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Salon Owner Combats Hair Discrimination with Education

Black men and women in Tennessee celebrated a major win this year, as Tennessee lawmakers passed the CROWN Act. 

In an August 1st Flyer article by Hawa Ceesay, it is explained that the CROWN Act, which stands for “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair,” prohibits companies from discrimination based on an employee’s hairstyle. The passing of the CROWN Act not only sparked conversation in the Black-hair community, but it caused many to further examine the injustices that Black and brown people face based on their hair.

According to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, hair discrimination is rooted in “systemic racism and its purpose is to preserve white spaces.” Joshua Adams of the Memphis chapter of Black Lives Matter explains that all facets of lives have been touched by systemic inequalities and that spaces that were meant to serve Black people directly, such as barber shops and salons, were set up as a response to living in a “de facto segregated world.”

“Why do some barber shops not have a loctician on hand? It’s because of systemic segregation. A lot of white people don’t know how to do Black hair. We’ve lived our lives almost in separate enclaves for decades, if not centuries, here in America,” Adams says.

It’s a luxury that many Black and brown people aren’t afforded – to be able to walk into any franchise salon and have someone cater to their specific hair needs and treatments. While many salons and licensing programs now require stylists to know how to do natural hairstyles and treatments, many salons were opened in Memphis as a response to this.

“Hair is hair, but you have to be educated on all types of hair,” says Seville McKinnon. “No matter what race you are, there are people of every race that have coarse hair, that have fine hair, thin hair, and big hair.”

McKinnon is the owner of Textures Studio located at 8100 Macon Station in Cordova. While McKinnon and her team offer a number of traditional salon services, as well as those that cater to Black and brown customers, McKinnon explains that at its core, the salon’s main focus is on maintaining a “healthy head of hair.”

McKinnon says that the salon recently revived a hair-talk series called “Shop Talk,” where she would encourage clients to bring someone who has never been in her shop, in hopes of educating people on hair and any myths or questions that they may have.

“It’s very interesting to hear the stories that a lot of women of color share. Whether it’s in the professional world, in the personal world, or their relationships, about the struggles they have with their hair,” McKinnon says. “It’s really interesting for us as professionals, really explaining and helping a person understand their head of hair. Even though you live with it, it can be hard to fully understand and grasp the concept of what you need.”

As a woman who grew up in Memphis, McKinnon says that the hair landscape has changed so much. Being a stylist that has worked hard to stay up to date with trends such as wigs and extensions, she realized that there are a lot of young girls who haven’t been able to fall in love with their natural head of hair.

McKinnon admits that she has worn extensions and braids when she was younger, but it wasn’t because she felt like she had to. This is where she believes a shift has occurred when looking at haircare.

“I’m hoping more professionals come on board with really being able to educate clients in falling in love with their hair,” McKinnon says. “I don’t think we’re done. I think we still have a ways to go.”

In educating clients on their hair and how to maintain it, McKinnon explains that there are a lot of things that play a role in the success of this. One of these is making sure the client is able to find a licensed stylist.

“Hopefully everyone can come back onto the seriousness and the certification of understanding hair, so they can relay that information. I think it’s important for every professional, no matter what race, to work on.”

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On the Scene at Bluff City Virtual Reality Arcade

One of the most intense fights of my life happened at a bar in Mexico City, Mexico. Several onlookers gathered around what seemed to be an out-of-place boxing ring at the bar called La Riña. There, they would see me engage in a showdown against Axel Ramirez, where I reigned victorious after a three-round match, resulting in a knockout.

It was the culmination of my rigorous training at the Delphi Boxing Gym in Los Angeles, California. After about a three-minute workout that comprised running on a treadmill and learning combos, I knew I was ready to take on some of the toughest opponents like Luke O’Grady and Rocky Balboa.

It’s at this point that I must clarify that I did not make an almost 27-hour drive to California, but rather a 20-minute one to Bluff City Virtual Reality Arcade, located at 1026 North Germantown Parkway in Cordova. Bluff City Virtual Reality Arcade is Memphis’ first and only virtual reality arcade.

