Politics Politics Beat Blog

GADFLY: Today’s ‘Cool Sounds?’ Bah, Humbug!


For people of my generation, the memory of our parents’ disapproval of our music idols is still somewhat fresh in our minds. I can still remember how my parents reacted to seeing Elvis for the first time on the Ed Sullivan Show, and their Yiddishe name for him, “Elvis mit de pelvis.” Don’t even ask what they thought of the Beatles (the words “get a haircut” coming from my dad sound familiar). They were, needless to say, dismissive of Elvis’ and the Beatles’ music, which, they thought, compared quite unfavorably with the music of, say, Tony Bennett, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra or the Dorsey brothers.

Of course, horrified as we were by our parents’ stuffiness and judgementalism, we all aspired not ever to be as uptight as they were about music, and so it was with a great deal of dismay that I recall my revulsion to rap and hip-hop as being an epiphany that, at least in that way, I had become my parents. I guess it’s the same feeling we have when we realize that, in spite of our best efforts, we’ve adopted some of the less attractive aspects of our parents’ methods of child rearing.

Of course, they were wrong about Elvis and the Beatles. As I watched the Grammy Awards the other night (mostly for the visual rather than the auditory experience), I was, once again, struck by how vastly superior my generation’s music was to what passes for music these days. I asked myself whether Beyonce, Kanye West or The Black Eyed Peas are likely to have their music played thirty or more years from now, the way The Rolling Stones’, Bob Dylan’s or Paul Simon’s still is. Will we remember, fondly, U2, the way we remember the Supremes or the Temptations? Will there be rap retrospectives as fund-raising vehicles on public TV decades from now the way doo-wop is? Will there be pilgrimages to hear Green Day the way there have been for the Grateful Dead? Forgive my skepticism in asking those essentially rhetorical questions, but what passes for music today is, as I saw one commenter on the Grammy say, frozen TV dinners trying to pass as real food.

So, is it fair to judge a musical genre by its ability to stand the test of time, or should we just accept whatever the latest thing in music is as a barometer of current taste? Whatever happened to New Wave and Punk Rock, anyway? Where are the Talking Heads and Devo, now that we need them (not)? Or, for that matter, disco? Were they just a tribute to our musical fickleness? I believe longevity is an absolutely appropriate criterion for quality. If that weren’t so, symphonic music audiences, regardless of their sophistication, would prefer hearing Phillip Glass or Charles Ives to Beethoven or Mozart, which they overwhelmingly don’t.

I’m no musicologist, but what is it about music that gives it a lasting quality? Take a look, or better yet, listen, to the music of the 50’s and 60’s and what you’ll find is that the common thread is tonality. Harmony and ensemble were still important in that era—-not so much, anymore. Many of the singers of my day had something called a voice. The players also had something called musicianship. The singers understood nuance and modulation. Sure, we had some screamers even back then (e.g., Chuck Berry or Jerry Lee Lewis), but fewer of them saw the need to compensate for a lack of voice talent by cranking up the volume, as seems to be so prevalent today.

So, are rap and hip-hop the new rock ‘n roll? I doubt it. Music must be, above all, musical, and it takes more than decibel levels, pulsating rhythms and rhyming verse to make music. Yeah, I know; our parents thought (hoped, really) that rock ‘n roll was a passing fancy, just the way some of us feel about today’s music. But, they were wrong, and we’re right.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

GADFLY: How Long, America?


News flash: holder of record for penis size unemployed.

Yup, it’s true; the guy who supposedly is the proud owner of the world’s
largest male sexual organ (13.5 inches, erect)
can’t get a job, and worse still, is living with his mother.

I hadn’t realized how truly dire the unemployment situation in this country was until I read that. I mean, if this guy can’t find a job, what hope is there for the rest of us? Surely, he could get a job as a legal male prostitute, or in the ideally suited porn industry which, I’m given to understand (not that I would know), is populated by men with phenomenally large Johnsons. But no, says this modern day swordsman; he won’t do that because it would destroy his credibility, a concern he apparently didn’t have when he appeared in an HBO documentary about men with large appendages .

In spite of his prior HBO appearance, he couldn’t get the job that, it would appear, was tailor-made for him, the title role in the HBO series Hung, based on a character who turns his prodigious endowment into a money-maker, catering to the needs of sex-starved matrons. The actually hung guy lost this role to the actor who played Mickey Mantle in the TV movie about Roger Maris’ home run record. Strangely, that actor, Thomas Jane , who professes no illusions about his own endowment, utters a line in the movie (supposedly Mantle’s in real life) about how he prefers women with small hands because they make his dick look big.

