand out to me. I try to look for pieces that I know I can extract a lot of various elements from. I then try to find some ironic meaning behind the moral of the work. For the Kiss of Judas, the concept of “Fake Friends” really jumped out and I thought that would be an interesting take. The painting by Giotto [di Bondone] alone tells such an interesting story. The subjects, Jesus and Judas, feel almost isolated while the chaos is circling around them. Giotto uses simulated motion and the bunching up of characters to make this scene feel very claustrophobic and chaotic. I loved the idea of isolating the central characters and placing them in a more serene environment as if they are floating in time and space. It’s a juxtaposition that you would only get by connecting my design to the original artwork.

What made you want to utilize Renaissance art in the collection?

I’ve always been drawn to the artwork of the Renaissance era. The work that came out of that specific area at that specific time is really just culturally fascinating. Every time I approach a painting to begin work I always dive deep into the historical context of that work and look for ways to tie it into my redesign. There is so much backstory to every piece of art from this era and I’m constantly learning new things when working on these designs. I really encourage people to take a look at — it’s amazing the amount of data that has been digitally immortalized from this period. 

Where would you like to see your fashion go in the future?

Fashion is just the beginning. Unaesthetic is a cluster of ideas all centered around a theme. It’s not just a clothing brand, but a vessel for creativity that happens to start with clothing. The end goal, who knows. I’m currently working on narrative-driven cinematics for the brand as well making a push in the live event space. At the end of the day, I want to see how far I can push this thing. The more boundaries I can break, the better.

Is there anything else you would like to mention?

I would love to give a big shout out to Bad Timing (549 S. Highland Street, Memphis). Those guys are really cultivating the streetwear scene in Memphis and it’s awesome to see. If you’re in Memphis that shop is a must stop. I’m also working with another L.A.-based brand, 1-off Amore, founded by a fellow Memphian, AD. We are planning a one-of-a-kind runway show this summer here in Los Angeles. More information will be released via Instagram @unaestheticlosangeles.

(Credit: Reno Warmath)