“It’s like playing games on steroids,” explains Crystal Walton of Bluff City Virtual Reality Arcade. “Instead of playing games with your fingers, you are a part of the game. When it comes to throwing a ball, you are literally throwing a ball. When there are zombies attacking you feel like you’re fixing to get eaten. It is a more intense way of playing games. You can be a part of the game, instead of just playing the game.”

As someone who grew up in the Just Dance and Michael Jackson:The Experience era, I thought I had lived through a video game renaissance. There, I’d be taken to some of the elaborate dance floors and music video sets, where I’d simply mirror the actions of the players on screen. However, after 45-minutes of virtual reality, I realized I had experienced something far more extraordinary than the dance battles my siblings and I held in our living room.

I arrived 15 minutes prior to my appointment time, where I sat through a thorough yet comprehendible orientation on how to use the two controllers, and how the headset worked. As Walton walked me through the process, she showed me a small hole in the wall. This hole was not the result of natural wear and tear, but according to Walton, it was a testament to the surreal experience of the game itself. She goes on to tell me a story about how an older customer was fighting zombies and ran into the wall. Better the wall than your brain, right?

Bluff City Virtual Reality Arcade offers over 60 games, with options for both single and multiplayer modes. With a plethora of titles and experiences to choose from, such as Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality and Propagation (Walton’s son Lucas’ personal recommendation), you’re bound to find something to settle your virtual reality appetite.

“When somebody’s come in here and they’ve had a hard day, they put that headset on, and their mood changes from ‘eh’ to ‘yay,’ it’s an amazing experience for me to see them change,” Walton said. “I have first-timers that come in here that are like ‘yeah, whatever,’ then they put that headset on and their face immediately changes with the biggest smile on their face saying, ‘oh yeah, I’m coming back.’”

The arcade also offers PC repair and upgrade services, while also facilitating the sales of new and old gaming PCs.

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Carlisle Cutbank Bluff to connect to Tom Lee Park with ADA-accessible walkway

The Carlisle Corporation has made a $1.5 million investment into the first ADA-accessible walkway that connects the bluff in Downtown Memphis to the riverfront at Tom Lee Park.

The path will be named Carlisle Cutbank Bluff in honor of the late Gene Carlisle. According to Memphis River Parks Partnership (MRPP), this is the first time that “commercial development has been connected to the riverfront.”

“The Carlisle Cutbank Bluff represents the partnership’s commitment to easy, equitable access to the new park,” said Tyree Daniels, board chair of MRPP. “This beautiful new feature makes it so much easier and more fun to move between Downtown and the riverfront. It means that visitors will find it much easier to get from upstairs on Main Street down to the river in a more equitable way, and we couldn’t be more excited about this achievement, but also making this available for our community.”

Chance Carlisle, CEO of Carlisle LLC, said, “Two things that really hit home for us was the ability to provide the first of its kind, ADA-accessibility to the park. For the last 40 or 50 years, with the exception of maybe a month or so in May, Tom Lee Park was sort of an afterthought, rather than a signature riverfront. It’s hard to be a great riverfront city without an excellent front door, and what Memphis River Parks has done, and all of the donors, is really give Memphians a park that we can be proud of, for all of Memphis.”

Carlisle said the river plays an important role in the future of Downtown, transitioning from a center for agricultural products and commerce to a “twenty-first century vision of it being about tourism, development, and a high-quality of life.”

He said, “This is what it means to be in Memphis, and to have that be associated with us is wonderful. It’s always been — and Downtown has always been — a neighborhood for everybody. The investments made at the Mobility Center, the investments made at Tom Lee Park, just continue to add to that momentum.”

The bluff includes an ADA-compliant switchback ramp as well as a staircase, two “stone scrambles” for climbing, and new trees and grasses. 

Garrett Uithoven of Montgomery Martin Contractors says that the colorizations of the stone are designed to go from cool blues and grays at the bottom, and transition to cream beige and a red-orange at the top to reflect the natural recurring colors in the bluff along the Mississippi River.  

