Music Music Blog

Listen Up: Nathan McHenry

Michael Donahue

Nathan McHenry plays Jerry Lee Lewis in ‘Million Dollar Quartet.’

The tips of the upper E, F and G keys on the piano in Playhouse on the Square’s production of “Million Dollar Quartet” are chipped.

“Those chips – that’s definitely because of my foot,” said Nathan McHenry.

McHenry, 24, plays Jerry Lee Lewis in the musical set in the mid 1950s at Sun Studios. He strikes the keyboard with his size eight and a half caramel-colored Stacy Adams wing tip during several songs.

He’s played the piano since he was five, but he used his right foot to hit the pedals, not the keys. “I don’t want to damage any of the pianos I’m playing.”

Performing in the show as Lewis was a different story; he had to use his foot a la the Killer. “You just kind of throw it up there and go for it. I use my feet on ‘Brown Eyed Handsome Man,’ ‘Whole Lotta Shakin’’ and during scenes when I want to annoy Carl (Perkins).”

He’s not trying to hit a specific note with his shoe, but to “hit the ballpark. The right area.”

McHenry, who will play Lewis through Sunday’s matinee/end of run, recently was named Playhouse on the Square’s music director.

A native of North Carolina, McHenry began singing in church. “First time I sang in church I was four. With my sister. Something about ‘the name of Jesus.’”

He also loved the sounds made by soul singers. He especially liked gospel singer Mahalia Jackson. “My mom remembers me in the bathtub trying to sing like a black woman in this high voice.”

Jerry Lee inklings emerged when McHenry was a child. “I always was someone with a loud mouth always making noise.”

And, to this day, he will “dance around and beat on things.”

McHenry got into theater after his mother gave him the choice of continuing with soccer or joining a theatrical group. “I would have picked anything over soccer.”

He fell in love with acting. He landed his first role in “Anne of Green Gables” when he was seven. “I played some little boy who was supposed to have a crush on Anne. And I didn’t know what a ‘crush’ was. But I still delivered the lines as they were written and got a big laugh every night.”

McHenry hasn’t stopped performing since. “Somewhere in the 70s and 80s is how many shows I’ve done.”

He began dancing in musicals in high school. “I never took a dance class until high school. But our choreographer helped me along. And in college I developed more of an affinity for dance and movement.”

McHenry studied classical and jazz piano, but he picked up the rockabilly style when he landed a role as a brooding filling station attendant with slicked back hair in “Pump Boys and Dinettes.”

He moved to Memphis in 2013 after auditioning in the Unified Theater Auditions. Playhouse on the Square director Jordan Nichols called him back to take on the “Memphis: The Musical” role of Huey Calhoun, a “fictional recreation” of legendary deejay Dewey Phillips.

He listened to clips of Phillips’s old “Red, Hot & Blue” radio shows on YouTube. “You just listen to him for a minute and you’re, ‘OK, man. That guy is just crazy.’”

McHenry apparently has an affinity for playing wild men. “I think there’s a part of me that’s a little psychotic, yeah. But, really, most people are often surprised. Especially after this show. People come up and meet me in the lobby and are surprised: ‘Oh, my. You’re a normal guy.’”

McHenry was given another internship so he could stay in Memphis and play Lewis in “Million Dollar Quartet.” “I look somewhat similar to Jerry Lee. But I think a lot of it is that kind of energy. Just that ‘there’s something not quite right up there.’”

He didn’t want to “over analyze” his role, but he watched a lot of Lewis’s videos as preparation for the part. “I was immediately impressed by how he – and no one else has done this – can play the piano almost like a guitar. He can make noises up higher on the keyboard that are not notes, but they fit. He can just sit there and bang it and he doesn’t care what he’s playing. And it works.”

McHenry is on stage just about every minute of the hour and a half-long show. “I leave for about 30 seconds after the first number and come back on and don’t leave again.”

He’s constantly moving, twisting, turning and fidgeting on stage. “The show is a big workout for me. I ran a little bit during the rehearsal process just trying to get my cardio up so I could get through stamina wise.”

McHenry leaps on top of the piano at one point in the show. “Jumping up there took a little practice. I try to just think about if I’m vaulting over something. So, I do jump up. I put a hand down on the top of it and throw my legs over. I jump and then sit on top.”

He looks cool and collected as he takes his stage bow in a glittery red jacket with flames and piano decals on the arms.

After the show? “It takes me at least five minutes to get my breath back. It’s hard to just get a regular cycle of breathing again.”

“Million Dollar Quartet” is at 8 p.m. Friday and at 2 and 8 pm. Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday at Playhouse o

'Wild One' from Michael Donahue on Vimeo.

