Flyer Flashback News

Flyer Writer Reflects on His Days of Going Topless

Finally it can be told: The sad, sordid back-story of how I found myself applying for a job as a reporter at the offices of The Commercial Appeal while shirtless.

I’d promised myself that I was through with the whole accidental exhibitionist thing, but every time I think I’m all buttoned up for good, somebody rips the shirt right off. Me, usually. And since the blustery, bosomy wonder known to the world — yes, the world — as Shirtless Man was created for the Flyer‘s 1998 Summer Issue, and I’m piloting this week’s Summer Issue “Flyer Flashback,” how could I resist?

In 1998, I toiled most days in a windowless room in the Flyer offices, cold-calling potential classified advertising customers. I’d only just begun to do a little freelance writing on the side, and I was thrilled when I was asked to submit ideas to the editor for the cover of the 1998 Summer Issue.

Honestly, I was certain that nobody in their right mind would be interested in the idea I’d cooked up with my friend Jim Hanas, who had recently graduated from classified sales to a full-time writing position. I can still remember then-Flyer editor Dennis Freeland repeating a truncated version of the original pitch back to me: “So you just take your shirt off and go out and do things?” he asked, looking at me like I’d just stepped out of a flying saucer. “What kind of things?”

Dan Ball

Chris Davis as “Shirtless Man” attempting to buy a shirt at Sears

“Oh, you know,” I answered. “Test drive cars, apply for a loan, try to get a job, buy a shirt, go to a topless club.” Next thing I knew, I was on assignment and negotiating with a security guard at the Peabody Rooftop Party.

“You need to put a shirt on, sir,” [the guard] says, sidling up to me.

“But I thought this was a party.”

“It is a party, sir, but you need to put a shirt on.”

“What kind of party is that?”

“It’s a private party open to the public for a $5 cover charge.”

“And I have to wear a shirt?”

“We prefer it.”

“So I don’t have to wear a shirt if I don’t want to?”

“You need to put a shirt on, sir.”

“But look at this sunburn I have here. Terribly painful. OWWWWWWWW! Jesus that hurts to touch it.”

“I know how painful that can be, but you need to wear a shirt.”

“Do I have to button it?”


“Can I just wear a vest?”

“You can just wear a vest.”

“Do I have to button that?”


Shirtless Man was a surprise hit. I went on to write about the big boy’s swinging European vacation for the Flyer, and to recreate the whole original adventure in a multi-page spread for a popular men’s magazine that usually featured scantily-clad starlets. Rose McGowan was Maxim‘s cover girl for March 1999, but I was the hot topless attraction.

Sixteen years later, people still ask why Shirtless Man didn’t have more Memphis adventures. First off, I’m genuinely uncomfortable being naked in public. Weird, right? But I also thought it was a one-time gag that wouldn’t work once the public was in on it. So I took the soundest advice ever offered in the entire history of showbiz: Leave ’em wanting more pictures of the shirtless fat guy.

In spite of my earnest desires to retire Shirtless Man, he now has a life of his own on the internet. Memphis-based artist/photographer Jonathan Postal took a photo of me that was originally snapped in front of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and photoshopped it Zelig-like into historical scenes, alongside Abraham Lincoln, Bob Dylan, and Martin Luther King. It’s a strange honor, but I’ll take it.

Flyer Flashback News

Flyer Flashback: Election Result Challenges

What goes around comes around. You can say it that way, or you can say much the same thing in French.  Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. That’s a little fancier, but let’s face it: Each of these expressions is a cliché, and they each got that way for the simplest of reasons. Patterns of life don’t change much. Or, to say it yet a third familiar way, there is nothing new under the sun, and there are only so many ways to express that fact.

As we go to press, the Shelby County Election Commission (SCEC) — or, to be more exact, the county Election Administrator’s office, which in theory is overseen by the Election Commission, is under suspicion again (again!) for not getting an election right.

A candidate for the Shelby County Commission is challenging the election commission’s unofficial count, which showed him losing a primary action by 26 votes; his own count, derived from photostatted specimens of the tabulated print-outs from each precinct in his district, has him in an exact tie with the presumed winner. Either his or the SCEC’s unofficial count is right. Maybe neither is. In any case, a fair amount of suspense was mounting in advance of  this week’s planned election commission meeting to formally certify results.

