News The Fly-By

Not Okay, Cupid

Can we all stop pretending like we enjoy online dating now?

As a single lady in Memphis, I’m perfectly comfortable admitting that this city is a terrible place to date. Everyone knows everyone (who knows everyone else), and you run into the same people at the same places every weekend. You’re busy, you’re picky, and you’re fed up. You buy paper towels online, so why shouldn’t you be able to find a boyfriend there, too?

I didn’t come to the world of online dating intending to meet someone special; I was trying to find a way to present a lot of data in a given location in an endless scroll format for a mobile device (because these are the sorts of things I think about at my day job). I mentioned the problem to a programmer friend, and he recommended that I have a look at Tinder, a dating app that had an interesting functional approach.

You log in with Facebook, set a few parameters, like age and distance, select a few photos from Facebook and fill out a very short bio (or don’t), and within seconds, you’re presented with photos and info for people in your area, one at a time. You swipe left to pass on them and right to express interest. If they swipe to the right on your photo, you’re matched and thus, you can begin a somewhat stilted conversation through the app’s message function.

Aside from a few major usability flaws, it was a cool concept. It was fun at parties. But as I scrolled through photos of guys that matched my criteria, I noticed a few things. First, an incredibly large number of guys on Tinder choose photos of themselves holding fish. Second, and more importantly, I was willing to pass on guys for some very superficial reasons.

It wasn’t just Tinder. During a brief foray into the world of OkCupid, on which you fill out a much more robust profile and are given matches based on said profile, it was the same. I would see a picture of someone decently attractive, read his profile, and then find that one thing about him that I just couldn’t get past: his favorite book is by Ayn Rand or he has a goatee or whatever. I was making judgements on these guys based on a single aspect of their being in a way that I never would have if I had met them at a bar or a party or through friends.

When you meet someone in real life, you’re much more forgiving. You’re willing to talk to that cute stranger at a bar because he’s cute, and you’ll agree to a date because he had the moxie to ask you to a proper dinner. Maybe you’ll get along, maybe you won’t, but when you have a connection with someone in real life, you’re more willing to look past a flaw or two that would be a complete deal breaker on the Internet.

In a study published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a team of researchers found that while online dating has its advantages, all of those fancy, scientific matchmaking algorithms are no more likely to predict whether or not people will be a good couple than when people meet the old-school way.

It’s hard to talk to strangers in real life. I admit that it’s much easier to message that cutie on OkCupid than it is to talk to him at a bar. But I propose that we start trying a little harder. When you come across someone interesting in real life, talk to them. When you come across someone interesting online, give them a chance even if there’s one minor thing about them that’s not ideal. Give people a chance. You never know when someone’s going to surprise you. Also, the guys in real life don’t send you weird, sketchy messages without actually talking to you first.

It’s been a good experiment, and I’ve met a few lovely people, but I’ve decided to delete my profiles. If I meet someone, it’ll be in a way that’s different from how I buy paper towels.

News The Fly-By

Clear the Backlog!

On December 21st, while most of us were getting ready for Christmas vacation, a Memphis lawyer was bringing a class action lawsuit against the city of Memphis for the Memphis Police Department’s (MPD) failure to test DNA kits collected from victims of sexual assault. The plaintiff, identified as Jane Doe, was a victim who submitted a sexual assault evidence kit at the Rape Crisis Center in 2001, only to find out years later that it had never been tested.

The woman bringing the case against the city is only one of thousands of victims of sexual violence. The lawsuit accuses the city of neglecting to test 15,000 kits, some of which have spoiled in the time since they were collected. Even if the number of untested kits is less than that, we should be outraged that even one collected kit has gone unprocessed.  

Rape kits serve a variety of purposes, including prosecuting rape. They can be used to identify unknown attackers and further implicate known rapists, back up the victim’s story (and dispute the suspect’s account of events), and absolve the innocent.

