News News Blog

Flyer’s Jackson Baker to Speak on School Merger Panel

Although early voting on the Memphis City Schools charter surrender issue has already begun, there’s still plenty of Memphians who aren’t sure what the proposed merger really means for the city and county school systems.

Jackson Baker

  • Jackson Baker

A panel of experts on the issue will address the facts about what a proposed merger could mean in an upcoming consolidation forum at First Baptist Church (200 E. Parkway North) next Monday. Panelists include the Flyer‘s political reporter and senior editor Jackson Baker, County Commissioner Steve Mulroy, and Ryan Tracy of Stand for Children.

The panel begins at 6 p.m. on Monday, February 21st in the church’s fellowship hall.

From the event’s press release: “As the purpose of the forum is to educate, not advocate, none of the panelists will take a position on either side of the debate, but will simply provide objective facts and answer questions.”

No questions will be taken from the audience during the event, but attendees are encouraged to visit
this website to submit questions or they may arrive early to do so in person. Individuals with young children can visit the same site through Friday, February 19th, to reserve free childcare for any child under the age of 7.

News News Blog

Opportunity Challenge Unearths Problems, Seeks Solutions for Memphis

Your average video gamer spends about 80 percent of his time failing to reach the all-important next level.

But no matter how many aliens annihilate him, how many racecars run him off the road, or how many enemy soldiers spray his avatar with bullets, that gamer keeps coming back for more.

Katherine von Jan, co-founder and chief creative of Derring-do Design, says tapping in to this deeply ingrained desire to triumph over adversity could help Memphis improve its economic outlook.

von Jan’s presentation was part of an Opportunity Challenge conference today at the Memphis Bioworks foundation that’s being spearheaded by the nonprofit CEOs for Cities and Mayor A C Wharton’s office. The three-day think-a-thon aspires to help Memphis enable and retain young talent instead of losing it to other cities. The conference continues through Friday.

The key to improving Memphis’ economic destiny — where only 24 percent of people have a college education — is to create a system, akin to a game, that encourages even the most disenfranchised citizens to advance through the levels of success, von Jan said. “In gaming, you start from zero and build up.”

Beneath the day’s rhetoric, education surfaced again and again.

Economist Joe Cortwright, president of Impresa Inc. and a senior policy adviser for CEOs for Cities, said college-educated people have higher incomes and spend less time being unemployed during their lifetimes than those with a lower educational level, period. And “what is true for individuals is also true for places,” he said.

While Memphis has lots of things going for it, the city also has disparate pockets of hope and hopelessness that don’t tend to mix. Not only has it been stigmatized in the media, but the city’s own citizenry tends to cast it in an unflattering light, said Andre Fowlkes of the business incubator LaunchMemphis.

“We present Memphis on a garbage can lid,” he said.

Another pressing issue underlying the Opportunity Challenge is the shift to a talent-based economy, or an economy built on new and changing markets or ideas. He who produces the most widgets isn’t necessarily the most successful nowadays. A tanking economy has borne that out.

“That was the sledgehammer to really bring it home,” Fowlkes said.

Since about 20 percent of Memphis’ population lives below the poverty line, with 30 percent younger than 18, and with unemployment in Shelby County at almost 10 percent, it’s time to re-evaluate, or at least understand some things about how poverty affects education.

Laurel Dukehart, president of Gateway to College National Network, said working with poor people who want to succeed has taught her a lot. Most kids drop out of high school or college not because they’re shiftless or stupid, but because of things beyond their control. Try carrying a full course load when you’re broke and your car engine fries or you have to help a bedridden relative who has no access to health care.

“It’s about poverty,” she said. “It’s about a lack of role models.”

While things like access to technology are talent accelerators, things like persistent poverty are talent killers. And the surest way out of poverty is education.

Possible solutions to overcoming local poverty and education issues will be offered Friday morning at Bioworks.

News News Blog

$1.5M Budget Allocation Approved for Fire Department

For the first time in more than a month, Memphis Fire Services was able to cruise through a budget request without a single hint of opposition. Fire department director Alvin Benson was all smiles as a result.

This morning, he and his staff requested using $1.5 million from their capital improvement budget to buy land for a new fire station in the Winchester/Hacks Cross area. Members of the city council’s Public Safety & Homeland Security Comittee approved the request unanimously.

Once built, the station will be along Centennial Drive in the Southwind area. It will be financed with general obligation bonds.