Kevin Woods and Rev. Kenneth Whalum Jr.

We’ve been here before. In 1974, a box of precinct returns that had somehow gone missing turned up just in time to overturn the already declared outcome of a congressional race. And, in the 25 years of the Flyer‘s existence, uncertainty of election results has been a fact of life.  

In 2006, there was a challenge to several outcomes in the county general election, and in 2010, there was another. In the last case the challenge got hairy, indeed, going on for months as recorded in a score of Flyer articles. (Sample headline from September 17, 2010: “Election Protesters Turn Fury on Consolidation, Public Officials.”)

Each of these situations required a court to rule, and, while the official results were sustained by a court in both of those years, that wasn’t the case in 2012 when (sigh) it happened again. Precinct lines had been drawn wrong for a school board election, and this time, Chancellor Kenny Armstrong, as chronicled in an online Flyer article on Monday, August 19, 2013, declared  invalid (because uncertain) the narrow election victory of Kevin Woods over the Rev. Kenneth Whalum Jr. in a battle of incumbents who had been forced to run for the same seat in the newly reconfigured Shelby County Schools (SCS) board.

Said His Honor: “The election commission here made no concerted effort to avoid the problems that occurred in this election for school board positions. … These mistakes in assigning so many voters to incorrect school board districts cannot be simply ignored in an effort by the court to not take the step of declaring an election invalid.”

So justice hath prevailed? Maybe, maybe not. Woods, who has gone on serving in the meantime and, in fact, got elected chairman of the SCS board, exercised his right to appeal that verdict, and that process is still underway. It may be that the current contest for the County Commission’s district 10 will meander on for an equally prolonged period, which would really complicate the forthcoming August 7th general election between one of the contending Democrats and a Republican nominee.

Or maybe things got worked out at this week’s election commission meeting, in which case we’re all breathing a sigh, not of exasperation but of relief.

There is still too uncanny a resemblance between the election machines we’ve been using to choose our leaders and the slot machines some of us use to probe for weaknesses in the law of averages.  

Surely there’s a better way to do this democracy thing, but if it keeps on turning up the same old seven and six in election after election, we’re here to report the fact.

Flyer Flashback News

We Used To Have Personal Ads

There was a time before and a time before snark. Long ago, people sought love without iThings, and the Flyer was there for them.

Personal ads were a big deal in the 1990s. Before Twitter confined us to 140 characters, classified personal ads — printed in tiny agate type in the back of the paper — were a clearinghouse for people’s love needs. Looking back at the summer of 1990, our second year of existence, we found a gamut of seekers from another day. The first thing you encountered were the rules.

“We’re not going to tell you how to run your lives,” went the opening paragraph of the section. Then we set out some safety tips to keep the reader from ending up in the river. “Tell a friend you are meeting someone. Don’t use your last name. … Should you have any doubts about the person, play it smart by excusing yourself and making a gracious exit.” Some of those doubts were well-placed.

The section had its own alphabet soup of abbreviations due to the pricing policy. We gave the lovelorn a few words for free and charged by the word over the limit. This policy begat a nomenclature all its own: SF, DWF, SWF, BM.

The whole shebang worked on the 900-number system, a relic of the pre-internet age, through which phone companies and awesome publications like the Flyer charged a premium to anyone who called. You placed your personal ad and created a voice message. Anyone who called and entered your box number could hear your spiel and call you up or run away in terror. Some of the entries are remarkably sweet and earnest, others not so much.

Our issue from June 21st ran this one: “Cowboy Scientist seeking big romance with Cowgirl Queen. Must have pets. Nirvana, Mississippi. P.S. Are you handy with a song.” Aw.

But there are more like this one: “DWM [mentions driving his Porsche and then sets out what he’s looking for] YOU: 32 or less, intelligent, attractive, submissive, passionate, slender, active, feminine, obedient. … If you find me interesting and are willing to work hard to please a man, then write. Photo nice. #476”

Obedient? Believe it or not based on this entry, “D” means “divorced.” Who let that gem of a guy go? Yeesh.

One thing that’s apparent in looking back is how the mores of society have changed. Back then, alternative lifestyles were represented in these back pages, where today they are the defining legal issues of the times. The latter entry above is indicative of the male urge in all of its pre-feminist or oblivious-to-feminism plumage. While we now use “bro” as a pejorative term for anything overtly masculine, bros filled the columns with ads.

