Letter From The Editor Opinion

I Need To Write Something

I need to write something. 

It should flow from fingers to keyboard automatically, no long pauses to consider the next thought or word. It’s all there, just below the surface, beginning to bubble up. That’s how it usually works. I’ll attach to an idea, a line of poetry, an encounter, or a moment, and after a few days of simmering in the recesses of my mind, somehow unknowingly, on its own, everything comes together and spills onto the page almost effortlessly. But not lately. 

There are too many pots boiling over at once. Especially, of course, in the political landscape. Every day a new executive order, a new hit to marginalized people, another bash to the face of democracy. The shifts are coming fast and hard, whether we like it or not. It’s too much to keep up with, let alone make sense of. The president of the United States is Willy Wonka and we’re all aboard The Wondrous Boat Ride. [*Flash *flicker *horrifying imagery *wild man at the helm] (He’s even offering $5 million “golden tickets” for wealthy immigrants!) I envision the man-child and his sidekick (who is who can go either way) skulking in a darkened room, “Is this frightening enough yet? Have we confused them enough to do whatever we want?” 

“There’s no earthly way of knowing which direction we are going! There’s no knowing where we’re rowing, or which way the river’s flowing!” 

The stage is set for major bamboozling, with waves of stunned, newly unemployed federal workers, swift cuts to crucial programs, and, surely, impending lengthy legal battles over the many unconstitutional and immoral moves being made by this administration, seemingly to obfuscate the masses. We’re fighting one another in comment sections online, pulled apart between “Making America Great Again” and genuine empathy for our neighbors. Do we not care for the poor? The hungry? Humanity in general? Unfortunately, the leader of this nation is a reality TV host and we’re the forced cast, pitted against each other in a battle to … a battle to … Well, I’m not entirely sure the desired outcome beyond the rich getting richer while the rest of us find side hustles to fill our fridges and gas our cars for the work commute. While we argue each other into the ground. They don’t want us to know their desired outcome. We’re fighting the wrong people. 

So sometimes, with all of those thoughts roiling the pots in my brain, nothing sticks. There isn’t a particular thing to cling to for clear direction or inspiration. Too many things; so much noise. But I need to write something. Put it all in one place, outside of my mind. Maybe I’m not there yet. 

Maybe I’ll hold onto these words from Charles Bukowski for now. 

if it doesn’t come bursting out of you

in spite of everything,

don’t do it.

unless it comes unasked out of your

heart and your mind and your mouth  

… don’t do it.

if you have to wait for it to roar out of

you, then wait patiently.

unless it comes out of

your soul like a rocket,

unless being still would

drive you to madness …

don’t do it.

unless the sun inside you is

burning your gut,

don’t do it.

There is a red-hot glowing now, a warm pit in my stomach. I’ll see you back here when it burns.

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Dazed and Confused 

January has been a rough year, huh? United States citizens, torn apart like never before, have been inundated with a ridiculous array of presidential orders and policy changes dumped on us in an absolute whirlwind of nonsense in a matter of days. An emboldened and strange billionaire troll — who’s pulling political strings even beyond our scope of understanding — is not-so-subtly showing his true colors in front of the entire world. And, still, half of the folks we share this country with can’t agree that he and the guy who promised to “Make America Great Again” have more than a couple screws loose — and do not have our best interests in mind. 

Lucky for you, I know that you’ve heard enough about this. You’ve processed or are still processing — maybe dissociating? Heh. Whatever the case may be, I’d bet we’re all more than a little dazed and confused in the dust of what’s happened since Inauguration Day — and under the looming worry of what’s to come.

So one thing I’ve done in recent weeks is meditate. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being an excellent meditator and 1 being the worst, I’m at zero. Maybe even -2. I am absolutely no good at quieting my anxious mind. But meditation is called “a practice,” so I’m practicing. I have some random app on my phone that had been sending me notification nudges to meditate every day for months. I, of course, ignored those notifications because who has time for that? Honestly, I ignore most of the notifications I receive. They never stop coming, and I can’t keep up. Those reminders to drink water or weigh myself today or log a journal entry— well, they’ll have to wait. At least until after I respond to a few dozen emails and contact the post office about why my package hasn’t been scanned in three weeks and call my insurance about charging me for medication that was previously covered. There’s always a big, long to-do list, right? But, if I understand all this correctly, that’s why meditation — if you can get there — is important. 