“If you cut into the undisturbed bluff at any point along the river around this region, you would get that same color in the dirt and rock that make up the banks of the river,” Uithoven said.

He also says that there are accent lights with uplights that shine on some of the trees, with others shining on the stone faces.

The bluff will open in 2023, the same time that Tom Lee Park will be open to the public. Daniels says that Tom Lee Park is now 50 percent completed.

“Imagine the catalytic effect on Downtown, when Tom Lee Park is complete,” said Penelope Huston of the Downtown Memphis Commission. “To unlock the true power of Downtown, all the individual assets have to be connected, like they are here at the Cutbank Bluff.”

News News Blog News Feature

DeMoir Books & Things Provides ‘A Seat at the Table’ for the Community

As a Black man with locs, Jeremy DeMoir remembers the first time that he saw a book character that looked like him. He recalls the moment that DC Comics debuted the character Static Shock, and he was able to say “hey, he kind of looks like me.”

This memory represents two themes that would remain prevalent even in his adult life: his love for reading and the importance of representation for Black and brown children.

DeMoir is the owner of DeMoir Books & Things at 739 North White Station Road, Memphis’ only Black-owned, brick and mortar bookstore. Through reflecting on his experiences as a child growing up, as well as his career as an educator, DeMoir realized that there was a lack of book accessibility in Black and brown schools.

“When I was growing up we had a few Black-owned bookstores, and they slowly dwindled out as Barnes and Noble came into the neighborhood,” DeMoir said. “With the rise of Amazon, a lot of independent bookstores closed in general. So now in the city, there are four independent bookstores. I realized that in a city that is predominantly African American, there was a need, and when you see a need, then you realize you should feel that gap.”

Accessibility was one issue, but after serving as a teacher in traditional, charter, and urban schools, DeMoir also realized that there was a lack of representation in reading material. He didn’t want his remedy to only exist within the walls of his classroom. As an adult whose passion for reading extended through childhood, he wanted to offer this gift to adults as well.

“Just having experiences where you can recognize yourself in literature is such a rarity, even to this day,” said DeMoir.

DeMoir says that at DeMoir Books & Things, they pride themselves on “giving everyone a seat at the table.” The store allows for local and independent authors to apply to have their books placed on shelves through consignment agreements. People are also able to rent the spaces for events such as book signings and community gatherings.

“We’re not just a bookstore, but a community hub,” DeMoir said. “We donate free books to schools, to teachers, and to any child who comes into the store that is under the age of 17. Most companies, bookstores included, are trying to make that sale. Not that making sales and paying payroll isn’t important, but we want to make sure that we are providing kids with additional opportunities to access books.”

While outreach is a major component of DeMoir’s purpose, he explains that it isn’t always a “beautiful balance” between making sales and meeting the needs of children.

Challenges remain in not only accessing book titles to sell on their shelves, but in meeting “their own needs.”

“People do read, it’s just they’re not reading as much as we would like them to due to inflation, to rising costs and everything,” said DeMoir.

He said while people want to read, some are tasked with the decision of either putting a meal on the table, or keeping their lights on over buying a book. To combat some of these challenges, DeMoir set up a GoFundMe account to help keep the store afloat as rent prices have “soared astronomically” alongside taxes and light bills.

While challenges are inevitable for any business owner, DeMoir says he knows he is needed, and that’s what allows him to keep going. He explains that the pandemic created several missed opportunities for children, thus providing “gaps.”

“When there’s a need, you try to provide it,” he said.

DeMoir is also the parent of two children, and he says he constantly making sure that they feel supported with literacy.

“It’s super important to find books for my boys with characters that look like them. My boys definitely play a huge part in representation and wanting to have more access to books with kids of color and storylines outside of the stereotype.”

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Student Loan Forgiveness Provides Optimism for Young Borrowers

The option to buy a home, along with options on other major life decisions, could soon be a reality for Gen Zers and millennials thanks to some student debt relief. 

