Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Meet Ron Ormond, one weird filmmaker

Ron Ormond

  • Ron Ormond

For your consideration I submit the story of an exploitation filmmaker named Ron Ormond. Ormond had a lengthy, and varied career as a film producer and director, and some of his later, stranger work, was shot in and around Memphis and Nashville, where Ormond died, in 1981. A handful of these films featured a fire-and-brimstone preacher named Estus Pirkle, and some amazing visions of Heaven and Hell that look like they were shot on location inside one of David Lynch’s nightmares.

Here’s a little taste of Heaven as imagined by Ormond & Pirkle.

And if you thought that was special you can go straight to Hell.

Now for the mystery. At least to me. Ormond allegedly shot commercials for a few Memphis-area businesses including White Rose Dry Cleaners. If any of these have survived they don’t seem to have made it onto the internet.

I’d be interested to know if these commercials do, or ever did exist. I can’t imagine they’re not brilliant, and I’d sure love to share them here.

Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Existential Dilemma and You

Bandz a make Miley Cyrus twerk. But then again, what doesn’t?

I want to go home... to the PYRAMID!

  • I want to go home… to the PYRAMID!

Ever had one of those days where you just ponder on the “Why” of things? I do. I do often. Why did my AC go out during the hottest week (so far) in Memphis? Why is there 10 months between seasons of Game of Thrones? Why is Tanning Mom a celebrity? Why did Kimye name their kid after a defunct airline? Why is the Pyramid cursed? Why is the fiber network in Memphis not being used? Why did Miley Cyrus decide that twerkin was the right path for her? Why is he asking all of these why questions?

It’s because I want you to think and open your mind. Why, you may ask…

Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Knock Knock?

Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying.

  • “Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying.”

Knock Knock?
Who’s There?
Get a new lawyer.
Get a new lawyer who?
No, seriously, get a new lawyer.

How Not To Give An Opening Argument

Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

International Delights

At the Cordova Farmer’s Market International, you can find pretty much any international foodstuffs you might want, from duck embryos to five gallon drums of soy sauce.

You can also find products endorsed by one hit wonder, PSY.

Enjoy dumplings, Gangnam style!

  • Enjoy dumplings, Gangnam style!

We hope this heralds the way for Carly Ray Jepsen’s lucrative “Cauliflower, Baby” endorsement deal and Rebecca Black’s new role as a pitch person for TGI Friday’s frozen appetizers.

Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

-Game of Thrones vs True Blood- Round 1: Baby names

Just read an article saying that 146 babies in the US have been named Khaleesi, which means Queen in the made up Lame of Thrones universe.


Impressive? Hardly, when compared to the HBO show True Blood! Enough classy fangbanger mom’s have named their baby Sookie to shoot it to the number 3 position on the top 10 searched baby names so far this year. Point: True Blood. AND to put the final nail in the coffin…how many people do you known named Bill?


Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Mayor AC Wharton’s Headshot: Just for Men

Mayors Mark

  • Mayor’s Mark

Why shouldn’t city mayors be allowed to profit from their civic duty by exploiting their famous hair styles?

Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Scarecrows in the City


  • BFFs

Has anybody else noticed these scary guys propped up on Hamlin just North of Poplar? By day they keep birds away from what appear to be raised beds of basil and tomatoes. I’ve got no idea what they do when the moon comes up.

What part of BOO dont you understand?

  • What part of “BOO” don’t you understand?
Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

A Coupla White Chicks Standing Around Talking

Spinning into butter.

  • Spinning into butter.

So Paula Deen uses the N-word and thinks it’s a cute idea to have an Old South wedding where African-Americans get gussied up like slaves to serve the invited guests? To borrow a line from Gomer Pyle, USMC, “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”

As you marvel at this video (with the worst dubbing anyone has experienced since Godzilla was a tadpole!) it’s helpful to remember, these two big lifestyle stars really are talking about the help.

Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Men’s Wearhouse Ousts Zimmer

Pitch perfect.

  • Pitch perfect.

Men’s Wearhouse, the fancier cousin of The New York Suit Exchange, today fired founder and chairman George Zimmer.

His termination letter reportedly started as follows:

“You’re not going to like the rest of this letter. Guaranteed.”

Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

RIP Slim Whitman, Country Singer, Slayer of Martians

Shell Shock!

  • Shell Shock!

Slim Whitman, the country singer who headlined Elvis Presley’s first public performance on July 30, 1954 at the Overton Park (now Levitt) Shell, has died of heart failure. The 89-year-old singer, and subject of brilliant parody, was famous for his yodeling, multi-octave range, and his ability to make alien brains explode.