There are all sorts of videos on YouTube you can access, playlists on Spotify, and probably a million other free meditation resources online. I’ve started with short, 5- or 10- minute guided meditations. It’s often frustrating because I can’t for the life of me see the meadow or the stream or the sunny sky they’re guiding me to see with my mind’s eye. There’s no staircase and no open window. And I spend an awful lot of time telling myself that I need to stop thinking. Thinking about thinking is not meditating. The point is not to think, right? Or to get past the thinking you and directly to the heart of consciousness? I really don’t know because I’ve never done it. But some people swear it does wonders for their love and appreciation of life, letting go of worry, increasing creativity, and on and on. Dive within, yes?

I guess for now, it’s good to at least put 10 minutes aside to lie with eyes closed even if I’m thinking about not thinking. I can certainly think of worse things to do and worse things to think about. And hey, meditation might be woo-woo to you. You don’t have to do it! I’m willing to try just about anything that’ll help me find some peace and purpose. Both are incredibly important, especially now when things feel so out of control. Take a 10 from the chatter and fear.

Amid the dust and the rubble, we may not be able to see the stream or the meadow or the shining sun, but they’re there, somewhere … in the stillness, beyond the dark. No matter what, don’t stop looking. 

Letter From The Editor Opinion


You’ll notice a couple of places in this issue where I’ve been named responsible for the “New Year, New You” cover story. That dang editor is at it again! The truth is, the Flyer has done some form of this theme for as long as I can remember for its first issue at the turn of a new year. It had its place on the publication calendar long before I took the helm, so, objectively, for this edition at least, we’re still the same ol’ Flyer despite annually rallying for a “new you.” (Former editor and longtime “New Year, New You” “responsible party” Bruce VanWyngarden finally let the intrusive thoughts win this round; see “New Year, New Ewe.”) 

Anyhow, we like you exactly as you are! And you get bonus cool points just for being here. But if you’re thinking of reinventing yourself, exploring new activities, or (not-so) simply putting the phone down for a change, our writers have some thoughts for you. 

If, like me, resolutions aren’t your thing, maybe you’ll take a lesson in something I’ve learned from my dad: zip-a-dee-doo-dah. Let me explain. My 60-something-year-old father is the primary caretaker for my paraplegic brother, a commitment he fulfills with love and grace. He’s the family’s black sheep — outspoken, a country boy through and through, perhaps a bit wild — if you believe the stories (hint* they’re true). By most accounts, his life hasn’t been easy. Through the back-to-back deaths of my grandparents, my brother’s health challenges, nearly two years of sibling squabbles over estate matters, (minor outbursts aside) my dad remains as calm and cool as can be. “Zip-a-dee-doo-dah,” he says as he tells me my brother threw a fit to be discharged from the hospital. “It’s another wonderful day!” he responds when I call stressed out over … any of the many things that stress me out. “Zip-a-dee-doo-dah,” he replies when I swear everything is falling apart (it’s not). 

Before I go any further, I’m aware of controversy over the 1946 Disney film from which the line “zip-a-dee-doo-dah” was pulled. What I’m writing here has nothing to do with that. Please don’t hang me out to dry! Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, for my dad anyway, is a way of life, a motto by which to live. It’s closely akin to “hakuna matata” — which, thanks to The Lion King, we all know means “no worries.” Maybe I should have used that as the title of this piece instead. No one has anything bad to say about The Lion King. (Who am I kidding? You name it, someone’s got a gripe.) Oh well. The idea is to stop taking things so seriously. This has been a longtime battle for my overthinking, overanalyzing brain: Everything is serious! Something could go wrong at any time, and what do we do then? Let’s ponder every possible, surely horrible outcome! 