By not testing these kits — some of which date back to the 1980s — the MPD is showing us that it doesn’t take sexual assault, and therefore, Memphis’ female citizens, seriously.

According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), only 40 of every 100 sexual assaults are reported. Of those, 10 will lead to an arrest, eight will be prosecuted, and only four will lead to a felony conviction. The reasons why the other 60 victims don’t report their rapes is varied, but RAINN notes on its website that: “Many victims say that reporting is the last thing they want to do right after being attacked … reporting can seem invasive, time consuming, and difficult.”

That’s what makes the backlog even more reprehensible. The victims who are brave enough to come forward and endure the hours-long process of having a kit taken aren’t taken seriously.

Rape kit backlog isn’t just a Memphis problem. According to, there are hundreds of thousands of untested rape kits languishing in evidence store rooms all over the country. However, there are cities (much larger than Memphis) that have completely cleared their backlogs. Los Angeles has cleared its backlog, as has New York, which had more than 17,000 untested kits before they were all cleared in 2003. reports that in New York, “city and law enforcement officials enacted a policy and developed a system to test every rape kit. The city’s arrest rate for rape has since jumped from 40 percent to 70 percent.”

And lest you think that this is only a problem that larger cities have the resources to solve, know that New Orleans has cleared its backlog. If New Orleans can do it, surely Memphis can too.

What happens after these kits are tested and we move on to a different day and crisis? Robert Spence Jr., the attorney who filed the lawsuit against the city, shares this concern. In an interview with the Commercial Appeal on December 21st, Spence said, “My clients do not trust that when the media scrutiny goes away that things won’t go back to normal. We don’t want future women who will suffer these crimes to suffer the same indignity.”

In his executive order to the MPD in October 2013, Mayor Wharton ordered that the MPD put policies in place to process new rape kits and create metrics to measure the program’s success. Additionally, the order requires the MPD to report monthly to the mayor and city council with updates on the program. This is a start, but more needs to be done to let Memphis’ victims of sexual violence know that their attacks are being taken seriously.

The only way to redeem this abhorrent event is the city’s guarantee that every sexual assault victim who comes forward is treated with respect and that every single rape kit collected in Memphis is processed.

So many great things are happening in Memphis. Why can’t ensuring that victims of sexual violence get every bit of help and respect that the city has to offer be one of them?

News The Fly-By

Pride of Place

The end of the year is a time to look back, to reflect, and, if you write for any sort of publication, to make a year-end list. Here’s my contribution: eight things that happened in 2013 that Memphians should be proud of.

The Grizzlies’ Playoff Run: Nevermind what the Griz are going through now — let’s go back to the 2013 playoffs, aka the happiest time of the year. I loved every second of it: every time “Whoop That Trick” was played; every glowing bit of national press; Restaurant Iris denying Tony Parker reservations; that picture of all of the Griz stuffed into an elevator; and the feeling of the whole city united in grind. I was even willing to forgive Tony Allen’s T-shirt tossing. But no moment of the playoffs was as incredible (and vindicating) as the last five minutes of game six against the Clippers when Z-Bo tossed his headband into the crowd and skipped off into the locker room — and our hearts forever.

The Tigers’ first tournament win and first win against a ranked team: This one goes out to everyone calling for Josh Pastner’s job. In 2013, the Tigers got their first NCAA tournament win against St. Mary’s and, in one of the greatest basketball games I’ve ever watched, ever, a redemptive takedown of number-five-ranked Oklahoma to close the Old Spice Classic. Now, can we all agree to leave Josh alone, at least for the rest of the season?

The theatrical release of Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me: Drew DeNicola and Olivia Mori’s documentary about Big Star wasn’t the biggest movie of the year, but it was one of the more affecting, at least at the local level. It was a very Memphis movie: beautiful and tragic and funny and weird. I’m not ashamed to admit that I cried more than once.