From spring of that year: “SHOWERMATE NEEDED: White jock, 34, 6’6, 210 lbs., needs WF water lover who enjoys showering with a friend. Approved photo required.”

All of these requests fell to a young Flyer staffer, who found herself in the strange position of answering some disturbing calls and playing den mother to the city’s pervs.

Some ads were just “Flyer gold.” Fly on the Wall can only dream of some of the half-formed ideas found in the personals.

“SWF WANTS NON-ORGANIC SWM.” I don’t understand.

“WM TRAVELS TO MEMPHIS regularly, interested in meeting female members of Little People of America for discreet, sensual, mutually fulfilling encounters.” One small detail left out.

On June 28th, one ad referenced U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Jeanne Kirkpatrick. Surely that person found love.

Some were just pure Flyer: “Own a 1/6 acre spread near Pink Palace, desire meaningful relationship to share this empire, enjoying walks through nearby woods, dining out, live reggae music and being weird.”

We’re still weird.

Flyer Flashback News


When the Flyer first reported on its website in December 2012 that local rock club the Hi-Tone Café was closing, you would have thought we broke the news that Midtown itself had shut down.

Before his early 2013 cover story on Hi-Tone’s last night in business, former Flyer music editor Chris Herrington put up a simple post that confirmed the Hi-Tone’s Poplar location would be closing its doors. Some of our readers’ reactions were more than a little dramatic.

The sign from the old Hi-Tone

“It is time that we wake up and realize the truth. Memphis is a dying city, and its music scene is dying along with the rest of it. Our leadership has probably waited too late to reverse the trend, but if there is to be any hope at all, action must be taken now. The city should enact significant discounts on license fees and local taxes for businesses that routinely book live music, as opposed to DJs,” said a commenter by the name Progressive Memphis.

Dogrell3000 also weighed in: “It is unfortunately true. Memphis is dying and so is the Memphis music scene. This is a sign of the times. Unless you are Atlanta, Nashville, or New Orleans (major southern cities), your city is dying along with the death of the middle class.”

It seemed a harsh reaction, but when Herrington profiled the last night at the Hi-Tone for a cover story in February 2013, his story made it clear that the club was more than just a rock-and-roll club. It was a Midtown institution.  

New Hi-Tone in Crosstown

After recapping a show that showed the strength of what the Hi-Tone was capable of, Herrington pointed out some of the problems that led to its closure. The building’s unreliable cooling made it notoriously hot in the summer, which discouraged some touring bands.

“Heating/air was obviously a big, big issue,” said Hi-Tone owner Jonathan Kiersky. “With the lease [issues], I wasn’t really interested in spending more money on someone else’s building on a constant basis.”

“That building is pretty old and beat up,” said Chris Walker, who currently helps run audio/visual for the NBA’s Houston Rockets but who has operated Memphis clubs, such as Barristers and Last Place on Earth, and has booked shows at many other local venues, including the Hi-Tone. “I think the roof was giving [Kiersky] problems. It’s hard to have climate control in there.”

The size of the club and the difficulties of the Memphis market also complicated things.

“One of the issues with being right in the middle of the country is you’re going to get a million booking requests. On any given day, we’d get anywhere from five to 80. What that ends up meaning, if you’re going to be a 350-days-a-year rock venue, is putting a lot of stuff in your club that you’re not that interested in doing or maybe it doesn’t make financial sense to do a certain band on a Tuesday,” Kiersky says. “In Memphis, the seven-shows-a-week concept is really, really hard. There were very few weeks where we could have six good shows in a week and actually hit our numbers on all of them.”

Toward the end of the cover story, Herrington hints that Kiersky was close to signing a lease on two bays in the Crosstown Shoppes strip on Cleveland, with the hopes of creating one 4,500-square-foot venue. Luckily for the Memphis music scene, the deal went through. Kiersky reopened the new Hi-Tone on May 6th.

And while this Hi-Tone doesn’t have $2 slices of pizza or the famed Hi-Tone brunch, it’s safe to say that Kiersky has picked up right where he left off. He’s added a BBQ chef, and, perhaps most importantly, the shows have kept on coming.

So far in 2014, Kiersky has brought dozens of bands to the Hi-Tone, including Future Islands, the Zombies, and the Flamin’ Groovies. So much for the Memphis music scene never recovering.