So that is what we won’t do this year, okay? We won’t be guided by fear. We won’t expect the worst. We won’t agonize over things that haven’t happened yet. Instead, we will let go of what we can’t control, or the need for control. We’ll smile through the hard stuff. When life starts life-ing a little too hard, we will say to ourselves, quietly (or loudly to really drive it home), “Zip-a-dee-doo-dah!” And you’ll know when it’s time. A flat tire? Zip-a-dee-doo-dah. Water heater went out? Zip-a-dee-doo-dah. Editor asks you to write another “New Year, New You” blurb? Zip-a-dee-doo-dah! Much like “hakuna matata,” it’s a “problem-free philosophy.” 

We’ll still run into problems, of course. But maybe we’ll look at them as opportunities. Maybe we’ll start with small steps to address the ones we want to fix. But we certainly won’t worry. There’s just no sense in that. We’re going to go with the flow. We’re going to let that sh*t go. My dad says so, and that’s that.

Letter From The Editor Opinion

The Early Golden Hour

Well, folks, we’ve made it to the last stretch of 2024. I know my least favorite season of the year is settling in when 4 p.m. is the golden hour and the breeze starts biting. It’s so very cold (unless it’s not; Memphis winters are finicky like that). It’s damp and the fallen leaves lie decomposing on the lawn. You’d think being a January baby I’d enjoy winter, but it’s not just the weather outside that’s frightful. 

Target is packed! Every sweet grandma within a 20-mile radius has come to my Superlo to gather ingredients for this year’s holiday feasts, jamming the aisles as they stop to socialize. My biweekly food subscription box has been stuck on a FedEx truck for three days! There are way too many drivers on the streets looking at their phones! Did they even notice they pulled out in front of me? And stay away from Poplar Avenue! As my colleague Toby Sells joked on Slack the other day, “That right lane needs a surgeon general’s warning.” That goes for all year, but even more so now. The town is full of elves scrambling to find gifts for everyone on their “nice” lists, and I just want to buy dog food! Bah, humbug! 

I think that feeling hits for many of us this time of year. It’s counterintuitive to be out buzzing around when the sun sets at 5 p.m. and the temps dip near freezing. Our bodies want to rest and recover, hunker down and bundle up. But we’ve got to hurry! Christmas is just a few days away and heaven forbid Uncle Dan doesn’t get his gifted garden shears! If you click “buy now” it might make it to him in time! And then there’s that issue. This pressure to spend more money than you should on presents for people who love you whether you get them that gift card or not. As much as I love to see the holiday spirit alive in little ways — the lights, the yard Grinches and Santas — it pains me to know that these things trigger bad feelings, too. For those missing a spouse, parent, or pet; for those whose paychecks don’t allow the type of gift-giving they’d like to do; or those who will spend New Year’s alone longing for connection. So while you’re out spreading holiday cheer, remember it’s not so cheerful for everyone. Some are simply trying to get through.

Back to my rant above. I know I’m lucky to be able to buy my dogs’ food even if I have to fight through traffic and long lines to get it. I’m blessed to have loved ones to share the holidays with, even if some are spread across the states and all we can do is FaceTime. A phone call can be as good as a hug if it needs to be. I don’t even shop at Target very often, and my food box will arrive at some point. If it’s spoiled, oh well. The real elves — our USPS, UPS, FedEx, Amazon, and other delivery drivers — are busting their butts to ensure our many, many purchases make it to their destinations. If those gifts are late, guess what? Cousin Sue will still be delighted if her present lands in January. 

Speaking of January, this “double issue” of the Memphis Flyer will be on stands for two weeks while our staff enjoys a holiday break. Our writers have shared their thoughts on 2024 — and projections for 2025. On a normal year, I’d have done a recap as well, but as regular readers know, this year was a bit of a flop for me, with more than half of it spent recovering from a broken foot and three surgeries. I’m on the other side of that now with minimal lingering discomfort. After a roller coaster of a year, here’s hoping we can all enter 2025 the same way. May “minimal lingering discomfort” be 2024’s swan song. 

