UPDATE: This drawing is now closed. Congrats to the winners!
Since I have this shiny new blog — and thank you for noticing — I thought I’d use it to give away some tickets. We’ve got a few tickets to Bonnaroo still floating around, even after our drug-addled writers have had their pick. Wasting tickets is wasteful, so I’m putting them up for grabs.
Use this form to enter. All entrants will be added to our Upcoming Shows music/event e-newsletter that’s sent once a week on Thursdays. (If you just want a shot at the tickets, you can unsubscribe later. But you shouldn’t.)
I’ll draw winners at 4pm today and notify the lucky festie-goers by email.
In the meantime, I’m getting a kick out of the thought of GWAR playing Bonnaroo at 2:30 a.m.
There are going to be some freaked out kids stumbling across this in the middle of the night…