Surely, this guy isn’t going wanting for a job for a lack of confidence. If anything will or should give a man confidence, it’s knowing his junk is bigger than anyone else’s, right? There’s no scientific study that I know of that supports the assertion that male confidence is directly proportional to male genital size, and yet, who doubts that there’s some correlation?

Wasn’t it always the guy with something to show who took every opportunity to waltz around the locker room in his altogether in high school (and even later)? So, does size matter? It’s of little comfort to someone who may be lacking in that department (a status—-trust me—-I can only relate to vicariously) that surveys indicate the “motion of the ocean” is more important to most sex partners than the “size of the boat.” Yet, when all is said and done, don’t bigger boats cause bigger waves?

This is one area where men have it all over women. For ages, women have suffered the indignity of having two of their two most prominent sex organs be on display. Just ask any woman how often she’s had a man talk to her breasts, instead of to her (an experience Thomas Jane could relate to when, he said, people started talking to his crotch after he got the role in Hung. Imagine if mother nature had engineered things differently, so that women could hide their breast size, but men had to wear their “package” on the outside.

The shift in the balance of power would be monumental. The wage disparity between men and women would pretty much disappear, but more importantly, all the men in history who had to compensate for their lack of penile proportion would suddenly be put in their place. SUV’s might never have been invented, for example. But, more importantly, world history would be different as well.

How would Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte or, for that matter, Adolph Hitler have achieved their awesome power if everyone knew (and could see) how minimal their manhood really was? Hitler was reputed to be underwhelmingly sized, leading to speculation about the inevitable historic consequences.

And who could possibly doubt that George Bush’s appearance on the aircraft carrier in a flight costume prominently embellished with a codpiece was an exercise in over-compensation on his part. I doubt the country would have elected a conspicuously under-sized president. Clinton might have won or lost, depending on which of his former consorts you believe.

All I can say is, thank goodness for the male/female difference, insofar as the manifestation of organ size goes: I wouldn’t want to be president, anyway.

Opinion Viewpoint

Eye on the Tiger

Look, we knew Tiger Woods wasn’t perfect. If you listened to him or
watched him on the golf course, it became obvious that he’s got an
anger-management problem. There are hundreds of professional golfers
who, unlike Tiger, seem able to avoid dropping the F bomb, not to
mention throwing their clubs, when they hit a poor shot.

And, in spite of the fact that he stands on the shoulders of
athletes who’ve paved the way for him, from Muhammad Ali to Arthur
Ashe, unlike them he distances himself from speaking out about issues
of racial and social injustice, whether it’s the role of his tournament
sponsor Chevron in human rights abuses or the reality of slave labor in
Dubai, site of one of his golf courses.

He won’t even speak out forcefully about the remnants of racism in
his own sport, not even the remark by a TV commentator that his
competitors should consider lynching him in a back alley, nor a fellow
professional’s jest about Tiger’s having to have fried chicken or
collard greens served at the Masters championship dinner.

And then there’s Tiger’s complicity with the shameful exclusion of
female members at Augusta National Golf Club.

The events of the past fortnight involving Tiger Woods and his harem
will, I suspect, have a profound effect on the game I adopted as my own
when I realized I’d become too old and too fat to engage in any of the
sports I excelled at earlier in life. Tiger is, almost single-handedly,
responsible for having thrown golf a life preserver when he arrived on
the professional scene.

But the very game Tiger rescued from the doldrums by his dramatic
accomplishments on the course is the same game he may now succeed in
bringing down by his off-the-course indiscretions. The fact is, golf
relies on TV exposure to drive interest in the sport, and TV exposure,
in turn, relies primarily on Tiger to attract viewers. And Tiger is
now, like it or not, damaged merchandise.

Of all the sports routinely televised in this country, golf is
undoubtedly one of the least amenable to televised depiction. The tube
does a lousy job communicating the phenomenon of a 300-plus-yard drive
with a 20-yard draw or a Beckham-like, intentional slice out of a
buried lie. But that’s where Tiger comes in. The man has become so
telegenic, he more than makes up for the frequent lack of drama during
a round — or several rounds — of golf. The result, of
course, is that Tiger’s presence or absence at a tournament can make or
break its telecast.

Let’s face it: Neither Tiger nor the game he helped revive will ever
be the same. I happen to believe that Tiger will not survive the scorn
his extracurricular activities has earned him. It is even possible, I
suggest, that, once Tiger hears the whispers coming from the galleries
(worse, for him, than a badly timed camera shutter), he may well decide
to pack it in and retire.

