Y’all, Ivanka Trump has inspired me. I’ve been perusing her book, Women Who Work. I can’t say enough about this book. Ivanka? She’s just like you and me, girls. Did you know, she didn’t take time for “self-care” or “massages” during her daddy’s campaign? I had no idea she was making that kind of sacrifice. She’s really inspired me. I especially like how she says grocery shopping isn’t important. I know, right? She’s just like us! So, I’ve made myself a Pinterest board and taken her advice to write a Personal Mission Statement and Pursue My Dream of becoming a Lifestyle Expert.
To start, it’s important to work. Work is important to becoming Personally Fulfilled. You should have a team at work. This team should be able to accept delegation. For example, you should build a team you trust so that you can take time off for Self-Care and Rejuvenation.
But what if you don’t have a job or a team? You should start by applying for a job. I can’t stress enough what a critical step this is in becoming Personally Fulfilled. Ladies, it may seem pushy to apply. Don’t let that stop you! And I know it’s tempting not to create a resume, but don’t let that stop you! I can tell you from where I stand, I’ve heard so many times, “Susan, I cannot believe you applied for that job!” And my answer? Look, I know it seems impossible, but your application deserves to be ignored JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE’S! Don’t let people tell you that applying for a job is “pushy” or “aggressive” or (and I hear this one a lot, girls) “not feminine.” Don’t let that stop you!
Laurence Agron | Dreamstime
Ivanka Trump
I also find that a sheer pink lip tint is the perfect little pick-me-up when you have the job-hunting blues. La Prairie’s gloss is a little luxury that, at $40, is something every job-hunting gal can charge and worry about next month. Thanks, Visa
Involve your kids in your work. For Ivanka, that meant making her kids listen to her speeches over and over again so she was used to talking in front of an audience. I needed to practice a big presentation I was giving my boss. It was super important. I was asking for a day off so that I could go to the dentist, get the kids registered for school, do the grocery shopping that isn’t important, renew my car tag that expired last March (Oops!), take the baby to get vaccinated (It’s a political statement!), have the plumber over to fix the toilet in our one bathroom that hasn’t flushed since last month, and take a minute to indulge in the little luxury of the first pap smear I’ve had in three years. Here’s the important thing. I didn’t let any of that stress stop me!
I plopped the infant, the toddler, and the five-year-old down on the couch and told them Mommy was making an important presentation. The infant had colic, the toddler had a bad bout of icy diarrhea, and the oldest stuck a carrot up her nose because she wanted to be a snowman. It really wasn’t that much different than making the presentation to my boss! And did it ever help! When my boss told me there was no way he was letting me take a day off, it was nothing compared to swabbing diarrhea off the toddler. I’m pretty sure I can stick that tooth back in its socket and go another month or two!
I find that Chantecaille Nano Gold Energizing Eye Cream ($420 for 1.7 ounces) is a great way to hide those little lines all us gals get between our eyes from squinting because we haven’t been able to get new glasses in six years. Yes, it’s pricey! Don’t let that stop you!
Live your life. Honor your passions. Be true to yourself. Don’t sleep too much. Answer emails at midnight. It’s super important that you live authentically. If you aren’t authentically living yourself to your fullest potential, all the self-care in the world won’t help because your authentic self will be at war with your un-actualized self. Then your selves will initiate a turf war, and you barely have time to pee let alone see a psychiatrist, and then you’ll find yourself fixated on burlap door wreaths on your Self Actualization Pinterest board instead of Positive Self-Indulgence Messages.
If you find you aren’t living your Authentic Actualized Personal True Self, I recommend leaving a note on Smythson’s London notecards ($60 for a box of 10) telling your family you’re off to Bali to find True Peace. Pack your sarongs in Smythson’s Burlington flag-red 24-hour travel bag ($2,395). So what if your second Visa is maxed out? Don’t let that stop you!
Susan Wilson also writes for yeahandanotherthing.com and likethedew.com. She and her husband Chuck have lived here long enough to know that Midtown does not start at Highland.