
Before ’N Sync

Can’t get enough of hometown boy — and possible Stax label revitalizer — Justin Timberlake? Check out’s video of a young Justin performing a Christmas medley.

We can’t verify that it’s him, but check the hair, the moves, and the way the crowd loves him … especially when he starts throwing candy. No wonder he thought that whole Janet Jackson thing was a good idea.
Extra points if you can tell us where this video was taken.

Can’t get enough of hometown boy — and possible Stax label revitalizer — Justin Timberlake? Check out’s video of a young Justin performing a Christmas medley.

We can’t verify that it’s him, but check the hair, the moves, and the way the crowd loves him … especially when he starts throwing candy. No wonder he thought that whole Janet Jackson thing was a good idea.
Extra points if you can tell us where this video was taken.