

Scooter” Libby resigns in wake of charges in Plamegate case.

It’s happened. “Scooter” Libby has been INDICTED! More details to come.

The Washington Post‘s account:
A federal grand jury today indicted Vice President Cheney’s chief of staff, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, after a two-year investigation into the leak of a CIA agent’s identity but spared — at least for now –President Bush’s top political strategist, Karl Rove.

Libby was indicted on charges of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements. The five-count indictment charged that he gave misleading information to the grand jury, allegedly lying about information he discussed with three news reporters. It alleged that he committed perjury before the grand jury in March 2004 and that he also lied to FBI agents investigating the case.

For rest of story, CLICK HERE.

The New York Times‘s account:
I. Lewis Libby Jr., Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff and one of the most powerful figures in the Bush administration, was formally accused today of lying and obstruction of justice in an inquiry into the unmasking of a covert C.I.A. officer.

A federal grand jury indicted Mr. Libby on one count of obstruction, two counts of perjury and two of making false statements in the course of an investigation that raised questions about the administration’s rationale for going to war against Iraq, how it treats critics and political opponents and whether high White House officials shaded the truth. The charges are felonies. He was not charged directly with revealing the identity of a C.I.A. undercover operative.

To read rest of story, CLICK HERE.