Art Exhibit M

Beer Gelato!


The insane heat is finally over and the weather is absolutely perfect outside. That means it’s time for the Dixon Gallery and Gardens’ annual Art on Tap, tomorrow night from 6:00 to 9:00pm within the Dixon’s 17 acres of elegant gardens. Purchase of a ticket will get you unlimited beer tastings from the likes of Ghost River, Magic Hat, and New Belgium brewing companies among many others, along with food provided by local favorites like Boscos Squared (also providing beer and the above mentioned beer gelato), Las Delicias, and L’Ecole Culinaire, as well as access to the incredible Jean-Louis Forain exhibition and a show of works by local artist, Daniel Tacker. The Grammy-nominated band Almost Famous will also be on hand to entertain art and beer lovers alike with classic hits and party favorites.


Tickets are free to Young at Art members, — a special membership group for young professionals who receive free admission to the event with a membership purchase — $40 for members of the Dixon, and $50 for everyone else. The unlimited perks will be well worth it for those age 21 and up, to get a taste of refinement on every level. Buy your admission at or tomorrow night at the door.