In the meantime, be kind, slow down, express gratitude, give yourself grace. We don’t have to do anything, really. We get to. Reminding ourselves of that when things become overwhelming can do wonders. For now, I’ll embrace the early golden hour that colors my chilly neighborhood walks, and the biting breeze that lets me know I’m alive and awake and all is well, however cold. I get to be here, with you and the migrating birds and the carolers and Scrooges. And that’s pretty darn cool. Wishing you all warmth and love this holiday season. See you here next year! 

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Both Gray and Bright

I’m writing this on election day. A steady, light rain is trickling down outside my window, the pitter-pattering a calming sound. The sun shines beyond the clouds, but the blue sky is obscured. It’s both gray and bright, with a smattering of yellow and orange leaves in the foreground, ready to shed for the season. 

This morning, many of my Facebook friends are sharing in jest what side dishes they’ll bring to the Civil War. Some are posting the reasons they’re steadfast in their choice of voting for Kamala. On the other side, I’ve seen, “If you were looking for a reason to delete me: TRUMP 2024.” While I have my own thoughts and moral standings regarding this presidential election and its candidates, I won’t shout those out here. Each of us is entitled to an opinion, and there’s not much I can do to shift yours. Between endless news coverage and social media, we’ve already been inundated with political ads and info meant to sway us in one direction or another — or more so, to deepen the divide between this country’s citizens. 

I grew up in the Mississippi Delta, and much of my family still resides there. Many of them are Trump supporters, or at least staunch Republicans. (And I’m the relative that works for “that liberal paper.”) I know this has to do with generational beliefs passed on through the years and from a perspective that may not be the most informed; perhaps just differently informed. Some people aren’t as open to new ideas as others. Some blindly follow. Some believe what they believe and that’s that. And while we may not agree on many things, and the complicated “why” behind their reasoning for backing certain stances may not make sense to me, I will not be “deleting” them. Should I confess this in the Flyer, a progressive publication? Perhaps not. But I hope you all will try to understand my “why.” 

Throughout the past few months, as campaigning reached its peak, I’ve seen more hate spewed — from both sides — than usual. Social media especially can already be a dark and winding environment for those with passionate convictions or high anxiety. It’s easy to get angry, scared, or sad, scrolling through all the muck and misinformation. It’s even easier to argue with those who disagree with your views, to put them down for not sharing your beliefs. It’s often an irrational and brash place. 

I’ve seen this hate coming from people who I know are not hateful at their core — good people who give to charity and volunteer, who rescue animals and deeply care for others, even outside of their families. From empathetic people who push for acceptance and inclusion, for human rights and democracy, but viciously bash those who don’t see things their way. Is hate the appropriate response? Is banishment? I may stand slack-jawed at some of what I’m seeing shared on my social feeds from family, friends, and acquaintances, but my reaction is more one of confusion and compassion. (I’ll admit, though, I’ve made use of Facebook’s “snooze” feature during election season to quiet some of the chaos.) 

We’re all flesh and bone. We all share the ability to feel emotions. And we each have ideals, aspirations, and experiences unique to us. I assume, too, we’ll all be waiting with bated breath as election results slowly roll in.

Whatever news we go to bed to tonight, or wake up to tomorrow, I expect the outcome to be both gray and bright — as life often is. We don’t yet know what the future holds — we never do. Whatever the result, though, we can always ensure we’re doing all we can to keep shining light in the dark and through the clouds, to advocate and educate, to further freedom — to bring together, not divide.

I’ll leave you with this line from poet Mary Oliver, a mantra we all can call to when things feel overwhelming or grim: “It is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in the broken world.” 

