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C-SPAN’s Book TV Bus Coming to Memphis

C-SPAN’s Book TV Bus, a 45-foot long mobile television production studio, will travel to three Memphis locations on its nationwide tour promoting Book TV’s non-fiction book programming …

C-SPAN’s Book TV Bus, a 45-foot long mobile television production studio, will travel to three Memphis locations on its nationwide tour promoting Book TV’s non-fiction book programming.

The Book TV Bus is traveling the country, stopping at local libraries, bookstores, and book festivals along the way.

The Book TV Bus offers tours of its studio set, participation in an interactive demonstration about Book TV programming, the opportunity to learn how a television show is produced, and a chance to sign up for programming alerts.

Book TV will interview two local authors at Burke’s Books: Phyllis Tickle author of Prayer is a Place, and Molly Crosby, author of American Plague.

Here’s the Memphis schedule:

October 18, 2007 10 AM – 12:30 PM,
Burke’s Books, 936 Cooper Street; 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM, University of Memphis, South Side of Central
between Patterson and Zach Curlin

October 19, 2007, 10 AM – 12 PM,
Borders, 6685 Poplar Ave