Dear Bianca,
I’ve always been skinny and lanky, and I’ve been trying to put on a little weight for years. I just wanted to have a healthy-looking weight, but no matter how much junk food and high-calorie crap I consumed, I just couldn’t seem to gain a pound.
Then all of a sudden, I developed a weird little potbelly. I’m still skinny everywhere else, just kind of pudgy around the middle. I’m 32, and I guess this is that whole “weight catching up with you” thing that happens. Unfortunately, it’s very unevenly distributed.
Most of my friends are bigger than me, and always have been. When they noticed my new tummy, they all started cracking jokes about it. I think they feel entitled to tease me because I’ve always been so skinny, and they’ve always been bigger. But it really hurts my feelings. I’m pretty self-conscious about this new body.
I doubt you can give me exercise/eating tips for dealing with my new fat roll, but can you help me deal with my mean friends.
— Skinny Fat Chick
Dear Skinny Fat Chick,
I’m sure your friends aren’t trying to hurt your feelings. If you’ve been complaining about how you couldn’t put on weight for years, they probably think you’re pleased to have finally succeeded. After all, didn’t you get what you asked for?
If they’ve always been larger than you, they probably still see you as their skinny friend, despite your added weight. You could opt to let them know that you’re not comfortable with the new pot-belly. Explain that their teasing hurts your feelings, and you’d rather have their support in getting your body to its ideal look.
I’d suggest hooking up with a trainer. A professional can probably help you determine how to lose weight in some areas and add muscle to others, and he or she can offer tips on how to eat better. Eating “junk food and high-calorie crap” is probably the culprit for your protruding tummy. If you set a planned goal for yourself, you can achieve your ideal weight in no time. And then your friends will have no reason to tease.
Got a problem? E-mail Bianca at