The year of local beer: If anything on this list is the hands-down winner of 2013, it’s local breweries. This was a banner year for Memphis beer. After the city laws regarding taprooms changed, it seemed like local breweries started popping up everywhere. High Cotton and Memphis Made beers started being sold in stores, Wiseacre Brewing opened its Broad Avenue brewery and its fantastic attached taproom, and two growler fills: the Growler on Cooper and the Madison Growler Shop in the Cash Saver on Madison, which became the go-to beer shop for discerning craft beer lovers.

The explosion of awesomeness at Crosstown: Even before funding was completely approved for the redevelopment of the Sears Crosstown building, the neighborhood surrounding it started to come alive.

The Hi-Tone reopened in a much nicer, more temperate space on Cleveland, and Jamie Harmon expanded his beloved Amurica photo-booth into a storefront next to it. Visible School and Yvonne Bobo relocated to the neighborhood, the Cleveland Street Flea Market got kind of incredible (and grew to include Storybooth, a local storytelling project), and Crosstown Arts continued to play host to a number of free (or incredibly inexpensive) arts events including bands, storytelling, traveling sketchbook libraries, and speed presentations.

… And Overton Square: In the past 18 months, Overton Square has gone from barely populated to impossible to find a parking space (that is, until the new parking garage opened in the fall). Once home to a bunch of sad, empty storefronts, Overton Square is now full of new restaurants (Chiwawa!, Second Line, Bar Louie, and the coming-soon ramen shop, Robata), retail (Sweet Noshings, the Attic, Breakaway Running), a yoga studio, the new Hattiloo Theatre, and the reincarnation of Lafayette’s Music Room. Welcome back, Overton Square.

The launch of Southwest’s service to Memphis International: Memphis International Airport had become a pretty sad and expensive place, but Southwest Airlines started offering flights to and from Memphis in November and gave those leaving town a bit of hope for airfare approximating a reasonable price.

The rejection of the original Bass Pro sign designs: I realize that this wasn’t one of the year’s major events and that the Pyramid will still have some (albeit less fugly) Bass Pro signage, but I agree with former Memphis Regional Design director Chooch Pickard, who said this of the original designs: “I am not anti-Bass Pro. I am pro-good design.”

News The Fly-By

The Season of Giving

As Memphians, we have a lot to be proud of. We’re a city of grit, determination, and strength, a city that’s welcoming, selfless, and large-hearted. We excel at being in this thing together, for better or worse, and it’s no different around the holidays. I’ve been thinking about some of the many ways we can give back to the city this month — through our actions, through sharing resources, or through giving time.

So here, in no particular order, are a handful of local organizations that could use your help this holiday season. These are by no means all of them (as listing all of them could easily fill this whole issue). These are just a few of the many that are changing Memphis for the better that you may not know about.

It’s terrifying and tough to be in the hospital with a sick kid. The Forrest Spence Fund provides assistance with the nonmedical needs (meaning: care baskets, counseling and grants for families with chronically ill kids) of families with critically and chronically ill children. They can always use donations, but if you’d like to do something more, you could knit a baby blanket, collect items for family baskets, or prepare a craft or activity for families at a monthly Le Bonheur and FedEx Family House dinner.

If you’d like to help out Memphis’ four-legged friends, consider giving to the Streetdog Foundation. They’re not a shelter, but they do rescue local stray dogs, rehabilitate them, and try to find them forever homes. The foundation is always looking for adoptive dog parents, but if that’s not a good fit for you, you can always volunteer, foster a dog for as long as you’re able, or donate cash or items from their wish list (like dog toys, tennis balls, crates, and treats).

For those of you who want to contribute to making Memphis a healthier city, check out Revolutions Community Bicycle Shop. The shop, which has been open since 2002, seeks to provide bicycles to Memphians in need, particularly the city’s working poor, who hugely benefit from reliable transportation. Revolutions doesn’t just hand people bicycles, they require them to build their own, and in the process, learn bike maintenance and safety. If you’d like to help, they need used bikes and bike parts. (Don’t be shy — they’ll take pretty much anything from the lovingly maintained to completely busted.)