Flyer Flashback News

Up, Up, and Away

With the Memphis In May Beale Street Music Festival once again upon us, we take a look back to the 1999 Best of Memphis issue, which featured a staff pick on one memorable music fest appearance:

“Best Performance R&B artist Lois Lane is all-woman and then some. She threw out all kinds of moxie at this year’s Memphis In May Beale Street Music Festival. Thrilling the nearly all-white crowd with her gyrating and forcefully lewd performance, she kicked up the fun when she invited a few members of the audience to get onstage with her to dance. Among those was a young man who couldn’t resist spanking himself. Such is the superpower of Lois Lane.”

But this was not the first appearance by Lane in the Flyer, nor the last. Lane was at the center of a true-blue Memphis phenomenon, which began in 1997 at Bill’s Twilight. Groups of folks would crowd the dance floor to perform a line dance/slide hybrid to an electronic jangle of a tune that featured a riff from Booker T. & the MGs’ “Chinese Checkers.”

Lane’s friend Mixx Master Lee convinced her to write some lyrics for that number, which they reintroduced at Bill’s. Then things went nuts.

The Bar-Kays’ James Alexander founded JEA Music to release the single, which sold 40,000 copies and was played in regular rotation on radio station K97. An album was the next obvious step, and Lane worked with Al Kapone to write songs for The Adventures of Lois Lane.

Lois Lane, of course, was not the singer/rapper’s real name. She said her audacious onstage persona was something she adopted as well. Lane was booked for appearances most nights of the week, and she quit her day job because being Lois Lane was her job. Her upward projection continued when Alexander helped her get a deal with Sony.

A May 5, 2000, cover story details what happened next: “It was an exciting time for Lane. Sony flew her and her sister to New York City to talk specifics. She would do a video, and she would become ‘Miss Lane’ to avoid any conflict with the D.C. comics character. She ate at Puff Daddy’s restaurant, she shopped, and she saw Carnegie Hall.

“Then they flew her to Los Angeles for a photo shoot. ‘I had a daytime look of Lois Lane and the evening look. I was like the caped crusader or something,’ she says, explaining that part of her act would be her transformation from the daytime to the nighttime Lane. They put wigs on her and covered her in baby powder so she could get into rubber outfits. They even convinced a non-short-skirt-wearing Lane that she could show the leg and wear six-inch spike-heeled, thigh-high boots. ‘I’m going to stand up straight,’ she remembers thinking, ‘because if I bend over, I’ll be mooning everybody.’

“Of course, she loved all the pampering. ‘I felt so good. I felt like a star, you know?’

“Lane returned to Memphis, and Sony sent a choreographer to work with her. Tryouts were held for dancers, who were not only required to dance well but to be able to morph from daytime to nighttime as the new Miss Lane would. And then nothing.”

Sony dropped Lane, and the cover story concludes with Lane contemplating her next step. What’s become of Lane is unknown. Alexander says that The Adventures of Lois Lane was the first and last album that she recorded for him.

“She went Hollywood on me,” Alexander explains. “I had to move on.”

Alexander says he keeps up with almost everybody he’s worked with. He says he spoke to Lee, who now lives in Nashville, about a month ago. He says he has no idea what’s become of Lane. He’s certain that she’s no longer performing.

Says Alexander, “She had the makings of a real big star.”

Flyer Flashback News

Crosstown: A Big Ass Jail?

Bianca Phillips

With funding secured and construction companies readying their crews, work to convert the long-abandoned, 1.4-million-square-foot Sears Crosstown building into a “vertical urban village” with health-care, arts, education, retail, and residential space should begin this spring.

But for our April 29, 1999, issue, when the building was nothing more than a hulking, big empty, we held a contest asking our readers what they’d like to see fill the space. Those with the 10 best answers were awarded a Flyer T-shirt.

Answers were all over the place, but reader Joel Edlin had perhaps the most far-fetched idea: “Turn it into a BIG ASS JAIL. Bet we could fill it up, just like Sears did on August 8, 1927, with 47,000 customers.”

Adrienne Faires thought the building would make a nice American Red Cross distribution and training center, while Oscar F. Williams envisioned the Crosstown building as a hotel that would help Memphis attract more conventions.