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Seeing Ghosts

The Memphis Flyer folks love Halloween — and all things spooky. Our very own Toby Sells has even written a book — Haint Blues: Strange Tales from the American South — for which he used his sharp reporter’s skills to get to the heart of some of the South’s best paranormal stories. With just a mention of ghosts, our managing editor Abigail’s eyes light up. So when we discussed what we wanted to do for this issue, all sorts of ghoulish ideas flew. Did we want to recount regional ghost tales (of which there are many)? Could we schedule a ghost tour (several operate in the area)? Was there a haunted house nearby where we could spend a night (and have our timbers shivered)? 

Although these conversations spanned over a few weeks before our favorite holiday, we weren’t quite able to get our butts in gear for a full-fledged ghost outing on the streets of Memphis or in a spooky B&B. The next best thing, of course, was a professionally guided hunt for ghosts in the famously haunted Earnestine & Hazel’s. Sadly I missed the excursion for a concert I’d already bought tickets to, but thankfully a few eager Flyer staffers were available for the experience. You can read all about it in this week’s cover story, “Ghost Fishing.” 

While this week we relish in the ghastly fun, some not-so-fun horrors may be impending. Of course, I’m referring to the election as we count the days until the country’s new leader is revealed. Next week as results slowly pour in, our staff will be up past our bedtimes Tuesday night awaiting that answer. And as our regular readers well know, the Flyer always hits newsstands on Wednesday mornings. That will not be the case for the coming edition. Our printer has given us an extension on our deadline so that we can wait until the absolute last minute to call it. Whether that will be a clear winner or “too close to call,” we’re hanging on as long as they’ll let us before hitting “send” on the cover image and cover story. With a late ship, the papers will be printed later — which means our delivery will also be later. In this case, copies of the November 7th issue won’t make their way to newsstands until Thursday morning, November 7th. So heads up: If you don’t see us in your regular pick-up spot on Wednesday, please check back Thursday for a hard copy (the individual features will be published on our website as usual early Wednesday morning). 

We’ll be on the edge of our seats with the rest of the nation (world?) next week, trying to keep the nail biting to a minimum as our fate unfolds. The ghosts of a previous term under Trump floating in the back of our minds are as haunting as anything we’ve seen — and those ghosts are very real. I urge you all to get out and cast your votes, so that this particular horror story might have a happier ending. 

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Rock on, Tomcatt

Some of you may recall from my first official editor’s letter a couple years ago, or from our “meet the team” ads with staff headshots and bios, that I name-dropped the place where I spotted a Memphis Flyer for the first time. A Desoto County (Mississippi) resident, I was still a student, with a passion for writing and sights set on a journalism degree. My other passion was music — not playing it (too impatient), but listening and dissecting. (My original goal was to write for Rolling Stone magazine — two birds and all.) The only things I really knew of Memphis then were Libertyland (Mid-South Fair nights were the best) and the numerous thrift shops along parts of Airways and Getwell (the only routes I’d take to cross the state line because the interstate was especially scary for a young Shara). 

Back then, in the early 2000s, there was a little music shop — Disc-O-Tech — in Southaven, a few blocks away from my job at a local dry cleaners. Many days, before or after my shift, I’d stop in to browse new releases or dig for used copies of albums I hadn’t yet acquired. My tastes were all over the place those days, often influenced by friends, MTV, or the radio. And I loved to explore songs with the windows down and car speakers at full blast. So that little shop was a regular destination in my weekly routine. Over a few years, I filled many CD booklets with classic and obscure tunes, thanks almost solely to that store. 