Listen Up: Nathan McHenry (2)

n the Square, 66 Cooper Street; (901) 726-4656

'Just a Little Talk With Jesus' from Michael Donahue on Vimeo.

Listen Up: Nathan McHenry

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GRRL FEST celebrates women in music

MIchael Donahue

Kirby Gross and Louise Page at GRRL FEST

GRRL FEST, a festival featuring bands that included women, was a success, said founder Allison Kasper.

“A lot of people weren’t on their phones during the show,” she said. “Everyone was paying attention to the bands.”

The event, held May 20 at the Hi Tone, featured 10 bands and NYA, a woman deejay.

A total of 298 people paid to get in, but about 350 attended, Allison said. That included the bands and “people that snuck in and that were on the guest list,” she said.

Allison got the idea to do the show two years ago. “I heard Knots for the first time and fell in love with them – their music, everything about them. I wondered if there could be something in Memphis. Get a bunch of bands together to play for a good cause and give recognition to women that are making really, really good music in town.”

Finding bands that included women was “very easy,” she said.

Knots headlined the show, which raised $2,115 after production costs.

GRRL FEST lasted until the wee hours. “People were still there at 3 a.m.,” Allison said. “It was kind of hard to get people out.”

Louise Page, one of the performers, said, “I thought it was a really really great idea. I think there are a lot of industries in which the role women play are marginalized, harder for women to break in the industry. Women don’t always get the same recognition in the music industry. And to have an event that acknowledges that with great female musicians is awesome. And necessary.”

Michael Donahue

Jo Gray and Matt Isbell at Peabody Rooftop Party.

Matt Isbell’s three-piece tie dyed suit lit up the Peabody Rooftop Party, held May 18 on the Plantation Roof and inside the Skyway.

The white suit, in shades of green and blue, made its debut at the party, said Matt, lead singer of Ghost Town Blues Band, which performed at the weekly event.

“I’d just gotten it that day so I was excited to wear it,” Matt said. “Take it for a test drive.”

He got the suit idea after he saw a jumpsuit worn by blues vocalist/harmonica player John Nemeth. Matt originally told John about Kate Lynn Stout, who does tie dyes at her Psychedelic Sass store in Arkansas. John commissioned Kate to do the jumpsuit. Now, Matt said, “He’s got this cool looking jumpsuit with the ace of ace of spades tie dyed on the back. I just thought it was too cool. I was like, ‘Well, I need to answer this.’”

Matt went on line and ordered a white linen suit, which Kate tie dyed. Comparing his suit to John’s jumpsuit, Matt said, “This is my ‘Their Satanic Majesties Request’ to his ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.’”

Matt and the rest of the Ghost Town Blues Band, which includes Preston McEwen, Matthew Karner, Suave Jones, Taylor Orr and Tim Stanek, will be in Las Vegas as well as in New Mexico and Arizona this weekend. Asked if he was going to wear the tie-dyed suit, Matt said, “I don’t know. It’s going to be one of those things where I’ll have to catch the vibe of the festival before I pop it on. It’s not going to be my uniform. It’s going to live in the van. When it’s time to wear it, I’ll know.”

The Memphis Flyer sponsored the May 18 event.

MIchael Donahue

Matthew Wrage and Will Vestal at BBQ Fest.

The Memphis in May World’s Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest could be considered one big birthday party for Kert Kaiser. He was born 23 years ago on the Thursday night of BBQ Fest.

“I’m a barbecue baby,” said Kert, who spent part of his birthday Thursday May 18 with the Cadillac Grillz team at the festival.

His mother, Ashley, and his dad, Edward, have different stories about exactly what happened the night Kert was born. “I don’t remember actually making it down there,” Ashley said. “He swears we were down there and I went into labor. I remember I was on my way. I was half way down there.”

Either way, Kert was born at Baptist Memorial Hospital on Walnut Grove the Thursday night of the festival. And, Ashley said, “For his next 10 years, he thought every time we were at BBQ fest celebrating, he thought it was his birthday party.”

For that first decade of his life, the Kaisers celebrated Kert’s birthday with the rest of the family on Thursday night at the Sons of Bacchus booth at the festival. They served cake made in the shape of a pig, Ashley said. But Thursday night also was the festival’s kids’ night so people dressed up like Batman and other characters were featured along with games. All of which Kert thought strictly were for his benefit.

“We’ve got great pictures of them sucking on bones before they should have been eating ribs,” Ashley said.


Music Music Blog

Listen Up: Harlan

Michael Donahue

Harlan: Ian Rone, Griffin Rone, Gabe Hasty, Harlan Hutton and Miguel Pilcher

m Harlan Hutton’s songs are like diary entries.

