Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Catching Up With Robby Grant


When we last spoke with local musician/songwriter Robby Grant (of Vending Machine, Mouserocket, etc.) in November, he was gearing up for the release of the latest Vending Machine effort, Let The People Sing and looking forward to getting back in the studio. This week Grant caught us up on what he’s been up to since.

Flyer: So, how have things been going with Vending Machine?

Grant: We played a few shows here and there but have mainly been recording. I’ve got three finished new songs and we’re going to be going into the studio in next month or so. We’ve been testing them out live and been pretty happy.

I also got a new 8-track recorder in January and have been making a lot of new sounds. It’s is taking me back to cassette 4-tracking days. I just started a new website ( where I’ll be giving away stuff I’m working on. It ranges from sketches to finished songs. Look for a new song every few days.