Les Poppenheimer had visions of suburbia in the inner city with dreams of a Crosstown outlet mall with one retailer per floor. Fabian Baron saw the place as a future subsidized senior living center, where seniors paid rent based on their incomes.

Jay C. Schechtman thought we could use the Crosstown building for a little worldwide philanthropy by converting the building into the Southern Trading Center, where we would “display the products and services of South America, Africa, South Asia, and Australia. We could create jobs in Memphis, and assist underdeveloped countries [in] securing a foothold in American trade.”

When the renovated Crosstown building opens in 2016, there will be an educational component with the Memphis Teacher Residency and Rhodes College setting up office space inside. Long-time (and now deceased) Flyer reader and letter-writer Arthur Prince may have glanced into the future with his idea of turning the building into an institute of higher education, or a “tower of learning,” as Prince wrote.

Frank Crumby wasn’t terribly far off from today’s plans of including residential and retail space, but in his plan, the entire building would have been devoted to luxury living.

“Her new name would be The Evergreens. She would be a mix of upscale spacious condos on the top floors and the tower, apartments on the middle floors, and retail [which] would feature services to appeal to the large number of residents, such as dry cleaners, hair salons, convenience stores, etc. The building also offers plenty of space for a spa, indoor pool, and racquetball. The Evergreens could be the ultimate address,” Crumby wrote.

If we had been gamblers back in 1999, we should have bet on the suggestions of Harold F. Keuper and Brantley Ellzey. While the current plans for Crosstown include the medical industry — namely the Church Health Center and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital offices — it’s being fused with an arts component. Inside the building, there will be artist working spaces and studios, an art gallery, and performance space.

Keuper envisioned an “arts tower” with “rehearsal halls and performance spaces for dance groups, bands, choruses, theatre groups, plus artists’ studios and recording facilities.”

These days, Ellzey actually has an art studio in the hip row of Crosstown Shoppes across from the Sears building, but back in 1999, he clearly possessed psychic powers. Though he was a tad off in his suggestion that the Crosstown building could become a new campus for Memphis College of Art, he was spot-on when he said the arts component in the building could spur neighborhood development.

“I can imagine the entire surrounding commercial neighborhood becoming an ‘art’ district with all the groovy shops, restaurants, galleries, etc. that description implies,” Ellzey wrote.

And that’s exactly what has happened in the Crosstown neighborhood over the past two years since the nonprofit Crosstown Arts set up in the area. Ellzey’s studio, which was there before Crosstown’s reemergence, is now located next door to two art galleries, a hula-hooping studio, the Hi-Tone music venue, and the Visible School’s affordable music classroom.

Flyer Flashback News

Like a Maniac

The following, titled “Reserving Judgment II,” ran in the February 22, 2001, issue as the second half of a two-part editorial.

“Questions about the XFL are as plentiful today as they were when the gaudy new football league, co-owned by NBC and the World Wrestling Federation, first announced it would make Memphis one of its eight charter members. After three weeks, the TV ratings have settled down to the low expectations that the league itself had before getting the first week’s unexpectedly good viewer totals.

Memphis Maniax XFL team

“Memphis Maniax General Manager Steve Ehrhart tried to stem the tide of bad press this week, issuing a press release proclaiming Memphis as the ‘number one’ UPN market. He spun reporters at the team’s weekly press conference to the effect that things are better than the national media make them out to be, that the Memphis TV market in particular is doing better than expected, and that the two local games drew well, especially considering the weather.

“The jury is still out on the Memphis Maniax and the Xtreme Football League.

“But the combination of NBC’s bucks and the WWF’s chutzpah could give the league real staying power — a la the old AFL and the current MSNBC, two similarly endowed hybrids. Here, too, we’ll reserve judgment.”

XFL scoreboard at Liberty Bowl Stadium

The Maniax, which played at the Liberty Bowl, had a half-decent season (5-5, third in the league) the year of their debut. And that was all. The plug was pulled on the entire XFL after only one season. As for the first part of the editorial, titled, naturally enough, “Reserving Judgment”? That dealt with the only-months’ old presidency of George W. Bush.