“Just about all my songs are usually trying to explain a very complicated feeling,” said Hutton, 19. “I used to just write so I could explain something to myself and just put it away and it’s gone.”

The songs are “just little diddlies. Like after Junior Cotillion and I’m feeling like I’m just going to get married at 20 and settle down in Memphis. The feeling that I was supposed to have after Junior Cotillion. Things like that. These little songs that are stupid about things I’ve been thinking.”

She let Gabe Hasty, 19, listen to one of her songs. “I remember hearing ‘Play Pretend’ for the first time and just curling up in a lawn chair and listening to it,” Hasty said. “It’s poetic. It really draws you in in a way that I don’t know. It’s just like sometimes when you hear something you can immediately know the quality. It’s just obvious sometimes. It was a phone recording. And it was done in probably two or three takes. But you can still hear the actual quality of the songwriting.”

He let Griffin Rone, 19, listen to it. “We knew we had to flesh that project out and play it as a band,” Hasty said.

With Hutton on lead vocals and guitar, Hasty on keyboards, Griffin on bass, Griffin’s brother, Ian Rone, 16, on synth and Miguel Pilcher, 21, on drums, the group recorded two of Hutton’s songs: “Foreverendeavor” and “Fingertips.”

They had so much fun recording the songs, which are on Bandcamp, they decided to play as a band.

Before playing music, dancing was Hutton’s main creative expression. “I did classical ballet for 13 years,” she said.

Hutton, who was a member of New Ballet Ensemble & School, said, “It came to a point where I needed to choose to become professional or not. And I chose ‘not.’ I’m like, ‘I’m not going to do it if I’m not going to go all the way with it.’”

Guitar was next. “I needed a new creative outlet, so I picked up the guitar and kind of taught myself how to play.”

Her mother helped her buy her first instrument – a $100 acoustic. “When you first start learning guitar there’s the bands that you want to listen to like the Strokes and that kind of stuff. Just learning how to play those kinds of songs is fun. And also helps you get over the painful learning curve of the guitar.”

She played in her room until she started hanging out with Hasty and Griffin, who also are in Melinda, one of the first local bands she used to go see.

Hasty began playing piano as a child. “When I was four years old my parents got me to start playing classical music, taking lessons,” he said. “At first they had to bribe me into with a GameCube.”

Around 14 “was when I really started to get into it.” Franz Liszt is his favorite, but he also likes Johann Sebastian Bach. “It’s the prototype for modern pop, I guess.”

Lucifer’s Canoe was Hasty’s first band. Then then joined Jimmy Shindig and the Wind Chimes with Griffin and Pilcher. “I got a Tascam 488 and started getting obsessed with recording music. That’s when Melinda was born. It was kind of a recording project.”

Griffin began playing bass after a friend said he wanted to start a band. “I was like, ‘You know what? I’ll pick up bass.’ And having never played really any string instrument, I figured it was the perfect place to start.”

He learned to play the stand-up bass after he joined the jazz band at Christian Brothers High School. That lead to private jazz lessons.

An actor, Griffin also played “Bill Black” in the “Sun Records” TV series.

Pilcher began playing piano as a child, but switched to drums when he was in elementary school at St. Ann Bartlett. “In fifth grade they made you choose,” he said. “Like you could either be in the choir or be in the band. And I was like, ‘I’m not going to be in choir.’”

He chose drums because that was the closest instrument to him in the room after he arrived late to the class. “The only place to sit was in the very back by the drums.”

Now, he said, “I’m obsessed with drums.”

Pilcher and Griffin formed Jimmy Shindig. “Our first show we ever played was at The New Daisy,” Griffin said. “It was a bunch of death metal bands. We were like rock and roll. We weren’t anywhere near death metal. We looked at all the names we were playing with and they were like, ‘Dark,’ ‘Death,’ “Cobra,’ ‘Evil,’ ‘Satan’s Eyeball,’ things like that. We were like, “Let’s find the silliest name. We’re going to be ‘Jimmy Shindig and the Wind Chimes.’”

Ian Rone, Griffin’s brother, began acting at 12 or 13 in a Playhouse on the Square production of “Peter Pan.” “I was ‘Twin No. 2’ in the Lost Boys,’” he said.

He picked up the bass when a friend suggested they start a band, Tiger Lake. “Griffin helped me for the first couple of band songs we made,” he said.

All the band members are in other projects. Griffin, Hasty and Hutton are in Melinda; Griffin, Pilcher, Ian, Hasty and Hutton are in Dave Bao Bao; Griffin and Pilcher are in the folky, jazzy Grandpaw Grew Trees and Griffin is in the indie rock band, Small.

