Blurb Books

Books Read 2010


Throughout 2010 on my Twitter account, @gregakers, I kept followers updated on each book I read as I finished them, with a tiny review of each and a link to where readers could get more information on the work in question.

Seems to me like such a thing should live somewhere all together. Here they are, listed in order they were Tweeted, which is to say chronologically.

My favorite book of the year was the 29th. (See below, obviously.) It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read.

Two housekeeping notes: I’ve aired out a few abbreviations since I’m now not as limited in space as I was on Twitter. And also, in re-editing the list for the blog, I found that I had missed one book: Volume 7 of Hellboy. I added to the list and renumbered to accommodate it.

72. Forty-Five by Andi Ewington. Excellent superhero plot is really a brilliant look at parenthood.

71. One Damn Thing After Another by Ron Evans. Book of short stories by a dear friend and Memphian.

70. The Foul Rag and Boneshop of the Heart by Ron Evans. Book of poetry by a dear friend and Memphian.

69. Batman: Turning Points by Rucka, Brubaker, Dixon & others. Great writers covering classic ground.

68. Citizen Rex by Mario & Gilbert Hernandez. Favorite artist saddled with loopy sci-fi story.