You don’t have to give “things” to make a difference. You can always give an experience. Volunteer Odyssey (VO)encourages people who are between jobs or just starting their careers to spend a full week volunteering with local charities. The benefit is twofold — organizations get dedicated volunteer hours, and young professionals get an experience that will help them grow and set them apart when they look for future work. During their volunteer odyssey, participants share their stories via blogs on the VO website. You can help out by volunteering a week (and writing about it) or donating some cash; it costs about $2,000 for the VO crew to provide each experience.

Speaking of giving experiences, Roots Memphis Farm Academy is a wonderful organization that teaches wannabe farmers how to sustainably grow their own food and run their businesses. Over the course of eight months, the Academy blends education (including writing a business plan and finance lessons) with incubation, allowing students to get practice runs at their farms before launching the real thing. If you’d like to help, you can give your favorite foodie the gift of a Roots Memphis CSA — a weekly share of the crops grown by student farmers.

Lastly, consider giving to the Mid-South Food Bank. I know it’s not an under-the-radar sort of charity, but it’s one that can use your help, especially right now when they’re trying to provide holiday meals to hungry and food-insecure Memphians. They’re in need of nonperishable food items (especially high-protein foods like peanut butter) and people to help in their office with everything from consulting to IT. They also accept monetary donations online. And, because of their food bank status, they can make every dollar stretch into three meals for a hungry local family.

If none of these organizations is your personal thing, there are dozens more that could use your help, however you can give it. Happy holidays, y’all.

News The Fly-By

Quit It!

A week ago, I stood up in front of a room of highly motivated people and tried to convince them to quit.

I had been invited to speak at the Ignite Memphis event at Crosstown Arts. If you’ve never been to one of these before, they’re surprisingly fun for an evening centered around PowerPoint presentations. Speakers create 20-slide presentations that auto-advance every 15 seconds on the topics of their choice. It’s not just a local phenomenon; Ignite events happen in cities all over the world.

At this particular Ignite, the slate of presentations ranged from storytelling, to drinking, opera, more livable cities, Jesus, and the end of the world. And I talked about quitting, because, lately, quitting has become an activity very near and dear to my heart.

Before you think about quitting, though, it helps to rethink the concept of “busy.” You’re busy. I’m busy. Being busy is important, but it’s not an excuse. Americans value being busy to the point that there are children’s books glorifying the concept (Little Miss Busy, for example). We’re constantly telling others that we’re too busy, that we have so much going on.

Why do we do this? A handful of people really are that busy. I suspect that for most of us, it’s done out of fear — a fear that we’re not doing enough or producing enough to seem important. We stay at work late when we don’t need to, and we blow off the things and people we care about unnecessarily, mostly because we’re afraid to say no. We’re afraid of free time. We’re afraid to not be busy.

For a long time, I was that person. I always pushed hard, tackled everything at once, and never, ever stopped working. I thrived on being so busy. In my case, it was more than just feeling valuable — it was a method of running from the parts of my life that weren’t so great at the time.

I loved my old job (writing the “I Love Memphis” blog). It was fun, and I got to meet a lot of very cool people and check a bunch of things off of my bucket list. But it was also a lot of nights and weekends and stress and being “on” all the time. Those things were part of the job, so I didn’t mind them. After a while, though, it just stopped being fun. I started changing from someone who was super happy to someone who was a cranky mess.

I didn’t realize how bad things had gotten until I read an article by Adam Dachis called “Burnout Is Real: How To Identify and Address Your Burnout Problem.” The article details how to identify burnout (among the many warning signs: irritability, exhaustion, feeling like you’re never doing enough, inefficacy, and the denial of said warning signs) and then how to take action to counter it.