In an article published in the Memphis Flyer in June, Amy Schaftlein of United Housing stated that people who fall in this age category are opting to stay out of the housing market, due to its highly competitive nature. 

“With an overly competitive real estate market with millennials and Gen Zers not able to get in because it’s too competitive to get a home loan, many people gave up,” Schaftlein said. “Even millennials with a higher income represent a huge increase in the amount of rent applications.”

Schaftlein also mentioned that a number of things contribute to younger people not being able to qualify for loans in a timely manner, such as student loan debt. 

However, with the announcement of student loan forgiveness, could this mark a shift in how millennials and Gen Zers approach life after college?

President Joe Biden recently announced that he is forgiving up to $20,000 of federal student loan debt. Those who received Pell Grant will have up to $20K forgiven, while other borrowers can have up to $10K forgiven. According to a fact sheet by the White House, this relief is only available if the borrower has an individual income of less than $125K, { “250K for married couples.”}

Alanna Spears is currently a senior at the University of Memphis studying biology. When the Biden administration made the announcement, Spears, like many others, shared her excitement on social media, and how this will positively impact her future moving forward.

“I want to buy a house one day, and student loans are looked at in debt to income ratio when applying for mortgages,” Spears said. “Even if only half of my debt is cancelled, that significantly lowers my debt to income ratio, which could be a determining factor in if I get a house or not. With rising housing costs, my fiancé and I want to buy a house in the next few years and debt cancellation has made that dream a possible reality for us.”

Redfin reports that the median selling price for a home in Memphis is $188K. The U.S. Census stated that as of July 1, 2021, the median household income is $41,864.

Spears said that she and her fiancé are now able to plan for the future, and realistically save and plan for their goals. 

According to the White House, 43 million borrowers will benefit from student loan relief. The White House also estimates that at least 20 million people will have their total debt canceled.

Information compled by the the Education Data Initiative reports that more than 862,000 people in Tennessee have student loan debt, and that the average borrower has about $36,418 in debt. State residents have a total of $31.4 billion in student loan debt.The site also states that 51.8% of borrowers are under the age of 35.

As a result of this announcement, the Biden administration extended the student loan repayment pause through December 2022, with repayments expected to resume in January.

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Shelby County Infant Mortality Rate Decreases; Still Higher Than Average

The county’s infant mortality rate decreased by 28 percent from 2019 to 2020, according to the Shelby County Health Department (SCHD), though officials could not precisely point to the cause of the drop. 

The infant mortality rate is the probability of a newborn dying before reaching the age of one, according to the World Health Organization. Shelby County has historically had one of the highest infant mortality rates in the country.

State and county averages here are still higher than the national average. But the new figure is the lowest infant mortality rate in Shelby County since 2009, according to the 2022 Tennessee Child Fatality Annual Report. 

SCHD officials said a number of factors contribute to infant mortality such as “physical and mental health of families before, during, and between pregnancies, along with the health education, and resource systems that support those families.”

SCHD spokeswoman Joan Carr said state officials have not yet released statewide vital statics for 2020. So, the health department does not yet have enough information to determine all the factors that have contributed to Shelby County’s infant mortality decrease. 

“However, Shelby County Health Department has been making sustained efforts over the past 20-plus years to reduce Shelby County’s historically high infant mortality rates,” Carr said.

Dr. Michelle Taylor, SCHD director, said her department “provides a wide range of programs and resources that directly and indirectly impact infant mortality rates by providing families with support they need to give babies a healthy start in life.” Some of these include TennCare Presumptive Prenatal Program, Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) program, and the Community Health Access and Navigation in Tennessee (CHANT) program. 

“While we celebrate the recent decrease in infant mortality, it’s important to note that [infant mortality rate] in Shelby County and Tennessee overall remains higher than the national average, and the significant racial disparity between Black infant deaths and white infant deaths have not improved since 2016,” said Taylor. “Black infants in Tennessee are still twice as likely to die before their first birthday than white infants.”

