First off, I would like to take this opportunity to say that I hate Nashville.
Secondly, with the imminent closing of the Hi-Tone, Memphis may be getting closer and closer to be an art city first, music city second. Regardless of what I just said last week.
Thirdly, I am nowhere near finished with my holiday shopping. But our Festivus pole does look great in the living room. To be honest, I have not even started, and the only present I have to buy is for Georgia. I am thinking about getting her a gift certificate to Stewart Brothers Hardware, Boscos, The Edge Coffeehouse, or an Anne Siems painting. She loves those things. Really, I love those things. I love telling people this. Hint, hint. And when I get invited to speak at a Pecha Kucha again, I will be sure to talk about these things.
Speaking of Pecha Kucha, Crosstown Arts is hosting their fifth installment of this event. An unpronounceable word that is Japanese for “chit-chat”. Originally scheduled to take place in their new exhibition space at 430 Cleveland St, which is still under construction, they are instead having the event in their current space at 427 N. Watkins, which is directly behind the new space. These are generally pretty interesting events, especially the first one, where I talked about how great of an artist I am. You can watch the video where I talk all fast and brilliant by clicking here.