
Bianca Knows Best … And Helps a Disgruntled Employee

Dear Bianca,

I was recently fired from my job for a minor infraction. We had time cards that we were supposed to fill in as we clocked in and out. A few times, I forgot to write my times in, so I estimated the time. Lots of other employees do this as well. We’re only talking a difference of a few minutes.

I casually told another co-worker about it, assuming I could trust her, and she went behind my back and told my boss. Now, here’s where it gets complicated: My boss is my ex-boyfriend’s mother. She used to adore me, but when I broke up with her jerk-wad son, she started taking her frustration out on me at work.

I’m certain she fired me out of spite, since I know she knows that other employees also guess on their time cards. And she’s no saint herself. When I was dating her son, she admitted to me that she’d been using the company credit card for personal items.

Now I want revenge. Should I go to a higher-up and narc on her? I’m not a fan of being a tattletale, but I’m just so mad.

— Tempted to Tell

Dear Tempted,

I’ve watched enough mafia films to know that, in most situations, narcing is a very bad thing. If someone is doing something they shouldn’t be, but they’re not hurting anyone, it’s often best to keep your mouth shut.

However, I believe that rule changes when you’ve been harmed. Estimating your clocking in and out time might be a fireable offense, but it doesn’t sound nearly as bad as using the company credit card for personal expenses.

You probably won’t get your job back, but you will feel some satisfaction by taking this dirt to a higher-up. If the company cares to investigate, they shouldn’t have a hard time finding out if there’s a problem, since credit card purchases are fairly easy to track.

If she does get fired, you may want to watch your back for a while. Since she’s the kind who’d fire you after you broke up with her son, I wouldn’t put it past her to seek revenge once you tell her boss that she’s been living large on company funds.

To avoid future problems, try to stick to the rules when you find a new job. And don’t date the boss’s son. As you’ve learned for yourself, that’s a disaster in the making.

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