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Blues News From Clarksdale

45c1/1249337213-ap1010012.jpgUnlike their rock-and-roll counterparts, who are busy over-analyzing the death of music magazines or pondering the navigational routes of social networking sites, blues fans Roger Stolle and Jeff Konkel aren’t content to cool their heels while the music biz struggles to reinvent itself for modern times.

Last year, the duo, respective owners of the Clarksdale, Miss.-based Cat Head record label and retail store and the Missouri-based Broke and Hungry CD imprint, combined their mission via M for Mississippi: A Road Trip Through the Birthplace of the Blues, a blues tourism-oriented documentary film that celebrates contemporary performers such as guitarists Duck Holmes, T-Model Ford, Robert “Bilbo” Walker and the late Wesley “Junebug” Jefferson, who succumbed to cancer on July 22.