Since she is two other bands besides Harlan, Hutton said she has band practice every day.

“It’s amazing, actually,” Griffin said. “It’s all the same people in different configurations that create a completely different style of music. Dave Bao Bao is borderline punk groove synth wave stuff. And then Harlan is very beautiful and melodic. It’s a lot sweeter than Dave Bao Bao. Dave Bao Bao is a little jarring.

“Sometimes we talk about making a super group. We’ve talked about going on tour this summer and doing three of the best songs from each band. It’d be kind of fun.”

“We’re going to call it ‘Transformers 5,’” Hasty said.

GRRL FEST. Doors open 7 p.m. May 20 at the Hi-Tone. Admission: $15.

Harlan, "Forever Endeavor" from Michael Donahue on Vimeo.

Listen Up: Harlan

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Big Llou’s blues after party rocks

Michael Donahue

Michael Roy Birdcap and Chris Reyes at Artery.

Rain, rain went away and the Artery Alley Party took place two weeks later.

The party, originally scheduled for April 26, was postponed to May 10 because of rain that hit about 6 p.m., said Penelope Houston, vice-president of marketing and communications for Downtown Memphis Commission, which sponsored the event.

Artists showed their works on the walls on the South side of Local and the old Oshi, Penelope said. “We probably had 30 submissions for what was eventually six artists we chose for phase one,” she said. “And there is a phase two we will launch later this year.”

About 350 people attended the event “over the course of the evening,” Penelope said. In addition to the art, the event featured table tennis, corn hole games, chalk for sidewalk drawling an Amurica photo booth, Mempops and music by Djanga and Southern Avenue.

MIchael Donahue

Big Llou Johnson at Big Llou’s Blues Hall of Fame Tribute Jam.

Big Llou Johnson hosted his fifth “Big Llou’s Hall of Fame Tribute Jam” in Memphis May 10, but it was the first time he held it at the Warehouse in the South Main district.

His event is the after party for the Blues Hall of Fame induction ceremony. It’s held the night before the Blues Foundation Blues Music Awards.

Llou remembered attending the induction ceremony five years ago. “After that ceremony we just left and went back to the hotel,” he said. “Everybody did their own thing. There was no music there. There was no camaraderie or back patting.

He was concerned. “Me coming from Chicago, a party town and a blues music town, I was not having it.”

So, he said, “Let me throw a party.”

The first event, held at B. B. King’s Blues Club, drew “a good hundred,” LLou said. “Everybody who was inducted in the Hall of Fame that night – we just had a ball.”

The event was held at Hard Rock Cafe for three years until it moved to the Warehouse this year. About 350 attended this year’s event, Llou said.

Since it began, the jam has raised more than $20,000 for the Blues Foundation, Llou said.

Asked the origin of the unusual spelling of his first name, Llou said he changed it because he’s a member of organizations, including the Screen Actors Guild. “It’s a well known fact you can’t have two actors with the same name in the actors’ union.”

His real name is “Louis,” but “Louis,” “Lou” and even “L. Johnson” were gone, he said. “I’m sitting in the union office going, ‘What can I change my name to? I don’t want to be ‘Lou Stone,’ ‘Lou Riprock’ or ‘Lou Granite.’”

Since his mother’s name is “Lora,” his father’s name is “Louis” and his grandmother’s name is “Lillie,” Llou just added another “l” to his name. “Everybody who meant anybody to me in my family, (their) name started with ‘l.’ Let me stick another ‘l’ in my name. If I ever get to see my name up in lights, those ancestors will be up there with me.”

Michael Donahue

Jim Hines at Gossett.

Gossett Porsche unveiled its 2017 Panamera at a reception May 11 at the dealership on Covington Pike. The silver 550-horsepower Porsche that can reach a top track speed of 190 drew applause from the crowd when the drape was removed.

Wayne Ashford, one of the guests, has owned 27 Porsches over the past three years. He trades them in every “three to six months,” he said. “I never put 1,000 miles on them,” he said.

“He’s never had to check oil,” said his Porsche salesman Saad Baddar.

He even owned the Porsche that was unveiled. “Here people are waiting to see it and I’ve already driven it,” he said. “And traded it in.”


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The HillBenders’ “Tommy: A Bluegrass Opry”

Tommy, can you hear me? Playing the Who’s music on a mandolin and banjo?

The Springfield, Missouri-based band, the HillBenders, will visit the Buckman Performing & Fine Arts Center on Friday, May 12th to perform “Tommy: A Bluegass Opry” based on the Who’s 1969 rock opera, Tommy.