Tennessee’s infant mortality rate exceeds the national rate, which is 6.3 infant deaths per 1,000 live births, according to the state’s child fatality report. However, this is the lowest reported rate for Tennessee over a 20-year period. 

In 2020, 495 children in Tennessee did not survive to their first birthday. Shelby County still had the highest infant mortality rate in the state that year with 89 deaths. 

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“It’s About Black Culture” — Fans Prepare to Say Goodbye to the Southern Heritage Classic

Fred Parson gives a speech — maybe more of an order — to family and colleagues every year as he prepares to celebrate the Southern Heritage Classic weekend.

“I tell anybody in my family, ‘Do not get married on this weekend,’” Parson said. “Check the calendar before you schedule your wedding on the Southern Heritage Classic. It’s not a good weekend to do anything else … because I’m not going to be there.”

This weekend will be a bittersweet one for Parson. He’s a 1999 graduate of Tennessee State University (TSU), an alumnus of the school’s famous marching band, the Aristocrat of Bands, and he’s been to every Classic except for one. This weekend, Parson will likely experience the magic of the Classic for the very last time. 

The Southern Heritage Classic is the annual football matchup between TSU and Jackson State University (JSU), both historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). Since 1990, fans have met in Memphis to witness the matchup between the two teams, and to participate in a weekend full of events that are a touchstone of Black culture.

JSU announced in February it would no longer participate in the Classic, terminating their contract agreement early due to scheduling conflicts. As alumni and fans prepare to say farewell to the Classic, they begin to reflect on the many elements that contribute to the event’s iconic nature.

For Shun Hill, a 2003 TSU graduate and Aristocrat of Bands alum, “there’s nothing like the feeling of being part of the halftime show.”

“Marching into the stadium … there’s nothing like the crowd’s reaction to a great show,” Hill said. “It’s actually sad that it’s the last one. I don’t know how many I’ve been to, it’s been at least 15 or so. It’s been a part of my life since high school. It’s going to be hard to let it go. It’s going to be very hard.”

Hill talked about several enjoyable aspects of the game such as the familial aspect of tailgating, to the trash talking prior to the game. She said that alumni have discussed the future of potential matchups for the next game, but she believes nothing compares to the rivalry between the two schools.

“I don’t know what HBCU football will occur after this, but I can’t see it nearly having the crowd support or even community support that Jackson and TSU have because of the communities that exist here within Memphis,” Hill said.

The tight-knit community aspect is one that many experience first-hand as HBCU alums, but Parson explains that it also impacts those outside of the HBCU community, and even those outside of Memphis.

“Most of the time these kids [in DeSoto County] don’t know much about Memphis,” he said. “They didn’t grow up in Memphis. All they hear about is the bad stuff and what you see on the news. But when you go to the Classic, and when you go to the tailgate, you see thousands on top of thousands, on top of thousands … probably between the game and the tailgate, you’ll see 100,000 people out there. And everybody is just love. 

“It’s about Black culture. It’s about two universities. They’re just out there having good, genuine fun for a weekend.”

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Snkrr Bar, Swish Teamed Up for “Sneakerhead” Fundraiser

The term “sneakerhead” is not a name that is designated lightly. 

Those who are privy to this moniker may be familiar with standing in long lines to obtain the newest release, or scouring online marketplaces and groups to secure some of the most enviable kicks. It’s an industry taken seriously, especially in Memphis.

“A lot of people don’t know, but Memphis is actually the sneaker distribution capital of the world,” explains Dominique Worthen. “Nike is the No 1. sports footwear company in the world. When you order a pair of shoes and you’re in Alaska, then it has to touch Memphis.” 

Worthen is the founder and owner of Snkrr Bar, a shoe restoration store located in Midtown, with locations in Atlanta and Houston. 

“It was very interesting to me that there was no place that refurbishes, cleans, and restores Nikes, when they all come from Memphis,” Worthen said. “We’re strategically placed in Memphis. It’s been crazy.”

Worthen has long taken pride in his sneaker collection. In fact, his sneakerhead days date back to his childhood, which was formative to Snkrr Bar’s inception. As a child, Worthen lived in Flint, Michigan, where he he grew up “extrememly underprivileged and poor.”