That’s the thing about burnout: It’s nearly impossible to recognize it when it’s happening to you, even if you fit all of the warning signs. I told myself I was just having a bad day, that I would be totally fine if I could just get all of these things done, that sleeping and eating weren’t as important as whatever was next on my to-do list. As you can imagine, I was a joy to be around.

And one day, I woke up and knew what I had to do: I had to quit.

Once I got the idea in my head that I could make my life better and improve my mental health by walking away from something, I couldn’t think about anything else. It wasn’t easy, but few things that are worth it are.

So, that’s what I’d like you to do. Find that thing in your life that you’re just doing out of obligation, and stop it. Give up an activity that you feel “meh” about. Stop feeling “meh” about things in general.

Stop complaining about how busy you are and how many obligations you have. If you’re busy, own it. Let others know that you’ve made that choice. More importantly, start quitting. Start quitting the things that you aren’t completely invested in; the ones that aren’t that important; the ones that don’t make you happy. Just quit.

News The Fly-By

Graceland Redux

Memphians have a weird relationship with Graceland. Those who have never passed through the gates hold it as a point of native pride; and those who have been there try to justify it with excuses about visiting relatives.

But there’s another Graceland, located an hour south of Memphis in Holly Springs, Mississippi. It’s Graceland, Too, one man’s six-decades-running residential homage to all things Elvis.

For the uninitiated, Graceland, Too isn’t meant to be a re-creation of the real thing. Instead, it’s a smallish house stuffed to the gills with Paul McLeod’s massive collection of Elvis memorabilia (among other things). McLeod will welcome you into his house anytime, day or night, for the low, low price of $5. After you’ve been to Graceland, Too three times, you’re eligible for a lifetime membership, which entitles you to free admission.

Once inside, McLeod presents his collection, room by overstuffed room. There are records and photos and binders full of notes cataloging each time Elvis has been mentioned on TV in the past 20 years. There are three TVs that run constantly, each on a different channel. There are records and books and Elvis-themed tchotchkes of every imaginable kind. Nearly every surface is wallpapered with newspaper clippings and neon sheets of paper printed with quotes from visitors.

Though the house is devoted to Elvis, very little of the tour is. The tour is more about McLeod’s monument: its creation, its visitors, its upkeep, and its constant changes (like building a replica of the “Jailhouse Rock” set in the backyard, largely out of kitchenware).

Visits to Graceland, Too are a rite of passage for curious Memphians, tipsy college students, and Elvis fans looking for something a little different. But in the past few years, this already-strange attraction seems to have gotten weirder. Now, with its owner in poor health, a few Memphians are trying to ensure the collection’s preservation.

“When our group traveled down to Graceland, Too for the first time, we had no intention of doing anything but drinking some beers and getting some laughs from Paul and his eccentric collection,” University of Memphis graduate student Amy Gregory told me via email. “However, we stuck around after the tour and started talking to Paul and got a feeling that he was trying to reach out to us for some kind of help.”

Gregory and her friends Joe Sills, Matthew Nolen, Meredith Nolen, and Brandon Allen followed McLeod to Annie’s, a Holly Springs diner, where he told them that he was concerned about people stealing from him and that it was getting harder to run Graceland, Too in his old age.

“It’s rare to come across a college kid from Memphis, Ole Miss, or Mississippi State who hasn’t heard of Graceland, Too. But a lot of those kids go and they do what kids do — they steal things from him, make fun of him and all of that,” Sills told me via email. “Paul has a lot of crap inside that place; but he also has some very real treasures, and, at one point, he had many more that have since been stolen.”

Moved by McLeod’s story, the group put together the Blue Suede Benefit, scheduled for December 14th, to raise money for McLeod’s medical bills and other expenses. The benefit will be held at Annie’s in Holly Springs, with entertainment from (what else?) an Elvis tribute band and a silent auction featuring items from Graceland, Too.

While the benefit will help McLeod in the short term, Gregory and Sills are hoping to find a way to make sure that the Elvis collection finds a lasting home. They admit that not everything in the collection is worth saving but want to make sure the most valuable items are kept.