Dubai beckons with its hot and cold running slaves, and, with a
billion dollars in hand, he could constitute a one-man stimulus plan
for that troubled economy. Tiger, I suspect, is the last man on earth
who will tolerate the great unwashed masses whispering about his
indiscretions even as he performs for their pleasure.

But, hey, you’ve got to hand it to Tiger: For all the lousy
publicity he’s gotten in the last couple weeks, at least he managed to
get one of his dalliances to tell the world how prodigious a stud
muffin he is.

One thing’s for sure, though. If Tiger does indeed come back, that
ubiquitous “In the hole!” yelled by the yahoos when Tiger hits a shot
will never sound quite the same again.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

GADFLY: Phone THIS home, cellulistas!

The Gadfly

I have a question for all you cell phone addicts: do you
find yourself shopping for a waterproof cell phone just so you don’t miss any
calls while you’re in the shower? Amazingly, 

there is at least one
, though I doubt in-shower use was its motivation.
Surely, my cellulista friends,  you cannot be disconnected from the outside
world for a nanosecond, much less for the time it takes to shampoo your hair or
wash your fanny. Cellphone-itis has gotten so bad, I’ve noticed walkers in my
neighborhood on their phones as they encourage Fido to do his thing. Hey,
“walkie talkies:” why not just invite your indispensable phone buddies to walk
with you. Maybe you could put a leash on them (and pick up their poo) too, while
you’re at it.

Which is to say, my disgust with cell phone ubiquity (and
the insufferableness of its users) is reaching critical mass. For some time I’ve
been tempted to take the unacceptability of cell phone omnipresence into my own
hands. There are a variety of tactics available to deal with the boors who think
the world should revolve around their cell phone conversations, wherever they
happen to be. My favorite tactic was demonstrated by one of my heros, Larry
David (the creator of the iconic “Seinfeld” TV series), on his HBO series, “Curb
Your Enthusiasm.” Confronted with a restaurant patron sitting at the table next
to his,  blabbing
into one of those blue tooth earpieces
that make it seem like you’re talking
to yourself, he (Larry) starts talking to himself, as though he’s having a cell
phone conversation. The tactic has the desired effect, with the oblivious phone
monger, annoyed by David’s imaginary conversation (“at least I’m talking to a
real person”), leaving the restaurant in a huff.  I’ve found that it’s even more
effective if you repeat, verbatim and at an even higher decibel level, the
conversation the obnoxious talker is having, in that annoying way children learn
to repeat everything a split second after somone’s said it. Some cell phone
scolds have taken their grievances to a whole new level,  using
the information they glean from loud-mouthed cell fiends against them

If I had my druthers, though, I wouldn’t leave home without
my trusty cell phone jammer. Yes, for only about a hundred bucks you too can
take back the space in your immediate vicinity by disabling cell phone
communication for several feet in all directions. Even though they’re illegal
(go ahead, arrest me),  jammers
are widely available on the internet<
.  Oh, how I’ve fantasized about
carrying one of these little wonders in my pocket when I go into a public place
and am subjected to some inane (and oh-so-important) conversation within
earshot. Just imagine the power this little gizmo gives you to take back your
aural space in public places. Go ahead, cell phoner: make my day!

Cell phones have become a pox on society. And now, of
course, as if talking on them wasn’t obnoxious enough, we’ve had the explosion
of using them to text message, as well as to “tweet.” Don’t get me started on
“tweeting.” Actually,  it’s
too late
.   Had an amazing orgasm or an awesome fart? Tweet about it.
Someone’s bound to be interested. I am convinced that civilization, as we know
it, will come to an end, if not by the vast, and increasing, disparity between
the haves and the have-nots, then by our inability to go for minutes at a time
without  “reaching
out and touching” someone
. I’m beginning to understand what Greta Garbo had
in mind when she uttered  her
trademark line

Of course, there’s little doubt using a communication
device while driving is dangerous, estimates being that  cell
phone users are responsible for thousands of injuries (and hundreds of deaths)
each year
, the result being that restrictions on texting, and even on
conversing while driving, have become justifiably widespread. “Hang up and
drive” is still very good advice. Unfortunately, cell phone addiction is finding
newer ways to enable it
, although, in a hopeful sign, the addicts are
implementing their own  one-step
version of a self-help program

