Art Exhibit M

Don Lifted at Crosstown Arts

Don’t miss Don Lifted at Crosstown Arts tonight at 9:30 p.m. The emerging artist will perform songs from his recent December LP.

A few months ago, I accidentally walked into a Don Lifted (i.e. Lawrence Matthews) performance at Crosstown Arts. The room was full of machine-generated fog. Twenty old televisions, stacked on top of one another, looped VHS footage from the 1990s. Matthews was at the mic, surrounded by a band, rapping about family, anxiety, faith and everything in between.

I was hooked. Matthews music, is, as he says, “made for night driving.” The sound is intensely layered; made from hundreds of samples that Matthews carefully arranges beneath rapidly delivered lyrics. Big-name influences include Nirvana, Drake, Coldplay and Kanye.

“I’m a sampler,” says Matthews.

Matthews is also an emerging painter who recently graduated from U of M. Tonight promises to be both visually and sonically cool. 

Art Exhibit M

Johnathan Robert Payne’s “Meet Me Where I’m At”

I was really hyped to see Johnathan Robert Payne’s performance, ”Meet Me Where I’m At,” Friday night at Crosstown Arts. I’m glad I did. 

I’ve loved Payne’s art since I first ran across it at Beige, where the artist had a solo show last fall. That show was made up of obsessive, abstract ballpoint pen drawings — all modular lines, meditatively blended. I’m a sucker for his pensive and lonely works on paper, which seem more about the repetitive process than the final product. They recall Alighiero Boetti’s intricate ballpoint pen pieces, as well as the strangely sloping linear drawings of folk artist Marin Ramirez. They feel to me like a removed headspace, rhythmically applied.

Which is partially why I was so curious about this show. How would Payne’s pensive, quiet style of making translate into performance?

We were given 20 minutes between the show’s opening and the start of the performance to roam the gallery. Near the door, there were several curtains made of cut paper that Payne threaded together, fishnet style. A black, industrial tub full of water sat in the middle of the room. Several small drawings hung on the walls and, in one corner, a braided yarn rope dangled from the ceiling. Towards the back of the space, lit tea lights demarcated an 8ft x 5ft (est) rectangle on the ground. A projector lit up the far wall of the gallery, paused on a still frame from the opening sequence of Billy Blank’s Tae Bo Workout. The objects could have been the set-up for a joke: “A duck walks into a bar…”

Payne entered the space, kneeled facing the audience, and immediately shaved his beard and head. As he shaved his head, I became aware of what he was wearing: a grey hoodie, which suddenly took on a monastic glow. I also became aware of text on the paused screen behind him, a disclaimer that reminded us that Tae Bo is not a substitute for “counseling from your healthcare professional.” Payne then put on a pair of glasses and moved into the middle of the tealight-defined stage. The video started. For the next 50 minutes, he faced the back wall of Crosstown arts and did Tae Bo.

Payne was dwarfed by the screen, by Billy Blank’s huge projected visage. The scale of the projection reminded me of what it was like to watch Tae Bo commercials as a kid during endless, bored summers. Billy Blank instructs a crowd of fitness models on a red mat, backed up by graphic art of Billy Blank himself and a block lettered sign that reads “BE STRONG.”

Tae Bo, it turns out, is really difficult. Payne became visibly more exhausted as the video picked up speed. After 45 minutes had passed, the audience members who’d hung around that long started to cheer Payne on: “You got this!” or “Almost there!” Some of the Tae Bo moves were funny. Others were exposing. It was hypnotic. The bathtub loomed.

When the video finally ended, Payne sat down and turned towards the audience. He looked beat. He was a human again. I felt a wave of embarrassment, or guilt, or something. Payne then stripped down to his boxers and got in the bathtub. He submerged himself, then washed his whole body, carefully, with a bar of ivory soap. He didn’t acknowledge us.

He got out of the bathtub, still wet, and began to pick up small fortune cookie fortunes that, I realized, had been floating in the water. For the first time, Payne looked at us, and read: “Now is the time to investigate new possibilities with friends.” He then picked up another object — a pink funnel attached to a pink tube, beer bong style — and filled it with the fortune and soapy bathwater. For a moment, I thought he was going to offer it to us to drink.