Flyer Flashback News

Flyer Flashback

November 7, 2000, the day of the Bush-Gore presidential election,
was one of the newsiest days during the Flyer‘s 20
years-and-counting, and we had it covered in our November 9th issue,
with senior editor Jackson Baker at Al Gore headquarters in Nashville
and staff writers Rebekah Gleaves (Nashville) and Ashley Fantz (Bush
headquarters in Austin) also on the scene.

Reporting on “the closest presidential election in American
political history,” Baker described the “war whoops” heard when the
television networks declared Florida for Gore-Lieberman late Tuesday
and the weary uncertainty that gripped the Democratic faithful the next
morning at the downtown Sheraton Hotel.

“Not only do we not know who the next president of the United States
is, we have no idea for certain when we will know,” Baker wrote,
citing “gremlins in the nation’s political machinery” that conspired to
make Election Day moot and prophesizing “40 days and 40 nights of
uncertainty.” A close call, as the December 12th Supreme Court decision
that essentially decided the election came 35 days later.

Meanwhile, a couple of states west, Fantz experienced an “Austin
all-nighter” amid a “state-fair-like brouhaha” where “security holdups
and Russian breadline waits did not slow down the Bush supporters.”
Fantz reported on the cascade of boos that erupted in Austin when the
network’s Florida call went to Gore and the ultimate fatigue that
settled in when everyone realized that the endless night would yield no

Flyer Flashback News

Flyer Flashback

To mark the Flyer‘s 20th anniversary, we’re looking back
at stories from our first two decades.

It’s Halloween, the season when we free our inner ghouls. But when
Flyer contributor Matt Hanks wrote about a similar phenomenon in
October 1997, pagan traditions had nothing to do with it.

In an article titled “Rave On,” Hanks took a sympathetic look at
rave culture in Memphis. Remember raves? They were those massive
parties where youngsters would swallow Ecstasy, suck on pacifiers,
dance their asses off, and jabber on about peace and love. Between the
psychoactive chemicals and all that happy talk, it came as no surprise
that in the early 1990s, rave kids were described as “the new hippies.”
Jeremy Lowrance, the rave promotor and subject of Hanks’ story, had
moved to Memphis in search of a “more supportive, more self-contained
environment” after an Illinois TV station ran an exposé showing
an undercover reporter buying cocaine at one of his dance parties.

“Everyone thought it would be a ‘Local Kids Find Non-Alcoholic
Alternative’ type of piece,” Lowrance said of his life-changing brush
with the media. “But I knew their intentions weren’t good. I could
smell it like a fart in a car.”

Hanks caught up with Lowrance at a party where everything was going
wrong. The generators had failed, and the abandoned building on Brooks
Road had gone pitch-black except for one lone strobe light.

Lowrance’s party went on in spite of the technical difficulties, and
rave culture lasted in Memphis through the turn of the century. But
with zombies as popular as they are, maybe we’ll see some undead ravers
out trick-or-treating this weekend. — Chris Davis

Flyer Flashback News

Flyer Flashback

Pete Sisson

Some 12 years ago, the relations between city and county government,
and between the officials who headed them, were being strained to the
breaking point.

As we detailed in our October 16, 1997, and October 23, 1997,
issues, Memphis mayor Willie Herenton and Shelby County mayor Jim Rout
were proceeding in opposite directions regarding the then raging “Toy
Town” controversy.

That term referred to legislation which had been slipped through
that year’s session of the Tennessee General Assembly enabling quick
and easy municipal incorporation for almost any suburban community big
enough to have a convenience store. Intended by its sponsor, then
Lieutenant Governor John Wilder, as a means of protecting the Fayette
County hamlet of Hickory Wythe, it resulted in a proliferation of
would-be “cities” in Shelby County — more than a score of them,
with names like Independence, New Berryhill, Nonconnah, Fisherville,
and Neshoba.

It never came to pass. Herenton’s stout defense of Memphis’
annexation rights, assisted by a battery of lawyers, would get the “Toy
Town” bill, aka “Chapter 98,” declared unconstitutional. It was
arguably the Memphis mayor’s finest moment.

Amid this ongoing melee, a retiring county commissioner, Pete
Sisson, made a startling proposal — for full and complete
city/county consolidation, accompanied by single-source school funding,
but with city and county schools administered by separate school
districts. A city-county charter commission should forthwith be
appointed to prepare a referendum of consolidation. The proposal
gathered some steam but became moot when the state Supreme Court
declared Chapter 98 unconstitutional.