Here, we have collected just some of the social media responses from locals who watched Trump-incited insurrectionists storm the U.S. Capitol, kill two police officers, and destroy and loot offices and the Capitol grounds.
• A group that looks like me would have never made it into the Chambers. — Rep. Torrey Harris via Twitter
• What are we going to do? There’s literally tens of them! — U/Imallvol7 via Reddit on the small Stop the Steal protest at Poplar and Perkins
Tyler Merbler | Wikimedia | Creative Commons
United States Capitol, 2021
• As the world watches and our @SCSK12Unified students witness what is happening on the U.S. Capitol, we must teach the importance of CIVILITY and uphold DEMOCRACY. We are STRONGER together in this UNITED States of America. We will keep the FAITH for brighter days ahead.
— Dr. Joris M. Ray, Shelby County Schools Superintendent, via Twitter
• This episode leading to the series finale of the Trump Presidency reality show is just ridiculous … this is scripted reality on another scale.
— Cardell Orrin via Twitter
• Fellow journalists, especially newsroom gatekeepers: We have a shot at endangering trust among our vast audience by resisting the urge to call today’s #capitolhill terrorists, anarchists, and rioters “protestors.” — Deborah Douglas via Twitter
• The same people protesting and destroying DC were the same people mad about looting at the local Target. — Tequila Johnson via Twitter
• Copy editor weighing in. These people are not protestors; they’re terrorists. Use the right word. — Jesse Davis via Twitter
• I wonder if any of the “I don’t have white privilege” people see a thing right now. Please don’t tell me. Just ponder to you and yours. — Jamey Hatley via Twitter
• Imagine the name calling and dead bodies on the [Capitol] if these were people of color. — Harold B. Collins via Twitter
• Thinking [about] my friends being arrested for standing in a street during a protest. Thinking [about] when I’ve been encircled by cops during a protest. Thinking about the last time a cop put his hands on me during a protest. And watching white supremacists escorted through the Capitol. — Commissioner Tami Sawyer via Twitter
• Safely in my office. Masked and got out. Trump is an enemy of America.; This is now a third-world country led by a tin-pot dictator.; Russia, if you are reading this, come and take your President home! — Rep. Steve Cohen via Twitter
• LIVID. The entitlement. The hate. The ignorance. There better be swift condemnation from GOP elected officials everywhere. These are your people. This is why I’m fearful when I drive past a car with a Confederate flag on it. Or, why I hate walking past the bust of [Nathan Bedford Forrest] in the [Tennessee State Capitol building].
— Sen. Raumesh Akbari via Twitter
• If you supported Trump, you directly enabled this. We need to say so. Ditto if you tried to straddle the middle. If it takes shame to wake this country up, it takes shame. He and his power wielders never kept secret what they intended and what they believed in from 2015 to today. — J. Dylan Sandifer via Twitter.