Nevermind Shakespeare. The Scottish bard Robert Burns has his own holiday in Burns Nicht, a Scottish celebration of Burns’ songs and poetry. January 25th will see Burns suppers held around the world, including a dinner here in Memphis hosted by the Memphis Scottish Society.
But, if you don’t register by January 19th, no haggis for you!
Burns suppers traditionally start with the “Selkirk Grace”: “Some have meat and cannot eat/Some cannot eat that want it/But we have meat and we can eat/So let the Lord be thankit.” This is followed by the piping and cutting of the haggis, set to the background of Burns’ famous “Address To a Haggis.”
The evening closes with a song even non-Scots will recognize: Burns’ immortal tribute to friendship and tradition “Auld Lang Syne.”
The Memphis Scottish Society’s dinner will also feature gorgeous Celtic music from the band Celtic World. This is an incredible opportunity to embrace the Scottish culture and enjoy the career of one of the world’s most talented poets.
Oh, and there will, of course, be a whiskey tasting.
The Burns Nicht supper is at 6 pm, Saturday, January 25th, at the Woodland Hills Ballroom (1111 Houston Levee Rd.)
Tickets for non-members are $60 each and must be purchased by January 19th. $10 discount for seniors. For more info, call 757-4200.
–Alicia Buxton