- JB
- Joyce Avery on the day of her swearing-in as acting county mayor
Up until last week the question of who would succeed acting mayor Joyce Avery at the helm of Shelby County government was confined to two prospects — county commissioners Joe Ford and J.W. Gibson, both Democrats.
Then Republican commissioner George Flinn formally applied as a candidate. Other candidates, including businessman/activist Anthony Tate, have also applied.
The latest possibility to succeed Avery is Avery herself. The acting mayor, a Republican, said Tuesday she had been encouraged by “numerous” women and by two Democratic colleagues on the commission to become a candidate for the interim job, which would extend until the election of a new mayor in August. Avery said she would make herserlf available in case of a stalemate on early ballots of Monday’s formal voting by the commission for an interim mayor. (Democratic commissioner Steve Mulroy is another fallback possibility.)
“I’m enjoying the job,” said Avery, who said she would not run in the regular election, however.
After conducting interviews with candidates on Wednesday, the commission will elect an interim mayor at its regular Monday meeting.