In the meantime, Fire Services and its union members are scheduled to appear before the full council later today to resolve, once and for all, their disagreement over buying eight new alternative response vehicles. That conflict began in early January, when the department requested using about $500,000 to buy the vehicles, which officials insist are less expensive to maintain, and more maneuverable, than large fire trucks.

However, members of International Association of Firefighters Local 1784 have objected, saying they would prefer having fully staffed vehicles that can respond to many different kinds of emergencies. The ARVs are only equipped for emergency medical calls, which make up the majority of the fire department’s runs. Underlying the disagreement is a fear by union members that trucks will be put out of service, possibly affecting jobs.

News News Blog

Memphis Animal Shelter Director Gets Caged

You’ve gotta a love a guy who’s willing to don a fuzzy brown dog costume and spend most of the day in a kennel to drum up community interest in adopting pets.

“At 9:30, we had a line at the front door and a line almost down the street,” said Matthew Pepper, director of Memphis Animal Services.

His idea to wear the dog getup came from a volunteer group and was helped by local media coverage.
By about 3 p.m. today, more than 40 dogs and cats had found homes. All 31 of the dogs specially prepped for adoption today were gone, replaced by a whole new batch of hopefuls not even halfway through the day. Pepper said he was optimistic that more than 50 animals would find forever homes by 5.

He also said he’s tired of the shelter’s former reputation; it’s now a “fun” place. The shelter was raided in the early morning hours of October 2009 — the first day of A C Wharton’s term as Memphis mayor — because of suspected abuse and neglect that led to three dogs being starved to death. A short time later, Wharton fired the previous director.

At least 15,000 animals cycle through the shelter a year, Pepper said. He has no illusions that there will ever be a shortage of animals in need of homes, but if spending a day in a cage helps put a dent in the endless parade, he’s more than willing to step up.

“It’s made a huge difference since Mr. Pepper took over,” said shelter volunteer Ariel Dagastino.

News News Blog

Misery Loves Company


If Memphis is “most miserable,” we’d hate to see what “most desirable” looks like. At least that’s the attitude many locals seem to have regarding the Bluff City’s placement on the annual Forbes “Most Miserable Cities” list.

This weekend, the Hi-Tone is throwing a “Misery Loves Company” Ball, both as an excuse to celebrate the good things about Memphis and as a way to give the Forbes list the proverbial middle finger. The event goes down on Saturday, February 12th at 9 p.m. and features DJ Buck Wilders and the Hook-Up.

Memphis came in at number six in the 2011 list of the top 20 U.S. cities with the highest crime, taxes and unemployment rates, the worst weather, the longest commute times, and the least successful sports teams. According to Forbes, high sales tax plus a still-high crime rate are responsible for Memphis’ miserable status. The article fails to mention new crime statistics that show a 24 percent drop in violent crime in Memphis since 2006.

On a more positive note, Memphis also just ranked number six on’s list of the happiest cities to work in.

“We can’t take these rankings very seriously, especially given how we were ranked on the Most Miserable list and the Happiest Cities to Work list,” said Mary Cashiola, the city’s brand manager. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun with them. Or at least prove them partly wrong.”

For more on the “Misery Loves Company” Ball, check out the event’s Facebook page.

News News Blog

Youth Violence Forum Canceled … Again

The Real Talk: Youth Violence forum scheduled for tonight at the Benjamin Hooks Library has been canceled due to the snow. It had previously been rescheduled from January 20th due to inclement weather.

Rather than attempt to reschedule again, the event’s organizers are moving the forum online. Click here to take a quick survey asking for your thoughts on how to prevent youth violence. The survey will remain open until February 20th, when the input will used to develop a city/county youth violence reduction plan.

In October, Memphis and five other U.S. cities were chosen to participate in President Barack Obama’s National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention, which is being conducted by the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education.

Since then, the city has formed the Memphis Youth Violence Prevention Policy Council with representatives from more than 20 public and private agencies. The group’s goal is to reduce youth and gang violence while increasing opportunities for youths.

Other cities chosen to participate in the president’s program include Boston, Chicago, Detroit, and Salinas and San Jose, Calif.

“The cities weren’t selected by the size of the problem, but by their willingness to work with the federal government and other factors,” Mary Cashiola, the city’s brand manager, said in an e-mail. “I think our factors were scalability and the collaborations with Operation Safe Community and the business community.”

News News Blog



We know that “news blog” isn’t the catchiest title. But we’re through with being cutesy. This new Memphis Flyer blog will serve as a our catch-all for city and county news, crime briefs, business stories, and the like.

You know, that good old-fashioned hard news. Check back often (and add us to your bookmarks) as we will be updating several times a week.