Asked what reaction he gets when he tells people his band performs a bluegrass Tommy, HillBenders guitarist Jim Rea says, “You get a blank stare.”

But, he says, “The people who grew up with the record really seem to get it more than the people who grew up on Bill Monroe or any sort of traditional bluegrass.”

The HillBenders

The late Louis Meyers, one of the founders of the South by Southwest festival, came up with the idea, Rea says. “He said, ‘You are the band. Your band has enough of the rock-and-roll chops and the bluegrass chops to pull it off without making it hokey.'”

Rea took on the arranging position and worked up a few songs, including “Pinball Wizard” and “1921.” He sent some “rough scratches” to Meyers, who approved. “His main goal was to be true to the record. And it not be hay bales, overalls, and straw hats.”

The HillBenders released the album in the winter of 2014 and into 2015.

Pete Townshend of the Who “caught wind” of the album, Rea says. “He loved it.”

Townshend’s positive response was “an early big feather in the hat” for the HillBenders.

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The King at MusicFest

Michael Donahue

Jerry “The King” Lawler and his fiance, Lauryn McBride, were in the audience at the Kings of Leon show Saturday May 6 at the Beale Street Music Festival.

Jerry recalled the time the band members wanted their picture taken with him. “They were first getting started,” Jerry said.

He was in Arlington making an appearance at the time. The Kings of Leon also were at the venue with their amps and musical instruments in a trailer, he said. “They saw that I was there and they came out and said, ‘We want a picture of you with your crown.’ I took the picture with them. I never thought anything about it until they became famous.”

Michael Donahue

Rick Gardner and Dike Bacon at HBG Design

HBG Design (formerly Hnedak Bobo Group) showed off its newly-designed office space at a reception May 4 at 1 Commerce Square.

The architecture and interior design firm invited friends to see the new offices, said HBG Design marketing manager Dana Ramsey. The firm moved from its old offices at 104 Front Street on Nov. 1.

“Along with our new office space, we also rolled out our new brand – a new logo, our new name and branded information,” Dana said.

Grinder, Taber & Grinder construction worked with HBG Design to create the new space. The closed office and workstations on the 23rd and 24th floors were demolished to create an open floor plan. The 23rd floor ceiling was cut through to create a stairway to connect the two levels.

Star & Micey provided music and Another Roadside Attraction prepared hors d’oeuvres for the reception, which drew about 120 people.

Michael Donahue

Marcus Bell and Romeo Khazen at Susan B. Komen

The 2017 community health care grants were announced at the Memphis-Mid-South affiliate of Susan G. Komen annual grant reception May 4 at The Westin Memphis Beale Street. “We have 10 community health care grants,” said executive director Elaine Hare. “We presented $402,000 to eight health care providers and two support groups.”

The recipients provide breast health and breast cancer services in the Mid-South.

The money for the community grant recipients is from the 2016 Race for the Cure, which was held Oct. 29.

About 75 people, including grantees, Race for the Cure sponsors and winning team captains, attended the reception.


Music Music Blog

Listen Up: Elvis and Johnny

Michael Donahue

From left, Kavan Hashemian and Stephen Hardy

Elvis and Johnny often leave the building at the same time.

Kavan Hashemian, 29, plays Elvis and Stephen Hardy, 25, plays Johnny Cash in the Playhouse on the Square production of “Million Dollar Quartet,” which opens Friday May 5 and runs through May 28.

Hashemian and Hardy also appearing in a two-man-show, “An Acoustic Tribute to Sun and Stax,” at 8 p.m. Sundays and Mondays beginning May 7 through May 28 at King Jerry Lawler’s hall of fame Bar & Grille on Beale Street.

The two share an apartment in a building not far from the theater.

Hashemian, who lives in Columbus, Ohio, began dressing like the King as a child. His grandmother was a big Elvis fan. “I think my first time on stage was when I was three years old,” he said. “Dressed as Elvis. In a homemade costume that my grandmaw made. It was black slacks and a white button-up shirt that she had painted the ‘Elvis’ lettering on. And some other iron-on logos like maybe Cadillacs and stuff like that. They styled my hair and they painted sideburns on me.”

Their local Elvis, Mike Albert, a former Images of the King Elvis tribute artist contest winner in Memphis, invited Hashemian to join him on stage at one of his shows. “I think there were a few other kids dressed up like Elvis in the audience. He called all the little Elvises on stage. I got up there and just started dancing. I think it was ‘Jailhouse Rock.’”

