Politics Politics Feature

Cheri DelBrocco Hath Dissected Ye Olde GOP Presidential Players

Having tried the cure for a year or so — and failed — political junkie Cheri DelBrocco is very much with us again, still Mad as Hell, this time about what she sees as the Republican Party’s thespian tradition, as embodied in the Gipper, the Nipper, and, now, the, er, Zipper. Fair and balanced? No way!

Having tried the cure for a year or so — and failed — political junkie Cheri DelBrocco is very much with us again, still Mad as Hell, this time about what she sees as the Republican Party’s thespian tradition, as embodied in the Gipper, the Nipper, and, now, the, er, Zipper. Fair and balanced? No way!

Go see for yourself at “Political Beat”.