This coming January 15th, Martin Luther King Jr. would have been 92 years old. Though his life was tragically cut short, his legacy lives on through service for others and the community.
“Doctor King said, ‘Life’s most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others?'” says Andrea Hill, director of Volunteer Memphis. “MLK Days of Service asks people to ‘Care Like King’ and volunteer to help themselves and their communities through service.”
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MLK Days of Service volunteers
Those who would like to participate in MLK Days of Service can choose to volunteer during this King birthday week in a myriad of ways through a plethora of organizations. Visit the Volunteer Memphis website for a listing of available opportunities. Everything from outdoor cleanups to virtual webinars designed to educate people on financial literacy, leadership skills, and much more will be available to honor King’s legacy. Last year, volunteers completed more than 5,000 hours of service across 10 Mid-South counties for MLK Days of Service. This year, our community can lead the way to exceed that number.
If service is beneath you, leadership is beyond you. King was a great leader because of his dedication to serving others.
“Everybody can be great because greatness is determined by service,” said King. “You only need a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love.”
It’s time for us all to be great and care like King.
Care Like King: MLK Days of Service, choose your volunteer opportunity online from Volunteer Memphis,, Thursday-Monday, Jan. 14-18.