Lane closures this weekend.
Parts of I-240 and Poplar will be closed this weekend.
Crews will be working in the area, to, ultimately, repair or replace four bridges in the Poplar/240 area. The work is part of the Tennessee Department of Transportation’s $54 million MemFix 4 project.
Those crews will temporarily close a stretch of I-240 from the I-40/I-240 split to the I-40/SR 385 split, as well as Poplar Avenue east and westbound. The closures will start at 9 p.m. Friday and run until 6 a.m. Monday, July 23rd.
“During the closures, all interstate traffic will be detoured around the north I-40 loop and the south I-240 loop,” according to TDOT. “Both Poplar Avenue eastbound and westbound will also be closed.
“Walnut Grove and Park Avenue will be open, but access to I-240 will be prohibited. Message boards will alert motorists to the closures and alternate routes. Drivers are advised to plan ahead.”