The ultimate comeuppance for cell phone addicts is the
increasing body of evidence that cell phone usage may be hazardous to health. A 

definitive study
on this (which also debunks the industry’s surprising
“findings” to the contrary) has just recently been released.  And, the World
Health Organization is reportedly ready to release the  report
of a long-term study
with a similar conclusion.  Of course, the cell phone
manufacturers vehemently deny any causal connection, and though I am one of the
few remaining skeptics who believes that if you condition a lab rat to do
anything (sex?) frequently enough you’ll find it causes cancer, I’m not stupid
enough to deny that some behaviors are unacceptably risky (e.g., texting while
driving). As for the cell phone industry’s denial, remember how vehemently the
tobacco industry denied their product’s link to cancer.  It took nearly 50 years
for the dangers of tobacco to become generally recognized.  The same for many
other environmental toxins, including asbestos. And, don’t think those silly
looking blue tooth ear pieces offer any protection, or even that just

carrying your phone on your hip
avoids risks.

So, it appears that Darwinian principles may eventually
kick in when it comes to cell phone users. Meantime, celluslistas: STFU when
you’re around me. Besides, you never know when I might be carrying that jammer.

Opinion Viewpoint

Racism: Real and Invented

Racism (or at least accusations of it) is back in the news, both
locally and nationally. Our mayor trotted out that old saw, for the nth
time, because he was ticked off at the City Council for taking him at
his word about “retiring” on July 30th and passing a resolution
declaring the office vacant as of July 31st.

The gall! Obviously, there’s no other explanation for that action
than racism. Oh, and he embellished the accusation, this time, by
adding the charge that the council’s action was “perverted.” Who knew a
resolution declaring a vacancy in the office of the mayor was on a par
with child pornography?

On the national scene, there have been two prominent racial
incidents: The first was the exclusion of a group of black children
from an apparently “whites only” swim club in suburban Philadelphia,
and the second occurred when our president entered the fray over the
arrest of prominent African-American scholar Henry Louis Gates by
suggesting it was possibly another example of racial profiling.

Imagine: an African-American male suggesting that law enforcement
officials occasionally target people of color for “special” treatment.
How dare he! It couldn’t possibly be because there’s hardly a black
person alive who hasn’t been harassed for the “crime” of being black,
could it? But the media, looking for a controversy about Obama when the
only other thing on their radar was the “birther” goofiness, jumped on
the president’s remarks as if he were channeling Jeremiah Wright.

It’s a sad fact that our mayor’s ubiquitous hurling of the racist
accusation has had the effect of inuring us to instances where the
charge may actually be meritorious — like the incident in
Philadelphia. It’s not unlike the way the villagers in the Aesop fable
stopped believing the boy who kept crying “wolf.”

I am the last person to scoff at charges of bigotry or intolerance,
being the child of Holocaust survivors and having had experience with
anti-Semitism. But I also have enough life experience to know that just
because you are a member of a group that has been historically
discriminated against doesn’t mean that everything bad that happens to
you is the result of discrimination.

I also know that just because a black person cries “racism” every
time something bad happens to him or her doesn’t mean it isn’t the
result of discrimination. The saying is: Just because you’re paranoid
doesn’t mean everyone isn’t out to get you. Eventually, even the boy
who cried “wolf” was right, even if, by that point, he couldn’t get
anyone to believe him.

There are lessons to be learned in these episodes. For Obama, it’s
that discussing issues of race may not always be welcomed, even coming
from him. Oh sure, everyone admired his confrontation of race in that
memorable campaign speech in Philadelphia. But that was as much because
it put distance between himself and Wright — someone many white
folks saw as a virulent black racist — as because it spoke to
broader issues of race.

We palefaces liked that speech because it made us feel Obama had
common cause with us in decrying the kind of racism we’re not used to,
the kind that threatens us. But identifying with a prominent black
scholar because he may have been the victim of the kind of racism we
would prefer to believe is mostly anecdotal? That was a bridge too far.
But the fact is, Obama’s foray into the subject of racial profiling may
end up having the salutary effect of making us (black and white)
realize that we may not have made as much progress toward becoming
“post-racial” as the pundits would have us believe.

The lessons in the Herenton episode are harder to glean, if only
because his accusations of discrimination have become so
indiscriminant. After all, the mayor has enjoyed a record-breaking
tenure in office in no small part because whites, as well as blacks,
have repeatedly reelected him and because he has been the beneficiary
of the white power structure’s largesse.