“I always cherished a nice pair of sneakers,” Worthen said. “I didn’t have much growing up, and that’s what kind of got me in this business. 

“I always knew how to maintain a pair of sneakers for a long time. … I wasn’t able to afford a bunch of sneakers when I was younger. So, I had to make it stretch; I had to make it work. I picked up a bunch of tricks of the trades and tips before I opened up my business. As an adolescent, I was just trying to stay fresh.”

Worthen recently partnered with Fred Griffin, the founder and creative director of fashion brand Swish, to host “Sneak and Link,” an event for Memphis creatives to “collaborate” last month.

The event was advertised as a “sneaker art experience” at The Hendrix on Walnut Grove. Patrons were encouraged to grab some kicks, grab a friend, and partake in a sneaker customization experience. The event promised “swish vibes,” with the dress code being “put that shit on.” Creativity was in the hands of attendees, with the option to either paint a canvas or a pair of their favorite kicks.

The event itself was born out of collaboration. According to Worthen, Jones visited the Midtown location and sparked a conversation on ways that the two could give back to the community, and “invoke change.”

“It was a brainchild of both of ours,” Worthen said. “I don’t think either of us can singlehandedly take credit for it.”

Griffin founded Swish during his days at Mississippi State University, but relaunched the brand during the pandemic.

“It’s a brand that looks to uplift through sports and culture,” Griffin said. “Through this brand, different events [like the Sneak and Link event] allow me to tap into the culture and give back.”

Giving back plays a major part in Griffin’s creative purpose, as he initially hoped for the event to inspire not only creatives in the community, but children in the community who are aspiring creatives. In fact, the name “Swish” pays homage his to his early years as an athlete.

“They used to call me ‘Swish,’” Griffin said. “It kind of just stuck. When I got to college I started playing around. … I’ve always played around with fashion. In fact, my brother and I had a brand in middle school where we sold stuff in school and what not. In college, I just took the name Swish and put it on t-shirts and what not.”

While it started out as a creative pastime for Grffin, it didn’t take long for him to realize the brand’s potential. He credits his signature pink Memphis Tiger shorts that flooded our timelines for so long as Swish’s first big break.

“I’ve had NBA players wear my stuff,” Griffin said. “Bow-Wow came and did the Millennium Tour and I styled him for that. I’ve grown so much from there.”

Griffin explains that the defining aspect that made Worthen a viable partner was their shared intention to accomplish their dreams, while also giving back tot the community.

“We’re grinders,” Griffin said. “We both have a goal and a mindset to try to be great, and to do that in a way where we can accomplish our goals and dreams while giving back to the community.

“We’ve been able to connect in that way. … in doing some marketing work for the Grizzlies, I was able to bring him in and do a lot of different work there. We both had the same ideologies and the same goals as far as where we want to go and what not.”

The event was modeled after sip and paint, but instead of canvases, patrons took their creativity to sneakers. 

The creators had always planned on giving the funds raised from the event to schools in some capacity. In fact, one of their sponsors, T-Mobile, helped them halfway. However, a week prior to the event, they visited Cummings Elementary school, who recently had a ceiling cave in.

“In trying to be the most effective, and really reach those who needed it the most, instead of doing several schools, we just focused on one school. We all felt like they needed that help right away.”

In combining their donations, Griffin and others were able to show up to Cummings’ open house, held at the Boys and Girls Club, to hand out donations and supplies to 250 students, as well as teachers. Griffin says that he hopes to hold the event again, and keep it going.

“I think the event has potential to reach a lot of people in the city, but also give back as well,” he said. ”Everything I do, I try to — in some way — make it loop into giving back. At the end of the day, yes, I’m starting to garner a name for myself, and influence others, and the city, but none of it means anything if I can’t help others or help the ones that come from my community come up.

Music News News Blog News Feature

New Blues Foundation Interim CEO Wants to Get “Back to the Basics”

Kimberly Horton was recently named interim president and CEO of The Blues Foundation after the departure of former president and CEO Judith Black.