Instead, he turned the action on himself. He attempted to swallow the water, choked and spit up. He repeated this action with three more fortunes (“a distant friendship could begin to look more promising,” “you will take a pleasant journey to a place far away,” “you will soon have the opportunity to improve your finances”), circling the tub each time. Then he exited the room. Someone said: “Are we going to clap? That was pretty good, wasn’t it?” and everyone clapped.

Payne’s work is punishing, but not exactly cruel. Tae Bo is a lonely mortification to be followed by ablutions in a rubbermaid tub, to be followed by a spiel of Chinese fortunes (the food of lonely American cliche.) These are familiar, unthinking moments. Who hasn’t worked out alone, showered, and eaten take out?

The weirdness of performance art vs. theater is that, rather than removing you from your body with a fear of lighting and narrative, performance art more often than not makes you super conscious of it. Which might be Payne’s point: rinse, repeat, repeat, rinse, pay attention. Stay aware. We’re all lonely. Meet us where we’re at. 

Art Exhibit M

Art This Weekend: Tad Lauritzen Wright and more


Tonight, from 6-8, there will be an opening for Tad Lauritzen Wright‘s “The Bacchus Sessions” at David Lusk Gallery. Lauritzen Wright’s paintings— murky portraits of Anna Nicole Smith, scrawled classical scenes and messages such as “civilization begins with distillation”—have the feel of Art Brut paintings with the attitude of R. Crumb cartoons and the morals of a Richard Linklater movie.
On view through November 15th


The second annual Five-in-One steamroller printmaking event will happen on Broad Avenue Saturday, October 18th, noon-10 p.m. Artists and friends of Five-in-One carved larger-than-life woodcuts, soon to be inked up and printed onto large sheets with the help of a rented steamroller. Last year’s event drew a big crowd and was a lot of fun to watch, and, weather permitting, this one should be the same. The event info online tells us that “printmaking is a social artform!” and, in light of that, there will be an afternoon party in front of the Five-in-One store.

Also on Saturday, Emily Ozier will lead an art class from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Church Health Center Wellness, (1115 Union Ave.) Ozier, who has exhibited work at the Church Health Center in the past, is a painter and educator who will coach participants to create self-portraits and write accompanying haiku. To sign up for the class, contact Kimberly Baker at or call 901-701-2238.

Art Exhibit M

Erin Harmon’s Latest Project

River Project model

  • River Project model

Erin Harmon makes her work in a green garden-shed-turned-studio, a location that seems fitting for an artist whose dioramic painting/collages often depict botanical cabinets of sea-anenome-shaped neon plantlife. Harmon’s botanicals are, for lack of a better word, “oogly”— full of acidic dots and undulating yellow lines; seductive and poisonous-looking.

In the past, Harmon’s work has been mostly small-scale and confined to the page. She breaks this habit with her latest project, a collaboration alongside choreographer and dancer Steven McMahon, of Ballet Memphis. McMahon’s original ballet, (working title) BIRDS, premiers in mid-October as a part of Ballet Memphis’ River Project. Harmon designed the set, per McMahon’s request, with “not a feather in sight.”


When I saw the in-progress model for the set, Harmon was in the process of developing two 18-ft tall, movable, Mississippi-Delta-inspired “arbor shapes” (“like a pair of abstract bird wings…[they] create this channel through the middle, so it is kind of an open flyway”)

Here is Harmon talking about her set with a slideshow of sketches from her studio:

“I knew I wanted floating shapes so that it kind of related to my work and collage work… I wanted it to be real and unreal. This piece is influenced by, or inspired by the Mississippi flyway; the route of migration that birds take along the Mississippi. It is a very luxurious route for birds to take; it it kind of like a vacation in that there are no mountains; there’s not a lot of resistance, it is fertile it is fruitful, there’s water.

“I am constantly trying to move the landscape away from the real. So things like: I started with an X shape that is kind of like a cactus, but that just continues in the work to evolve. I like how graphic it is, and how awkward. [Steven] is really interested in the kind of weirdness of birds, how kind of awkward and sometimes disturbing these things can be.”

