And make me rich! According to the PR Newswire, John Elliot of Horseshoe Lake, Arkansas, spent a chunk of time in the 1980s collecting soil samples from all 50 states. In 1991, at a ceremony held at the National Guard Armory in West Memphis, the soil samples were combined to create what Elliot calls “OneSoil” or “Pure American Soil.” Elliot has since created laminated wallet-sized cards with the U.S. flag on one side and a “small portion” of “OneSoil” embedded in the upper righthand corner of the card. According to the press release, Elliot “need[s] your help in this act of patriotism to supply each armed services member with one of these cards. In doing so they will always have a small portion of the soil they protect so dearly. … The cost per card is a modest $8.95” (italics ours). Sheesh, $8.95 for a smudge of dirt? Talk about your prime real estate.