It helped that the proprietor Tom “Tomcatt” Stephens was cool as a cucumber and always greeted me with a smile. We’d come to know each other, as regulars and shop owners do. During those visits, Tomcatt would tell me about new inventory, ask about my current musical interests and if I had recommendations for albums to order. The fact that a Flyer rack sat at the entrance was then a mere bonus to my music trips. But soon it became habit for me to stop by even if I didn’t have enough money left from my measly paycheck to buy anything. Each Wednesday, like clockwork, I’d pop in to grab the new issue, excited to read my horoscope and the music coverage, to browse the many events happening in “the big city.” And, of course, to chat with Tom for a few. He knew a lot about music, and I was eager to know more. He’d ask me about school, and I’d keep him apprised. We became Facebook friends, and even though I paid fewer and fewer visits to Disc-O-Tech as college took over and I eventually moved to Memphis, we kept in touch. Tom was so proud of me when I announced I’d landed an internship with the Flyer. And later, when I wrote for Memphis Magazine. And especially when I became Flyer editor. The last time I went by, we talked and talked, catching up on life stuff. I left with some ’90s movie soundtracks and an armload of used DVDs. My sister had gone with me. He posted on my Facebook page a day or two later how nice it was to see me and meet Shelly. Nearly 20 years after we first crossed paths, just as genuine and pleasant as ever.

I’m sharing this now because Tomcatt passed away in late July. My heart sank as it would with the loss of a close friend — because Tom, his presence, and that store were a huge part of my life. All the music I found through him shaped the person I am today. As did the copies of the Flyer I picked up there. Thankfully, as they say, the show will go on at Disc-O-Tech, with new owners and a new name. Be sure to visit them at 1650 Mississippi Valley Blvd. in Southaven after the November 1st reopening to help carry on Tom’s legacy and love of music. Rock on, Tomcatt!

“Tom ‘Tomcatt’ Stephens loved entering sweepstakes contests, scavenging estate sales, streaming ‘eagle cams,’ driving his Miata on winding roads, enjoying his favorite Silver Queen corn with “maters,” and watching an odd variety of television shows, but music of all genres was his true passion and legacy to our community. A Celebration of Everlasting Life to honor Tomcatt’s memory will be held on Sunday, October 27th, from 2 to 6 p.m. at Memphis Brooks Museum of Art. A brief service at 2:15 p.m. will kick off the commemorative festivities.” 

Shara Clark 

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Imagining Intelligence

“Imagine a tater tot ice skating.” 

“Oops! I can’t generate that image. Can I help you imagine something else?”

“Imagine a tater tot on ice skates.”

“Oops! I can’t generate that image. Can I help you imagine something else?”

“Imagine a tater tot.” 

“Oops! I can’t generate that image. Can I help you imagine something else?”

“Imagine a cylindrical fried potato on ice skates.” 

The above is a “conversation” I had with Meta AI after several prompts appeared in my Facebook feed encouraging me to “Ask Meta AI to imagine anything.” Examples given included “imagine a clown in Paris,” “imagine an alien wedding,” “imagine running on Mars.” Whatever you choose to “imagine,” the AI feature will produce an image for you. Or not. But I had to give it a try. In thinking of something random and absurd (and while likely craving potatoes, which, if I’m honest, is often), I asked it to imagine a tater tot on ice skates. Psh! Turns out the thing doesn’t even know what a tater tot is. Intelligence, shmintelligence! Big dummy! I got a chuckle when it finally dreamed up my more specific request (result shown here) — spiralized fried potatoes atop the cutest little pair of skates. You’d almost think it’s real! Or not …

One majorly unfortunate issue with AI images, audio, and video is that there are a whole lot of folks out there who can’t tell it’s AI. In the last couple of weeks as hurricane coverage took over our social media feeds, loads of AI images appeared — of Donald Trump in jeans, waist-deep in floodwater; of crying children clutching their dogs in heavy rain. On one thread below a post of the former, commenters were split. The image was real, some demanded. “Bless him. He was there doing all he could to help.” Others agreed that, yes, maybe the image wasn’t authentic — completely “imagined” by AI, to be exact — but regardless, they said, “The sentiment is real.” The sentiment is real. Since when does sentiment equal reality? Some have bigger imaginations than others. 

Speaking of meta, I also asked the image generator to “imagine artificial intelligence imagining artificial intelligence.” The result was a shiny robot — a hodgepodge of metal plates in the shape of a human, with some exposed wiring and small lights glowing from within its head — hands rested on a keyboard, intently studying a computer screen with indecipherable lettering. Imagine you imagining yourself. Woah, things are getting heavy! 