“Our group has tried to tap all of the resources we have to help preserve some of it,” Sills said. “We’ve reached out to the Library of Congress, the University of Memphis, and Ole Miss, but we haven’t gotten very far with any of them yet. Cataloging that place would be a monumental task, but I do think it’s a real piece of Americana that should be preserved somehow.”

Tickets for the Blue Suede Benefit are $20 in advance and $25 at the door and can be purchased at

News The Fly-By

Street Art or Graffiti?

For the past month, world-renowned British street artist, Banksy, has taken up residence in New York City, adding one new piece of work every day to the city’s landscape. The works range from his signature stencils to performance pieces like the Grim Reaper driving a bumper car to Blue Öyster Cult’s “Don’t Fear the Reaper” and “Sirens of the Lambs,” a slaughterhouse delivery truck festooned with stuffed lambs, chickens, and cows. They are posted to the artist’s website with their locations daily.

I’ve been following the residency (which is called “Better Out Than In”), and it’s got me thinking about street art in Memphis. More specifically, what would happen if Banksy did a Memphis residency?

Would we notice? Would we care? Would the work be treasured or destroyed?

I asked local street artist Nosey (he asked that his real name not be used) what he thought would happen if Banksy came to Memphis. “I think he would have plenty of material [to work with], since most of his work is social commentary,” he said. “But I think most of it would get painted over pretty quickly.”

While Nosey doesn’t have Banksy’s worldwide recognition, his work is Memphis famous. He’s made work all over the city, starting with traditional graffiti tagging and recently moving into more poignant, socially conscious work, like a mural of a rat skeleton near East High. It’s correctly labeled with anatomical names and was inspired by the recent school system merger and the students he works with as a community developer in Orange Mound.

Now’s probably a good time to talk about the difference between graffiti and street art. I turned to the internet for a good definition of what counts as street art and what counts as graffiti and found‘s list of eight qualifications. Among them: “Street art adorns the urban landscape; graffiti tagging scars it and accelerates urban decay.” And, “Street art was done with a smile; graffiti tagging was done with a scowl.” Also, “Street art takes skill; graffiti tagging takes balls.”

I think the smile thing is key. Banksy’s work makes you think and smile. My favorite pieces of local street art — the balloon-toting squirrels that popped up all over town last year and the “Invest in Good Times” mural on Tennessee Street downtown — definitely fit the bill. Both were done without permission, but I’ve yet to hear anyone say that a less than two-foot-tall stencil of a squirrel fills them with rage.

As with most art, though, the difference between street art and graffiti is in the eye of the beholder or, in this case, the property owner. In New York, authorities haven’t been able to arrest Banksy because 1) they can’t catch him, and 2) there haven’t been any complaints from private property owners.

In Memphis, it’s a little different. I asked Ben Avant, president of the South Main Association, which is in one of Memphis’ major arts neighborhoods, what he thinks about street art. “I am highly in favor of street art in and around South Main, but the guerrilla-style graffiti art that some people peddle is obscene and should be prevented,” he said, via email. “If an artist is honest with himself, he should be confident enough to approach an owner of some building and propose his intentions, but when this is done under the veil of darkness and ends up costing the owner money to cover it up, it’s wrong.”

I understand where he’s coming from. As the leader of a neighborhood association, he doesn’t want anything in the area that could hurt business or tourism. But I can also see Nosey’s point. When I asked him about a mural he painted on a stairwell in South Main, he said, “I was kind of shocked they painted over it, because I thought if anywhere would appreciate it, it would be an arts district.”

A vibrant, interesting, and creative city includes compelling, thoughtful, fun street art. The question becomes one of balance: How can Memphis find a way to keep (and, dare I suggest, encourage) interesting and well-made street art, created with or without permission, while discouraging tagging or gang-related graffiti?

