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Berlin Boyd Ends His Contract With Beale Street Merchants Association

Berlin Boyd

Memphis City Council chairman Berlin Boyd announced Tuesday he is ending his publicly criticized contract with the Beale Street Merchants Association.

Boyd, also chair of the council’s Beale Street Task Force, signed a contract with the association last month in an effort to secure corporate sponsors. However, when the council voted to allow the Downtown Memphis Commission (DMC) to compensate merchants for security costs at the Sept. 5 council meeting, Boyd forgot to recuse himself from the vote. 

Boyd’s announcement to dissolve the contract came amidst the council’s discussion of reconsidering the said resolution which remits Beale Street Bucks and cover charge revenue to the DMC, making funds available to be allocated back to merchants.

Council member Edmund Ford Jr. proposed amending the resolution to make it clear that the reimbursement funds provided to the merchants are for public right of way security.

After a lengthy discussion, the council voted unanimously to return the resolution to committee on Oct. 3.