Horton, originally from Jackson, Mississippi, has served as a manager and agent working with artists like Billy Price, Dexter Allen, Lady A, and more.

The Memphis Flyer spoke with Horton as she prepares to move to Memphis to fill this role. — Kailynn Johnson

Memphis Flyer: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Horton: I’m just me! I’m a native of Jackson, Mississippi. I’m a mom of two — I have a 26-year-old daughter, and a 15-year-old son. I have been working in the music industry since 2008. My daughter is going to be taking over my company, Heathrow Muzik Box, LLC,  since I’ve been appointed interim president and CEO of The Blues Foundation. 

I have a master’s from Belhaven [University] in management and a master’s from Jackson State University in public health, and I’m looking forward to moving to Memphis.

What do you think of the state of blues in Memphis right now? Do you think it’s going strong? Is it weak?

That’s kind of hard to answer, because I think that the blues is always going to be going strong. It’s just having people in place to have it out on Front Street. I think Memphis is definitely a place where the blues, in my opinion, will always be going strong.

Do you think locals still love the blues? What about tourists?

The blues is a part of the culture in Memphis. Not just in Memphis, it’s part of the culture. Especially for the African American race. You know Willie Dixon said it best, “Blues is the root, everything else is the fruit.” So, all of the music that we listen to, whether it’s rap, gospel, R&B, all of that has something to do with the blues in some shape, form, or fashion. So, definitely locally, nationally, internationally, yes, it’s going.

A lot of your knowledge of blues comes from first-hand accounts. Do you think this makes your interest in blues a little more personal?

Oh, yes, definitely. Being able to touch, and listen to, and be in contact with — especially coming up in the South, of course — the blues was the real deal. I didn’t know what I was singing at the age of six. “The Thrill Is Gone” and “Sweet Sixteen,” those were two of  B.B. King’s songs that my dad would play quite often. At the age of six, to be able to actually see him, and meet him was like, “oh my gosh.” Most little kids were ready to see The Jackson 5, I was ready to see B.B. King. So yes, definitely. Even being in close contact with living legends of today as well, I love it. It’s where I’m most comfortable.

So, what do you think about the future of blues in Memphis?

It’s going to keep going. We’re going to make sure that young people know it’s there, and how and why they got the music that they’re listening to, and hopefully bring interest to the younger generation. Growing and thriving.

How do you plan on bringing a new generation of blues in, while also maintaining its already rich history?

The educating part of the blues has dropped off a little bit. [We will be] getting back into blues, and bringing back blues in the schools, exposing the younger generation to exactly what it is, where it came from, how we got where we are. 

[We’ll get] the school enrichment programs back in place and do outreach into the community to make sure young folks know the blues is where you got your rap from. The blues is where you got your everything from. That’s going to be one of the major plans. 

Hopefully, being able to partner with the Recording Academy to do some work with Grammy U, which reaches out to the university capacity for younger folks. Everybody thinks that the blues is sad and drowning, but it’s not. The blues is actually life. So, just getting them re-exposed to where it came from.

Piggybacking off of that, you said you’re looking to work with a new generation of blues artists as well, and bring more diversity in. Why do you think diversity is so important in blues?

I’m saying diversity not just in color but I’m talking about gender as well. We have some wonderful female artists that are blues artists, and a lot of the time they get overlooked because they don’t play a harmonica or a guitar, but they actually sing the blues. So, bringing diversity in that aspect, as well as making sure that our people — my people — know that we still have an obligation to the heritage of the blues.

You kind of touched on it just then, and a little earlier with some of the educational outreach programs that you all plan to do. Are there any other changes that you plan to make at the foundation? Even as interim CEO?

There are, but I’m not at liberty to speak about those at the moment. I want to wait until I actually get into the office full-time. My main change is to get the confidence of the artists back. They’ve lost confidence in the foundation, so I want to gain the artists’ confidence back, to make sure they know that we’re there, we’re here, we’re thriving, and we’re intending on making sure that the awareness is available.