Nonetheless, the lesson in Herenton’s incessant invocation of the
race card, especially in juxtaposition with the incident at the
Philadelphia swim club, may be that racism is still alive and well in
this country, even if the carriers of that message may see that wolf at
the door, even when he’s not.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

GADFLY: The Question is Race

e6e7/1248672154-gadfly.jpgWell, guess what? Racism (or at least accusations of it) is back in the news, both locally and nationally. Our mayor trotted out that old saw, for the Nth time, because he was pissed off at City Council for actually taking him at his word about “retiring” on July 30th, and passing a resolution declaring the office vacant as of July 31st. The gall of them! Obviously, there’s no other explanation for that than racism. Oh, and he embellished the accusation, this time, by adding the charge that the Council’s action was “perverted.” Who knew that part of the resolution declaring a vacancy in the office apparently was language praising child pornography?

On the national scene, there have been two prominent incidents: the first was the exclusion of a group of black children from an apparently “whites only” swim club in suburban Philadelphia, and the second was when our President entered the fray over the arrest of prominent African American scholar Henry Louis Gates by suggesting this was another example of racial profiling. Imagine—-an African American male suggesting that law enforcement officials occasionally target people of color for “special” treatment. How dare he! It couldn’t possibly be because there’s hardly a black person who’s lived long enough who hasn’t been harassed for the “crime” of being black, could it? But the corporate media, looking for a controversy about this president, when the only other thing on their radar screens was the “birther” goofiness, jumped on Obama’s remarks as if he were channeling Jeremiah Wright.

I’ve been privileged to become friends with a number of African Americans in the last few years as a result of my membership in a predominantly (well, except for me, exclusively) black social organization made up of doctors, lawyers and other professionals. It’s been an enlightening experience to have the shoe be on the other foot, as my black friends have (playfully, I think) referred to me as the “white boy,” or the “slave master,” among other things. Nonetheless, I’ve come to the realization from being around these guys that it is virtually impossible to be a black person in this country, regardless of status or stature, and not have experiences where the color of your skin has been criminalized by law enforcement authorities. “Driving while black,” has become almost a cliché, but, as with most clichés, it has a reality-based origin.

It’s a sad fact that our Mayor’s ubiquitous hurling of the racist accusation has had the effect of inuring us to instances where the charge may actually be meritorious, like the incident in Philadelphia, not unlike the way the villagers in the Aesop fable stopped believing the boy who kept crying “wolf.”

I am the last person to scoff at charges of bigotry or intolerance, being the child of Holocaust survivors, and having had personal experience with anti-Semitism. But, I also have enough life experience to know that just because you are a member of a group that has been historically discriminated against doesn’t mean that everything bad that happens to you is the result of discrimination.

I also know that just because a black person cries “racism” every time something bad happens to them doesn’t mean it isn’t the result of discrimination. The saying is, just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean everyone isn’t out to get you. Eventually, even the boy who cried wolf was right, even if, by that point, he couldn’t get anyone to believe him.

There are lessons to be learned in these episodes. For Obama, it’s that discussing issues of race may not always be accepted with open arms, even coming from him. Oh sure, everyone admired his confrontation of race in that memorable campaign speech in Philadelphia. But that was as much because it put distance between himself and someone many white folks saw as a virulent black racist as because it spoke to broader issues of race.

We “palefaces” liked that speech because it made us feel Obama had common cause with us in decrying the kind of racism we’re not used to, the kind that threatens us. But identifying with a prominent black scholar because he may have been the victim of the kind of racism we would prefer to believe is mostly anecdotal? Unh-unh; that was a bridge too far. But the fact is, Obama’s foray into racial profiling may end up having the salutary effect of making us (black and white) realize that we may not have made as much progress towards becoming “post-racial” as the pundits would have us believe.

The lessons in the Herenton episode are harder to glean, if only because his accusations of discrimination have become so indiscriminate. After all, our mayor has enjoyed a record-breaking tenure in his office in no small part because whites, as well as blacks, have repeatedly re-elected him, and because he has been the beneficiary of the white power structure’s largesse.

Nonetheless, the lesson in Herenton’s incessant invocation of the “race card,” especially in juxtaposition with the incident at the Philadelphia swim club, may be that racism is still alive and well in this country, even if the carriers of that message may see that wolf at the door all too often.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

THE GADFLY: Monetizing Content Redux

monetizing_content2.jpgI admit it; I’m a snoop. I love to see how other people live their lives, not by peeping through their windows (I draw the line at anything that would land me in jail), but by watching the snippets of their lives they see fit to share with us, the great unwashed masses. Which is one of the reasons I love those “see and be seen” party picture magazines that get published periodically, showing the self-appointed Memphis gliterati in all their splendor. Where else, I ask you, can you see so many boob jobs in one place without being there? That’s just one reason I call these magazines “boobs on parade.”

