The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory.
The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality.
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos.
And for young readers, Icarus at the Edge of Time.
Heady stuff but written for a wide audience, and all four books are by physicist, best-selling author, and popular speaker Brian Greene of Columbia University.

This week, Greene will be speaking at Rhodes College as guest of the “Communities in Conversation” series on Thursday, March 5th, beginning at 6 p.m. The event — free, open to the public, and including a book signing — is inside the MCallum Ballroom of the Bryan Campus Life Center. Greene will be lecturing on “The Cosmos: From the Big Bang to the End of Time.”
The big bang theory: Greene’s not only good at explaining it, he was once on it.
And maybe you’ve seen him on The Colbert Report or talking to David Letterman. Or on the PBS series Greene did for Nova, “The Fabric of the Universe.” Or on NPR’s “Fresh Air,” “Morning Edition,” and “All Things Considered,” in addition to appearing in several commercial films.
On the air at WKNO FM is where Greene was recently when Jonathan Judaken of Rhodes interviewed him. You can listen to their talk here. And for more information on Brian Greene’s appearance in Memphis on Thursday night, go here and on Facebook. Or contact Jonathan Judaken, the Spence L. Wilson Chair in Humanities at Rhodes, at •