Dear Bianca,
I was recently fired from my job, a professional position that required a master’s degree and a special license. I won’t go into details about what happened, but I’ve lost my license in the state of Tennessee.
I loved my career and I’d like to pursue a job in the same field, but without a state license, I’m screwed. A family member in another state has invited me to come live with her and attempt to get my license in that state, but I’m scared to leave the only city I’ve ever known.
I have an amazing, supportive group of friends in Memphis, and my son is enrolled in Memphis City Schools. My son is all for a move. But I am in a great relationship with a guy that I just started dating. Is it worth losing all this to pursue my career? Or should I find a new line of work?
— Confused and Jobless
Dear Confused,
In these crazy economic times, I think you might be better off going with what you know and pursuing the license and job in another state. It’s tough to find a job right now, especially if all your training is in another field.
If you really loved what you were doing, you shouldn’t settle for a job in another line of work. You’ll always wish you were doing what you love. Since you haven’t gotten your license in the new state yet, maybe you should apply for that before relocating.
Leaving your girlfriends behind won’t be easy, but put yourself in their shoes for a minute. If any of those women got an amazing job opportunity or had a good reason to leave Memphis, don’t you think they’d go? If you stay here and settle for a crappy job, one or more of those friends may eventually move away. And then you will have stayed for nothing.
As for the boyfriend, be grateful he’s still new. If you’d been dating the same guy for several years, a move would be much more difficult on the relationship. If this guy really loves you, he’ll agree to a long-distance relationship. If not, break things off and look for a new beau after you relocate.
You should also be thankful that your son is ready for a move. Pulling a kid out of school to move to a new city can be tough if they’re reluctant to go. Maybe you should take a cue from your son and prepare to say sayonara to the Bluff City. After all, your girlfriends will probably appreciate having a faraway friend to visit on vacations. And you’ll certainly make new friends in your new home.
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