So, what makes you excited about stepping into this role? What are you most excited about?

I’m most excited about working in an area that I love, that I have a true passion about — being able to come in and actually make some positive changes for the foundation. Just getting everything back to the basics — getting back to what it used to be, and better.

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Millennials, GenZ Discovering Elvis Thanks to New Film, TikTok

As someone who grew up in the early 2000’s, I knew of Elvis in three distinct ways. 

I knew that many of his songs had narrated a film, Lilo & Stitch, that was on constant replay in my house. On Full House, I knew that Graceland was the ideal location for Uncle Jesse’s dream wedding and that a convincing look-a-like had helped him learn the importance of family. An honorable mention is the memory of a nine-year-old me singing the lyrics “Elvis, Elvis let me be. Keep your pelvis far from me,” in my best Rizzo impression during recess.  I knew of him in the ways that he influenced pop culture, but I never explored the oeuvre of Mr. Presley.

It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I, like many other Gen Zers, began to feel responsible for his death. Yes, there are at least a handful of twenty-somethings who feel responsible for the death of a man who died years before we took our first breaths. Or, at least that’s what Colonel Tom Parker, played by Tom Hanks, led us to believe in Baz Luhrmann’s film, Elvis.

The feeling of being gaslit by the narrator is just one of many shared reactions to the film. During your nightly scroll on TikTok you’re bound to see videos set to Doja Cat’s “Vegas” sparking some type of conversation about the film or about Elvis himself. Clips of Austin Butler play simultaneously next to a video of Elvis, showing his arguably perfect impersonation. A few scrolls later, you’ll be led down a rabbit of Elvis’ entire filmography in three minutes or less. 

“I think with the release of Elvis, we’ve definitely seen a resurgence in Elvis within pop culture recently, though his presence has been felt for much longer,” said Bobbi Miller, a pop culture expert and the host of “The Afternoon Special” on TikTok. There, she has a following of more than 366,700 as “your friend who knows just a little bit too much about pop culture.” 

It’s important to note that there are devoted twenty-something Elvis fans whose entry to fandom happened prior to the film’s release. 

“I was a fan before the movie and went into hiding upon its release,” Meghan Moody said while also explaining how her father was able to obtain a copy of Elvis’ high school graduation program for her.

While the film may serve as just another element in Elvis lore for longtime fans, it can be argued that the film has also opened the opportunity for a new generation to be exposed to the King of Rock, birthing a new era of Elvis fandom.

It can be hard to pinpoint exactly what “does it” for fans of the film. In a viral clip, Butler can be seen on stage teaching Jimmy Fallon how to “shake, rattle, and roll.” As he dances across the stage, you may wonder how big of a role that Butler’s performance plays into the like-ability of the icon.

“This is a tough one because Austin Butler’s performance really does question where Elvis stops and Austin Butler starts,” said Miller. “He really embodied the character. I do think it’s a mix of both, or more so, one dressed as the other … I think the voice he chose to use for Elvis and the general aura of the character is very alluring. This, coupled with the fact that the movie doesn’t go out of its way to show Butler as Elvis at his absolute lowest, or ugliest, might’ve aided in people falling for Butler as Elvis.”

Miller argues that the love for nostalgia can be a major contributor as well.

“It’s the nostalgia of it all,” she said. “I think before these biopics, Gen Z and Millennials are definitely aware of these stars, but biopics only heighten their awareness. 

“More often than not, these biopics, similar to Elvis, don’t go out of their way to show these stars at their most awful. In fact, they often elicit sympathy in the audience. This isn’t always the case, but it definitely happens. However, I think it’s mostly nostalgia.”

Miller said Gen Zers and Millennials love to discover things from the past, and she believes that biopics are the perfect vehicle for this. 

“Nostalgia will always be trendy,” Miller notes.

While Reddit threads are flooded with educational material for fans who came straight from the movie theater, and women promise to perfect their bouffant hairstyles for Halloween, it can definitely be argued that a new generation is discovering The King.