River Project, October 18-26 at Playhouse on the Square


Art Exhibit M

Deep Elvis: Ron and Lew Elliott

Happy Elvis Week, everyone! In honor of this most sacred of Midsouth holidays, I’d like to formally inaugurate a category of Elvis fandom heretofore under recognized by the local press. I would like to call this category “Deep Elvis” and have it signify all the Elvis attractions that lifelong Memphians know about, and that aren’t on the general tourist roster.

A good example of Deep Elvis would be (RIP) Graceland, Too. A better example would be The Blue Suede Lounge on Elvis Presley Blvd, where I once spent a solitary night drinking whiskey-cokes while I waited to pick up some friends from New Jersey who’d decided to go to the candlelight vigil, and where the bartender showed me his extensive collection of Bob Marley posters by the light of a disco ball. Deep Elvis is your Mom’s stories about scaling the fence at Graceland when she was a child. Deep Elvis is knowing where Elvis’s honeymoon house is without knowing how you know (it is in Palm Springs.) It is personal and ineffable and as beautiful as any Elvis sweatrag bought off eBay for a mint.


The best example of Deep Elvis that I can think of is Ron and Lew Elliott’s motorcycle shop, SuperCycle, located at Bellevue and Harbert. Ron and Lew were commissioned to build a three-wheeled motorcycle for Elvis. They gave it to him, eerily, exactly one year before the King died. They keep a full-scale replica of the bike in their in-shop Museum, which also hosts leather-wearing fashion mannequins, a bunch of overgrown plants, wooden tiki sculptures old magazines and postcards and plaques and brochures, and, of course, tons of custom bikes from the brothers’ long custom automotive careers.



I accidentally met Ron and Lew not because of their shop, but because their house—which is located next to SuperCycle—is really weird. If you have ever been down the far leg of Harbert in Annesdale, you will notice that there are a bunch of typical, four-square build white or grey homes. And then there is a totally asynchronous A-Framed wooden, gargantuan lodge. It is one of those places that screams “no floor plan.” My friend and I knocked on the door and asked some questions, because sometimes you must.

Ron and Lew were nice enough to give us a tour of their three-story, self-renovated home. It is amazing. Highlights include: Jacuzzi tubs on the second and third floor; an in-home elevator; a scuba-themed room; a complete party room with a full bar and stage for bands, pool table, arcade games, and thousands of photos of their thousands of friends; a third floor replica of their mother’s 1930s dining room; a darkroom for developing “photos you can’t send the the developer” (?!); a birdcage actually built into the wall that no longer holds live birds because “the rats got them.” Not to mention the sculpture garden in the back or the hand-built, laser-lit inside waterfall. Ron, Lew, their wives and some renters live quietly in the home now, but it had some 1980s glory days, when the brothers hosted something called the “Beautiful People Parties.”

Deep Elvis is giving a nod to these truly fabulous Memphians and their gregarious home and shop/museum. Give SuperCycle a visit. Your Elvis will grow strong and bountiful.

Images in slide show are by Brett Hanover


Art Exhibit M

Jason Miller’s New Mural at the Gaisman Community Center


Community-themed murals are often big, colorful, optimistic, and kind of terrible. For some unknown reason, neighborly virtue is universally painted in watered down oranges and neon greens. Communityish things are always created with the exact emotional range of the bureaucracies that commission them. They are hard to get right and easy to get wrong and either way we are stuck with them.

Jason Miller’s new mural at the Gaisman Community Center in Gaisman Park (near the intersection of Macon and Covington Pike) is not terrible. It is big and colorful, but more weird than optimistic. The mural features Gaisman community members suspended in a larger than life, gravity-less parkland. A white-haired, wizardly-looking man plays pool. Elvish community members, as portrayed by Miller, go about their normal community center routines— working out, playing bingo or pool or basketball, or jubilantly doing the splits—but look very like mercurial forest nymphs caught at play. A few of them hold their bingo boards and stare knowingly at you, as if the bingo boards held incalculable secrets. The mural is big and detailed and just mystical enough as to not be drab. You can get lost in it.

