Memphis Gaydar News

Cherry’s Third Anniversary Party!

For three years now, comedian Julie Wheeler has been hosting burlesque and variety shows for her monthly Cherry series.

On Saturday, July 25th, Cherry regulars (and newcomers) will celebrate the party’s anniversary with a film noir-themed burlesque and variety show at Earnestine & Hazel’s/The 5 Spot. There will be two burlesque shows throughout the night with performances by Requi Emma, LadyDoo Moi, Spyke Styletto, and Delilah (a.k.a. Deborah Nguyen). Singer-songwriter Lisa Michaels will perform in between the two shows. DJ Leslie Christopher will spin dance tunes at the end of the night.

The 5 Spot’s menu, featuring the cuisine of Chef Kelly English, will be available, and there’s a full bar.

General admission is $10 or VIP (saved seat and a signed poster) is $20.