News The Fly-By

Fixing Memphis

On November 10th of last year, I got the best birthday present ever: MEMFix had turned my neighborhood, Crosstown, into a bustling, vibrant, ideal version of itself for the day.

Kerry Crawford

Pop-up shops were open, bike lanes were painted on the streets, a massive parking lot had been turned into an asphalt public park with food trucks, live music, and plenty of places to hang out, and there were people — 10,000 of them, by Crosstown Arts’ estimation — swarming the street.

It was the most people I had ever seen in my neighborhood. When I bought my house in the shadow of the iconic art deco Sears building four-and-a-half years ago, I never imagined that my charmingly run-down neighborhood could ever look like that. The change, though temporary, was incredible.

It was a fun party, but a year later, what lasting impact has MEMFix had on the neighborhood?

“Everything is fixed now! That was the plan, right?” Crosstown Arts co-director Chris Miner joked when we met at the Crosstown Arts development office. “Seriously, though. It wasn’t a silver bullet, but it did so much.”

Being a silver bullet isn’t the point of MEMFix. The single-day events, which are staged by the Mayor’s Innovation Delivery Team in partnership with community associations in the areas they serve, are designed to show the potential in a neighborhood by flooding it with short-term infrastructure improvements (like bike lanes and crosswalks), pop-up retail and special programming (think live music, food trucks, and demonstrations).

Instead, MEMFix is more of an exercise in the art of the possible, a way to shock and awe residents and business owners into thinking about what their neighborhoods could become. What comes after MEMFix — the creation of community and neighborhood plans and subsidized leases for entrepreneurs through the MemShop program — is designed to turn MEMFix’s enthusiasm into lasting neighborhood growth.

A year after MEMFix, Crosstown is starting to look a little like it’s booming. Last Thursday, the Land Use Control Board voted to approve the Sears building redevelopment. More than 26,000 square feet of empty storefront space on Watkins has been filled since last November, bringing an art gallery and performance space, Yvonne Bobo’s studio, Visible Music College, the Amurica storefront, and the second iteration of the Hi-Tone to the neighborhood.

Not all of the new businesses sprang up after MEMFix. About 14,000 square feet had already been leased prior to the event, meaning that Crosstown had already started to turn around before the official “fix.” When I asked Tommy Pacello, the project manager for the Mayor’s Innovation Delivery Team, about the lasting economic impact that MEMFix had on Crosstown, he admitted that it was difficult to calculate because of the other investments happening simultaneously.

So, what did MEMFix bring to the neighborhood other than new tenants? It brought a huge dose of social capital.

“Two years ago, 80 percent of Memphians probably didn’t know where Crosstown was,” Crosstown Arts co-director Todd Richardson said. (I suspect that the other 20 percent likely live around the area.)

“MEMFix still comes up in conversation. It’s a point of reference for people,” Richardson added. “They like being able to say that they were there when the first big thing happened to the neighborhood.”

As the first MEMFix event, Crosstown also served as a testing ground for the Innovation Delivery Team. One of the major lessons? “You have to walk a fine line between festival and idea prototyping,” Pacello said. “It was an awesome event and it reintroduced the neighborhood to so many people, but I wish we had engaged with the neighborhood more and been more thoughtful about our programming.”

It also caused Pacello and his team to question the role of city government. With Crosstown, they took an ask-forgiveness-not-permission approach to working with the city. “We kind of sprung [MEMFix Crosstown] on them. They were like, ‘Maybe next time, give us a heads-up,'” Pacello said with a laugh.

Now on their third MEMFix event, Pacello’s team has been able to partner with the city to bring longer-lasting infrastructure improvements to South Memphis. The improvements, which include things like expanded crosswalks, will live for a year before being reconsidered.

As for Crosstown, MEMFix made me even more excited about the redevelopment of the Sears building (slated to be finished in 2016) and all of the things that are possible for the neighborhood. Here’s hoping that every future MEMFix event works as well.