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Batman Back-and-Forth, Day 4: In Which There is Hugging

No one prefers Batman Begins

  • No one prefers “Batman Begins”

In many ways, The Dark Knight Rises is the movie of the year, and here at Sing All Kinds we seem to have a disagreement on our hands. Chris Herrington thinks The Dark Knight is the best film in the trilogy. Greg Akers finds The Dark Knight Rises to be the superior film. This week we’re hashing it out here. NOTE/WARNING: Spoilers will be flying like batarangs.

Tuesday, Herrington made a “sprawling,” “commanding,” and “entertaining” case that The Dark Knight (DK) is the best in the bunch. Wednesday, Akers wrote the War & Peace of off-the-cuff Batman blog posts in trumpeting The Dark Knight Rises (DKR). Thursday, Herrington, exhausted from battle, conceded some points and double-downed on some others. Today, Akers makes his rebut and turns out the lights in the Batcave.