The mural is not visible from the street but is definitely worth some investigation if you are in the area.

Art Exhibit M

Brooks’ Cameron Kitchin to Cincinnati Art Museum


Brooks Director Cameron Kitchin is having “internal meetings” for his new job as Director of the Cincinnati Art Museum. No word yet on who might fill Kitchin’s post at Brooks.

Read more in the Cincinnati Enquirer.

Cincinnati Art Museum president Martha Ragland said that Kitchin is an “accomplished museum leader” who has a passion for art and a commitment to community.

Art Exhibit M

Cedar Lorca Nordbye’s “To Frame – To Construct – To Occupy” at Crosstown Arts


This past weekend at Crosstown Arts, artist and U of M professor Cedar Lorca Nordbye began the install for his upcoming show, “To Frame – To Construct – To Occupy,” with two materials: more than a ton of fresh lumber and four big, empty walls.

“There is a sense of wonder,” Nordbye says, “to coming into a room and seeing this much wood…I thought, ‘When am I ever going to have piles of lumber and a huge empty room again?”

Nordbye is no stranger to wood-centric installation (past works include cluttered and colorful “Everything Connects to Everything” as well as a sparse and dark related work, “Everything Connects to Emmett”), but “To Frame” is the artist’s most ambitious installation to date. For the project, Nordbye sourced lumber from several local sources and recruited around 30 people to help paint the boards.

Using the wood, Nordbye will construct a small house inside the Crosstown Arts gallery space. The gallery walls are painted to appear as an active deconstruction of the house — Nordbye brings his talent as a draftsman into several huge, fragmented murals. Following the exhibition, the lumber will be donated to Habitat for Humanity and used to construct a new home.

Nordbye says, “This project goes back to a fantasy that I had about 10 years ago. I thought, ‘I would love to have a contractor deliver the whole lumber load and let me work on the wood and then have it be randomized into the construction of a real house.”

“To Frame” treats themes of diaspora and residence. The show, rapidly and intuitively drawn together, takes place in a spare moment of the whole project. Nordbye plays the role of artist-as-orchestrator — pulling together disparate people and materials — for the final structure, a marked record of its journey.

Opening is Friday, April 25th from 6-9 at Crosstown Arts (422 N Cleveland.) Show runs through May 24. Casual artist’s talk at 6:30 on Friday.

Art Exhibit M

A Visit to Mary Jo Karimnia’s Studio


I recently stopped by Mary Jo Karimnia‘s painting studio, a cement-floored building that backs up against the Cooper-Young railroad tracks and houses several Midtown artists. You might recognize Karimnia’s work from last summer’s Five-in-One Steamroller Printmaking day (her mammoth woodcut features a woman wearing stripey knee socks) or from the Cleveland Street Flea Market, where she helps craft displays. Mary Jo’s current group of beaded paintings and tie-dyed woodcuts seem at home next to her studio mate Mark Nowell’s half-assembled and colorful scrap metal sculptures.

Karimnia, who recently received an ArtsMemphis ArtsAccelerator grant, has been at work on the series of beaded paintings (most of which depict women in historical costume) for several months. The work is painstaking— she uses thousands of tiny “seed beads” to make each piece— but feels playful. Commenting on her preference for work that is bright and synthetic, Mary Jo told me, “I can’t stop. I can’t help it!”

She took a few minutes to speak with me about her work and upcoming shows.



Flyer: I see that you have this giant woodcut over here from last summer’s Five-In-One Steamroller printmaking day.
Mary Jo: Yes! We’re going to do that again on the same weekend this year— labor day weekend. I have a lot of drawings to use right now… I have a lot of stripey legs.

Where do you source your images from?
A lot of them are from anime and manga conventions… my daughter likes to go. Some of them are at the Hyatt Hotel, where the have this really horrible, fabulous, funky carpet that I really like.

It looks like casino carpeting… yellow, brown, green.
Totally. It is really ugly in person but it comes off really well in the work…. Sometimes I’ll also take photos at Day of the Dead Fest, but this wood cut is based on a series that I did from a Con at the Botanic Garden. Over the last year, I took a bunch of pictures and I have kind of run out. I’ve just drawn them all up.