Jokes aside, things are getting heavy. As we near the election, misinformation abounds, much of it generated with AI and spreading like wildfire online. Users are even making video clips of what appear to be Biden and Kamala saying things they’ve never said, or images of political figures “imagined” to be standing arm and arm with U.S. adversaries. And an astounding selection of American voters believe, apparently, everything they see. I wish I had that kind of imagination! 

Another recent example of rabid imagination fueled by AI, shared by a Facebook friend, was a video of “robots doing field work.” “So what do we do with human[s]? Wow!” he captioned his share of what was absolutely in no way real — cartoony even — showing one Short Circuit-looking robot, scythe in hand, gathering bundles of hay and another shoddily “imagined” robot holding onto a bull’s tail and standing (dancing?) on top of some sort of seeder or tiller pulled behind it. The whole thing looked straight out of a poorly programmed video game. But alas: “Scary. We will lose jobs,” one commenter noted. “Sad day,” another lamented. 

It is, in fact, a sad day when a percentage of the population cannot tell the difference between what’s real and what’s fake. Maybe robots will take our jobs. Maybe somewhere deep in his twisted heart, Trump imagined himself wading through waters and rubble helping hurricane victims. The sentiment is real, they say. Who cares if what we base our opinions on is complete and utter nonsense? 

I, for one, would like to imagine that people aren’t so gullible. That they’re capable of discerning truth from blatant lies. That somewhere out there, actual human intelligence still exists. One thing I know for sure, though, is that tater tots are real. Meta AI cannot convince me otherwise. I think I’ll go have some. Imagine that! 

Letter From The Editor Opinion

An Extraordinary Machine

It’s been a minute since I’ve written in this space, dear readers. Time both drags and zips by, and I hope you’ve all been well in the interim. For anyone who has followed my columns since April when I broke my foot, I’m excited to report that I’m walking again — without training wheels, so to speak. I ditched the orthopedic boot a month or so ago. I battled with and lost to the ankle brace — it was uncomfortable and none of my shoes fit over it, so it was sent to early retirement. The wheelchair and walkers have been locked in the vaults of my mind, a memory I hope to never revisit (except when I return those items to their rightful owners — thanks for the borrow, y’all!). I’ve finished week four of physical therapy, and I’m able to walk — in supportive shoes — with minimal pain. 

I say minimal. It still hurts, but compared to what I’ve endured since spring, this stage is a walk in the park. There’s nerve damage — a constant dull burn and numbness. My foot still swells if I’m up and about, even around the house, for more than a few minutes. And there are ligaments that feel like tight rubber bands pulling toward a snap with each step. I can’t seem to walk down a set of stairs — my foot doesn’t want to work that way — but I can walk up them. 

I was thinking about a form I filled out at my last physical therapy appointment. It asked to rate things like putting on socks and shoes or walking a mile on a 1 to 5 scale of difficulty. I answered “little difficulty” or “no difficulty” on a few items, which, in hindsight, I still have quite a bit of difficulty doing. But as I gave each task a score, I was mentally comparing them to how I felt two or three months ago. The fact that I can even do these things feels like a miracle now. (Still no hopping, jogging, or running, which all received a side-scribbled “N/A” on the scale.)

Another miracle is that I’ve gotten back to my almost-daily ritual neighborhood walks. Those sacred meditations in motion where I can see the seasons change in the leaves, admire the sunlight shimmering across puddles, feel the cooler breeze against my skin. It seems I missed all of summer stuck inside mostly immobile, and my body knows it. My muscles have had to put in extra work just to be upright — my back, shins, and calves aching from a measly mile walk. But I’m gradually adding more distance, more time with shoes to pavement, taking care not to overdo it. 