But, the really interesting tidbits of other people’s lives is on display in the wedding and engagement announcements of the newspaper. Now, I know many of you prefer to read the obituaries, mostly, I suspect, to make sure your name isn’t listed. But I find that to be a bit too ghoulish, and also entirely too reminiscent of my own mortality. But, weddings and engagements? Now, there’s a celebration, and a major slice, of life I can relate to.

I find the announcements that appear in our local paper to be particularly amusing. It used to be, back before every conceivable bit of newspaper content (including the electronic kind) had to be monetized, that weddings and engagements, along with births and deaths, were considered “vital statistics,” which were published as a public service by the newspaper. Hence the term “newspaper of record.” Many newspapers still treat these kinds of announcements that way, to the extent that the New York Times insists, as part of its announcement policy, that each of the blissful couple’s prior divorces be listed. How’s that for throwing a wet rag on the festivities? But not our local paper. They’ve figured out how to treat wedding and death announcements like car ads. Column inches are column dollars, so pretty much whatever you want to submit for publication in the way of wedding/death announcements is OK with them. The result: malapropisms, typos and the occasional elimination of the identity (or even existence) of one of the bride’s (or groom’s) parents. Apparently, quite a few test tube babies get married.

I get a particularly big kick out of the differences between the announcements in our local paper and the ones that appear in the New York Times. To appear in the Times, one or both of the happy couple must have at least one degree (and preferably more) from an Ivy League school, be a doctor, lawyer or investment banker and have at least one parent who’s written the Great American Novel. To appear in our local paper, one or both of the celebrants must have attended Ole Miss and be employed by FedEx or one of our ubiquitous hospitals. And it doesn’t really matter who their parents are, unless, of course, one of them happens to be a preacher. The Times doesn’t care where the couple honeymoon, or where they’re taking up housekeeping, but that information is de rigeur in the local announcements. After all, more info = more column inches.

I’m sorry if that comparison makes me come across like a snob (what can I say?). Either of my marriage announcements, had they been submitted for publication, would have fallen short by the Times’ standards. But the second one would have been worthy (in my opinion), if only for the fact that the wedding “reception” was held at the soda fountain of the Wiles-Smith Drug Store in Midtown. See, I told you I was a snob.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

THE GADFLY: I Won’t Tweet, Don’t Ask Me

8533/1243284362-gadfly2.jpgCall me an old fogie, a troglodyte, stuck in the mud or any other term you care to use to describe my resistance to the ever-increasing impingement of technology on our daily lives, but I still won’t succumb to the most recent incarnation of communication known, euphemistically, as social networking. I won’t “tweet” on Twitter, link to LinkedIn, show my face on Facebook, or share my space with MySpace, and I’ll give you fair warning: don’t try to make me. I don’t have, and don’t want, 200 friends. I have a hard enough time keeping up with the handful I already have.

As it is, I do everything in my power to avoid unwanted contact with the outside world. What can I say: I’m a big believer in privacy, something which, in the era of government eavesdropping and multi-million name databases, is all but gone. I have an unpublished phone number (the only effective way to avoid bill collectors, stockbrokers, and the occasional nostalgic ex-girlfriend), and an e-mail address that’s guarded by so many layers of spam protection it sometimes blocks the messages I actually want to receive.

I assume that most of my friends would, as they should, be just as uninterested in the minutiae of my mundane daily life as I am in theirs. So, why, for heaven’s sake, would I subscribe to a service that would enable me, as was reported of one recent “tweet,” to hear from a friend while she was undergoing her gynecological examination? I certainly wouldn’t pain her with the details of my prostate exam (not that I could do it from that position even if I wanted to). Some experiences, I assure you, are not meant to be shared.

And, if you think broadcasting while your nether regions are being palpated is weird, then how about broadcasting those nether regions themselves. Yes, according to an article in the New York Times, one of our local hospitals, right here in River City, is actually “tweeting” (via YouTube) brain operations.

And why are they doing that? Why, for marketing purposes, of course. They’re not getting enough of our overstretched healthcare dollar, apparently, and billboards stopped being graphic enough to gin up a sufficient amount of the cash cow neurosurgery business. What next: breast augmentations (bigger “tweets,” perhaps) and vasectomies? Please, if these procedures are already on YouTube, I don’t want to know about it.

The lie these sites propagate is that, by using them, you are somehow promoting communication, keeping in touch, not being a stranger, etc. The phone company used to have a promotion that encouraged subscribers to “reach out and touch someone.” Well, in the age when the most innocuous or best-intended of comments can find you on the wrong end of a sexual harassment complaint, that may not be such a good idea anymore.

