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Bitter Cold Expected to Push Record Power Demand

Memphis Light, Gas & Water is asking customers to reduce power Wednesday morning.

Demand for electricity will likely hit another record peak again Wednesday for the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) as its service area remains under bitter cold temperatures. 

TVA’s all-time high demand for power came January, 17th 2024 — almost exactly one year ago. At 8 a.m. that day, TVA power sources pumped out 34,524 megawatts to heat homes and businesses for the utility’s nearly 10 million customers. 

Memphis Light, Gas & Water (MLGW) said frigid temperatures are driving power demand again. Conditions Wednesday will likely push that demand over last year’s all-time record.  

MLGW said its power, water, and natural gas systems “are responding well to frigid temperatures” and that “there has been no impact to our customers.”

The TVA and MLGW will likely call upon those in its Demand Response program to help reduce overall demand. Program participants get recurring payments for agreeing to reduce electricity consumption in response to abnormally high electricity demand. There is no cost to participate. 

MLGW asked all of its customers to take voluntary conservation efforts during peak times from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. Wednesday morning. Voluntary conservation tips include turning your home’s thermostat down to 68 degrees or less, unplugging electric vehicles, unplugging space heaters, and postponing the use of large appliances like clothes dryers and dishwashers.