On a recent stroll, crisp leaves scattered the sidewalk in little cyclones, and the wind bent branches on decades-old trees towering overhead. I stopped, as I always have, to photograph flowers and butterflies and sprouts peeking through cement cracks. I spoke to my favorite old neighborhood dog, who, although she acknowledged me with a side-eye from her lounging spot in the yard, was too cozy in a sunning session to be bothered to rise and greet me. My lungs were full of fresh air and my soul filled with gratitude. For a while I walked with one earbud in listening to quiet tunes, but then there was a louder sound. Not the whir of speeding cars on the nearby thoroughfare or the chatter of neighbors conversing on their front lawn. It was a pulsing in my ear — my heartbeat. I paused the music and listened to my body’s life force, felt the drumming in unison with my steps. Reminding me that the past — that held so much pain — is gone. That my body — this extraordinary machine — is mending as it should. That this aching — this firing of blood and muscles — is necessary to fully heal. That my internal drum — pounding as I march ahead — forges on. As the last long sighs of summer give breath to fall, this path — right now (right now, right now) — is exactly where I’m supposed to be. 

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Staycation Daydreams 

Welcome to our annual Staycation issue! This year our team chose to revisit (or visit for the first time) some Memphis mainstays — the Peabody, Stax, Beale, and more — places that consistently draw tourists, and, to some degree, mark (to outsiders, at least) the major beats of our city’s pulse. In years past, we’ve highlighted lesser-known locales to encourage deeper exploration of what makes the Bluff City tick. This edition, though, serves as a reminder of just a few of the landmarks that can’t be missed — even if you drive by them every day on your work commute without a second thought — if for no other reason than to knock them off your Memphis bucket list. Maybe this is the summer to leave the “I’ve never been to Graceland” choir and join the “I’ve been there — I loved it!” crew. (I have been to Graceland once, thank you very much.)

Although my healing bones aren’t quite ready to go on any museum tours or Downtown jaunts, I’ve had a lot of daydreams about future excursions. After three months of limited mobility — wheelchairs and walkers and orthopedic boots — I’ve never looked more forward to venturing out beyond the doctor’s office or grocery store. Scanning the Flyer’s weekly calendar of upcoming events, there’s always a handful of things that catch my eye. Speaking of which, while some weeks — such as this one — our calendar is cut short due to available print space, there is always an extensive list of local happenings on our website. Check our calendar page or bookmark and plan your next adventure!  

Halladay visits. (Photo: Shara Clark)

The first thing on my “once I can walk again” to-do list is just that — walking. I so miss my beloved neighborhood walks, even this time of year. Hot or not, I love admiring the saturated summer colors, the well-kept flower beds, the squirrels busy doing squirrel things. The sun beating down, forcing sweat from my brow and body. It just feels good (but damn the humidity!) — alive with heat and light and movement. Bonus points if I’m able to cool off in a neighbors’ sprinkler on my path. In the meantime, I’m staycationing, literally, at home. But I’ve made some new backyard friends to keep me company. Thanks to my boyfriend Chris, who picked up a giant bag of birdseed a few weeks back on a whim, I now have daily visitors: blue jays, cardinals, robins, finches, doves, the occasional hummingbird, and a curious crow we’re trying to attract that hasn’t done more than circle overhead thus far. The birds are familiar with his morning routine now — first a scoop of seed, then a fist full of peanuts in the shell. The blue jays come out en masse to beat the squirrels to the nuts. The smaller birds swoop in throughout the day to peck at the feed or soak under the spinning sprinkler (cut on just for the wildlife), sometimes offering a low flyover or a long, cocked-head look and a song from the power line above, what we take as a “thank you.” I watch from my little side-yard stoop as (the regulars have been given names) Roberto, Gibson, Rudy, Halladay, and friends make their rounds, cawing and flapping at one another or patiently taking turns at the food pile. 

Oh, and my lilies have bloomed! They shot up, thick-stalked and tall, within the last few days. The lush pink blossoms are always a welcomed return. Originally uprooted from my previous home and replanted here, they come back every year, somehow each time more beautiful, hardy and requiring no work on my part. Like those lilies in the offseason, I lie dormant for now, but will burst forth soon, stronger and more resilient. Bending toward the light and looking forward to experiencing all the city has to offer once more.