Hashemian was hooked. Two years later he and his family began visiting Memphis during Elvis Week. “I haven’t missed a year. And some years we’ve come multiple times.”

When he was 17, Hashemian won third place in Images of the King. He began starring as Elvis in professional shows a short time later. He won contests in Lake George, N. Y. and Ft. Myers, Fla. and won the “World’s  No. 1 Rock and Roll Elvis” title in the “The World’s Greatest Elvis” contest in London.

Elvis was “the greatest entertainer of all time,” but Hashemian’s quest is to learn everything he can about the King. “That fuels my spirit to keep me wanting to perform and perfect my tribute and get it as close to him as I can.”

Albert helped Hashemian get the Elvis role in a production of “Million Dollar Quartet” in Springboro, Ohio. Since then, Hashemian has performed the role in the musical in Fredericksburg, Va. before coming to Memphis.

Hardy, who lives in South Carolina, was born in Greenville, South Carolina, but he grew up in Brighton, Tenn. He sang in the church choir before he was 10 years old.

He began playing guitar when he was 14 in South Carolina. “When I was learning guitar I started learning Johnny Cash, Elvis songs. Me leaving and going to South Carolina made me appreciate the music that comes out of Memphis.”

Hardy played in bands and performed solo gigs in clubs, but rockabilly and Memphis music usually was in the mix.

As Hashemian’s understudy in the Springboro production of “Million Dollar Quartet,” Hardy got to play Elvis three times. “I was pretty nervous to portray Elvis. It was kind of a big thing to jump into. Even though I play his music, I do it in different keys for some songs. But I’m a lower voice and Elvis could get up there.”

“We spent a few nights going over some dance moves, too,” Hashemian said.

“He did a great job teaching me certain hip movements and all that,” Hardy said.

Hardy preferred playing Carl Perkins because their guitar players styles are similar or Cash because of the similarity in their voices. “I can get kind of low and talk like him.”

He was thrilled to land the Cash role in the Memphis production, which is directed by Mike Detroit. “It was the part I was really wanting. It comes more naturally to me. It’s going to be my first full run of the show.”

Playing Elvis in Memphis isn’t like playing him in other cities, Hashemian said. “I always play Elvis as true as I can, but here in Memphis – knowing that there are going to be people in the audience who went to school with Elvis, have a story about Elvis when their mom met Elvis or dated Elvis – it’s just like I feel like I have a responsibility to the people of Memphis to just do my absolute best.”

They’re not playing any of their “Million Dollar Quartet” songs in their “Acoustic Tribute to Sun and Stax” show on Beale Street. In addition to other Elvis songs, they’re going to perform songs from other entertainers from Sun Records and Stax. Otis Redding’s “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay” is one of the songs they’re going to perform together.

For their Beale Street show, Hardy and Hashemian won’t be sporting their gleaming “Million Dollar Quartet” pompadour or slicked back styles.

Hardy, who wears his hair slicked back as Cash, said, “I put Murray’s Beeswax on it. Some pretty tough stuff. Sometimes I’ll mix together other pomades with it just to give it a shine.”

Hashemian’s four-inch high pompadour is more complex. He uses American Crew forming cream, which, he said, “is like a pomade but it’s a little bit thicker. It’s a whole process of putting the forming cream in and blow drying it as I style it. And then doing the hair spray when you get it in place. I’ll comb through it a few times 

‘cause I’ll reshape it. It’s about an hour process.”

'Mystery Train' from Michael Donahue on Vimeo.

Listen Up: Elvis and Johnny

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Best Bets: Savory blueberry goat cheese flan

Chef Josh Steiner prepares his savory blueberry flan. from Michael Donahue on Vimeo.

Best Bets: Savory blueberry goat cheese flan

I recently tried chef Josh Steiner’s savory blueberry goat cheese flan at his restaurant, Strano! Sicilian Kitchen & Bar.

It’s by far one of the best things I’ve eaten – ever. I’m a sweet-and-savory guy, so this is right up my alley.

There’s a good story about this dish, which doubles as an appetizer and a dessert and, beginning Friday May 5, it will be featured as a special at the restaurant. It’s a Chaine de Rotisseur winner.

I know about Chaine de Rotisseur because a photo picturing the late Justine Smith receiving an award from the food and wine organization is included in Janet Stuart Smith’s book, “Justine’s: Memories and Recipes,” about the legendary Memphis restaurant owned by Justine, Janet’s mother. The white tablecloth restaurant, which was the place to go for fine dining back in the day, closed in the mid 1990s.

The photo shows Justine being knighted with a sword at a Chaine des Rotisseurs ceremony in 1950.

