If you’re a frequent Instagram-mer, hopefully you follow the Memphis Flyer (@memphisflyer), and maybe you’ve noticed recent posts related to the annual Best Of Memphis issue, hashtagged with the super-catchy phrase “#beccadoesbestof.”
Hey, I’m Becca.
As a marketing intern for the Memphis Flyer, I’ve spent an abundance of time researching the history of the Best Of Memphis poll, which began in February 1994 (making this the 19th year!). While all of Memphis is dripping with history, I found, so is the Flyer’s annual Best Of Memphis competition. It is truly amazing to see the categories throughout the years that didn’t make it – such as “Best Place to Celebrate Divorce” (1994), “Best Place to Use Your Dog as a Chick/Dude Magnet” (1996) and “Best Place to Cure a Hangover” (1996).

There are many winners that have been voted “Best Of Memphis” the entire run of the competition, and these winners and Memphis have undeniable chemistry. Some have even celebrated seventeen, eighteen, or nineteen years of Best Of stardom.

For the past three weeks doing “Becca Does Best of” (so catchy, right?), I have also thoroughly enjoyed coming up with some silly categories of my own, for example: the Peabody Ducks are clearly the Best Ducks Around, and Beale Street is the Best Place to Legally Beat Open-Container Laws.
Check out these and more interesting categories and pictures on Memphis Flyer’s Instagram, @memphisflyer/ #bestofmemphis. And while I continue to revisit the history of the annual competition, be sure to cast your vote for the 2013 Best of Memphis using the online ballot now until July 28th!