But, more importantly, as we increasingly substitute electronic communication for live, in-person, face-to-face (or telephonic—-remember that quaint technology) conversation, we also increasingly promote a kind of remoteness and disconnectedness that can give rise to many misunderstandings. Who among us hasn’t had the experience of having an e-mail message badly misunderstood simply because we could not, instantaneously, prevent the message’s unintended interpretation?

If I want you to reach me, I’ll give you my phone number, or my triple-Spam-protected e-mail address, and I assume, if you feel the same way, you’ll reciprocate that privilege. And, in so doing, we’ll gladly forego the ability to use those methods to communicate 24/7, as the social networking sites promote. Who needs to communicate 24/7, anyway?

And if you want me to know who your friends are, what music you like to hear, or food you like to eat, I assume you’ll invite me to a party (the original, and still best, form of social networking) where I can meet those friends, listen to some of your favorite music and eat some of your favorite food.

What started out as a mechanism to increase our intimacy has, instead, resulted in increasing our detachment. It’s no accident that the dictionary definition for the term used for a Twitter communication, the “tweet,” is “a weak chirping sound.” See, even the dictionary knows what, apparently, the technology-addicted don’t: tweeting is a weak substitute for meaningful communication.

Opinion Viewpoint

A Modest Proposal

What have we learned from the now-defunct “war on terror” that we
could apply to our de facto war on crime? (Note: We have “wars” on
terror and on drugs, both of which have been ineffectual, but no “war
on crime,” an obvious admission of the metaphor’s futility.)

According to former Vice President Dick Cheney, some of his
adminstration’s tactics against terror actually worked — primary
among them, torture. He’s told us that the “harsh interrogation
tactics” our country used on terrorists have actually “kept us safe,”
since we haven’t been attacked since 2001.

Never mind that many of our allies have been attacked by terrorists
since then or that worldwide terrorism has actually increased
during that same time. If we’ve learned anything about the Bush/Cheney
doctrine, it’s that the only thing that really matters is what happens
in this country. And, since I always believe what the Dick says
(on WMD’s, the “well-established” connection between Saddam and
al-Qaeda, etc.), I have no reason to disbelieve him this time, do

So, here’s my “modest proposal” (in honor of Jonathan Swift’s
tongue-in-cheek suggestion that the poor and hungry of
early-18th-century Ireland eat their own children as a way of
alleviating their plight): Let’s start torturing prisoners in our
domestic jails and prisons.

Are you listening, Chief Godwin and District Attorney Gibbons? It’s
obvious that your “Gun crime is jail time” and “Blue Crush” slogans
haven’t been working, at least not well enough. Criminals are still
committing crimes in Memphis with such frequency that it has won us the
dubious distinction of being the second-most “miserable” city in the
country, according to a recent Forbes magazine survey.

The solution is obvious, isn’t it? Instead of putting “Gun crime is
jail time” on billboards, the campaign against crime needs to say, “Gun
crime is torture time.” Hey, if it’s worked for deterring terrorists
from attacking the U.S., as the former vice president says it has, it’s
got to work for local thugs as well, don’t you think? A billboard with
a picture of jailers at 201 Poplar administering waterboarding to a
prisoner would go a long way toward convincing would-be criminals on
the outside that the Shelby County Jail is the last place on earth they
want to be.

Of course, criminals never think they’re going to be caught, which
is why traditional punishments, including capital punishment, aren’t
nearly the deterrents criminologists wish they were, but maybe if the
treatment were more heinous … After all, when you grab ’em by the
balls (or nearly drown ’em), their hearts and minds are sure to follow,

Torture might work where other, more conventional methods of
punishment don’t, if for no other reason than it will convince the bad
guys we’re willing to play by their rules, rather than by the rules of
a civilized society. Desperate times call for desperate measures. If we
can convince criminals that they’re at risk of suffering excruciating
pain for committing crimes, who knows what effect it might have?

So what if the people we torture in our jails are just suspects
(like the “detainees” we worked over at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib)? We don’t
arrest or “detain” people unless they’re guilty, right? Once we extract
confessions from them in this time-honored way, we’ll sweep away this
“presumption of innocence” nonsense and eliminate the necessity of
wasting time and money on “due process.”

And I’m sure we can convince local legal authorities to give jailers
who inflict torture on prisoners the same kind of immunity from
prosecution our president was willing to give the CIA agents who
tortured detainees.