So, I was impressed when Steiner told me he won a bronze medal in the Conference de la Chaines De Rotisseures Jeunes Commis Rotisseur (Young Chefs Competition) at the International Culinary Institute of Myrtle Beach (Florida).

Steiner and about a dozen other chefs from five states participated in the event. “It was a mystery basket competition,” he said. “We had no idea what we were getting into. And we had to do an appetizer, an entree and a dessert.”

Michael Donahue

Savory blueberry goat cheese flan at Strano! Sicilian Kitchen & Bar

Ingredients in his basket included goat cheese, blackberries, cream, flour and fish products. Steiner concocted a dinner that included charred flounder with pickled shrimp and burnt citrus and stuffed quail with pancetta black lintels.

But, Steiner said, “My favorite thing that I made was a savory blueberry goat cheese flan. I thought it was a little complex and it went over extremely well. And you know what? It turned out just the way I wanted it to.”

Steiner showed me how to make this flan. In one bowl he mixed up goat cheese, fresh blueberries, egg yolks, heavy cream and sugar. He added a savory seasoning mixture that includes salt, pepper, granulated garlic, dried basil and dried parsley.

He then moved to the stove and made a roux from the flour and butter “as a stabilizer to help firm up the flan. You want to cook it ‘till it smells like popcorn. So, you want to brown the butter a little bit.”

Steiner added the blueberries-goat cheese mixture to the roux and stirred it until it was smooth. He then ladled that mixture into ramekins and baked them for 15 minutes at 325 degrees before removing them from the oven. “I let them chill and heat them up to order.”

What’s even more impressive about this story is Steiner prepared his dinner after his plane landed – after five flight cancellations trying to get from Memphis to Myrtle Beach – at 3 a.m. The competition was at 7 a.m. “I didn’t have time to get nervous,” he said.

No sword was handy in Steiner’s kitchen, but I felt like knighting him on the shoulder with a Ginsu.

We Recommend We Saw You

U of M students star at The Bluff

Michael Donahue

Kyle Neblett and Chandler Ellis at Hear 901.

Guests partied to the beat of the music of University of Memphis performers at the Hear 901 Music Festival, held April 28 at The Bluff.

Music was by The Band CAMINO, Sonic Pulse, Aaron James, Haley Daniels, Kyndle McMahan and Flirting with Sincerity.

“Hear 901 is our annual spring festival where we provide an opportunity for students in the music industry division to perform original music while also creating opportunities for students to produce, promote and publicize a festival,” said Ben Yonas, assistant professor of music business at the Rudi Scheidt School of Music at U of M. “We do these every semester. Our Fall festival we usually do at the Levitt Shell. This was the first time we had a show at The Bluff. It exceeded all expectations. Just under 500 people in attendance. It was a smash success. The place was packed.”

The festival also marked the release of Aaron’s new EP, “Caught in the Corner of a Half Moon.” Aaron, one of the artists on the school’s Blue Tom record label, said, “This EP is kind of a story of me letting go of things I was attached to in the past and coming into a new self identity. There are lots of themes of letting go of toxic things I maybe once held onto, but things that clouded my vision of myself. These songs tell that story of starting to value new things in life and letting those things shape me.”

The Band CAMINO, which headlined the event, played several songs from its “My Thoughts on You” EP as well as songs from its upcoming EP, “Heaven,” which will be released June 2.

Talking about the new EP, lead singer Jeffery Jordan said, “We took a lot longer to make it. It shares similar elements from the first EP, but it’s more us. It sounds like The Band CAMINO. On the first EP we were trying to sound like a lot of different bands. But on this album, we took our time to sound like The Band CAMINO. We just wanted to figure out what The Band CAMINO sounded like. I think we kind of captured that with this EP.”

All marketing and production for Hear 901 was done by U of M students.

A 6-by-4-foot oil portrait of a distinguished- looking gentleman – the late Domenico Canale – graces The Toasting Room at the Old Dominic Distillery. Domenico, great-great-grandfather of owner Alex Canale, wears a suit and vest with a watch fob. In his left hand he carries a toddy glass. In his right arm he carries a rooster.

That’s a Dominicker rooster, Alex said. The portrait was taken from a small headshot of Domenico. No photo – to Alex’s knowledge – exists of his great-great grandfather carrying a rooster. The bird was added later. Red Deluxe created the concept and commissioned artist David Riley to paint the portrait, said the Red Deluxe associate creative director Ben Powers.

“On one of the original Old Dominic bottles we unearthed to create that product were two roosters,” Alex said. “We invested some money in timberland. We were having our own white oak timber cut for barrels. One of the timber guys picked up the old bottle and said, ‘That’s a Dominicker rooster.’ So, we did some research and it is an actual Dominicker breed of rooster.”