Are you looking for different things in your work now than when you started this series?
It has kind of evolved into this fancy dress kind of thing. What I am really striving for is the contrast between the fancy historical dress and the contemporary setting. I took this image at a Day of the Dead Festival in an old mall. There is this man hugging [a woman in historical dress] who is just wearing a sweatshirt. That is kind of what I strive for.


How did you get started working with the beads?
I used to do a lot of mosaic work and I started using the seed beads to grout… I like the way light reflects off different sorts of beads. Another of my goals is to get this different sort of texture. [pointing to an unfinished piece] This is my experimental one. I am gonna ruin this one. That is my plan.

I heard you’re about to be in a group show with other female artists?
A couple, actually. Elizabeth Alley is doing a show; it is June the 6th at Marshall Arts and it is called “This Art Has Cooties.” It is all women whose work is feminine and who Elizabeth feels don’t get the attention they deserve. I also happen to be getting ready to do the “Unchained” show, which is the second in a series. I had the first one in this studio space last year. It’s where I invite the first artist and they invite the next artist and it self curates, up to eight artists. It just happened to work out that that show is all women, too. That show opens June 13th.

Art Exhibit M

Chuck + George at Southfork

Chuck + George

  • Chuck + George

On a cold evening this past February, I paid my first visit to Southfork: a single-room gallery in Midtown and something of a sleeper among the city’s house galleries. Southfork is also (and more usually) the home of Lauren Kennedy, whose work with Ballet Memphis was recently spotlighted in the Flyer’s 20<30 issue.

Kennedy’s apartment is modestly sized and warmly decorated. The Southfork space occupies its own room, but Kennedy encourages artists to respond to as much of her apartment as they like. The signage for the Southfork’s current exhibition of two Texan artists — a tableau illustrated with portraits of the collaborators and their pseudonym, “Chuck + George” — hangs in Kennedy’s dining room next to unrelated posters and tchotchkes.

Kennedy founded Southfork in 2012 with the idea of a running a space where her daily life and her work with art can interact. “For the last show,” Kennedy says, “the artists worked a photo of my grandmother that means the world to me into their installation. I really love that.”

Which is not to say that the Southfork project is entirely dictated by the home-gallery aspect. Rather, Southfork, like Adam Farmer’s GLITCH or Joel Parsons’ Beige, provides artists who otherwise would exhibit at white box galleries or sterile museums with the opportunity to create and show work in an environment activated by a living space. Southfork has recently hosted micro solo shows by up-and-coming New York- and Chicago-based artists Jay Shinn and Heyd Fontenot.

The current Chuck + George (monikers of Brian K. Jones and Brian K. Scott) installation was originally created for a space at the University of Arkansas but was modified to fit Southfork, and will run there until the end of April. Kennedy says, “I love how [this show] fits kind of awkwardly in the space because it wasn’t made for Southfork … because the images are all self portraits and the work really does feel reflective of each of their personalities and the nature of their long standing relationship.

“And,” she adds, “I love how Beetlejuice-y it feels.”


The show is Beetlejuice-y or Edward-Gorey-y: The room is covered with hand-illustrated wallpaper and floorboards in the Victorian (or proto-Victorian?) style. Carnivalesque masks— self-portraits of Chuck and George—hang from the wall. In one corner, a hand-built table supports a display of sculpted fruits, all illustratively warped. Across the room, a large, outdated television set loops an animation that echoes a series of prints (the “Tablescrappin’” series) that hang around the room. The installation creates a dollhouse effect— a cold, excessive vibe, punctuated by weird mantlepiece regalia and distorted avatars.

Chuck + George

  • Chuck + George



The “Tablescrappin’” prints, a serial collection, feature two sallow-faced, unhealthy looking characters who sit at depraved dining tables in the company of political, religious, and pop figures, all grotesqueries. The prints are well-executed and less apocalyptic than they are evocative of a fun societal underbelly. Their reference to a strange domesticity may have been only incidental, but it fits well in Southfork space.

Chuck + George will be up through the end of April. Gallery open by appointment. Email Lauren Kennedy at