Now I know some of the more squeamish readers out there might have a
problem with this truly modest proposal. The ACLU probably won’t like
it either — left-wingers that they are — and they might
even sue to prevent torture as a violation of the Fourth Amendment
prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. But they’d be

No less an authority than Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia, in
an interview broadcast on CBS’s 60 Minutes a few months ago,
said that since torture isn’t, technically speaking, punishment, it
cannot, by definition, be cruel and unusual.

I kid you not; that’s what he actually said. Now, anything that
Scalia and Cheney say is good enough for me. So let the torture

Would I pull your leg?

Marty Aussenberg, a local attorney,
writes the “Gadfly” column for

Politics Politics Feature

GADFLY: Is Obama Overdoing the ‘Just Folks’ Thing?

Okay, I admit it: just like that girl who sang about it during the presidential campaign, I’ve got a crush on Obama. I mean that in a manly way, of course, a “man crush” (according to the online Urban Dictionary). Like, if I ever got to meet him, I’d give him a fist “dap,” or a man hug (you know, the handshake accompanied by the right shoulder bump), or maybe even a full body hug (the kind he seems to favor), but with the accompanying, de rigeur four taps on the back signifying “I-am-not-gay” (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Okay, enough of trying to establish my macho, hetero cred.

My point is, I like our new president (even though I didn’t vote for him—and, no, I didn’t vote for “McLame” either, since I refuse to be a slave to the two-party monopoly, and I knew Obama wasn’t going to carry Tennessee anyway). Two of the things I like best about him (other than his intellect and fluency in the English language—two more features that distinguish him from his predecessor) are his warmth and humanity. What a refreshing change from the cold, imperious elitist (phony Texas twang to the contrary notwithstanding) we had to put up with before Obama came along to demonstrate that it isn’t a sign of weakness for a president to make us believe he’s “one of us.”

That said, I think he’s taking this availability thing too far. Okay, so he had to fulfill a promise to appear on ESPN to discuss his bracket picks in the upcoming NCAA tournament (even if he did dis both Memphis and my alma mater, Pitt, in the process), but going to the Wizards-Bulls round ball game last week, and exchanging high fives with one of the Wizards’ rowdy fans, was just too much for me. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, he’s actually going to appear on a late-night TV talk show this week, the first time in history a sitting president has done that. What can we look forward to next week, Mr. President, an appearance on American Idol maybe (which he’d win, hands down, since, for many, he fulfills that show’s title, literally)?

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for a president who considers himself a “man of the people.” Some of our best, not to mention most effective and popular, presidents have succeeded in projecting that image. JFK playing touch football or Bill Clinton playing the saxophone, for example. The common touch isn’t necessarily a bad thing in a president. But, let’s face it: the President of the United States isn’t one of us, not really. That’s not to say he’s better than us (and some, as we now know, have been a lot worse, that is if you consider criminality to be a bad thing in a president), just different. Oh sure, he puts his pants on one leg at a time, like the rest of us. But he also has to have some super-human traits, not only to be the president but to have survived the process of getting to that office, against all odds, to begin with.

I’m not saying I want our presidents to think of themselves in monarchical, or even dictatorial, terms. No, we’ve put up with that for the past eight years, and look where it’s gotten us. I’m just saying it’s perfectly Okay, and maybe even useful, for a president to have a certain air of detachment, and to separate himself from the hoi polloi. It’s part of the tool kit of governing. We’re fortunate to have a president who, unlike his predecessor, is willing to accept responsibility for his actions, and even (horrors!) to admit his mistakes. Fallibility is a human trait, and its admission not a sign of weakness. It does not, however, have to be accompanied by mixing it up with us common folk, or, as Obama did at the Bulls game, trash talking with other fans.

Obama doesn’t have to adopt a fortress mentality, holing up in his White House burrow, only to pop out, like a groundhog, on designated occasions. But he also doesn’t need to act like the only thing that changed when he moved from Hyde Park to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was his address. I admit, one of my trepidations about Obama’s ubiquity in public is the increased risk to the security of a man towards whom many in this country harbor angry, hostile, maybe even violent, feelings. Frankly, it scared the proverbial wadooee out of me when he and Michelle popped out of the “tank” (as the new presidential limousine is now referred to) to walk part of the parade route on inauguration day.

So, Mr. President, please know that you’ve convinced us you’re one of us, but please stop acting like you’ve got to be seen doing the things we do, going to the places we go, or even acting the way we act, to preserve that image. It’s perfectly OK with us for you to be, and act, presidential, even if you have to be a bit less visible in public to do so.