The breed, he said, “is known for being hearty, calm, steady and a great forager. So, it sort of goes hand in hand with Dominic himself and the company as it’s evolved over the past 150 years.”

Guests milled about the portrait as they tasted Memphis vodka, Honeybell vodka and The Memphis Toddy at one of the distillery’s soft openings, held Aug. 28 during Trolley Night Memphis. A total of 324 tastings – at $2 for the trio – were sold that night, Alex said.

Atop the building, the striking neon sign bearing the Dominicker rooster resembles a turn of the 19th-Century logo, but it’s brand new, Alex said. “We modernized that logo,” he said. “That’s how we wanted it to look: like we’ve been here for 150 years. Even if we haven’t been in that building.”

Mary Ellen Kelley exhibited her photos and mixed media art and she was on site to sign copies of her book of photos, “My Memphis View,” Aug. 28 during Trolley Night Memphis at Stock & Belle on South Main.

She described the book of 65 photos of Memphis as “a modern way to look at Memphis. Memphis doesn’t have anything like the book I have. The books we have are coffee table books. They’re a little bit stagnant. I hate to say ‘old fashioned.’ But my book is simple and it’s hip and it’s small. To me, it’s much more relevant to a younger generation – people coming into Memphis and people who’ve been here looking at Memphis in a different way.

“My style is minimal. It focuses on one thing. So many of our photographic books representing Memphis are ‘whole view.’ They show the whole moment. Mine is simple, whitespace oriented.”

Mary Ellen photographs “every day things,” but, she said, “I focus on one particular detail.”

One of her photographs is of the Memphis Pyramid, now the location for Bass Pro Shops at the Pyramid. “It’s a picture of the Pyramid, but the top third. Against a white background.”

She also took a photo of the Pyramid from the ground looking up. Looking up, keeping your chin up, bucking up and looking forward to things are important to her, Mary Ellen said. “Looking up is a bit of my mantra.”

Her show will be on view through May.

Carnival Memphis will kick off its “Carnival Week” of parties at night and charitable visits during the day with the Crown & Sceptre Ball, which will be held June 2 the Hilton Memphis.

The legendary Memphis celebration, which began as Cotton Carnival in 1931, continues with various events during the year, including the Business and Industry Salute and Krewes for Kids, which is Carnival’s biggest fundraiser for its Children’s Charity Initiative. Each year, Carnival selects three local charities that provide services for children. This year’s recipients are Church Health, The Erika Center at Bodine School and Knowledge Quest.

The Secret Order of Boll Weevils, a group of people who conceal their identities by wearing masks with long snouts, held its annual Boll Weevil Party April 28 at Riverfront bar and Grill. The Weevils, which formed in 1966, are merrymakers at the parties as well as the charitable events.

The purpose of the annual party is to honor the king, queen and president of Carnival Memphis, said Evil Eminence Todd Brown. King Edward Dobbs. queen Tayloe Lowrance and president Dr. Jeff Cole attended.

Van Raby was introduced as this year’s ‘Unmasked Weevil.” That means he doesn’t have to wear a snout any longer. Instead, Van showed up wearing a green jacket, green shorts, green shoes and pink- and orange socks.

City Mix performed and Simply Fabulous catered the event.

Krewes for Kids was held April 22 at the Crosstown Concourse. The party drew “the most people and was the most successful fundraiser in the history of Carnival,” said Carnival Memphis executive director Ed Galfsky.

The party featured food from area restaurants, music by AJ Ghent Band and silent dancing to music heard with headphones at Silent Events

Joe Birch was auctioneer.


News News Blog

Live at the Garden guests prepare to party

Michael Donahue

Thomas and Meade Carlisle

Guests gathered at the Live at the Garden Summer Concert Series VIP Premiere Party to learn which performers they’ll be partying with this summer.

About 500 people gathered at Memphis Botanic Garden on April 26 to hear the music lineup, which features Little Big Town (June 23), Boston (July 1), St. Paul & the Broken Bones and Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors (Aug. 11), Seal (Aug. 26) and Steve Miller Band (Sept. 15).

“We’re just blown away that everybody is so excited to hear the lineup,” said Live at the Garden co-director Sherry May. “We are absolutely blown away by the response we get from that party. They’re wanting to plan their summers and waiting to hear the lineup.”

Live at the Garden will celebrate its 17th year at the Garden, May said. “I think it’s a social event. Whoever’s on the stage is just icing on the cake. I think you see your friends and you come and have a good time. The people view it more as an event than a concert.”
